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If someone gets a positive #COVID report, he/she should report to nearest Govt. health facility or #UttarPradesh #COVID Helpline 18001805145 or National #COVID_19 Helpline 1075.
On the basis of severity of symptoms, treating doctor will assign #HomeIsolation with...
... conditions (mild/ #asymptomatic cases) or hospitalization in #COVID__19 health facility (moderate or severe cases). Family members & other high-risk contacts of a #COVIDー19 case, will have to undergo for 14 days home #quarantine.
Patient under home #isolation will stand discharged after 10 days of symptom onset & no fever for 3 days. Thereafter, the #COVID_19 case will be advised to isolate at home & self-monitor their health for further 7 days. There is no need for testing after the home...
Read 5 tweets
Did analysis of #COVID when we crossed 1/2,1,2,3, 4,5,6,8 million cases
As we cross 10 million

Summary of findings from Johns Hopkins data
on global & #India trends
Stay home, stay safe!

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India #Covid_19

Global #COVID2019 cases has increased to over 10 million (1 crore): 1,01,45,791 as of 28 June

We see from log chart ie. rate of increase in confirmed cases is steady
but accelerating in June

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India #Covid_19 ImageImage
Global daily new cases seem to be range bound
around 80,000-100,000/day for the last 2 month
Spiked to 1.2-1.4 lakh/day & now almost 2 lakh/day-- 1.92L on 26 June

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India #Covid_19 #coronavirus #COVID2019india #coronaupdatesindia Image
Read 16 tweets
Did analysis of #COVID when we crossed 1/2,1,2,3, 4,5,6 million cases
As we cross 8 million
Summary of findings from Johns Hopkins data
on global & #India trends
Stay home, stay safe!
#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #Covid_19india #COVID__19

Global #COVID2019 cases has increased to over 8 million (80 lakh): 80,34,461 as of 16 June

We see from log chart ie. rate of increase in confirmed cases is steady
but accelerating last week

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #Covid_19india #COVID__19 ImageImage
Global daily new cases seem to be range bound
around 80,000-100,000/day for the last 2 month
Spiked to 1.2-1.4 lakh/day now!
record 1.38 lakh infections 11 June!

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #Covid_19india #COVID__19 #coronavirus #COVID2019india #coronaupdatesindia Image
Read 14 tweets
CM #UddhavThackeray addresses state: We are all waiting for this war to get over. Like I had said earlier, if we could have seen our enemy, we could have won this war a long time ago.

#COVID19 #COVID #CoronaInMaharashtra #Coronavirus #CoronavirusLockdown #CoronavirusOutbreak
CM #UddhavThackeray: But this enemy is invisible. And another factor is that this enemy is using our own people to spread its infection. Determination, strength, patience all of these will stand us in good stead.

#COVID19 #COVID #CoronaInMaharashtra #CoronavirusLockdown
CM Uddhav Thackeray: Tomorrow we will complete 6 weeks since we have been in a #lockdown. Many are constantly looking at numbers and raising questions so I want to place some numbers in front of you.

#COVID19 #COVID #CoronaInMaharashtra
Read 22 tweets
Agra reports 199 #Covid_19 cases till date
Agra records total 241 #Covid19 patients, including 46 in Paras hospital, three from S R Hospital
Reason behind 241 corona positive...Lack of coordination between S N medical college principal and its doctors ImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Precautions for #CoronaWarriors during #coronavirus pandemic:
24 points tat can save ur and ur family members life
@DrHarjitBhatti @DrRebellious
1. No belts (not possible to clean them effectively)
2. No wallets
3. No cash/coins-UPI/#Paytm etc
4. Use mobile phone as less as possible
5. Before going home at end of shift: place pen, stethoscope and hospital notes in a plastic resealable bag after cleaning them with alcohol 70%. Leave them in hospital if possible.
6. ‘Bare below elbows’ in hospital
7. Clean hands frm elbow below, with soap & water just before leaving duty. try not to touch any surfaces until u leave hospital.
8. Use cheap or old shoes if possible while going to hospital & throw them away when the pandemic is over.
9. Clean stethoscope with 70% alcohol
Read 8 tweets
Total #Covid19 -134
Live #Covid19 - 120
- Paras Hospital & Contact’s- 16
-Fatehpur Sikri & Contact’s - 14 (New)
-Dr P****d M****l & Contact’s -5
Total Samples collected till date -2264
The breakup is of two days
10th Sample - 12
11th Sample - 30
Two more corona positive in Firozabad, toll rose to 18.

The new case are related to Jamaat.

34 new Covid19 positive cases reported in Agra on Monday morning, increasing the district tally to 138. Out of these 124 are active cases. At least 60 cases related to people who attended the Tabligi Jammat event in Delhi and their contacts.
Read 38 tweets
#Thread on brief history of BCG vaccination in India and why researchers are touting it as an intervention that could possibly prevent a huge death toll in India and other countries with universal BCG vaccination program.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes TB been with us for over 70,000 years and adds approx 10 million cases/yr. It finds its mention in biblical books and has bn verified in Egyptian mummies. 1st documents describing TB, date back to 3300 and 2300 yrs in India and in China. ImageImage
The disease has been known by various names through history like "Pthisis","King's Evil","Robber of youth", "Consumption","White Plague" ,"Captain of all these men of Death" and has killed millions. Johann Lukas Schönlein coined the term "tuberculosis" ImageImageImageImage
Read 31 tweets
இந்தியா ரஸ்சியாவிலிருந்து வாங்க இருக்கும் s-400 விமான/ஏவுகணை எதிர்ப்பு கட்டமைப்பின் விலை 4,00,000 கோடி. ரபேல் போர் விமானங்கள் வாங்க இந்தியா செலவழிக்க இருக்கும் தொகை 60,000 கோடி. apachi வகை ஹெலிகாப்டர்கள் வாங்க இந்தியா செலவழிக்க இருக்கும் தொகை 2.25 லட்சம் கோடி.கூடங்குளம் அணு மின் ImageImageImage
நிலையங்கள் 3,4,5,6 என நான்கு உலைகளை அமைக்க இந்திய அரசு செல்வழிக்கப்போகும் தொகை 1.2லட்சம் கோடி.இதைத்தவிர இன்னும் நிறைய தேவையற்ற செலவுகள் உள்ளன, இவற்றையெல்லாம் நிறுத்தாமல் நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர்களின் தொகுதி வளர்ச்சி நிதியில் கைவைத்தது அராஜகம். Image
கொரோனா தொடர்பான விஷயங்களுக்கு நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர்கள் அவர்களுடைய நிதியிலிருந்து 50% அல்லது கூடுதலாக செலவழிக்கவேண்டும் என்று சொல்லியிருக்கலாம்.

#coronaupdatesindia #MPLADS
Read 3 tweets
#coronaupdatesindia short #, Thread
Reasons are being manufactured for any future in #India - collapse of #economy or #Covid19 spread:
1) It's #CoronaJihad, #Hindi news #channels have it. I'm getting same from #malayalam forwards too. No marks for guessing who's working on this
2) Supreme Court has passed some orders on how news should be carried (official version etc). Now, @PIBFactCheck has been added. Knowing what @PIB_India has been doing since time immemorial, it does not need an Einstein to figure out what this means for #media in #India
3) Advanced nations have not been able to tackle: @narendramodi himself spoke about this in #Lockdown announcement telecast. Easily refutable. Countries, whose leaders were in denial, got screwed. Others didn't. Look at how admirable Korea handled it even with lack of information
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#Day7 #Lockdown21 Looks like India has entered plateau. The number of tests increasing. Too early to say if #covid19 wont affect India like it did in others. Caution: Early to predict future trajectory #Covid19India #India #coronavirusinindia source: Image
To win the battle against #Covid19India, we require an effective containment strategy.… , India needs to adopt a syndromic approach with targeted testing. This is the way forward to reduce the maximum adverse impact. @tarunb20 @icmr_nie @Director_NCDC
The real threat as we move forward are the missed and silent areas, which have not reported #covid19 cases or delayed in reporting. The syndromic approach can tackle all these cases by isolating them and reducing transmission. However, #PPE is mandatory for frontline workers.
Read 6 tweets
THREAD When the nature changes its course, migratory birds travel miles, in search of resources, either for nesting or food. They often move in unison. A similar pattern was seen in India's national capital New Delhi on Saturday - not in the skies but down below. #CoronaLockdown
As soon as word spread that inter-state services are going to take passengers to U.P., migrants gathered in thousands to reach the Anand Vihar bus terminal in the hope of reaching home. #MigrantsOnTheRoad
There was an evident coordination between the govts in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh & at the Centre. Delhi's state-owned buses took the migrant workers to the Anand Vihar bus station so that they do not have to walk till there. Delhi Police ensured people take the buses and not walk.
Read 18 tweets

Think Indian Government is handling covid-19 well? You are wrong.

I know two people who arrived from Spain on 20th March, only one of them was quarantined that too for a day.

(1/n) #Coronaindia
On 31 Jan, one day after the first COVID-19 case in India, the govt’s directorate general of foreign trade issued a notification prohibiting the export of all PPE.

But on 8 February, the govt amended the order, allowing the export of surgical masks, gloves

(2/n) #Coronaindia
Heads of 2 associations of PPE manufacturers told Scroll that the govt. had not placed any substantial orders with the members

It didn't publicly issue clear standards for the design, quality & testing of Covid-19 safety gear w/o which manufacturers can't begin production

Read 15 tweets
We are close to coming up with economic package which will be announced sooner than later: FM @nsitharaman begins her press conference
Today, we have come up with a comprehensive announcement for relief in statutory and compliance regulations: FM #Covid19India #COVID19outbreak
Announcements on:

Compliance and regulation related to income tax-related matters

Compliance and deadlines related to the GST

Customs and central excise related

Compliance and regulations under the MCA

IBC-related matters and bank-related compliances


Read 30 tweets
#TamilNadu issues a detailed 12-page notification regarding the measures taken to control #COVID19outbreak in the state. The first four pages of the order in the first tweet. Go through the entire thread for all details. #coronaupdatesindia | @DeccanHerald
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कृपा करुन वाचा.... आणि समजून घ्या। 👇👇.
भारतातील कोरोनाची सद्य परिस्थिती आणि इतर देशातील कोरोनची सद्य परिस्थिती यातील फरक आणि आपण या घडीला कुठल्या संकटात आहोत या बद्दलचा हा thread... The Print मधून साभार.
परिपूर्ण नाहीये परंतु बहुतेक ठिकाणी भारताने चांगली कामगिरी केली आहे:विमानतळ तपासणी, अलग ठेवणे,जनजागृती करणे,बर्‍याच ठिकाणी संपर्क ट्रेसिंग. सगळीकडेच अशी भीती व्यक्त केली जात आहे की कोरोनाची महामारी आपल्यावर येऊ शकते (contd)...
अशी आशा करूया की तसे होणार नाही.जर तसे झाले तर मुख्य कारण म्हणजे चाचणी सुविधा असणे आवश्यक.आणि चाचणी सुविधांच्या स्केलिंगमध्ये भारत धीम्या गतीने का आहे हे कळत नाहीये.त्यात संसाधनांची कमतरता,आत्मसंतुष्टता वा सकारात्मक कोरोना प्रकरणांची संख्या कृत्रिम ठेवने कदाचित हे सर्व येते contd
Read 20 tweets
A thread to show the #COVIDIOTS in India.. #JantaCurfew went wrong!!
Go #Corona??
Read 11 tweets
वाह रे कोरोना! तेरी महिमा के क्या गुण गाऊँ? मनुष्य मांसाहार छोड़ रहे हैं, वायु प्रदूषण न्यूनतम हो गया है क्योंकि लोग गाड़ी ही नहीं चला रहे, ध्वनि प्रदूषण बहुत कम है क्योंकि लोग घरों में है, परिवार के लोग 1 साथ बैठकर बातें कर रहे हैं, 1 साथ खाना खा रहे हैं,गीत सुन रहे हैं
वाह रे कोरोना! लोगों ने वैश्यालय जाना छोड़ दिया है,मनुष्य पैसा कमाने के लिये भाग नहीं रहा,अपितु सोच रहा है कि जीवन कितना छोटा है और भागदौड़ में ही समाप्त हो रहा है, जीवन के आध्यात्मिक उद्देश्य पर विचार कर रहा है, कोरोना तू ईश्वर का दूत है अथवा असुर? किन्तु तूने मानव को सुधार दिया
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1/5 Taking care of #elderly in times of #COVID19
These are trying times and our elderly are vulnerable. As the virus stays in air and the situation may continue like this for a few weeks, We need to take special care of the health and minimize infection of elderly.
I have jotted some simple common sense measures. Feel free to add more-
1) anyone 60+ to remain home bound and not go out for walks or neighbours houses
2) eceryone coming in the house must immediately wash up with Soap up to elbows face and legs or take bath. Sanitizers alone will not do. Put all clothes for washing in closed container or soak in soap water.
3) ensure that elders eat proper balanced meals everyday
Read 6 tweets
This thread is documentation of #viral, #PseudoScience & #irrational information circulating around in the midst of #CoronavirusOutbreakindia.
Starting from @AltNews report debunking uniform latitudes of places where #Corona came.…

Coronavirus: Is drinking cow urine any help?
By Reality Check team @BBCNEWSIndia1…
China culled around 18,000 chickens in Shaoyang city in the southern province of Hunan as a result of a flu outbreak. Rumours in India started circulating, that broiler chicken has been infected with Coronavirus and people should avoid consuming it.…
Read 39 tweets

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