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Jan 30th 2023
This mornings rant will be correcting how leaders should address the mom from MA w/ #postpartum #psychosis who killed her kids

#1: "district attorney said the incident was an unimaginable, senseless tragedy."

No it's not - we know this social issue.🧵…
In fact, #postpartum depression not only is the number one killer of birthing parents - it is killing us in the long term too - 20% of deaths in the postpartum period are due to #Suicides

U.S. policies that hate families and women perpetuate this obvi.…
#2: "Authorities have not said whether they're looking {postpartum psychosis} as a factor in her alleged crimes, but "It does seem like a pretty classic case of postpartum depression with potential psychosis,"

This is the problem: they ignore us.…
Read 18 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
If you haven't heard and learned about CSRQ-SM software yet, your alt media or so-called resistance info source isn't what they want you to believe, they aren't on the side of the people. Period. It's that simple. And chilling. 🧵

We're a few steps away from their slogan "you'll own nothing..." to become reality‼ To eventually stop CSRQ - this Great Reset financial and social score software/system - to be deployed in our very near future, much more people would need to be aware of its existence‼ Image
Much more people would need to be aware of its existence, testing, about the classes within, and majority of Sovereigns already massively moving their fiat money onto their accounts with USDR currency. Mind blowing evil & bloody nightmare‼
Read 75 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
Les medcos "Terminer paisiblement ses jours en #ehpad, entouré de sa famille, avec l’aide de personnels formés à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie et aux pratiques gériatriques, semblait être depuis bien longtemps le souhait de tous nos résidents 👉…
L’ouverture de la convention citoyenne sur la fin de vie fait surgir une épée de Damoclès sur la tête des résidents d’ #ehpad, avec la perspective d’une loi qui potentiellement pourrait imposer à nos structures la pratique de l’ #euthanasie ou de #Suicides assistés
La grande majorité des résidents est atteinte de maladies neuro-dégénératives. Ils ne sont plus en capacité de donner un avis éclairé.
L’application d’une directive anticipée rédigée avant l’apparition de leur maladie leur retirerait le droit de pouvoir changer d’avis 👉
Read 7 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
I was recently reminded that “Benadryl causes dementia.” As someone w/#longcovid who would not be alive today w/out Benadryl because US healthcare does not give a shit about #LongCovid, I’d like to counter with this from “psychiatrists.” Nov. 3, 2022.…
If American society, healthcare, and government continues on this path of covid denial and #LongCovid gaslighting/denial, no one in this country will live long enough to develop dementia.
I’m so relieved, btw, to see “psychiatrists” focusing on the “key issues of the day” in November 2022. We should all get on our knees in gratitude for their contributions to today’s most pressing social ills. Forget mass social denial of a BSL3 pathogen. Nose picking solved. 👍
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Nov 11th 2022

#Punjab #Farmers were encouraged to shift away from #bajra #pulses #oilseeds #chana & enter #wheat-#paddy cycle by a assured price mechanism policy; why not assure MSP for #pulses to Punjab farmers, which can cut 16,627 crore imports, reduce paddy acreage & paddy #straw ?
An example to show, how the shift from pulses in Punjab happened.
In 1960-61, #pulses acreage in #Punjab was 9.03 lakh hectares with production of 7.09 lakh ton, but; in 2018-19 Kharif, it dropped to 7500 hectares with a production of 6200 tons
The per kg cost of pulse import increased from Rs 16.88 in 2006-07 to Rs 42.80 in 2016-17 (rise of 10%/year). If India were to continue to import large quantities of pulses, the unit cost of such imports is to increase for sure. Why not encourage Punjab farmers to grow pulses ?
Read 14 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
Doctors in India live 10 years lesser than average population- What can doctors do to save their lives?

Yes, you heard it right. Studies from Kerala and Pune by Indian Medical Association revealed these shocking statistics- doctors die about a decade earlier that the rest.
Life expectancy of a Malayali (native of Kerala) is 74.9 years but according to the IMA study, the mean ‘age of death’ of a Malayali doctor is 61.75 years. Indian doctor’s average lifespan is 55-59 years, almost 10 years lesser than that of the general population (IMA, Pune).
Common causes of death: #heart attacks (27%) and #cancers (25%). Other causes include #infections and #Suicides.
Risk factors for diseases and #death: physical inactivity, #obesity, #overweight, #stress, #sleep deprivation and long working hours are common among #doctors.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
☑️ #presidentielles2022 1⃣/5

🔴 Et nous... Sommes-nous "ESSENTIELS"❓

🔴 Franky: Je vous invite à "Commenter & Témoigner"

🔴 #COVID #Suicides #Pandemie #etudiants #NonEssentiel #Macron #McKinsey #COVID19

🎦 Fabeille Tardy
☑️ #presidentielles2022 2⃣/5

🔴 Et nous... Sommes-nous "ESSENTIELS"❓

🔴 Franky: Je vous invite à "Commenter & Témoigner"

🔴 #COVID #Suicides #Pandemie #etudiants #NonEssentiel #Macron #McKinsey #COVID19

🎦 Fabeille Tardy
☑️ #presidentielles2022 3⃣/5

🔴 Et nous... Sommes-nous "ESSENTIELS"❓

🔴 Franky: Je vous invite à "Commenter & Témoigner"

🔴 #COVID #Suicides #Pandemie #etudiants #NonEssentiel #Macron #McKinsey #COVID19

🎦 Fabeille Tardy
Read 5 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
Black people,

I am a one of the few Black psychiatrists that exist in our nation and I have a message for us:

Yes we are strong.

But it is IMPOSSIBLE to be strong ALL THE TIME.
#CheslieKryst #BlackGirlMagic #BlackTableTalk #BlackWomen #mentalhealth
It is IMPOSSIBLE to be strong ALL THE TIME.

WHEN oppression feels constant…and is constant. @DrAyanaJordan @DrJessIsomMDMPH @drkarinn @DrKMSimon @ADocNamedDani
Ignoring or downplaying sadness, anxiety, despair, and hopelessness does not help you.

Telling someone else to ignore, pretend, or downplay sadness, anxiety, despair, and hopelessness does not help them.

@BNCNews @TiffanyDCross @CapehartJ @FWhitfield
Read 9 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
Is This the Right Time to Close Down #APMC Mandis Sans Consulting All Stakeholders?…
Home truth of Indian agriculture: #Farmincome declined in India in 7 years,…
Read 9 tweets
Nov 4th 2021

#Punjab had 2 resources, water & good soil.

The much famed #GreenRevolution messed it up.

#Farmers were encouraged to shift away from #bajra #pulses #oilseeds #chana & enter into #wheat-#paddy cycle.

For many years, Min Support Prices, assured a decent #income.

&, Now
An example to show, how the shift from other crops happened over the years
In 1960-61, total area under #pulses in #Punjab was 9.03 lakh Ha with production of 7.09 lakh ton, but; in 2016-17, it dropped to 14800 Ha with production of 12,600 ton.
73% irrigation in #Punjab is done by #Tubewells

No of Tubewells:-

Early 60's=50,000
2005=11.80 Lakh
2012=12 Lakh
2021=14.5 lakh

Total Blocks=138

👉Avg yearly rate of fall in #GroundWater= .49 meter
👉CGWB claims that Punjab will become a desert in 25 years.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 15th 2021

Our paper is out. Finally.

For me, the most important Mobile Brain/Body Imaging paper thus far.

And the most personal paper of my career.

This is a rant.
A rant about science.
A rant about life.
And everything in between.

In 2015 we started working on this project attempting to demonstrate the potential impact the Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) approach can have.

Showing how multimodal sensory information originating from movement is an essential part of cognitive processes.

We used a spatial orientation task (heading computation) to compare results from established neuroimaging methods (fMRI, M/EEG) that restrict participants’ movements during spatial orientation with full-body movements.

Thanks to @DFG to fund ambitious research like this.
Read 22 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
India’s defense forces, including the army, navy & air force, reported 787 deaths by #suicide between 2014 and 2021, the government told #Parliament on March 22, 2021. Thread on govt data and reasons for the suicides:
3 in 4 suicides were in the #IndianArmy. The Defence Institute of Psychological Research says domestic and personal problems, marital discord, stress and financial problems were the major causes of these #suicides Image
In a decade to 2019, there were 1,123 deaths by #suicide in the armed forces, government told #Parliament on September 16, 2020 Image
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Feb 17th 2021
cw: suicide, reactionary bs

One thing that really pissies me off are those facist reactionary "#ProLife" bigots.

And I'll explain in detail, WHY they are bigoted.

So strap in and hold tight...
Regardless if those advocate for the [very facist] idea of de-facto criminalizing #suicide or #abortions, "#ProLife" advocates aka. bigots are not willing to provide even a halfass alternative substitute as a figleaf to pseudo-legitimize their ideas.
I mean, regardless whether or not one person should be allowed to have a say into the health, life and well-beijng of another person is something agrees with [I think #ProChoice is the only non - reactionary-facist answer!]...
Read 20 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Strong minds do not exist. Mind is largely made of #neurons and not #Steel. Each one of us can suffer from sadness,fear or depression and attempt suicide though some are more vulnerable. Suicide is due to a state of mind that needs to be treated."
#MythSuicide Those who talk about attempting suicide are less likely to act  

#FactSuicide: People who threaten are more prone to attempt than those who do not. Hence do not challenge those who threaten to attempt
#MythSuicide: Suicidal attempts in families will dissuade relatives from doing the same when in emotional turmoil  

#FactSuicide: Suicidal behavior can be seen in families across generations as Depression can run in families
Read 18 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Intern'l group of #pain experts called for urgent action on forced #opioid tapering in March 2019.

In early 2019, FDA warned that rapid & sudden tapers are harmful & can kill. They issued guidance to help doctors protect patients from harm. /thread…
Rapid/forced tapering can destabilize patients, "precipitating severe #opioid withdrawal accompanied by worsening #pain & profound loss of function. To escape the resultant suffering, some patients may seek relief from illicit (and inherently more dangerous) sources of opioids."
"New & grave risks now exist because of forced #opioid tapering," including an "alarming rise" in suffering & #suicides in civilians & #vets. Even patients at doses below 90 MME are being forced to taper.
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Jul 24th 2020
.@NPR's response to the outcry that they wrongly blamed medical #opioid use as the cause of the OD epidemic? 4 days later they did it again. @BrianMannADK @carriefeibel @vicwj This is LAZY & HARMFUL reporting.

Evidence shows: #ODs & #suicides go UP as # of scripts goes DOWN.
.@NPR @BrianMannADK @carriefeibel @vicwj

🔴 2,887 #vets DIED from #OD or #suicide AFTER their #opioid pain med was stopped in FY 2013.

🔴 1 year of the VA's policy to take #vets off medicine produced just 90 fewer bodies than 9/11. (Link next tweet)
VA study showing people are 4 to 6.8 times MORE LIKELY to die of #overdose or #suicide after discontinuation of a prescription #opioid. THIS IS NOT AN OUTLIER. @NPR, PLEASE contact co-author @StefanKertesz.…
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Jul 17th 2020
.@BrianMannADK At @headsUPmigraine, Dr @NitaGhei & I are trying to understand why medical research about the "very rare" risk of #addiction in medical #opioid use & the rising rate of causalities from rx opioid limits isn't being reported, even by thoughtful outlets like @NPR.
#Addiction expert Maia Szalavitz explained in 2016, "#Opioid addiction is a huge problem, but pain prescriptions are not the cause." The fact that steep rx limits haven't so much as slowed rising ODs proves her right.

How did @NPR get this wrong?…
.@headsUPmigraine has been on the front line of the twin public health crisis caused by widespread discontinuation & dose reduction of rx #opioids: a rise in unnecessary #disability from #ChronicPain & a spike in #suicide.
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Jul 12th 2020
THREAD on Medical Students #suicides
There are 78333 medical seats across India. Considering a 6 yr course & accounting for recent seat increases, there are ~450,000 students in medical schools at any given time. Dandona et al using GBD data estimated suicide rate...1/n
for Indian 20-24 & 25-29 yr olds btwn 27-33 per 100k. For ease of calculation let's take a middle rate of 30/100k. Most medical students in this age group. Assuming med students suicide rate is same as general population, India has ~ 135 medical students dying by suicide/yr..2/n
Remember India has 78,333 medical seats in 549 med schools which is an average of 142 seats/med school. So each year, we lose approximately 1 medical school's yearly intake to #Suicides
The human cost & suffering is unmeasurable. The financial cost we can estimate..3/n
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Jun 15th 2020
THREAD: Troubled by many media reports & SM conversations where depression + mental health issues are assumed to be only causes of #suicide
Of course, we need conversations on #Mentalhealth & depression is associated with suicide. Why am I then bothered by this? Read on..1/n
In the West, studies show that ~ 80% of suicides have depression as a predisposing cause. Also in West, suicides peak is mostly older ppl (>60 yrs) + male:ratio is ~ 4: 1.
However India's suicide epidemology is different. In India, only ~50% have some mental illness...2/n
Also our peak suicides are in age group of 18-39 yrs + male:female ratio is ~ 1.5:1. So a lot of young Indian women dying of suicides.1 out of 3 women dying of suicide 🌍 are Indian. For women in this age group, suicides is No 1 cause of death, ahead of maternal mortality..3/n
Read 11 tweets
Jan 14th 2020
Sui'cides are unfortunate, Sui'cides are Cowardice. But to negate the Leftists & Lutyens propaganda around it we must be aware of facts and figures. This thread is analysis of Sui'cides in 'India'. All figures have been taken from #NCRB portal.

If distress among'st people have actually Increased post 2014, as Lutyen's media & Congress keep on crying, then how come 'Rate of Suicide' is actually Decreasing.

If 'Un-Employment' in 'India' is actually 45 year high as Congress & Lutyen's Media continuously keep on crying, how come Count of Sui'cides due to 'Un-Employment' & Rate of Suicide' is constant ? We must know that NSSO didn't release any report.

#Unemplyoment #Suicides
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Oct 10th 2019
“If I don’t commit suicide,my father will;my family can’t even earn Rs1000(14 USD)a month...My parents can’t bear the burden of our marriages when we don’t have enough to eat. So I'm taking my life.”Thus read a #suicide note by 19y.o.Neha Bhopat who hanged herself in #Maharashtra ImageImage
In the already distressed regions of #Vidarbha and #Marathwada in #Maharashtra, another tragedy has gone all but unnoticed: "altruistic" #suicides by the children of #debt-ridden #farmers.… @journohardy #WorldMentalHealthDay Image
@ReallySwara We hope this interests you!
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Jul 19th 2019
Here's a sample of what we spoke about at #adisorder4everyone in Cumbria:

1. @medsconsult and @recover2renew read 'Cracked' by James Davies (now @CEP_UK ) when published 2013
2. @medsconsult volunteered to help to compile the #unrecognisedfacts document for 2014 launch of @CEP_UK…
@medsconsult @CEP_UK 3. We have collaborated voluntarily with the @TheBMA 's Board of Science to provide real patient experiences of prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal, leading to the BMA ‘call for action’ for support for affected individuals in October 2016…
Read 15 tweets

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