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Can a State GST Department make assessment and levy interest, Penalties on total turnover of assessee in Multiple States?

Yes, they did in Andhra Pradesh and assessee has to run from pillar to post for justice.

The horror of over stepping the jurisdiction in this case ↘️
🚨#BreakingNews: A new #TaxJustice battle is brewing! 💼 A brave bus operator across multiple Indian states took a stand against the 1st respondent (Deputy Commissioner, ST, Special Circle, Chittoor Division). Why? Because the taxman was overstepping his bounds! #GSTHorror 🚫👮‍♂️
📜 The operator had been slapped with an Assessment, Penalty & Interest order under the SGST & CGST Acts 2017. But there was a catch! 😲 The taxman wasn't playing fair - assessing total turnover from all states instead of each state's respective turnover. #TaxDispute 🌍💸
Read 9 tweets
The federal National Labor Relations Act prohibits retaliation against groups of employees working together in in a concerted action seeking better employment conditions.

Here’s how this could work for Twitter workers facing “opt in or be fired” choice today.

Twitter employees can opt in to Musk’s “bend the knee” mandate to hold onto their jobs.
Then a small brave group could approach management and state that while everyone is willing to work hard and strive for excellence, they oppose the mandate of “long hours at high intensity.”
Requests like this are always best done respectful and in writing so it’s clear later exactly what was said.

While NRLA generally protects union organizing activities, it also protects nonunion workers simply working together (must be 2 or more) for better working conditions.
Read 7 tweets
If your employer has been "screening" you by asking you to answer INDIVIDUAL questions for each symptom - YOUR RIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED!

It should be "Yes" or "No" for the entire list - as seen here:…

Even in healthcare settings, only your Occupational Health Dept. can collect specific health info - and must keep it confidential.

Your employer should ONLY know whether you "passed" or "failed" the screening.

They do NOT have the right to know why!!!
Read 4 tweets


For months now, I've been trying very hard for full disclosure of the making of Personal Data Protection Bill and the Justice Srikrishna Committee's work. All of this has been denied under RTI.

I had filed 3 Cases at the Central Info Commission.

Read on...

I moved the Madras HC seeking an urgent hearing in the matter bcuz if the Bill is passed in parliament, the cases at CIC would turn infructuous after 2 years. Court was pleased to direct so.

Now, this is what happened during the hearing at CIC and after-

@GoI_MeitY's officers raised new grounds for denying info. A copy of their written submissions was provided to me only 30 mins before hearing, after I hounded them for it.

I requested the CIC to allow me a day's time to file my counter to their new grounds for denial.

Read 12 tweets
Are you registered to vote in #Election2020? Deadlines in 4 states (AK, HI, MS, RI) are just 17 days away.

Check your status or register here ➡️

If you're trans/GNC/nonbinary, #KnowYourRights about voting here ➡️

#ConstitutionDay ImageImage
During the 2016 Pride season, we polled nearly 5,000 people across the country and asked if they planned on voting.

Almost 15% said no!…
Of those who were 18+, over 18% were not registered. Almost 6% were disenfranchised by the electoral system. Almost 4% were wary due to photo ID laws.

Even one person being turned away from exercising their right to vote is too many.…
Read 4 tweets
So last night a young man stopped by our Letters to Voters event at a park, wondering what we were doing. When we asked if he was registered to vote, he said he had a felony conviction, "I'd like to, but I don't know that I can vote."
#VotingRights #KnowYourRights
We asked if he was off paper.
Yes, he said, for 5 months now.
Do you have your release papers?
I sure do, that's my ID! I keep it safe!

Good. He just needs to take that to his parole or probation release paper to the county clerk's office, to register to #vote #restoration
His face lit up! 🌞🌞🌞
"I can do that! I want to vote!"

What better way to reintegrate someone into society than help them navigate the ways citizens are expected to take care of our society -- #VOTING being a major part of our civic responsibilities?
Read 7 tweets

Use the links to make sure your mail-in ballot is counted!

#KnowYourRights HAVA 2002 #VoteBlue #TeamJoeTalks 🌊

Alabama (AL)… or…
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)…
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)…
Colorado (CO)…
Connecticut (CT) Email or call (860) 509-6100…
Read 10 tweets
📄 NEW RESOURCE: Are you #LGBTQ or #HIV+ and joining in the protests for Black lives? Know Your Rights! Please share widely. #BlackLivesMatter Image
➡️ You have the right to participate in protests.
➡️ This is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment.
➡️ This does not extend to speech or conduct that incites violence. #KnowYourRights Image
➡️ Go with a trusted friend or org.
➡️ Wear a mask!
➡️ Pack lightly.
➡️ Bring ID, prescriptions in original bottles & medical supplies you may need. #KnowYourRights Image
Read 9 tweets
[THREAD] A few minutes before the scheduled 10 a.m. start of today's protest, police officers are already stationed in front of UP Cebu.

For those who plan to attend today's #JunkTerrorBill protest at UP Cebu, check this out and #KnowYourRights!
A SWAT tactical team and two trucks of police officers arrive. #JunkTerrorBill
Read 14 tweets
@BeyondDefense @EccEveryday I am sorry, but I don't agree with some of this.
If you know your rights, there's no need for a BAR attorney.
Give notice of your political status
Only ask questions even answering in a question form.
Never be silent, that is aqueousent, giving them jurisdiction & you ....
@BeyondDefense @EccEveryday .... are considered incompetent in the Law, they are also trying to protect the public from incompetence.
You are a living man, are you acting in the capacity of a peace officer or a public safety official working for a STATE?
Has their been a crime? Traffic violations are ....
@BeyondDefense @EccEveryday .... not crimes.
Is your name your private personal property Estate? That is what they [pinkertons] need to contract with you, always be polite and respectful
Are they trying to steal your property? If you are pulled over you are already in arrest & are guilty of a ....
Read 5 tweets
DOJ Supports Church Suing @GovernorVA Ralph Northam For Threatening Imprisonment Of Pastor For Hosting A 16-Person Church Service On Palm Sunday #KnowYourRights…
The Department of Justice announced it will aid a Virginia church suing Gov. Ralph Northam after a pastor was threatened with jail time or a $2,500 fine for hosting a 16-person church service on Palm Sunday.
According to Northam’s shelter-in-place restrictions, churches cannot hold services with more than 10 people.

The DOJ filed a Statement of Interest in a VA federal court citing freedom of religion in support of Lighthouse Fellowship Church in Chincoteague Island, VA.
Read 4 tweets
🚨THREAD: As we see ICE further escalating its violent and abusive behavior towards immigrant communities, here are some key #KnowYourRights resources currently available at Make the Road NY.

1. Workshops available at *ALL* our sites in March:…

Please RT!
2. Our Deportation Defense Manual w/ @ImmDefense available in English and Spanish.

This manual provides information, resources, and a guide to creating a plan of action to protect targeted communities against ongoing anti-immigrant attacks.

Download at:
3. Our 5-step Know Your Rights infographic!

We hope that this resource is able to help communities understand and assert their rights in the face of #ICEraids

Available in English and Spanish on our website:…
Read 3 tweets
Southern Border Patrol SWAT teams are coming to a city near you!

Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, New Orleans, Detroit & Newark, N.J. are all being dosed with "elite special forces" to help local ICE agents.

What, exactly, will these CBP SWAT teams help ICE with?

I'm glad you asked!

💥 Run-of-the-mill immigration violation arrests. 💥

That's all.
Wait, what?

Trump is sending 100 CBP ELITE SPECIAL FORCES JACKWAGGONS TO "Sanctuary Cities" to make ORDINARY ARRESTS?

No kicking in doors or knocking down tables?

No drug busts or breaking up crime syndicates?

Just...normal, everyday, regular CIVIL INFRACTIONS?

Read 12 tweets
Get a load of this!

Dear Colleague on Resolution Responding to President Trump’s Xenophobic Statements

@drawandstrike @catesduane @rising_serpent @almostjingo @tracybeanz @TheChiIIum @Quodverum_ @CarrollQuigley1

#JustTheRealNews #TheMighty200…
Dear Democratic Colleague,

On Sunday, it was a sign to us that the Catholic Gospel reading was that of the Good Samaritan, where Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and treat them with mercy.
Trump’s ICE raids this weekend are the opposite of mercy.  We have been monitoring these raids closely insisting that #FamiliesBelongTogether and that everyone #KnowYourRights.
Read 13 tweets
Now more than ever, we need everyone to know: WE HAVE RIGHTS.

Share our #KnowYourRights guides in multiple languages.

Know Your Rights. Conozca Sus Derechos.
Conheça seus direitos.
Konnen dwa ou yo.
Read 14 tweets
🚨THREAD: Know Your Rights!

DHS has confirmed #ICEraids starting Sunday July 14th, and at least 10 cities will be impacted, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, LA, Miami, New Orleans, NY, and San Francisco. 1/8
We believe the raids will be focusing on people with prior orders of deportation who entered after 2014. This means can mean folks who never had notice of court in the first place, those seeking counsel to understand their case 2/8
and those who were subject to expedited removal at the border by CBP agents who did not inform them of their rights. Additionally, raids may also target not only those with old deportation orders, but those who are present at the time of a raid and their family members. 3/8
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“Nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of undocumented families have been scheduled to begin Sunday...”

As the government continues to separate families at the border, this plan to deport thousands of migrants will devastate even more families.

We cannot stand by while this occurs. The moment to stand up is now.

And for those who need it, here is a helpful guide from the @ACLU.


More information, in multiple languages:…
Read 3 tweets
We are sent to Congress to lead, to legislate and to carry the stories and struggles of those we serve. More on why, with a heavy heart but clear eyes, I voted no last night → | #MA7 #CloseTheCamps
We should not be criminalizing and vilifying migrant families, especially children and our most vulnerable. #DefundHate #CloseTheCamps…
As the #ATeam mobilizes in #Boston in the name of transit #equity & #affordability, I'm in #ElPaso with the @HispanicCaucus & @HouseDemocrats meeting w/ activists & advocates ahead of touring @CBP facilitates and fighting for the humanity of our immigrant neighbors.
Read 14 tweets
Immigrants: Donald Trump is cruelly targeting families. But it's important to know we're a country of laws & YOU HAVE RIGHTS!

Below, I'll detail some of them. Please share so our neighbors and friends know how to protect themselves. 1/
You do not have to say anything! You cannot be forced to answer questions. In fact, you have the legal right to refuse to speak to immigration officers at all. 2/
You have the right to a lawyer before you do anything. Immigration officers may pressure you to sign a document waiving your rights & protections. You should not sign anything without the lawyer you're entitled to there to counsel you. 3/
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DHS says there had been ZERO child deaths in U.S. custody in 8 years before Sept 2018.

Now 7 kids have died due to President* Trump’s policies. 💔

DHS admits “these conditions are not acceptable.”

PLEASE remember these children:

DHS plans to house THOUSANDS of babies in a new tent city. They just bought:

🍄 20,000 baby bottles
🍄 3,000 boxes of baby wipes
🍄 2,224,000 diapers
🍄 144,000 pairs of shower shoes (36,000 extra-smalls)

3 Facts About #TrumpConcentrationCamps:

🍄 President* Trump is stealing military budget to fund them

🍄 Neither Congress nor our courts can shut them down


Read 11 tweets
This is America?! What the ....!? 😡
Border control stopping cars and asking #Citizenship 150 miles from Canadian border?!
Is this legal?!
Are they wearing jackboots and swastikas?!
#CivilRights #Fascism
I hate 2B alarmist but this MUST B ASKED:
What the hell's stopping #BorderControl or #ICE from asking 4proof of citizenship
taking U anyway
claiming U did not have ID
& destroying your proof
With no legal representation provided...u'd simply "Disappear"
Abuse of Power by US #BorderControl & #ICE MUST B REIGNED IN
B4 it's Too Late!!!!
#PoliceState #FascistAmerica
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Thousands of students across the country are planning and participating in walkouts in solidarity with survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
ACLU is hosting a #KnowYourRights training in the wake of some school officials threatening students who plan to participate in walkouts, like this now-deleted post by a Texas public school district superintendent.
Many colleges and universities are tweeting supportive messages, saying they won’t penalize incoming students who participate in walkouts and protest.
Read 15 tweets

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