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Breaking: the European Commission just included #biodiversity #offsetting in its #taxonomy of "green" economic activity, and obfuscated this inclusion into yesterday's delegated act behind anti-democratic confusing legalese. 1/6… Image
An earlier draft of the delegated act included the following language: « 6.1. The conservation activity does not only serve the purpose of offsetting the impact of another economic activity.”
This was already some very twisted language to say offsetting is included. 2/6
...But not sufficient, as a few of us called them on it. So instead of removing the allowance for offsetting, they merely reworded it to try and convince civil society that the issue was gone. 3/6
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1/14 BREAKING -The European Commission just published a draft #taxonomy's delegated act for biodiversity - i.e. its list of the economic activities that fight biodiversity loss in the EU - that includes debunked #biodiversity #offsetting Image
2/14 The list includes so far 2 activities, with more to come in the future:
1. Conservation and restoration of habitats, ecosystems and species;
2. The provision of short-term tourism accommodation
3/14 We first note that the conservation & restoration activity does not prioritize curbing destruction over restoration, thereby implicitly favouring the latter, despite its uncertain & delayed results and weak track record
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Was steckt hinter dem Zaubertrick der Kommission beim #VerbrennerAus, das @Wissing dazu gebracht, seinen verantwortungslosen Widerstand einzustellen? Schnell gesagt: nicht viel. Ein kurzer Thread:
1/ Bereits in dem Gesetzgebungstext zum #VerbrennerAus, wie ihn das Parlament angenommen hat (…), steht drin, was Wissing jetzt bekommen hat: der rechtlich unverbindliche Erwägungsgrund 11 wird in eine rechtlich unverbindliche Erklärung übertragen.
2/ Umgesetzt werden soll das durch einen "delegierten Rechtsakt" in der Verordnung über die Typgenehmigung von Kraftfahrzeugen (Euro 5 und Euro 6):…
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🧵🇨🇦🚀Some of my key takeaways from Day 2 of the 2022 Health Beyond Summit. Today's theme: #Health #Innovation
📅November 29 - December 1, 2022
🕙10 am - ~40 pm ET
🆓Registration, schedule, speakers:…

#HealthBeyondSummit #SpaceMedicine #Space #Medicine
1/ Susan MacLean Michel: IRAP’s Support & Vision for Canadian Health Innovation. Trends: digital twins, personalized medicine, genomics, genetic tests. Emerging: cell & gene therapies, monoclonal antibodies, biomanufacturing, mRNA vaccines, lipid nanoparticles, digital health, AI ImageImageImageImage
2/ Showcase: Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, 20 semifinalists. CSA seeks novel diagnostic & detection solutions to support frontline health workers in remote communities NOW & later during longterm space missions. Community Advisor Program: to ensure techs are relevant & useful. ImageImageImageImage
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"Knowledge Representation in Judgment and Decision Making"

Today's SFI Seminar by @sdpbht (@Penn)

Follow this 🧵 for highlights!

Streaming now:

#knowledge #cognition #behavior Image
@sdpbht @Penn How do people evaluate potential decisions — the tradeoffs, the risks?

"How do people make assessments, and how can we *improve* those assessments?"
- @sdpbht

AND: What role does #memory (episodic and semantic) play in all of this?

#psychology #taxonomy ImageImage
Categorical thinking empowers inductive #reasoning.

(Here: How does what people know about #dolphins inform the likelihoods they assign to other agents, such as #ET?)

#Cognitive #Psychology Image
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📣 I am elated to announce this publication! The #RHIBSTaxonomy paper has now been published! After so many years in the making, it’s so good to finally see the #RHIBSTaxonomy published and available for public use #taxonomy #TBM #religion #spirituality #healthcare #interventions
The #RHIBSTaxonomy is the first multidisciplinary, global shared language within religion, spirituality, and health, ushering in a new era for religious interventions to be precisely defined, developed, and tested; shaping the evidence-base for future healthcare research/practice
To develop the taxonomy; We answered the following questions: “Can religious practices within health interventions be scientifically classified? Can the classification gain international, cross-disciplinary agreement? Can the classification be reliably and easily used?
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Let's talk about the EU Sustainable Finance #Taxonomy, what it is, why it's needed and why #nuclear energy must be included if Europe is to meet its climate goals.

1/ 🧵
The @EU_Commission states that the #taxonomy is necessary, "In order to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2030 and reach the objectives of the European green deal"

They also state that the "#taxonomy is a classification system, establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. It could play an important role helping the EU scale up sustainable investment and implement the European green deal."

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🇪🇺Parliament just rejected the #taxonomy list of investments considered green, which controversially included both #nuclear & #gas as a result of a delicately crafted compromise between national governments

76 members of ECON & ENVI committees voted to reject, 62 voted to accept
"Russia's invasion changed the thinking on this " one EP source tells me.

Here's the background of how we ended up with this 🇪🇺 proposal to deem nuclear & gas as green.

TLDR: it was a political compromise between anti-nuclear🇩🇪 & anti-gas 🇫🇷.…
The taxonomy list proposal was made before the #UkraineWar.

The thinking is it probably would have gotten through the parliament were it not for Russia's invasion. But the idea of including gas as a 'transition fuel' eligible for green funds is now unpalatable.
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New article on #websites #classification discussing possible #taxonomy that can be used (IAB, Google, Facebook, etc.) as well as #machinelearning models:…

list of useful resources:
a new telegram channel where will post about #explainableai (#XAI for short):…
there are now many useful libraries available for doing #explainability of #AI models: SHAP, LIME, partial dependence plots PDP. And also the "classical" feature importance.
Our german blog on topic of website #categorizations:
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We are LIVE tweeting this panel discussion with @amitabhk87, Gwendoline Abunaw, @KettelThomsen, @Joojin_SFOC and @shikha_bhasin

Stay tuned for updates!

Watch the session LIVE here:

#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova #Greentransition
.@amitabhk87: The financial architecture wasn’t designed for #climatechange. There is a vast amount of capital available for climate change, but it will flow in when the risks are mitigated. For risks to be mitigated the financial architecture needs to be altered.

.@amitabhk87: If the developing world wishes to have #green, #resilient and #inclusive growth, it will only happen with concessional financing which would enable technology leapfrogging.

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It deals with specific #machinelearning problem, namely how to classify a given website into specific categories, also called #taxonomy.
the most common #taxonomies are those of IAB and Google Products Taxonomy. But there others, e.g. one from Facebook for products.
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An article about new #website #categorization service using #nlp approach and machine learning model:…
It offers both google products #taxonomy which is ideal for #ecommerce sector as well as the IAB taxonomy which is more commonly used for general website categorizations, e.g. for marketing.
Why need for categorizations in marketing? If an advertiser wants to publish ads on publishers websites, generally it wants to know in what kind of category are the publishers websites.
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the service is using ML model trained on large number of annotated product texts. google product taxonomy was taken as the base taxonomy, which was then customised.
the #platform can be used both as dashboard or as #API #json endpoint. here is the url for IAB classification that you can try out:…
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1/9 Dedicating #RenewableElectricity to #Hydrogen cannot free the EU from #RussianGas.⚠️ What can, is using renewable electricity efficiently.
📚Read what #REPowerEU gets wrong and how to make it right.
#REPowerEU #RenewableHydrogen #Fitfor55 #REDII
2/9 How we use each TWh of electricity has a huge impact on whether we break free⛓️ from #RussianGas.

Using it in #HeatPumps displaces three times more fossil gas than using it to produce.👇
3/9 #REPowerEU foresees the total installed wind 🌬️& PV ☀️capacity to increase from today’s 360 GW to almost 1000 GW + 80 GW of renewables earmarked for #H2.

This will produce over 1000 TWh of electricity⚡️ per year. That’s the 🇫🇷 & 🇩🇪 demand combined.
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As #UkraineRussiaWar continues, and @IPCC_CH publishes it latest #Climate report, we take a closer look at the energy policy measures Europeans can take to weaken both Putin and climate disruption.
Take a look at the most efficient measures we have found so far 👇
First, #EnergySufficiency measures (in plain English: stop wasting energy) are by far the best. Quick to implement. Efficient. Cost-effective. They should become a national security priority and give ideas for people to tangibly #StandWithUkraine in those dark days.
Second, #EnergyEfficiency targeting oil/gas heating buildings is a must. It however takes time to be rolled-out to significantly impact our dependence. All the more reason to start now!
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🔴 Germany publishes the comments sent to the EU Commission on nuclear and gas in the #taxonomy 🔴
« If the delegated act remains unchanged and the Commission ignores the opinions of the Member States, including our own, Germany should reject it »…
« From the federal government's perspective, nuclear power is not sustainable. That is why we refuse to include it in the delegated act under the taxonomy regulation. »
« Serious accidents involving large-scale, transboundary and long-term damage to humans-being and the environment cannot be excluded. »
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The @EU_Commission's proposal to label gas & nuclear as green has pushed it further down the rabbit hole. It looks increasingly to escape this mess, but there are still some options to save the #taxonomy's integrity! see @e3g's latest briefing here 👇 🧵
Just a reminder, investor group @IIGCCnews & CSOs like @WWFEU or @GreenpeaceEU have rejected the proposal for #gas & #nuclear. the Platform on Sustainable Finance is likely to voice harsh criticism as well. @AndreasHoepner summarizes the problems perfectly…
Meanwhile, @EUparliament positions itself in the #taxonomy fight, critizising lack of public consultation for the second delegated act, while the first, less controversial DA was subject to public scrutiny ( which confirmed that wind energy is 🟩).
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Včerejší rozhovor CEO @SkupinaCEZ k nové bruselské #taxonomy a tendru na #JEDU je věcný. Dává ale hodně důvodů se zastavit u info, které byly předloženy. Headline neodpovídá.

Kdo jste si pozorně dal? Nikdo? Nevadí, rozeberu postupně v pokračujícím vláknu…
1/ zlehčování až hra s "dočasností" taxonomy pro jádro resp. označení jádra jako "udržitelného". Princip spočívá právě v dočasnosti! Taxonomy je "těžce" dojednaný kompromis jednání GER a FRA (bez ČR) a o tvrdě podmíněné dočasnosti není pochyb např. hlubinné úložiště ve 2050
2/ zlehčování podmínek "dočasnosti" taxonomy naopak správné zdůraznění podmínky notifikace (schválení) jakékoli investice do jádra. Tak či onak
=záměrné zanedbání rizik pro jádro (včetně úložiště) ... paradoxně u plynu CEO #ČEZ rizika vidí, kvantifikuje a správně je zdůrazňuje!
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Happy new year from Planet Brussels where this has just landed in some people's inboxes 🎁 #taxonomy
A 60-page draft #taxonomy text landed in inboxes of member states minutes before 2022 struck. A "consultation" process - which does not involve MEPs - will run until mid Jan. Some highlights on what's included 👇
Commission stresses that on nuclear energy and fossil gas there are "rapid technological" developments occuring.
On ☢️, draft paves the way for awarding the green label as long as MS can provide plans for safe waste management and a 100g per KW of CO2 is not exceeded
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It’s out: the coalition agreement of Germany’s traffic-light coalition.…
All of 177 pages covering everything with what to do about Russia to what to do about wolves. (yes, really).
What’s in it for Europe?
Thread (w/ focus on economic issues).
A first point is just how pervasive Europe is. “EU” or “europ” is mentioned no less than 393 times! Scarcely a policy area that does not somehow involve Europe. 🇪🇺 is domestic politics. It is also a testament, tho, to an (ex ante) willingness by 🚦to engage w/ EU partners. 👏
EU structures: 🚦 commits to supporting the Conference on the Future of Europe – including “Treaty amendments where needed”. A right of initiative for the EP, transnational lists and “Spitzenkandidat”, QMV in foreign policy. Steps on a path towards a "European federal state".
3 Image
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We are delighted to announce the release of #PhageAI 0.10.0: extended repository and the new #phage #prediction tool: #chronic #lifecycle. 1/4
Each of the #phage genome has computed a new numerical vector representation by #Phage2Vec technology, re-classified #lifecycles and re-computed nearest neighborhood what introduced updated alignment-free top-10 similar #bacteriophages registry. 2/4
Furthermore, we released beta #bacteriophage #taxonomy #prediction tool.

Feel free to extend your account role from basic to Expert user using "My Profile" view, to access it from the @PhageAI. 3/4
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Wishing all the best to Slovenia during its Presidency of the Council of the EU 🇸🇮❤️🇪🇺. There are huge challenges and legislative files ahead, and I sincerely hope Slovenia can make as much progress as possible. I welcome the efforts for some outlined priorities. BUT!... Thread👇
The European citizens and its institutions should feel a little uneasy since, in the words of @bpolitics, a Trump-inspired Twitter troll gets to set (although in a very limited sense) the EU agenda.…
The Slovenian government has followed Poland and Hungary down to the authoritarian path with "war on media", unlawfully canceling the nominations of EPPO delegated prosecutors, therefore inadmissibly undermining the independence of the judiciary.…
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There is an obscure problem when you join the BIG-4 Advisory or auditing, or consulting side of the profession within the services sector.
Most of the co-workers come from an #Accounting background, which makes things awfully difficult to communicate and interpret.
I remember working with an #Audit Expert, having a BIG-4 background.
The chap didn't understand anything except for debit, credit, and fraud risk.
The assignment required to be sophisticated Actuarial Finance, Mathematics, and Econometric Skill Sets to understand the GAPS.
Hence, the biggest problem in the Financial Risk Management, #ERM, Quantitative Risk Management, and other FE Financial Engineering related risk management processes, when working with a #BIG4 Firm, is the interaction with Accountants and Auditors who have their own Lingua Franca
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