Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #GREED

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A handful of billionaires own most of the corporations, corporate media and social media and practically every major institution that affects our collective and individual quality of life.…
A handful of billionaires have unprecedented control over banking, financial institutions, what’s invested in and what isn’t, the food we eat and the water we drink.
#PalmOilFree in ‘23…
Read 25 tweets
Tuesday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
According to the Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) Coinbase Global (#COIN) told clients on Monday it’s no longer supporting #Signet, the real-time payments network of failed #SignatureBank.
The #Crypto #Fear and #Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching levels not seen since #Bitcoin posted its all-time high in November 2021.
Read 10 tweets
This is a threaded version of Chapter 14:

“The Twelfth Descent—Accumulation:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #greed #devolution #possession

PH 14/1 ImageImage
Chapter 14 is subtitled,

“The “Domestication” of Humans—

“The Ability to Store Things Changes Everything for Prehistoric Humans...But Not in the Way We Thought It Did—

“Eden Stormed...The Rich Begin Calling the Tune”

THREAD #psychology #greed

PH 14/2 Image
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “This tragic, life-diminishing spinoff of our ability to gather & accumulate excessive ‘things’ was a desire to control even those of our own species: Our fellow humans became the last targets of our mania for control.” []…

PH 14/3
Read 97 tweets
Hi @matthewstoller & @ddayen I pay a lot of attention to both of you, and I was hoping to point you at what's going on with Intuit and QuickBooks - software that's at the heart of a lot of small businesses, including mine.

#QuickBooks #Intuit #monopoly #greed #terrible
QuickBooks is a lot of products, but the ones most people know are QuickBooks Online (QBO), a monthly subscription for their accounting web application, and QuickBooks Pro for Windows (QBW), a Windows desktop application.
Intuit brings out a new QBW every year. Until 2022, QBW could be bought in two ways: a license for a specific year's version, say QBW 2019, for about $300, or as a subscription (QB Pro *Plus*) for about $350 a year that included version upgrades, support, and online backup.
Read 10 tweets
لالچ ایک ذہنی کیفیت ہوتی ہے۔ اس کا انسان کی مالی حالت سے قطعی کوئی تعلق نہیں.
لالچ ترجیحات کا فیصلہ ہوتا ہے۔ اس چیز کا فیصلہ کہ مجھے سب سے پیاری چیز پیسے کا حصول ہے، چاہے جیسے بھی آئے ۔ پھر کسی انسان اور رشتے کا تقدس اور احترام نہیں رہتا ، کسی کی مجبوری اور بےبسی آپ کے دل میں
رحم نہیں ڈال سکتی۔ کوئی بھی ذریعہ آمدن غلط نہیں رہتا۔
انسان باؤلا ہو کر رہ جاتا ہے۔ کیونکہ وہ شخص خود ہر وقت دوسروں کے خلاف منصوبہ بندی میں لگا ہوتا ہے ، تو اس کو یقین ہو جاتا ہے کہ دوسرے لوگ بھی اسی طرح ہی اس کے خلاف سازشیں کر رہے ہیں اور اسی کی طرح ہی بے حد لالچی ہیں۔
کیا ہم نے ایسے واقعات سن نہیں رکھے کہ ایک شخص نے اپنے باپ کو جائیداد کی لالچ میں مار دیا۔ بھائی یا بھتیجے کے حصے کو ہڑپ کر گیا۔ کتنی ہی جوان زندگیاں زمینوں کے تنازعوں میں دفن ہوچکیں۔ کتنے ہی خون کے رشتے خون کی ندیاں بہا چکے۔ کبھی سوچا، یہ ظالم لوگ کہاں سے آجاتے اور
Read 8 tweets BRITAIN IS ENTERING A NEW AGE OF CORRUPTION - BRITAIN HAS RETURNED TO THE ‘OLD CORRUPTION’ THE VICTORIANS TRIED TO END - TAKING US FURTHER DOWN A ROAD TO A KLEPTOCRACY THAN MOST PEOPLE IN BRITAIN IMAGINE. Britain has entered an era of legalised larceny by the politically well-connected some 150 years after the Victorians ended what they execrated as the “Old Corruption”. By this they meant the toxic system whereby the ruling elite enjoyed a parasitic relationship with the state enabling them to obtain jobs and money through patronage, partisanship and purchase.
Read 68 tweets
Thread continue !
26) I have got all the proofs against her and her family and all those who are reading this post will be shocked to know how low my wife and her family can go for the sake of money.
I am worried about my children`s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
27) The only thing I want is that the kids should not be used for extorting money and a loving father sons’ relationship should not be ruined because of some people`s greedy and egoistic nature.
#ego #greed #threats
28) The demand put by my wife is –
Rs. 2 lacs/ month for maintenance
Under domestic violence case (where the fact is she is the abuser)
Amount Claimed – Rs. 2 lacs
Total Amount claimed – Rs. 16 lacs
Food, clothing, medical and other Basic Needs – 1 lac / month
Read 11 tweets
The LTCM Crisis taught #Quants one thing in common.
Never trust the risk pricing/hedging models blindly.
The Black Scholes option model assumptions and the Value at Risk Metric both failed miserably.
The liquidity assumptions of the #VaR Model provided a false sense of security.
The most worrying thing is that if #LTCM which was a hedge fund managed by two @NobelPrize winners in Economics could not get things right, then what should one expect from humble risk practitioners like myself!?
imagine the amount of risk that is concealed by Black Box Models.
Always backtest and stress test your #risk models.
Not just the mathematical components, but also the semantics, the #hermeneutics, the syntax that is used for coding the automata, and the symbols which are shown on the analytical dashboard.
It is a big #CON industry at work!
Read 9 tweets
@NPR is doing its annual reading and tweeting of the #DeclarationOfIndependence. 246 years ago a group of men felt it so important that they risked everything to defy a King & start a path for a democratic republic. Today we’re seeing those values attacked by the stolen #SCOTUS
The #AntiDemocraticParty of the GOP passing laws & ideas to circumnavigate the will of #Americans. On this #IndependenceDay2022, it is time to not celebrate what happened 246 years ago, but to honor it by standing up for our #FellowAmericans ensuring that #Rights and #Freedoms
Are actually for all of us. #Autonomy is a #Right. Not being shot because you look dangerous or are frightened or just went to school #Right. Loving yourself & having your ability to have your own family is a #Right. #Healthcare is a #HumanRight (#AbortionIsHealthcare)
Read 7 tweets
Every now and then I will make a #thread 🧵 of #threads 🧵 to keep you all updated on the #alpha I shared across time on #Twitter.

Today is the day. I don't know how long this will be.

Let's start with the previous threads🧵of threads🧵
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1) Last night I released a #Moonbirds at 19e (in at 31.9e); then took 6 #goblins without hesitation. I am still fully optimistic about Moonbird's long-term value, but today I want to share how this historical-level ghost project #goblintownnft makes me feel.
by @Wilsonchen1101 Image
2) The first time I saw #Goblin (5/22) at 11th place in the OS trading volume, after 5 seconds, I said "Fuck what? What a shit", I closed it because it was ugly! Ugly enough not to take a look at its #Twitter and official website.
3) Later, I heard from various channels, nothing more than unbelievable #ugliness and unbelievable #floor #growth... Yesterday I saw many ppl tweeting "Goblin language", I realized, I almost missed a #bluechip with most potential. I started to seriously study the gob project
Read 14 tweets
A South Africa company fired a woman because she became pregnant when she wasn't married and therefore did not comply with its code of conduct that prohibits “amorous relationships between any two persons outside of marriage”. Guess who? @aQuelle of course…
To add insult to injury, @aQuelle appealed the court's decision to award her a year's salary. They lost the appeal. Guess how much her annual salary was back in 2008 when this happened? The amount this multi-million rand company didn't want to pay? A paltry R662 a month... #greed
@aQuelle Six years after being dismissed, she was finally awarded the full year's salary of R7943. She didn't get it. She died in a car accident two weeks before the appeals court ruled in her favour. This is just one of the many lives #KwaSizabantu and @aQuelle has destroyed.
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#AMCs are manufacturers and will offer a basket to select from. Would anyone have invested if they came with NFO in March 2020?

It is duty of #Advisors/#Investors to invest or ignore. Just because AMCs offer is no criteria to invest.

Need to introspect before blaming others
Same is the case with IPOs, their timings and their valuations. Companies also come with #IPOs when markets were on a roll.

Again, investors had a choice to invest or ignore.

They invested with GREED and FOMO and now blaming others for these IPOs bombing
Why can't #Investors respect market signals? When going was good, they ignored advice of following #AssetAllocation.

When markets are bleeding, looking at scapegoats for their own actions.

This is #SelfAttribution bias. All good - their skill, all bad - blame it on others
Read 4 tweets
From Jan 2018 to peak of #EquityMarkets on 18th Oct 2021, #SmartInvesting of @IamMisterBond underperformed #BuyAndHold only against #NIFTY50 but beat NIFTY Mid and Small Cap 100 by a big margin.

Post that, markets have been #volatile with downward bias Image
Results of Smart Investing v/s Buy & Hold under all Market Caps is for all to see - with 1) lower volatility, 2) beating results of Buy & Hold by big margins

#SmartInvesting switched to Equity in Mar 20 after downside protection and switched back to DAAF by Jul 20
3) Values under Buy & Hold have gone down substantially from Oct 2021 to Feb 2022 v/s values going down marginally under Smart Investing due to being in #DAAF, 4) Smart Investing portfolios better placed at current juncture to take advantage of market #volatility v/s Buy & Hold
Read 6 tweets
Thursday, January 20, 2022
News you can use.

Try not to laugh... ☕ Image
Casinos are inherently fraudulent criminal enterprises that prey on weakness and offer unaffordable vice as an enticement. Between losing $100 to a slot machine or setting 100 $1 bills on fire, I have found more enjoyment in the latter.

Read 22 tweets
1/ It wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was a #CrimeAgainstHumanity...and it came from Florida. 🧵

The GOP started lying about COVID when Trump called it a "hoax". THAT lie has cost hundreds of thousands of American🇺🇲 lives. It also made them and their friends billions $$.

2/ Trump said it was a hoax on Feb 27, 2020. Community transmission was being confirmed in multiple cities in the US. Around the world, case numbers were increasing exponentially everywhere one was found, and economic disruptions began roiling global financial markets.

3/ Four Republican Senators on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee who knew how bad the virus was, sold their stocks ahead of a market collapse which saw equity valuations plunge up to 40% worldwide in a matter of weeks.

Read 26 tweets
I still remember the day my parents bought me a geometry box when I was in school. That's when I squealed with joy and showed it to my classmates. I felt that I was the happiest person on earth. There will never be another moment like that in our lives.
Eventually, we grow up. Our joy when purchasing new pens, backpacks, and geometry boxes will never be matched by the items we purchase today, no matter how big or small.
Life changes as we mature. People are rarely aware of it. As we age, the kid inside us also grows. This child is immortal. As we grow older, stress, responsibilities, failures, worry, overthinking, pressure, and other factors drive the child to become increasingly isolated.
Read 7 tweets…
Today's free blink is Moneyland (2018) by @OliverBullough. Some of the stuff that people do to avoid paying back to society, and some of the stuff they get away with seems outrageous to me after listening to this book summary.…
This book seems to be about how the rich keep getting richer.…
After WW2 governments tried to regulate money, but banks and rich people soon found loopholes.

I think this is the problem with laws - people try to break them, especially if they are not invested in the social contract. #capitalism #greed
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#fear & #greed veo niñatos, y algunos vendes cursos, diciendo que es el momento de comprar porque hay miedo, no digo que no, pero comentar lo ocurrido 2018/2020 para no ir mas lejos, el funcionamiento de este indicador ya lo explique en su dia, cuando publicaba en inbestia = HILO Image
EL primer golletazo de finales octubre/noviembre 2018, llego a marcar 4/5 y la gente se creyó que era señal de compra pero todos recordaran que despues en diciembre y con dip 24dic el indiceSP500 volvio a caer un - 7/-10% adicional, aquella corrección fue de -20%
sobre el 24 diciembre y ya con el -20% #sp500 LLEGO a marcar el index fear and greed 2
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8th edition.


Soulful music by none other than @VijayKedia1 before the AGM kicks off

check this one: @vijaykedia1 at his best
When will PPFAS will launch a new scheme?

Only if, PPFAS is excited about putting their own money & can add value to investors

Right now, there is no plan to cut any more expense ratio.

#NewFundoffer? nops
Read 63 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/07/2021…
Pre-Columbian Latin Text Proves Early Knowledge of the Americas…

#MedievalHistory #europe #latin #translations
Extinction and origination patterns change after mass extinctions…

#MassExtinctions #consequences #evolution
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