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1/7 šŸ“‰ The late 90s and 2000s were characterized by low interest rates and tax cuts.

While these policies were intended to stimulate the economy, theyā€™ve also had significant implications for wealth inequality in the United States. #economics #inequality
2/7 šŸ’µ Low interest rates make borrowing cheaper.

This can benefit wealthy individuals and corporations who have access to credit, enabling them to invest in businesses, real estate, and other assets that can generate wealth. #interestrates #wealthgap
3/7 šŸ¦ For ordinary Americans, however, low interest rates can mean reduced returns on savings.

With little to no growth on their savings, it becomes harder for the middle class to build wealth. #savings #middleclass
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Mahila Samman Savings Certificate - Everything about it šŸ§µ

#NirmalaSitaraman #Budget2023
The Mahila Samman Savings Certificate is aimed at ensuring womenā€™s safety and welfare.

Interest rate

The one-time new small saving scheme will offer a fixed interest rate of 7.5 per cent.

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We're breaking #Budget2023 down for you.

Sit back, relax, and have a great read! šŸ‘‡

Infra gets boost:

- Highest ever capital outlay of Rs. 2.40 lakh crores for Railways

- 50-year interest-free loans to states one more year for infra spends

Agri & Fisheries to benefit:

- Agricultural accelerator fund to promote agri-startups

- 10,000 bio-input resource centres in next 3 yrs to promote natural farming

- 6000 Cr outlay for Animal husbandry, dairy, and fisheries
Read 28 tweets
Dear America:
On #Thanksgiving22 please open your eyes & mind to the #GOP's Long Con.

"When you compare Trumpā€™s cons with the $50 trillion that the GOP has conned out of the American working class & GIVEN to the top 1% since 1980, Trump looks like a piker." @Thom_Hartmann
2. "[Trump] played his role in that GOP con, of course, setting up the very richest Americans to get more billions of dollars a year in tax breaks for the foreseeable future, but heā€™s a Johnny-come-lately to the GOP game."

3. [Republicans/Libertarians] have been running a money-and-power scam on white voters since Nixonā€™s ā€œSouthern Strategyā€ of the 1960s, a long con that went hypersonic with the election of Ronald Reagan. @Thom_Hartmannā€¦
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For an #economy to flourish, and create #prosperity for the majority of participants, there must be a strong and vibrant #middleclass. Today's #blog digs into the disappearance of the economic engine.ā€¦
The shrinking of the middle class is accompanied by an increase in the share of adults in the upper-income tier from 14% in 1971 to 21% in 2021. At the same time, there was an increase in the share who are in the lower-income tier, from 25% to 29%.ā€¦ Image
Most importantly, and what is often not included in the analysis, is the standard of living gets ā€œpaid forā€ on an ā€œafter-taxā€ basis. When we include taxation, it becomes clear that roughly 80% of America is failing to support the ā€œmiddle-classā€ lifestyle.ā€¦ Image
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Gosh, bot networks are out in force today pushing #NeverLabour #BackBoris ... always remember, you are likely to be talking to a bot or someone trapped and being radicalised within a network. They are usually not aware that most of their active "friends" have an agenda ...
... or are actually bots. So be kind, be mindful of this. There can be good people trapped and radicalised by this stuff, see the whole #DefundBBC saga.

If you need to engage then listen first, be kind, be caring and don't push them further into these networks.
Wow ... bot networks (and people captured in these networks) have gone into overdrive this morning pumping out the idea that strikers and their supporters are capitalist hating marxists. Last time I saw this level of disinformation and propaganda was the Corbyn days.
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šŸ• At 11 am PST we'll discuss rising #inflation, with tips on dealing with the highest consumer prices in a generation. Joining us are @lisquart of @econhardship, Penny Wang of @ConsumerReports and @joshbivens_DC of @Economicpolicy.
Follow via FB Live:
Welcome to today's briefing, #Inflation, is it Eroding the #MiddleClass? You can follow the convo here @EthnicMediaSvc or via FB live at
And you can learn more about the work of our speakers below:
Economic Hardship Reporting Project:
Consumer Reports:
Economic Policy Institute:
Read 37 tweets
#polio šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦
A #wealthy disease
ā€œ#Epidemicā€ polio
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A Thread on Income Tax and Middle Class

1. #UnionBudget2022 placed. Apart from several excellent proposals and measures suggested in order to achieve sustainable growth of National economy, government suggested no change in the existing income tax rates and exemptions. This is
2. exactly where d typical middle class, generally unaware of the intricate details of economics, remain interested. This is exactly the issue which concerns them the most and this is what they treat as yardstick to measure the extent of concern the government shows towards them.
3. Not unlike with any other previous governments of independent India,this time too they feel deprived. To understand the matter a little more precisely and to judge the extent of justification behind this feeling of the middle class, let us penetrate a little further.
Read 48 tweets
Trump Backs Boosters. Clearly, Someone Did the Math for Him. | by Donald G. McNeil Jr. | Jan, 2022 | Mediumā€¦

#PartisanPolitics, #VaccinationBoosters, #PoliticalEndorsement, #SwingStates
The Complex Alternative: Complexity Scientists on the COVID-19 Pandemic ā€” SFI Pressā€¦

#ComplexityScience, #BookReview, #SantaFeInstitute, #COVID19, #SocialCommentary
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For those who grew up during the 70's and early 80's in middle class India, here are some things that you can identify with.

1. Though you may not publicly own to this, at the age of 12-17 years, you were very proud of your first "Bellbottom" or your first "Maxi".

Contd... 1/12
2. Phantom & Mandrake were your only true heroes. The brainy ones read Competition Success Review.
3. Your Camlin geometry box & Natraj/Flora pencil were your prized possessions.
4. The only Holidays you took were to go to your grandparents' or your cousins' houses.

5. Ice-cream meant only either an orange stick, a vanilla stick or a Choco Bar if you were better off.

6. You gave your neighbourā€™s phone number to others with a ā€˜c/oā€™ written against it because you'd booked yours 7 years ago & were still waiting for your number to come.

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How to Make Sense of Contradictory Science Papersā€¦

#SciencePapers #contradiction #SenseMaking
College Didnā€™t Create Todayā€™s Social Justice Warriors; Middle and High School Did.ā€¦

#SocialJustice #youth #SchoolCurricula #skills #content
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Enterprise is the lifeblood of the economy and PM Modi understands that.Indiaā€™s historic rise in Ease of Doing Business is based on policies that have replaced the red tape with a red carpet..The Modi Govt saw #EODB rise by a massive 79 points+ šŸ’Ŗ

#7YearsOfSeva #7yearsofModigovt
When govt enables people's aspirations rather than being an obstacle, Ease of Living is achieved. Ease of process in citizen govt interfaces,ease of doing business &push to digital India are transforming India.

DBT has transferred over 13 Lakh Cr
#7YearsOfSeva #7yearsofModigovt
PM Modi has led a historic battle against corruption.Honesty is honoured&transparency is the norm.From getting British national Christian Michel extradited from UAE,to Vijay Mallya losing appeal in UK Supreme Court,thx to watertight case by Modi Govt,to now,nailing Mehul ChoksišŸ’Ŗ
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In 2019, several homebuyers, largely those belonging to middle income groups, made representation to @PMOIndia about their situation- having to pay EMI while continuing to live in rented houses. Projects were stalled, they didnā€™t get possession of their homes. @PIB_India (1/4)
The real estate sector was under stress. Financial institutions couldnā€™t give additional funds to complete the projects.

The #middleclass #homebuyers were in a quandary.

After several stakeholder consultations, #SWAMIH Fund was created.

@PIB_India (2/4)
Stalled #RERA-registered projects from all over the country were identified. Steps in due diligence were taken.
Despite #Covid,the @finmin, @DFS_India, @MoHUA_India @TheOfficialSBI worked together. Several state govts were proactive in facilitating the process.
@PIB_India (3/4)
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Grimm Choices: How Energy Transition Threatens A Fairy Tale Forestā€¦

#WindEnergy #germany #environment #forests #consequences
ā€˜Escape mutationā€™ in Covid strain discovered in Angola able to evade Coronavirus antibodiesā€¦

#COVID19 #africa #variants #EscapeMutation
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Albert Edwards: The 10-Year Yield is Heading to Zero - Articles - Advisor Perspectivesā€¦

#investing #deflation #forecast
Optimization is as hard as approximation ā€“ Machine Learning Research Blogā€¦

#optimization #MachineLearning
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/16/2020
Introducing Atlantic Planet - The Atlanticā€¦

#atlantic #planet #ClimateChange
Goodbye Middle Class: Half Of All American Workers Made Less Than $34,248.45 Last Year | Zero Hedgeā€¦

#MiddleClass #workers
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This section is called: Leveling the Economic Playing Field & Reforming the Tax Code to Benefit Working Families Only one party has a specific plan for rebuilding the great American #MiddleClass and helping all #WorkingFamilies. 1/11
The U.S. economy is rigged against the American people. Time after time, President Trump and the Republicans have rewarded big corporations and their wealthy donors, and left working families behind. 2/11 #DemPartyPlatform #WorkingFamilies #EconomicJustice
#Democrats will take decisive action to level the playing field for people of color, working families, women, small business owners, and others who have been left on the sidelines.3/11 #DemPartyPlatform #EconomicJustice
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for This section is called: Putting Homeownership in Reach and Guaranteeing Safe Housing for Every American. Only one party has a specific plan for rebuilding the great American #MiddleClass. 1/11
Democrats will enact a new Homeowner and Renter Bill of Rights to protect families from abusive lenders and landlords. 2/11 #DemPartyPlatform #affordablehousing #HousingRights
#Democrats will empower renters by working to establish a national tenant right to organize, and support outreach and education to help tenants advocate to preserve and expand affordable housing. 3/11 #DemPartyPlatform #affordablehousing #TenantRights
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for This section is called: Putting Homeownership in Reach and Guaranteeing Safe Housing for Every American. Only one party has a specific plan for rebuilding the great American #MiddleClass. 1/10 Image
Democrats will supercharge investment in the Housing Trust Fund to greatly expand the number of affordable, accessible housing units on the market. 2/10 #OpportunityBeginsAtHome #DemPartyPlatform Image
We will expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to incentivize private-sector construction of affordable housing, and make sure urban, suburban, and rural areas all benefit. 3/10 #InvestInHousing #DemPartyPlatform Image
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This section is called: Putting Homeownership in Reach and Guaranteeing Safe Housing for Every American. Only one party has a specific plan for rebuilding the great American #MiddleClass. The other party didnā€™t bother. 1/12
Homeownership is at the center of the American Dreamā€”and yet it has never been in reach for all. 2/12 #DemPartyPlatform #Homeownership #AffordableHousing
Decades of red-lining, rising income inequality, and predatory lending practices targeting low-income families and people of color have made homeownership all but impossible for millions of working families. 3/12 #DemPartyPlatform #homeownership #AffordableHousing
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