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Mar 23rd 2023
If you're on your #smartphone checking for some #thick sexy asian #girls here's the #best option for you
If you're in #USA you're especially lucky because there is this brand new site full of new sexy #asian chicks
You are not allowed to sleep on this one , do you know that?

Just go there and start messing around with sexiest #asian #babes

Here you go…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Monday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
The new episode of our newsletter was released last night, which includes our take on the current #macro environment.

Read it and sign up here…
Signature Bank’s crypto-related deposits will be returned to customers directly, rather than being taken over by a unit of #NewYork Community #Bancorp under a deal announced Sunday.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
#Ericsson fined $207m for concealing internal probe into bribes paid to #ISIS

The #Swedish company was involved in a large scale corruption scheme across several #Asian countries…
#Swedish telecom giant Ericsson has been fined $207 million for violating a deferred prosecution deal with US authorities by concealing evidence of serious misconduct in #Iraq, where the company reportedly bribed #ISIS to access a specific transport route between 2011 & 2019.
In a statement issued on 2 March, Ericsson said it had entered “a guilty plea regarding previously deferred charges relating to conduct prior to 2017” for not disclosing its inquiry to the US authorities.…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023

The late Soviet leader Mikhail #Gorbachev warned — echoing President #Eisenhower — that the “greatest danger to the world is the military industrial complex.”

The first concentration camp: #Thalerhof — where thousands of Russians (and those merely suspected of Russian allegiance) were tortured, starved, and murdered in #WWI.

My full interview with Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy @Dpol_un.

Posted in 3 parts. (See thread for links)

Part 1: End of the #ColdWar: #Reagan, #Gorbachev, Perestroika, Winds of Change, the fall of the #USSR.…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
.... the FCD scheme that allowed
#Pakistanis to convert illegal or undeclared income into #dollar accounts, without fear of legal retribution, started in 1991 and ended in 1998. Its demise occurred when the government froze hard currency withdrawals and repaid everyone (1/13)
the value of their deposits in Pakistani #rupees to deal with the foreign currency crisis created by sanctions imposed after Pakistan’s #nuclear tests in 1998.

Other schemes to deal with diminution in concessional flow of foreign #funds have veered from the dangerous to (2/13)
the comical. In early 1991, soon after the US invoked the sanctions under the Pressler Amendment, ‘Pakistan’s army chief and the head of its intelligence agency proposed a detailed “blueprint” for selling heroin to pay for the country’s covert #military operations.’ The (3/13)
Read 13 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Diversity in Radiology: Current status & trends from 2010-2019
#of females graduating from medical school is >50%, but, #of radiology residency applicants is <30% & has remained unchanged in last decade

@radiology_rsna @RadITrainEditor
The low representation of African American & Hispanic radiology faculty is seen at all levels & has not changed over time
%of female radiologists have not changed much in the last decade

Asst Prof - 32% (2010) 31% (2019)
Assoc Prof - 23% (2010) 28% (2019)
Professors - 17% (2010) 22% (2019)
Chairs - 13% (2010) 17% (2019)

Read 5 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
🔎The #Pentagon has launched a project to rapidly increase the sale of #US weaponry to foreign allies to compete with #China. The Wall Street Journal has reported that the Pentagon had created a task force last month to address inefficiencies in arms sales to foreign countries.
This information comes after the State Department approved a $1.1 billion arms sale to #Taiwan on Friday. The package includes 60 anti-ship missiles, 100 air-to-air missiles, and surveillance radar equipment.
#China has reportedly exported $17 billion in weaponry between 2010 and 2020, with about 77 percent going to #Asian countries and 20 percent going to #Africa.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 20th 2022
1) A common misconception in Asian Twitter & Reddit spaces is that AMs & WFs have lower rates of STDs than AFs, implying AMs are more incel than AFs. However stats from @CDCgov indicate otherwise. A long thread. #STDawareness #asian #asianmalewhitefemale #whitemaleasianfemale
2) The claim that AMs and WFs have lower rates of STDs than AFs come from this study by Hahm et al:…, which found that AAPI females report STDs four times more than AAPI males & about 50% more than WFs. #AAPI #STDawareness #STDfacts #Asiansgonewild
3) However, if you look at Hahm et al's method of measuring STD rates, it's just a question asking if a doctor or nurse told the participant they had certain STDs, including HPV, bacterial vaginosis and nongonococcal vaginitis.… #STDawareness #AAPI
Read 24 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
A crucial voice to be heard and heard attentively from an expert, who is one of the few having the expertise and insight to make relevang comments on the menacing situation that is unfolding in the #PacificOcean.
A situation that may portend a #war of fearsome consequences.
Contrary to an opinion, common both among (some of the) experts and laymen, the #balance_of_power in this region, which is critically important for the stability of the #world_order and its #security_architecture, is far from being either clear or fixed (though we want it to be).
And, as the history of international relations teaches us, it is usually the lack of clarity and miscalculations that wars arise from. What transpires from this analysis, the #US no longer substantially surpasses #China in the military field (save for others such as economy).
Read 10 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
Since we are getting a few questions ano daw ba ang Group Fun or GF and what happens in these events - well here's some quick facts. (a thread)

To meet alter friends, join the Viber GC.…

#group #fun #asian #men #pinoy Image
✅1. How to join GF?

Well, maraming GF events na available and can be sourced from Twitter, IG and TG. PERO ang recommended GF would be the ones na tried and tested na ng friends mo within your circle.

So wag mahiyang magtanong - ask your friends the right questions.
✅2. May bayad ba ang GF?

Most of the time YES to cover the expenses of the venue, food, condoms, lubes and many other things. Kaya wag magtaka kung may charge.

TIP: Hindi lahat ng mura ay sulit. At hindi lahat ng mahal ay dapat i-turn down. It's always a different experience.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
𝐀𝐳𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧- an article by @LeoKemboi & @IEAKwame
#Cynicaldea @IEAKwame and @LeoKemboi aserts that an indispensable requirement for every coalition should do as opposed to the fancy stories it can tell.
In the language of conventional economics thinking, @IEAKwame & @LeoKemboi make the uncontroversial claim that political coalitions should compete on how they can provide public goods as a start & pursue policies that expand the production possibilities frontier for Kenya.
Read 49 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
#China is building #PLA naval facility in northern portiion of #Cambodia’s #Ream #NavalBase on the #Gulf of #Thailand. #PLAN
Back in 2019, #China signed an agreement allowing its armed forces to use a #Cambodian #NavalBase to boost its ability to project military power around the globe.
The deal allows #China to use the base for 30 years, with automatic renewals every 10 years after that. #China would be able to post military personnel, store weapons & berth warships. A #Chinese company is also constructing a very large airport very close to the Naval facility.
Read 7 tweets
May 28th 2022
1-6. Many times in the Education sector (18 years & a bit) I was told during interviews "we only gave you an interview because we were told we've got to tick a box that we interviewed a coloured person". I will never forgot those horrible words!.
2. I was told "your over experienced for the role you've applied for, especially for someone of your kind!". I always knew what the reason was, they didnt want someone like me, it was obvious looking at the working enviroment. #southasian #asian #proud
3. I never knew being brown skinned, having a culture and religion was a crime, till I joined a profession that almost finished me off!. But I aint going nowhere! I'll keep standing my ground and building that equality and fairness for others in my position in the profession....
Read 6 tweets
Mar 29th 2022
#Asian #shares climb, oil drops ahead of Russia-Ukraine peace talks | 20 min ago
- #Trading has remained choppy as investors try to gauge what’s next for inflation and the global economy as the repercussions of Russia-Ukraine conflict continue to play out.…
Russian #Crude Continues To Flow Despite Harsh Sanctions | Mar 28
- Buyers in #China and #India have found ways to circumvent Western sanctions
- Russia continues to make a large profit per barrel, even with a $30 per barrel discount on its crude… #oilprice
Read 15 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
Avoid doing superfluous degrees from top-notch academic institutions.
Most of the top academic brand names will help you up to a certain extent, but, what employers are looking for are skills earned from subjects/specializations which can add value to their brands and bottom line
Just recently saw a top-notch social science specialist school offering a degree in #history in conjunction with another excellent #Asian Uni.
The problem is that nobody wants to hire exotic #historians, unless you are applying to work in the civil services or as a journalist.
A lot of universities are also advertising all types of degrees from financially #besmirching faculties which aren't contributing much to the university revenues.
So the vultures (FT staff) are offering degrees with a twist to lure innocent students to save their own jobs
Read 5 tweets
Nov 30th 2021
ما إن تخطّى برنامج «#شو_الوضع» حملة التحريض التي طالت الكوميدي #حسين_قاووق، حتّى وقع في شباك رقابة قناة #الجديد التي حذفت مقطعاً من حلقة أمس الإثنين، من دون العودة إلى فريق العمل.
أعاد الممثّلون نشر المشهد عبر حساباتهم على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، احتجاجاً على خطوة القناة التي حذفته «لأسبابها الخاصة»، معلنين رفضهم «الانحياز لأي جهة على حساب جهة أخرى».
ويتناول السكيتش الحملة التي رافقت دخول منتخب #كرة_القدم الإيراني إلى #لبنان مع حقائب كبيرة، في حين دخل #المنتخب_الإماراتي مع مرافقة مسلّحة وموافقة #وزير_الداخلية #بسام_المولوي من دون أي ضجّة تذكر، وذلك خلال التصفيات الآسيوية لنهائيات #كأس_العالم في #قطر عام 2022.
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Oct 16th 2021
Lmao my shih tzu Mr. Tao got jealous the one time someone was invited over (didn't really remember eating at all that day) that a friend who was 12 years old came over, he was Sri Lankan (Asian) and inspired me to run fast like him and he sniffed that person like a bloodhound /1
And sat behind us grinding his teeth with his cute big ass jaw and underbite lmao if that's not a toxic masculine human puppy (always called him that since 5) aka dog idk what is. #shihtzu #dog #buddism #reincarnation #tibet Just #asian things that's why he's like Sun Tzu/General
I think now sometimes his spirit went to the cat S'mores I was around cause I mentioned he acted like Mr. Tao, not cool bro, still love you doe like I did when you were alive <3 RIP Mr. Tao at 15 when I was 16.
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Sep 8th 2021
Mission 1 Lakh share price

#Honeywell Automation
#Abbott India
#Tasty Bite
Mission 20K share price stock list

#Bajaj Finserv
#Bajaj Finance
#India Mart
#Naukri (Info Edge)
#Affle India
Mission 10K share price stock list

#Amber Enterprises
#Asian Paints
#Fine Organic
#Gland Pharma
#GMM Pfaudler
Read 6 tweets
Aug 3rd 2021
#Somalia’s Finance state minister Mohamud Hayir Ibrahim has accused a #Canadian journalist and a non-governmental organisation of hacking his email and plotting to kill him, amid investigations into illegal fishing in the country’s Indian Ocean coastline. @NationAfrica
Mr Ibrahim has asked the #Kenyan courts to issue orders barring #Canadian journalist Jay Bahadur and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime (Giato) from investigating him over illegal fishing along #Somalia’s coastline.
Through Giato, Mr Bahadur last month published an investigative report on the vice, and it pointed to several government officials, including Mr Ibrahim, in aiding illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the Indian Ocean. #Somalia
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Jun 4th 2021
1/ Southeast #Asian countries edging closer to the #US

A fear of #China encroaching on territory pushes a number of countries to improve ties with the #US

#Philippines & #Malaysia are now edging closer to the US.…
2/ Throughout the past decade, Vietnam has been the only Southeast Asian nation that has consistently welcomed warmed ties with the West to counterbalance China. But other regional claimant states could soon do the same.
3/ After months of tough negotiations, Manila is set to retain the crucial Philippine-US Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), which is essential to sustained and large-scale American military deployments to Southeast Asia.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 11th 2021

#IRCTC* 100% Market share in Rail Network.
#IEX* >90% market share in power trading.
#Zydus wellness* >90% market share in sugar free product.
#Eicher motors* >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.
#MCX* >85% market share in commodity trading.
#coalindia India* >80% market share in coal production in India.
#ITC* >75% market share in cigarettes.
#HondaSiel* >75% in portable power generators.
#Hindustan Zinc* >75% market share in primary zinc industry.
#AsahiIndia Glass* >70% market share in automotive glass.
#NRB Bearings* >70% market share in needle roller bearings.
#Pidilite* >65% market share in adhesives.
#CAMS* >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.
#TimeTechnoplast* >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 3rd 2021
@CoachFelecia From time-to-time, ethnic personalities similar to that of #AndyNgo have appeared in right-wing movements ..

You just have to look for them.

These "ethnic" individuals aren't there to discover the truth!
@CoachFelecia They are their to provide a service. That is their value.

What is the service? They are weaponized to confuse the public while empowering "lily-white" delusions about black people.
@CoachFelecia These individuals...

Never thought their life could be
Anything but catastrophe

Read 92 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
Here's the latest episode of #COVID19 : Updates from Singapore
This series of webinars is brought to you by @WHOGOARN and @NUSMedicine

It's hosted by @profdalefisher , Prof. David Allen, and Dr. Louisa Sun
Watch here:
Read 70 tweets

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