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Jun 9th 2023
As the Marxist agitator #AdamSmith once said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices."

1/ A caricature of a businessm...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Smith understood that capitalists hate capitalism. They don't want to compete with one another, because that would interfere with their ability to raise the prices their customers pay and reduce the wages they pay their workers.

Read 36 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
#MarketAtClose | #Midcaps continue to outperform, Nifty Midcap Index posts record close
#Sensex, #Nifty & #NiftyBank close with minor gains in a range-bound session
Sensex rises 119 points to 62,547 & Nifty 46 points to 18,534
Midcap Index gains 154 points to 33,967 & Nifty Bank…… Image
#MarketAtClose | #Metal stocks rise on improved global prices, #Hindalco up over 3%
#ApolloHospitals gains another 3% on Friday, up 8% for the week
#HeroMoto continues its positive run, less than 2% away from 52-wk high
#Auto stocks rise after strong sales in May, M&M, #Maruti,……
#MarketAtClose | #Pharma stocks see some buying, Dr Reddy’s, Sun, Laurus up over 1% each
New-age cos like #Zomato & #Nykaa see healthy gains on Friday, up 4-8%
4 #Nifty stocks (#BajajAuto, #Britannia, #TaMo, #ApolloHosp) hit 52-week highs today
M&M Fin gains more than 1% to hit……
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
#MarketAtClose | #Market closes near day’s low as financial heavyweights underperform

Nifty Bank ends with a cut of 1% against a flat close for #Sensex & #Nifty

#Midcaps relatively outperform, market breadth favours advances Image
#MarketAtClose | #Sensex falls 194 points to 62,429 & Nifty 47 points to 18,488

#NiftyBank slips 338 points to 43,790 while #Midcap index rises 51 points to 33,812
#MarketAtClose | Coal India falls as government brings #OFS at discount, non-retail portion fully subscribed

Saudi Aramco’s sharp cut in #propane price weighs on Gujarat Gas, stock down 4% Image
Read 7 tweets
May 3rd 2023
My latest @locusmag column is "The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point," about all the ways that I agree with the Right's paranoid fringe, whom I mostly *disagree* with:…

1/ A row of silhouetted protes...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

The impetus for the article was a widely reported, bizarre protest against the plan to create a #15MinuteCity in Oxford, England.

Read 63 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
Did you know that R is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for data analysis, modeling, and visualization? Here are some ways that R is making a big impact in pharma: #rstats #datascience #pharma
1/ Clinical trials: R is used to analyze and visualize data from clinical trials, which are a critical component of the drug development process. R's flexibility and powerful statistical analysis capabilities make it an ideal tool for this task.
2/ Pharmacokinetics: R is used to model the concentration of drugs in the body over time, which is important for determining the correct dosage and frequency of administration. R's ability to handle complex models and large datasets makes it well-suited for this task.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
#PiramalPharma’s demerger was one of the most anticipated #specialsituations in FY22. But since listing, the stock has seen a 65% decline. A thread to help you understand some of the reasons for the fall and if they can recover from this

#piramal #pharma #investing #piramalfall
Piramal has seen a massive reduction in margins in FY23. Their 9M FY23 EBITDA margins are at 10%. They have not been this low for a long time.
The reasons for this fall in margins is a mix of macroeconomic factors that are out of their control and some issues that are inherent in their business model.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
"A controversy..which raises uncomfortable questions about the influence of funding from #BigPharma in...Toronto health institutions" - which Dr. Brenda Gallie & I struggled to expose for years…
#Pharma #PatientSafety
👏🙏 @rachelmendleson @TorontoStar
A long struggle
-2009: @UHN expands use of *unlicensed* drug w/out evidence of #InformedConsent obtained from patients
-2019: UHN conducts a conflicted, internal, confidential 'review' which: "if your aim was to rig the result, is exactly what you would do"
How can @UHN claim "appropriate safe care"? During exposure to this *unlicensed* drug over years:
1- Iron levels rose in 50% over the threshold for death
2- 65% patients developed liver injury
3- 17% acquired diabetes
And again, *no informed consent*…
Read 20 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
Laurus Labs was all set to deliver a bumper year. But currently the stock is down 57% from its all-time high. Let us take a look at some of the reasons for this decline.

#laurus #lauruslabs #pharma

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The first reason is the reduction in their ARV business. While Laurus is trying to move away from their ARV business as it is a low margin business for the company, they are still very dependent on this segment.
The ARV segment (including API and FDF) contributed to 50% of their revenues in FY22 and about 35% in 9M FY23.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
Divis has been a compounding machine for the past 10 years. But the stock has corrected almost 50% from its all-time high.
In today’s thread, let us understand what are the reasons for this massive fall.

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#Divis #DivisLabs #Pharma
This is the third time the stock has corrected by 50%, the last two times were during the 2008 financial crisis and in 2017 when they had received an import alert at their manufacturing facility. Divis went on to create massive wealth from there.
The first reason is the decline in sales for Molnupiravir. Molnupiravir is a Covid drug by Merck that can be administered orally. The company had given voluntary licenses to a lot of formulation companies that wanted to manufacture the drug.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
The establishment creates this problem by first denying the disease, creating a vacuum that quickly fills up with untested treatments & questionable cures. Then they go about trashing their victims who desperately need relief, and the doctors who are willing to treat.
#BTDT #Lyme
It is both infuriating & heart wrenching to watch this scene play out again, with some of the same establishment players engaging in narrative control. Go to ~48:00 for IDSA creep Paul Auwaerter’s word salad tossed at Congress, thx to my friend @PowerOfNeo…
That they have denied, conflated & confused for DECADES #LymeDisease #ME #mecfs #cfs #fibromyalgia and passed them off as psychiatric, and now are doing the same with #LongCovid, should tell you all you need to know about #PublicHealth’s intentions.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
🔥podcast on Pharma billionaire Barry Sherman.…

As @kathleengoldhar @blandrea outline: this wasn't just about a violent death, but the consequences of #Pharma "partnering" with academia.

🧵on why this matters to any who may ever need a prescription drug.
"Barry Sherman is the only person I have ever met with no redeeming features whatsoever":
🎯Dr. Morton Shulman in…
But this was not just a matter of an abrasive personality.
In 1996, I identified problems in the safety of a drug in a clinical trial of *children*, a trial to which Sherman had provided minor funds to obtain patent rights.

He threatened 'all legal remedies' if I published.
I published anyway.

Decades of litigation were to follow.
/3 Image
Read 15 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space!…

We are going live in 5!

Follow the thread below for slides!

#nifty50 #NiftyBank #corporateindia
Before we begin, here is the Disclaimer
Read 49 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Magnesium is a mineral that is highly abundant in the human body and is considered the second most abundant mineral hanging out in your intracellular spaces. 🧵 (1/11)
Magnesium plays a crucial role as a cofactor in various physiological processes such as protein synthesis, energy production and storage, reproduction, DNA and RNA synthesis, and maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential. (2/11)
If you want healthy functioning #mitochondria, then you best supplement magnesium. And if you have any cognitive symptoms, it's time to get extra serious about your magnesium supplementation. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Insulin receptors and IGF-1 receptors, along with their signaling partners, are found throughout the brain. I think this needs a thread. 🧵(1/13)
IGF-1 receptors are involved in important #brain processes, including neuronal growth and survival, regulation of synaptic plasticity, and modulation of #neurotransmitter release. They are implicated in neuroprotection and #cognitive function. (2/13) #science #neuroscience
Many of you are familiar with insulin, but maybe you don't know well enough what its important roles are in the brain. Insulin affects neurotransmitter channel activity, brain cholesterol synthesis, and mitochondrial function. (3/13) #mitochondria
Read 13 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
I'm glad.
Another "well meaning" professional,
A lobbiest.
This is. who pushed Tim's Law, along with NAMI. Forced drugging.
Funded by the drug companies. #pharma
Holding mental health consumers hostage for many years.
Both have lobbiests 8n Kentucky. WhY????
T.J. Litafik is a lobbyist with NAMI Kentucky, which is the state chapter for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and also is the owner/principal with Solon LLC…
Since 2017, Kentucky, along with 47 other states, has offered court-ordered assisted outpatient treatment. This method of court-ordered mental health care ensures that individuals with severe mental illness...
Read 4 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Google's chatbot panic; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Tweedledee and Tweedledum, standing at the bottom of Humpty
This is the last day (Feb 17) of my #Australian tour for my book #ChokepointCapitalism with my co-author, #rgibli. We'll be in #Canberra at the Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum:… 2/
Google's chatbot panic: On the infinite insecurities of a self-styled creative genius who really just buys other people's ideas.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 25 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
Bracco Announces FDA Approval of Gadopiclenol Injection, a New Macrocyclic High-Relaxivity Gadolinium-Based Contra... posting because I believe it’s Horribly biased. Pro #Pharma Money, Money. @US_FDA actually approved more Injectable Gadolinium Metal. 🤬
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 for @sennasthunder @Lambertdebb @Wagner_Nephro @catriona1 @SandiTitus1 & Many People Raising Awareness of #Gadolinium Retention. Victims of fuzzy guidelines…Pharma says: Not too much or too frequent or sometimes and they don’t know if dialysis helps. Retained For Years 😵‍💫 ImageImageImageImage
I have a New PCP. Very Nice, thorough. I like her. I’m not ready to push My suspicions I might have #Gadolinium Retention. It’s a tender subject. Because FDA says retaining non biologic metal for years in vital organs Must be safe? I don’t buy any of it.…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
Time for some fun.
Instead of mocking others, let's do some self mocking.
This is the "best collection" of stocks.
I'm going #equalweight.
Just Ten MostBoring Stocks.
All-in-one Hall of fame list.
The #BoringStocks of 2023.
Feel free to track & ridicule.
Here we go.
#HDFC. The mother of all boring stocks. Soon to be #hdfcbank.
Should do better simply because the expectations have never run so low.
#COALINDIA. No less boring. Much hated. Much bitched on WhatsApp. Everybody loves to abuse." Dividend play that's a widow stock" is what #BAAP Moghuls will call it on TV.
Most "intelligent investors" feel the same way about its owner as they do about their own mother-in-law.2/10
Read 13 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
💉💉💉🧬Please join our vaccine support group for our live broadcast on CHD - Children's Health Defense 🧬💉💉💉
10 am EST
#covidvaccine #canwetalkaboutit #react19 #vaccineinjured #cdc #fda #pharma #vaccinesideeffects #operationtruth #teamhumanity
@JohnBoweActor Hey John can you retweet this? And great job on the film! Yall did an amazing job & and we all appreciate your hard work. I hope you are doing well.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
Fassen wir die Situation für die #deutschen #Kinderkliniken doch mal zusammen:

1. seit Fallpauschalen #drg schreiben >75% der Kinderkliniken rote Zahlen, die Folge:
2. Kinderkliniken werden geschlossen, Stationen geschlossen, Betten abgebaut, Investitionen zurückgehalten

3. es fehlt an Kinder- und Jugendärzte:innen (in den Kinderkliniken und in den Praxen)
4. es fehlen Kinderkrankenpflegekräfte, massenweise! Allein in #nrw waren Anfang 2022 nach #gkind Erhebung 1491 Stellen unbesetzt, in 🇩🇪 sind >3000 Stellen nicht besetzt

5. gleichzeitig haben wir mit der Einführung der #Generalistik die Kinderkrankenpflege geschwächt: ⅓ weniger Absolvent:innen im Vergleich zu 2019! Der Kinderkrankenpflegemangel wird also zunehmen

Read 10 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
#PreMarketCapsule |26th September, Monday | Edition: 43

In the document ⬇️
1. #Nifty Range and Breadth
2. #Banknifty range and Breadth
3. #Sector Breadth
4. #FII Derivative Activity
5. #Summary of the analysis Image
1. Demand Zone 17415 to 17250
2. Initiate short below 17250 only
3. Price trading below TMA is bearish
4. Pullback towards TMA and getting red brick is a good place to go short
#Nifty #nifty50 #NIFTYFUT Image
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
#PreMarketCapsule | 6th September, Tuesday | Edition: 35

In the thread⬇️
1. #Nifty Range and Breadth
2. #Banknifty range and Breadth
3. #Sector Breadth
4. #FII Derivative Activity
5. #Summary of the analysis
1. Price trading above TMA is bullish
2. Broke out of recent consolidation
3. Near resistance is 18000
4. Support is 17500
#Nifty #nifty50 #NIFTYFUT
Read 11 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
#PreMarketCapsule | 5th September, Monday | Edition: 34

In the document ⬇️
1. #Nifty Range and Breadth
2. #Banknifty range and Breadth
3. #Sector Breadth
4. #FII Derivative Activity
5. #Summary of the analysis
1. The marked zone in 'Green' is Demand Zone for Nifty
2. Price has traded there for more time than expected near the Demand Zone
3. Price trading near the demand zone is a negative sign and may have weakened the zone

#Nifty #nifty50 #NIFTYFUT
Read 10 tweets

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