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Ce qui s’est réellement passé dans le laboratoire de #Wuhan quelques semaines avant que la #Covid n’éclate,De nouvelles preuves tirées de dossiers confidentiels révèlent que des scientifiques chinois ont fusionné des agents pathogènes mortels peu avant la pandémie. Image
Des scientifiques de #Wuhan travaillant aux côtés de l’armée chinoise ont combiné les #coronavirus les plus mortels du monde pour créer un nouveau #virus mutant juste au moment où la pandémie a commencé. Image
Read 60 tweets
Une longue et surprenante enquête du Times sur les origines du #Covid19 qui va à contre-courant de la censure.

Les révélations proviennent de fichiers confidentiels de #Wuhan.

Amis complotistes, vous aviez vu juste. Mais c’est pire. C'est parti ⤵️ 1/ Image
En nov. 2002, des travailleurs de la province chinoise de Guangdong tombent malades et meurent d’un grave virus respiratoire, un Sars identifié comme un coronavirus.
Auparavant le Sars ne donnait que des symptômes bénins. 2/
En recherchant les origines de ce Sars, Le Dr Shi Zhengli effectue des prélèvements dans les grottes de chauves-souris (les origines de la fable).

C’est alors qu’elle est rejoint par Peter Daszak, zoologiste américain et Président d'Ecohealth Alliance. 3/
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🔥 A deep dive into how Pfizer and their original mRNA manufacturer BioNTech prepared early for the pandemic that appeared to unfold into 2020...
#COVID19 #Covid #mrna @RobertKennedyJr @Johnincarlisle @delbigtree @AlexBerenson @benshapiro @elonmusk @KimIversenShow
1/n 🧵 Image
Bill #Gates invests 50 million euros in Biontech, a manufacturer of genetically engineered therapies for cancer patients.… Image
BioNTech goes public/IPO.… Image
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Eine Chronik

Teil 1
Düstere Vorzeichen

Juni 2019 - Dezember 2020

🧵 Image
Eine redliche #Aufarbeitung der Pandemie und im Besonderen von #2G ist zwingend notwendig.

Ich versuche mit dieser Thread-Serie einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten.

Karl #Lauterbach im Bundestag zum Grundrecht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit:

"Dieses Recht wird auch dann gelten hier in Deutschland, wenn wir eine ganz andere Geschichte hätten. [..] Dieses Recht hat jeder in Europa, das sollte überall beachtet werden."
Read 111 tweets
@KristaKiuru #Tedros Adhanom: #WHO chief may face #genocide charges | Dec 14
- David #Steinman accused Tedros, 55, who took over at the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials in control of the Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.
@KristaKiuru 27 years, the #TPLF dominated and controlled every walk of life in every corner of #Ethiopia.
- #HumanRights abuses were rampant, independent media and journalists were non-existent and arrest and intimidation of opposition politicians was commonplace.
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1 🧵Outrage & confusion has the the constant & current state of anyone paying attention-outrage at politicians & policies which have failed so many of us. Despite being a researcher focused on #C19, I again have been shocked at more damning evidence...
2🧵For most people, late 2019 was the last months that held some semblance of normalcy. In December 2019, the first samples of C19 were collected in China, then called a cluster of "pneumonia's."…
3🧵The official #narrative that was forced on the public denied the possibility of a lab leak origin. They vehemently claimed the outbreak was most likely caused by a "spillover event." Today, multiple agencies claim the lab leak is valid.…
Read 17 tweets
1/ It’s funny about that pesky furin cleavage site that makes SARS-CoV-2 particularly infectious to humans. The possibility that it got there through natural recombination with other viruses exists, but it’s obviously very low—so low that no other SARS-like virus…
2/ (subgenus Sarbecovirus) actually has it, even though 200-300 of them have been identified. Meanwhile, the likelihood that the FCS got into the virus either through genetic engineering or serial passage in cell lines or animal models is quite high. Why? Because…
3/ Scientists at the Wuhan Inst Virology and their research partners in the U.S. and Singapore signaled their intention of doing just those experiments in the 2018 DEFUSE proposal to DARPA. Even though that particular proposal was not funded, we know for sure that…
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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko : #Covid_19
Ils sont partis d'un virus naturel et ils en ont fait une chimère qui s'attaque au poumon.
En 1999 le Dr #Barrett a modifié un coronavirus de chauve souris et une protéine de surface, afin qu'il affecte les être humains.
Puis cette recherche est devenue illégale aux 🇺🇸, elle a été ensuite envoyé à #Wuhan par #Fauci où cette recherche s'est poursuivie. Puis ils ont réussi à modifier le virus afin de le rendre bcp + agressif pour les 🫁et causer des caillots.
#Zelenko #Malonne #Yeadon #Montagnier
La protéine #Spyke responsable des caillots sanguins, 1e cause des décès à court terme. La 💉des jeunes qui provoque des #Cardites. Les fausses couches avec + de 80% après la 1e💉. Puis la fertilité causée sur le long terme
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Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. et Children's Health Defense (#CHD) ont intenté vendredi un procès collectif contre le président #Biden, le Dr Anthony #Fauci et d'autres hauts fonctionnaires et agences fédérales, en les accusant d’avoir "mené une campagne systématique 🔽
et concertée" pour contraindre les trois plus grandes entreprises de médias sociaux du pays à censurer des discours protégés par la Constitution. Kennedy, Children's Health Defense et Connie Sampognaro ont déposé la plainte auprès du tribunal de district des États-Unis 🔽
pour le district occidental de Louisiane, division de Monroe, au nom de plus de 80 % des Américains qui accèdent aux informations par le biais de sociétés de médias sociaux, principalement #Facebook, #YouTube et #Twitter.

Les plaignants accusent de hauts fonctionnaires 🔽
Read 13 tweets
Allerorten wird jetzt eine #Pandemieaufarbeitung gefordert. #HeribertPrantl auf @BR24 Peter Dabrock (@just_ethics) fordert eine Versöhnungskommission und @alex_neubauer spürt im Spiegel seinem inneren kleinen Diktator in der #Pandemie nach. 1/
Also Ärmel hochgekrempelt - packen wir es an. Es folgt ein very #LongRead
Aber davor noch zwei Verweise zu anderen Threads 2/
Der vormals angeheftete Tweet zum Wandel der Natur der Pandemie durch zunehmende Immunisierung findet sich hier:

Wem dieser Tweet hier zu lange ist, der kann gerne auch bei #65 im Thread starten.
Read 63 tweets
Senate Intelligence Committee vice chair promising "groundbreaking" report on #COVID19

In a video statement, @marcorubio says the report is "based on almost 18 months of investigations ...evidence that was either previously unknown or otherwise ignored by the US government"
Last week, @FBI Director Christopher told the Senate Intelligence Committee the bureau "has long assessed going back t the summer of 2021 that the origin of the pandemic was likely a lab incident in #Wuhan"
Where does the rest of US intelligence community stand on the question?

@ODNIgov Dir Avril Haines told the committee:

4 agencies + Nat'l Intelligence Council-"low confidence" #COVID19 pandemic caused by natural exposure to infected animal

@ENERGY: lab leak w/low confidence
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@RobertKennedyJr erzählt @jimmy_dore, dass Dr. Anthony #Fauci seit 2002 für die Entwicklung von Biowaffen für das Pentagon zuständig ist und 2014 drei #Viren aus #USLaboren entwichen, so dass er seine #Biowaffenforschung in das Labor in #Wuhan verlegte:
"Sie nahmen das Geld, das #Cheney ihnen [aus dem Patriot Act] gab, 2,2 Milliarden Dollar, und leiteten es durch das #NIH, und alles lief über Anthony #Fauci. Ab 2002 bekam Anthony Fauci also eine 68%ige Erhöhung vom #Pentagon für die Entwicklung von Biowaffen, …

…und er bekam eine Erhöhung von Milliarden von Dollar pro Jahr, und dann begann er mit all diesen Funktionsgewinnen.
Im Jahr 2014 entkamen 3 dieser #Keime in öffentlichkeitswirksamen Ausbrüchen aus verschiedenen Labors in den #USA. Der Kongress veranstaltete Anhörungen dazu
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Making #viruses more dangerous. #Gain-of-function research by #Pfizer: It is creepy to magnify the dangerousness of #germs. For me, it is a form of madness. This is a thread.
@Markus_Krall, @SchellenbergerMD @SimeonPreuss @aya_velazquez @punctpreradovic @SHomburg
The U.S. continues to fund this type of research, namely in various places outside the U.S. (#Wuhan, #Ukraine, ...), and according to various sources, sometimes even in direct collaboration with #Pfizer.…
See references in this article. 2/20
It is just as creepy to increase the dangerousness of conflicts in order to better sell one's expensive #armaments to the man/woman. For me, this is just another form of the same greed-driven madness.…
Read 21 tweets
Happening now: US Senate's Annual Worldwide Threats with:

@ODNIgov Dir Avril Haines
@CIA Dir William Burns
@DefenseIntel Dir LtGen Scott Berrier
@CYBERCOM_DIRNSA Gen Paul Nakasone
@FBI Dir Christopher Wray…
"We are increasingly seeing rising competition in the technology space with authoritarian regimes that are challenging democratic norms at home & around the world," per Senate Intel Committee chair @MarkWarner
#China's communist party "is now a near-peer competitor with the United States in its economy, technology & military capabilities" per @MarkWarner
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🧵1/8 Let’s recap the major conspiracy theories passing their six month expiration date over the last two weeks and are suddenly no longer misinformation. And, what do you call it when something that was officially misinformation is now just “information?” #fact
2/8 The #Wuhan lab leak: having received support from FBI Director Chris Wray and now the US Senate. Remember in 2020, Fauci and Francis Collins were so concerned about “lab leak” misinformation they organized a secret media campaign to discredit anyone who promoted the idea.
3/8 Oh, and lest we forget, it was a hate crime — “racist” — to blame the Wuhan Flu on Chyna.

But not now!
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🔴 Humains et souris : Le gouvernement américain a créé le vaccin - A-t-il aussi créé le virus ?

Très interessant éditorial de Drew Allen dans American Thinker à lire et à RT !…

De toutes les "théories du complot" qui ont circulé autour du #COVID19 🔽
aucune n'a été plus manifestement VRAIE que la théorie selon laquelle le virus se serait échappé du laboratoire de #Wuhan.

En mars 2020, interviewé par National Geographic, Tony #Fauci a catégoriquement rejeté la "théorie" selon laquelle le virus proviendrait du 🔽
laboratoire de #Wuhan.

En fait, a-t-il dit, il n'y a pas UNE SEULE preuve pour soutenir cette théorie. Au lieu de cela, Tony Fauci a affirmé que toutes les preuves montrent que le virus est passé des animaux aux humains.

Autrement dit, il s'agit d'un virus naturel. 🔽
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En días recientes salió a la luz una teoría muy controversial 🤔: ¿de dónde provino el COVID-19? ¿Fue de un laboratorio en #Wuhan o se propagó naturalmente en animales?

En este hilo 🧵te contamos de que va esta teoría 🚨
#WuhanLab #Hilo
El origen del COVID-19 ha sido tema de debate en todo el mundo. La teoría de que el virus se originó en un laboratorio en Wuhan ha ganado popularidad entre algunos políticos y científicos, aunque la mayoría de la comunidad científica cree que el virus se propagó de forma natural
Acá viene lo interesante😰: La Oficina de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia del Departamento de Energía de EE.UU. ha respaldado la teoría de la fuga de laboratorio, convirtiéndose en la segunda entidad de inteligencia del gobierno de Estados Unidos, junto con el FBI, en hacerlo.
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NEW: @FBI believes the origins of the #COVID19 #coronavirus pandemic "most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan" per Director Christopher Wray
This first public comments from @FBI's Wray on the origins of #COVID19 comes just days after the @WSJ reported the @ENERGY Dept concluded with "low confidence" the virus spread as a result of a lab leak
The @FBI's assessment of the origins of #COVID19 are in line w/one of the two main hypotheses from the US intelligence community - first shared in August 2021
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I #provax sbandierano come prova dell'origine naturel del #COVID19 principalmente due studi, di cui uno su #Nature.

Il primo si intitola "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2"…

Il secondo "SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site was not engineered" scritto solo da Robert F. Gary…

Gli autori dei due studi sono stati finanziati da #NIAID…
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Dopo 3 anni i sostenitori dell'origine naturale del #virus del #COVID19 non sono riusciti a dimostrarla.
Ergo l'origine di #laboratorio è certa, l'origine dentro il laboratorio collegato a #Fauci a #Wuhan è molto probabile.

Nel 2015 era già chiaro
Dato che è intervenuto questo troll, ricordiamo chi è la Bombetta 🤡
La troll Bombetta non riesce a postare studi che non siano fatti da persone con conflitti di interesse con Fauci 🤣…
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#Firefighters to go on #strike across the #UK after union members vote for action | 1h ago
- More than 80% of members who voted backed strike action across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland when they were balloted last month.…
#UK #Teachers set to #strike after pay #talks with #Tory ministers collapse | Jan 30
- Despite years of falling take-home pay, the government offered most teachers just 5 per cent for 2022-23 — about half the rate of 40-year-high double-digit #inflation.…
Tiny #Britain is sinking.
Who will be on strike on walkout Wednesday? | Jan 30
- 100s of 1000s of workers will go on #strike on Wednesday in separate disputes over pay, jobs and conditions - the biggest day of industrial action in more than a decade.…
Read 26 tweets
Die C19-#Massenimpfung war spätestens seit der Boosterkampagne Ende 21 ein finanzielles Desaster, wie aktuelle Daten aus dem UK zeigen.

Die Resistenz der "Ungeimpften" verhinderte auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene weiteren finanziellen, wohl auch gesundheitlichen Schaden.

Zu den Daten:

Die @UKHSA gab nun Schätzungen heraus, wie viele Injektionen notwendig sind, um einen C19-Hospitalisierungsfall / C19-ICU-Fall zu verhindern (NNTV).

Berücksichtigt wurden Alter/Impfserie/Risiko.

Empirischer Bezugspunkt ist #Omicron.…

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Demnach waren 15.800 #Geboosterte bei den 50-59-Jährigen (ohne Risiko) notwendig, um eine C19-Hospitalisierung zu verhindern.

107.000 für eine C19-ICU-belegung.

Bei Jüngeren lag das Verhältnis noch ungünstiger für die Injektionen.

3/9 ImageImage
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'Not afraid of the virus': Wuhan turns page on Covid, three years on.

As China celebrates Lunar New Year this week, Wuhan is unrecognisable compared to the apocalyptic scenes that gripped the city of 11 million in early 2020
Past and present.

Combination of @AFP photographer Hector Retamal's images from Wuhan - from January 2020 and January 2023.

Since Beijing ordered Wuhan sealed off in a bid to suffocate the outbreak in January 2020, Covid has devastated the planet, killing millions
VIDEO: Outside Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, once suspected of being the epicentre of the outbreaks, that has been closed since January 2020.

More than three years after the discovery of the first cases of the coronavirus, the origin of the pandemic remains enigmatic
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