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I’m not great at self promotion, but I did a deep dive into what’s really happening in #Florida under DeSantis a couple months ago, and the NewYork frickin’ Times just did a puff piece about him today. Compare the efforts and tell me independent work isn’t so essential right now.
Who cares how old he is @nytimes?? The man’s a wanna be Dictator. Look at his state. Look at his policies. Look at the corruption and the anti-business actions for companies who don’t tow his line. Your article is so deeply irresponsible.
If you’d rather listen to this completely sourced deep dive on DeSantis & #Florida the PoliticsGirl Podcast is available everywhere you get your pods.…
Read 4 tweets
A report from @KFF shows >1 million have lost Medicaid coverage, tho many are actually eligible. Millions more will join them. 76% lost it due to paperwork barriers. Some may not even know they are losing coverage.
Where's the justice in this? @POTUS Over 1 million people in 21...
@KFF @POTUS @KFFHealthNews @SenMarkey @RepAOC @PeoplesCDC @LongCovidFam @MarkedByCovid @Survivor_Corps @shvintage @MsJulieSLam 249,000 people have lost Medicaid health coverage in one state alone, Florida. In an ongoing health crisis, the most vulnerable people can’t seek care because they can’t afford it. Meanwhile there’s no property tax in Florida.

Source: @KFF KFF Medicaid Tracker: https...
Emergency repealed, @CDCgov lost power to collect data. The most vulnerable now losing health coverage. It's discriminatory to take health coverage from ppl with medical conditions in a country without a safety net, where medicine/hospital bills can cause ppl to become homeless💔
Read 5 tweets
"WHAT'S AT STAKE when we talk about book bans is student learning and well-being," writes PEN America's @jonfreadom in @USATODAY. "Semantic gymnastics about what is or isn’t a ban is an effort to deny and distract from the problem." #BannedBooks #Reading…
"To avoid charges of #censorship, school administrators, government officials and groups like Moms for Liberty have taken to calling the results of their efforts 'quarantine' or 'curation' – anything but 'ban.'

This debate is not new." (2/x)
"Writing about book banning for The First Amendment Encyclopedia in 2009, Susan Webb explained, 'Opponents of publications sometimes use the tactic of restricting access rather than calling for the physical removal of books.'" (3/x)
Read 20 tweets
#Texas Patrols Its Own Border, Pushing #Legal Limits; Gov. #Abbott is expanding state law enforcement on the border as some state leaders appear eager to test the waters on how far Texas can go in enforcing #immigration law.…
1) And now #Florida, which doesn’t have a border with Mexico, is involved. #immigration #legal…
2) Republican governors from #Virginia, South Carolina, W. Virginia and #Iowa said they are sending National Guardsmen + other state LE officers to the state of Texas to expand the militarization of the US border w/Mexico.#immigration #law…
Read 8 tweets
This week, PEN America’s @jeremycyoung joined @madintangibles on the @TrendingInEd podcast for a conversation about the unprecedented assaults on the New College of Florida and what we all can do about it.
Listen to the full podcast here:…
“‘This fight matters even if you lose.’ That’s how @jeremycyoung of PEN America, a national organization that promotes freedom of speech, publication and thought, concluded an inspiring message to a recent gathering of professors at @NewCollegeofFL.”…
Read 4 tweets
Messi tenía una firma y 400 millones de motivos para decir que sí a Arabia, pero en las próximas horas firmará para el #InterdeMiami. La ‘intrahistoria’ del astro argentino con los árabes. ABRO HILO ⬇️ Image
Hace un mes, el viaje a #Riad de Leo con su padre #JorgeMessi fue noticia porque el PSG sancionó al jugador con una suspensión de 2 semanas. ¿Cuál era el motivo del viaje? Firmar un ‘pre-contrato’ para lo que se conoce el proyecto ‘Saudi 2030’. Image
En los últimos tiempos, jugadores como #CristianoRonaldo, #Benzema y #Kanté han sido una gran publicidad en el mundo para el deporte árabe que quiere ver crecer su movimiento en vista de la asignación del Mundial 2030. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
🧵🪡 Thread: Debunking FALSE, irrelevant & unnecessary @CommunityNotes placed on @TrumpWarRoom’s tweet. Image
On March 17, 2020 DeSantis wrote executive orders directing:

Pursuant to sections252.36(5)(g)-(h),FloridaStatutes, an licensee authorized to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises that derive more than 50% of its gross revenue from the sale ofalcoholic beverages…… ImageImage
Upon initial re-opening into phase 1, businesses that derived more than 50% revenue from alcohol sales on premises could not be open due to DeSantis’ executive order that suspended sales on-premise of alcohol.

DeSantis singed his executive order to allow all of Florida to open…… ImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
This community note is unnecessary & irrelevant.

YES—it’s a FACT businesses were ORDERED SHUT in #Florida into SEPTEMBER 2020 under DeSantis’ executive orders.

It’s an irrelevant point when some businesses first began opening—which this community note states.

@CommunityNotes September 1, 2020 Public record from a Florida Government meeting regarding who controls the reopening:
Read 8 tweets
Hi, Miami-Dade!

I’m driving in the Homestead-Florida City area and I’ve encountered 4 closed restaurants, 3 of which have posted signs outside. Have you seen anything like this today? Take a photo, write down the address and please reply to this tweet. #immigration #Florida ImageImageImage
Here are two more closed businesses in Washington Ave., Homestead. #immigration #Florida ImageImage
Three more closed businesses in Washington Ave., Homestead. #immigration #Florida ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
🧵A K-8 school in Miami-Dade County recently removed @TheAmandaGorman's The Hill We Climb from elementary school library shelves. They say it’s not been banned, but… Image
... When you restrict or diminish access to a book, that’s a ban.

Moving the book to middle school shelves means elementary students can’t or won’t get it.

Their access has diminished. (2/x)
The Hill We Climb was widely praised and read at a Presidential Inauguration.

It was moved to middle schools along with @OhReallyRio's The ABC’s of Black History.

This cannot be separated from the wider movement to restrict books by Black authors and about Black history. (3/x)
Read 11 tweets
I have to stop reading the internet tonight. I have never been so disgusted to be a Nebraskan as I am right now. What is going on in our Unicam now is an affront to the citizens of this state that don't believe that government should play a role in any medical decisions.

This session hasn't been about doing the People's work, passing bills to make life better for ordinary Nebraskans. There's no property tax relief, no prison reform, or any decency. This is a hateful agenda, paid for by the #RickettsCabal and their (Catholic, rich) allies.

It's almost like this session, Senators saw what was happening in #Florida and #Texas and thought, "hold my beer." This agenda has been nothing but divisive and cruel, pushed forward a #Christofascist platform that tests the limits of the separations of Church and State.

Read 15 tweets
🧵PEN America Files Lawsuit against Florida School District over Unconstitutional Book Bans

Lawsuit joined by @penguinrandom, parents, and authors asserts that Escambia County School Board unlawfully removes or restricts access to books about race, racism, and LGBTQ identities. Image
Our lawsuit alleges Escambia County has set out to exclude certain ideas from their school libraries by removing or restricting books, some of which have been on the shelves for years—even decades. Read more here:… Image
According to the lawsuit, the school board’s removal and restriction of access to books discussing race, racism, and LGBTQ identities, against the recommendations of the district review committee charged with evaluating book challenges, violates the First Amendment. Image
Read 19 tweets

🔹 Ward 70 Community in Fleurhof and Florida is calling for a Total Shut Down!
🔹 Dates: May 18-19, 2023 📢 **IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT*...
Residents of Fleurhof & Florida,

We can no longer tolerate the neglect our community has faced. It's time for action! The Ward 70 Community has decided to initiate a 2 day Total Shut Down to demand immediate attention from the Municipal and Provincial Government. #Ward70ShutDown
Our community has been plagued by illegal mining, inadequate infrastructure, and poor service delivery for far too long. We cannot stay silent any longer! It's time to stand up and fight for our rights and the betterment of our community. #DemandingChange
Read 8 tweets
Can you find and recognize all our friends seen here with @TruePatriotAU in #Florida at the

"We dedicate this to our brother, @pi_anon" - PatriotAU

If you recognize someone please in comments!! ImageImageImageImage
Warrior Mom and Book. Flynn and great shoes! ImageImageImageImage
Looked like is was so fun and warm.
If you recognize someone please tag them. ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Es reicht. Die #CDU lügt hier wieder in Person von @PrienKarin, dass sich die Balken biegen. Die #Ampel ist Schuld am Erstarken der #AfD. #Merz ist vollmündig angetreten, sie zu halbieren. Faktisch stärkt er sie. Ein Blick auf die Fakten. 👇
Die #CDU und #Merz waren es, die den vergifteten Boden der #Politikverdrossenheit, #Angst und #Panik angesichts der #Energiekrise bereitet haben. Den nutzt die #AfD. Am 4.9. des vergangenen Jahres prognostizierte Merz deutschlandweite Blackouts.…
#Merz war sich sicher. "Wenn diese Regierung so weitermacht und aus ideologischen Gründen am Atomausstieg festhält, droht uns Anfang nächsten Jahres ein Blackout." Der Atomausstieg am 15.4. diesen Jahres sollte einen Blackout im Winter nach sich ziehen.
Read 24 tweets
DeSantis set to relaunch migrant flight program with 3 new vendors
The program, which could start as soon as contracts are finalized, will involve an undetermined number of migrants and could last until June 30, 2025. #immigration…
1) Picked were #ARS Global Emergency Management, #GardaWorld Federal Services & the co that carried out last year's migrant flights 2 Martha's Vineyard: #Vertol Systems Co. Inc. That's according to a "notice of intent to award" notice published on Monday.…
3) Notice of a intent to Award Dated May 8, 2023 2:31.40 PM #florida awards to fight vendors to conduct #human #trafficking of #migrants cc: @USCIS…
Read 8 tweets
The truth about students learning to #read in #Florida from a REAL #PublicSchool Parent in the wake of the recent #bookbans. A 🧵
#Teachers in K-8 utilize what’s called the Accelerated
Reader Program. #TruthMatters
K-8 Students search for books within their tested reading level that they are interested in reading. Books in the #library are divided up by Book Level so students can easily find a book within their reading level. 📚
Students can also utilize the AR Bookfind website to find books within their tested reading range. With each book they read, they take a test in order for that book to count as a book that they read for class. If they don’t pass the test, they have to take it again. 📚
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#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Alabama #Ohio #Illinois #Georgia
Thread 1/10 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Florida #Ohio #Pennsylvania #NewJersey ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#PuertoRico #Connecticut #California #SouthCarolina ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Have to start over

This isn't recent it's been ongoing

There us footage of lines and Chinese men of military age crossing over at the Darien gap

And you believe china just said sure go be free?

Um no Image
2/ We have elected officials in the US and in Canada that have shown us their loyalty is to global governance - not to the people who elected them

They are brazen about it, and they fear no social or legal consequences.…
3/ We encourage China to take over our resources…
Read 30 tweets
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

69.3% XBB.1.5
6.8% XBB.1.16
4.8% XBB.1.9.1
1.4% XBB.1.5.15
1.4% XBB.1.5.1
1.2% XBB.2.3
1.1% XBB.1.9.2
1.0% XBB.1.5.17

#SARSCoV2 Tracker: Updated: 04/18/23

1/n Image
Use "Airport Surveillance" (AS) pull-down menu to easily track variant proportions Nationally or by State with or without AS sequences

Top lineages (#15DayTrends w/o AS seqs):

XBB.1.5 (73.3%),
XBB.1.9.1 (4.8%),
XBB.1.16 (3.0%),
XBB.1.5.15 (1.7%),
XBB.1.5.1 (1.4%)

2/n Image
Sequence count by US States

#NewYork, #California, #Florida, #Arizona, #NorthCarolina and #NewJersey have submitted a big share of sequences with specimen collection dates on or after 04/03/2023

XBB.1.5 is still at the top spot; followed by XBB.1.9.1, XBB.1.16, XBB.1.5.15

3/n Image
Read 18 tweets
🧵Zivilklage wegen Vermögensangaben gegen #Trump erneut in #NewYork. In diesem Fall geht es um Finanzen der Familie & Firmennetzwerk. Bei einem ersten Termin hatte er noch die Aussage verweigert – dieses Mal konnte er sich der Aussage nicht entziehen.(250 Millionen Dollar) 1/x
2/x Der Republikaner war aus #Florida nach #NewYork City gekommen und musste sieben Stunden lang die Fragen der Staatsanwaltschaft beantwortet. Zuvor hatte #Trump im August noch von seinem Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht Gebrauch gemacht.
3/x Dieses Mal, so erklärte es eine seiner Anwältinnen, sei #Trump nicht nur willens, sondern geradezu begierig, eine Aussage zu machen. Trump beharrte auch in diesem Fall auf seine Unschuld.
Read 8 tweets
The Right Wing's Dirty War Against History and Education… The politics of disappearance at work currently in the U.S. takes place under the cover of state legislative policies that erase the histories of marginalized groups and other displaced populations
Public Education, 'School Choice' Debate: Defeat of a School Voucher Program Reveals the Truth… “Vouchers take money out of the budget [meant] for public schools and route it to various recipients that include private schools and homeschooling businesses”
US #Fascism Spreads Under Guise of “Patriotic Education”…

"the far right GOP has deemed #education to be the most powerful tool for creating a public that is neither informed nor willing to struggle to keep a #democracy alive"
Read 12 tweets
Hello and welcome to Daily Thread 408 bringing you all the news that matters around #Russia's terror war on #Ukraine.

Day 408 is Friday. Lots of news yesterday to catch up on more fires in Russia, explosions in Melitopol, surrendering Russians, click here
First today news of a light airplane crash in #Florida.

It wasn't evident of first but one of those killed is an associate director of the defence manufacturer/developer Raytheon. It recently won a contract to make new arms for #Ukraine.…
Here's the daily log od losses for #Russia in #Ukraine.

Numbers continue to be lower than all of winter, according to #Ukraine

#Russia concentrating on defence in many places and sacrificing fewer troops. #Bakhmut and #Avdiivka virtually the only places where the invaders press Image
Read 42 tweets

Dr. Dion Davidson, a vascular surgeon from Nova Scotia shares his experiences during the pandemic and his reasons for leaving the province.

Full video (skip to 3:54:00):…

Facebook page:


Dr. Davidson joins the long list of witnesses who have grown disillusioned with the Public Health Agencies.

Davidson: "We're moving because of the Public Health response to the #covid pandemic."


Dr. Davidson struggling to answer whether 'informed consent' applies in Canada.

Davidson: "Historically it would have applied, before the pandemic."
Read 31 tweets

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