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May 27th 2023
[RG911team] While many people focus on Jan6 bombshells and Hunter Biden bombshells, we should remind ourselves of the ACTUAL bombs that were reported in the Twin Towers on 9/11. When will those criminals be brought to justice? #firefighters #truth
[RG911Team] You might think that the government would have tested for explosive residue at Ground Zero after 9/11. You would be wrong. See… Image
[RG911Team] However, a team of university scientists discovered hi-tech incendiary materials in the WTC dust that can be used to destroy steel in a controlled demolition. Their peer reviewed research proves that the Twin Towers were brought down intentionally. See…… Image
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May 8th 2023
Over 100 #Wildfires Burn Across #Trudeau-#UNfriendly Province, #Alberta | May 7
- A reminder that an #election approaches in this province, and that Danielle #Smith, the relatively new premier, has been a major #critic of the Trudeau government.… Image
cc: @ BushelsPerAcre
I know, it’s just pure coincidence the province with 1.7 trillion barrels of #oil, with a premier who said they would get rid of the #carbontax, who said no to the fed #gun grab and who said no to the Fed interfering with resource devt
cc: @ WhiteCrkLumber
The forest #fires in #Alberta are serious, all the jibber jabber from the left blaming #Smith or the Forestry is just that, J-j. In Modern history never have so many fires started at all once so close to so many communities.
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Jan 30th 2023
#Firefighters to go on #strike across the #UK after union members vote for action | 1h ago
- More than 80% of members who voted backed strike action across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland when they were balloted last month.…
#UK #Teachers set to #strike after pay #talks with #Tory ministers collapse | Jan 30
- Despite years of falling take-home pay, the government offered most teachers just 5 per cent for 2022-23 — about half the rate of 40-year-high double-digit #inflation.…
Tiny #Britain is sinking.
Who will be on strike on walkout Wednesday? | Jan 30
- 100s of 1000s of workers will go on #strike on Wednesday in separate disputes over pay, jobs and conditions - the biggest day of industrial action in more than a decade.…
Read 26 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
Brief thread: Support your local volunteer #firefighters; they're the ones who are actually in your towns and villages with all the equipment and training when there's a bad accident --
They are individual nodes of trained help walking by, driving by, there right away even before their trucks and gear show up, while police and ambulances can take twenty minutes or longer to show up and the hospital is closed.
#firefighters #FirstAid #HospitalClosures
They're not just for fires. I'd guess, from what I was on the edges of last night, quite a lot of what they do isn't fires.
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Dec 9th 2022
lots of position statements on modern methods of construction #MMC as @NFCC_Chair highlights the dangers (thread)

Excellent points from @emmadentcoad on modern methods of construction #MMC

Wed do well to listen to the Ex MP who championed post #grenfell response & legislative overhauls.
Contrasting view on modern methods of construction #MMC from @Ivan_McKee
Read 23 tweets
Aug 25th 2022
#China has issued an orange alert on Wednesday for #drought as a scorching #heatwave sweeps across much of the country.
Parts of Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Tibet suffered from moderate to severe droughts, according to the National Meteorological Center.
In the next three days, precipitation in parts of the Yellow River, Huaihe, Jiangsu, Anhui and Sichuan basins will ease the drought, high temperature and dry weather will continue in other regions.
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Mar 13th 2022

A Thread by 2 🇺🇸 #Firefighters.

cc:@JoeBiden @APompliano @Dennis_Porter_ @CaitlinLong_ @TuckerCarlson @PrestonPysh @VailshireCap @MartyBent @LawrenceLepard
What does it meant to say "money is moving to the internet"?
Isn't it already there?

The answer is NO.

There are key differences between natively digital...and analog uploaded to the digital.

Our current monetary system is the latter.

Legacy financial rails have been transposed on the internet, but true settlement remains antiquated, slow, and dependent on intermediaries.

Read 24 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
Reported shooting victim on the platform at the Georgia Avenue-Petworth Metro Station. @dcfireems @DCPoliceDept @MetroTransitPD on scene. @popville @RealTimeNews10 #police #firefighters #EMS #wmata
Here's a little more video of @dcfireems @DCPoliceDept & @MetroTransitPD responding a short time ago for the shooting victim on the platform at the Georgia Avenue-Petworth Metro Station. @popville #police #EMS #firefighters
UPDATE: DC government source says initial report is the person found shot at the Georgia Avenue-Petwork Metro Station is believed to be 17-years-old. Sent to a trauma center with what appears to be a gunshot wound to the chest. #wmata @PoPville
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Feb 16th 2022
(1) NEW: How bad are structural issues with the T.R. Bridge? It isn't just the public impacted by emergency repairs. STATter911 has learned both @ArlingtonVaFD & @dcfireems are restricting how fire apparatus can access the bridge for emergencies. (more) #vatraffic #dctraffic Image
(2) @ArlingtonVaFD confirms it's following the lead of @dcfireems which limits speeds to a maximum of 25 mph, prohibits fire apparatus from parking side-by-side, keeps apparatus at least 30 feet from each other & 30 feet from open bridge joints. (more) Image
(3) @dcfireems also makes it clear that heavier pieces of fire apparatus like Tower 3 and the department's foam units aren't to use the T.R. Bridge "under any circumstances." #firefighters #traffic Image
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Jan 2nd 2022
This is horrifying. I expected this to happen at some point in Jan or Feb with #Omicron. I didn't expect it happen on January 1. 💔

🙏 to all of of the volunteer #firefighters & #EMS. Friends, please go donate to your local depts to honor their service. #MedTwitter #Maryland
Listen, important. Most adults in #Maryland are #vaccinated. Fewer kids are. MANY haven't yet gotten a #boostershot (only 70M in entire US pop of 331M #boosted). A booster will ⬇️ risk of hospitalization by 88% & starts protecting you in 7d with major protection in 14d. GO DO IT!
If you're #boosted, THANK YOU. Your job is to call 3 people age 16+ NOW who are #vaccinated but not yet #boosted & tell them to #GetBoosted ASAP. This is time-critical, esp w/ #schools to reopen in 36 hrs. #Baltimore #Maryland, appts here as soon as 1/4:…
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Dec 28th 2021
1. How bad is the current MD hospital situation? One @PGFDNews ambulance has been at Capital Region Medical Center for more than 7 hours this afternoon & evening (more) #COVID19 #firefighters #EMS #Hospitals @RealTimeNews10 @RamirezReports @SegravesNBC4
2. Another @PGFDNews ambulance has been at Doctors for more than 4 hours. (more)
3. In Charles County one ambulance at Charles Regional Medical Center has been there for more than 5 hrs. (more)
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Nov 20th 2021
How on earth did this happens - with modern fire suppression systems the catastrophic loss was preventable.

Over seen a few historic projects where we installed oxygen reduction or water mist.

Buckley fire: Berwyn Books sees 400,000 destroyed in blaze…
Here’s a little article on how to salvage water or smoke damaged books.

From - freeze drying to latent print lifts following the Smithsonian fire it’s now a specialist area of #disasterrecovery…
@NIST have done some fantastic work in the area of fire disaster recovery and salvaged

Here’s a little insight on there amazing work post Smithsonian fire…
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Sep 21st 2021
1. Firefighters in California are in a desperate battle to defend giant sequoias

Like glaciers or coral reefs, it is another example where climate change threatens some of the most beautiful sights on our planet.

Thread 🧵

#Sequoia #wildfires #California #ClimateCrisis

2. The changing climate changes the planet, including some of the most beautiful sights that you may see in your lives.

From the magnificent glaciers in the mountains to the coral reefs in the oceans, we destroy the most iconic examples of nature.…

3. I remember how amazed I was in the 1990s when seeing some of these enormous trees in California.

Standing on the forest floor and looking up, they seemed to grow into infinity.


#nature #forests #SequoiaNationalPark #California #hiking
Read 15 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
A moment of silence, in remembrance of the moment the first plane hit the North Tower on 9/11, here at the beginning of the annual #firefighter Manitou Incline climb.

And a moment of silence for the minute the second plane hit.

We’re about to start climbing.

We’re at the base of the incline. RJ Gerry leads the group - he started this tradition in 2014 with only three #firefighters.

#Remember911 @KOAA
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May 15th 2021
#Breaking #VegetationFire #solo #vehicle #crash #OrangeCounty #CNF @CHPCapistrano @OCFADivision4 are responding to a vegetation fire that started after an off-road, vehicle crash

The location is deep in the #CNF & access for #OCFA & #CHP will be very difficult due to the terrain
#Update - This solo vehicle crash, that started the vegetation fire, is now being reported as an overturned Jeep with multiple injuries
#Update - For those unfamiliar with this terrain/ give you an idea someone with #4WD off-road experience during daylight hours & with decent road conditions, the average drive time up the mountain to Harding Truck Trail & Maple Springs Rd, takes at least an 1 hour
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Sep 11th 2020
On this night 19 years ago,246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights.2606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning tomorrow.343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift.#Pennsylvania #Pentagon #FDNY #GiantSlayrs Image
60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift of saving lives. None of them saw past 10:00 am Sept 11, 2001. In one single moment life may never be the same. Image
As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted. Image
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Sep 9th 2020
I want you to know about #hotshots. Hotshots are the small, elite teams of on-ground firefighters who are braving the elements and fighting fires with shovels, chainsaws, and superhuman endurance. They work for the National Forest Service. #Fire
Here’s a good video showing what hotshots actually do for #fires. It is an amazing group of people, being taxed to the utmost by a catastrophic climate condition.
#Hotshots clear breaks, so fires have nothing to burn. They do this by hand, digging, picking, and raking, out in the wilderness. 16 hours a day, camping where they fight. And they set back burns to fight fire with fire. #fires…
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Sep 6th 2020
#ValleyFire 🔥SHELTER IN PLACE per @CalFire if unable to evacuate bc of fire blocking road. #Fire in Carveacre Rd & Japutal Rd in #Alpine area. Call 911 if need emergency #evacuation assistance. Follow @SDSheriff @CALFIRESANDIEGO & @ClevelandNF (thread)
If you must SIP, put wet towels under doors, close all windows & fireplace damper, & if you have time, get on roof & cover vents. Before fire approaches, turn off gas at meter, fill trash cans/buckets/tub w/water, wet down roof and vegetation (thread...)
Turn on your house & solar lights. Breathe in 3, hold 2, out 3, repeat to remain calm. Bring flammables from yard-umbrellas, etc-inside house; only move things like cans of gas away from house if you can get them far from homes. Wear N95mask or use vacuumbag as filter for mask...
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Aug 21st 2020
“In many ways, the #GrizzlyCreekFire is a public works fire, threatening the viral #infrastructure for millions of westerners”
“ground crews are not fighting flames in the precipitous Glenwood Canyon. They can’t even reach them.”

#firefighters #firefighting #cofire
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Jun 19th 2020
I am truly proud to announce my endorsement from @SEIU!

"Working people need elected officials who will fight for economic, racial and immigrant justice."

Since her strong campaign 2 years ago, Vangie Williams has been working tirelessly in our community to lift up the voices of working people and make Virginia a better place.

I’m proud to support her for Congress"
Tammie Wondong, VA-1 resident, social worker and @SEIUVA512 leader Image
Union workers are our strongest workforce. They pull together to make sure our working class stay protected and not abused with ensuring safe working conditions, adequate pay scales, the fight for gender and racial equality and so much more.
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Apr 22nd 2020
SPECIAL ANALYSIS: Grisly experiments have become synonymous with the #US government, which has meted out untold horrors against humans and animals alike.
By: John Whitehead
#COVID19 #EarthDay
The cannibalistic experiments involve killing cats and dogs purchased from Colombia, #Brazil, Vietnam, China and Ethiopia, and then feeding the dead remains to laboratory kittens, bred in government laboratories for the purpose of being infected with a disease and then killed. Image
"We the people” have also become the #Police state guinea pigs. Back in 2017, FEMA “inadvertently” exposed nearly 10,000 #firefighters, paramedics and other responders to a deadly form of ricin during simulated #BioTerrorism response sessions.
#COVID19 #lockdown Image
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Mar 26th 2020
I've heard some claim that #doctors are greedy, heartless, willing to sacrifice patient health and safety for profit, referring to vaccines, triage of care, the expense of healthcare, and the list goes on.

I hope this clears all that up for you. #PPE…
This goes also for #nurses, PA's, #firstresponders, #firefighters, #police, #military, and all those who risk their own safety to help others. You don't go into one of our fields to get rich. You do it because you care about others.

#SoMeDocs #medtwitter #HealthcareHeroes
Yes, there are bad actors, but that's true in all professions. The majority of #HealthCareWorkers risk their own health & safety daily, as do #FirstResponders, not just during #COVIDー19. Don't blame the providers when you're really mad at the system.
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Jan 24th 2020
(1/4) .@JacksonLeeTX18 thoughts and prayers go out to the families who are victims of the horrific explosion in Northwest Houston this morning. I offer my heartfelt condolence to the families whose loved one’s were loss. #HOUSTONnews
(2/4) .@JacksonLeeTX18 I have called the Governor’s office and FEMA to request a disaster declaration and to find the cause of this tragic incident #houstonnews
(3/4) .@JacksonLeeTX18 Thanks to our brave #FirstResponders who always place their lives in harms way to save others. This site is in my district, and I plan to visit it today and try to help as many impacted as possible #houstonnews #firefighters #police
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