May 23, 2018
Joseph Farrell, an Election Monitor in Venezuela as well as a member of the Board of the #UK Centre for Investigative Journalism & an associate of #WikiLeaks.
We Tested The Venezuelan Electoral System
May 18, 2018
While the #US is labeling Venezuelan elections as "non-democratic", we tested the voting system.
#Maduro #HandsOffVenezuela #Tulsi2020
Jun 1, 2018👇WATCH‼️
Both 🇻🇪 & 🇨🇴 have caused a stir of controversy, with #US-backed forces seeming to play a large role in each. Author & #CivilRights Attorney @danielmkovalik, who was there to witness.
May 14, 2018
Election, was moved up by several months. A large part of the opposition is boycotting the vote, but a serious challenger ran against #Maduro
May 17, 2018
Venezuelans will go to the polls on Sunday under dire economic distress w/inflation expected to reach 10,000%
Why would the Trump admin. want to prevent, an opposition leader who could possibly win the presidency in Venezuela from running in this election?
This is to ensure that the hardliners in line w/ #US interests come to power…

Many academics who have studied the Venezuelan media have argued that media label only middle-class groups as forming civil society, while demonising working-class groups as hordes, gangs or riffraff.…
LIAR👇😡👉She signed the Carmona decree,which DISSOLVED the Supreme Court, the National Assembly & other Democratic Institutions during the 2002 coup against #HugoChávez‼️

Harvard-educated oligarch #LeopoldoLopez, one protagonists behind the unrest & violent protests in 2014, was active in the failed #US-backed coup that briefly ousted #HugoChávez in 2002…
While posing as a champion of democracy, he has spent years at the forefront of a violent campaign of destabilization.
Report by @dancohen3000 & @MaxBlumenthal…
Right-wing opposition leaders #LeopoldoLópez & #MariaCorinaMachado launched La Salida (the Exit) campaign — aimed at removing #Maduro from office — by “[creating] chaos in the streets.”…👈

Jake Johnston of the Center for Economic & Policy Research (#CEPR) has been keeping track of the deaths attributed to the violent protests in 2014 “#Venezuela: Who Are They & How Did They Die?“…👈Detailed List With Name & Date

Countering Washington's False Narrative👇
The President of Venezuela has the clear unequivocal right to call for a Constitutional Assembly: Articles 347, 348, 349 of the Constitution.

(with Identification card, thumbprint, and paper slip print of the vote for triple confirmation)
#HandsOffVenezuela #Elections #NicolasMaduro #JuanGuaido #FakeNewsMedia #MonroeDoctrine #BigOil #KochBrothers #Gold
(with Identification card, thumbprint, and paper slip print of the vote for triple confirmation)
#HandsOffVenezuela #Elections #CNE #NicolasMaduro #JuanGuaido