THREAD: Mueller has subpoenaed Trump Org for documents, including some related to #Russia🇷🇺
This is the first known time that Mueller demanded documents *directly related* to Trump’s businesses‼️ 1/
h/t @traciemac_Bmore…
Sater has been an FBI informant for DECADES‼️😎 6/
And Sater is cooperating, so just imagine how BIGLY BAD this is for @realDonaldTrump‼️🤣 7/
His lawyers have advised Trump to REFUSE the interview, but Trump wants to do it b/c he says he's done nothing wrong & can easily answer Mueller's questions.😂8/
This sure is a helluva NothingBurger.🍔🍔🍔 9/
Trump and the rest of Team🇷🇺Traitor are TOAST‼️