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Never underestimate the power YOU have to communicate with Congress about your concerns.

Even after the mandate “ended” this week, a Captain in the @SpaceForceDoD was still scheduled to have his separation board next week.

@SenDanSullivan started asking questions and…
Why is the @DeptofDefense still trying to separate service members?

This Capt had decided to invoke his right to “informed consent” and “refused” to partake in the unlicensed EUA products.

He requested to “voluntarily” separate, but was denied so they could punish him.
We are thankful for @RepBrianMast and the 33 other Representatives who proposed this latest legislation to restore service members, but it would not cover those like this Space Force Captain who simply refused unlawful orders.
Read 12 tweets
25. Continued from previous 🧵

I began inquiries to try and verify the authenticity of the “Comirnaty-labeled” products that were now only available in limited quantities at military bases.

The @pfizer staff were not even aware “Comirnaty-labeled” products were circulating:
26. I also contacted the @US_FDA, Defense Health Agency (in charge of the rollout of the jabs), Marine Corps COVID Cell, and my local military treatment facilities to see if they could provide verification.

With my inquiries unanswered, I submitted this:…
27. I continued to try and verify the authenticity of the “Comirnaty-labeled” products and was told by @pfizer that they were “Comirnaty-labeled,” but couldn’t provide anything else…
Read 31 tweets
NEW: clear US policy towards mercenary spyware industry in the new #NDAA.

And it's *bad news* for shady spyware companies.

Quick thread of highlights from Sec 6318 of this robust bit of legislation 1/
2/ First, there's a yearly reporting requirement from the intelligence community.

Including deep dive into the finances, corporate structures of mercenary spyware companies.

And their customers.

And who is actually being hacked + whether that includes targeting of US. #NDAA
3/ Next, the DNI gets the authority to prohibit purchase & use by USG of mercenary spyware.

AND can block US Intelligence from doing biz with companies that have acquired mercenary spyware.

There is a waiver authority.
Read 6 tweets
1. TY @GOPLeader @MariaBartiromo @SundayFutures for moving to end the military mandate in the #NDAA

BUT, will it make whole those who’ve already been penalized and make @SecDef #Accountable for illegally coercing EUA jabs on us?

2. Also, @GOPLeader will you speak to this Petition that 1,000’s of military service members and concerned American citizens have sent to you which lays out in the Whistleblower Report exactly how this mandate was illegally and fraudulently implemented from the very beginning?
3. Again, @GOPLeader what is your plan to make these military service members whole?
Read 9 tweets
Tell your #Senators there should be NO funding for the #NDAA until the illegal military mandate is rescinded.

TY @SenateGOP who signed this Important Letter for our National Security.

Time for Accountability! 🇺🇸

Read full letter 👇…
This thread is to provide more context with the tweets combined and provide an easy call to action.

Here’s the press conference from earlier.…
If you don’t have time for the entire conference, here’s one of the best clips of @SenRonJohnson proclaiming the Truth boldly.
Read 9 tweets
NDAA THREAD: We took a quick look at the defense authorization bill for 2023. Before we know it, U.S. taxpayers will be funding a $1 trillion defense budget and "woke" generals will still come to Congress asking for 3%-5% annual budget growth. @HouseGOP @HASCRepublicans #ampFW
⚠️ NDAA ALERT: You can now get a dishonorable discharge for not wanting to take the COVID-19 vaccine. #ampFW Image
⚠️ NDAA spends billions in Europe “to maintain credibility of the sacred obligation under Article 5 … to defend every inch of NATO territory.” #NATO #ampFW Image
Read 16 tweets
HASC markup of the #NDAA starting in 2!

Here we go... 🧵
Today is about to be a long haul, so I'm going to do my best to keep this thread *focused* and as short as possible.

See below for the issues I'm tracking for @POGOwatchdog 👇👇👇…
.@HASCDemocrats started off adopting an en bloc package of amendments to the Tactical Air and Land Forces mark. They quickly moved on to adopt an en bloc package to Intel/Special ops. Now considering the Seapower mark.
Read 14 tweets
THREAD: Thank you to the following 6 @SenateGOP Republicans who I am told voted NO to drafting daughters in the Senate Armed Services Committee today as part of the #NDAA.

Cramer – voted yes last year


Conversely, these Senators pathetically voted FOR drafting your daughter w/ no public debate.

@SenatorFischer (NE)
@SenJoniErnst (IA)
@ThomTillis (NC)
@SenDanSullivan (AK)
@SenRickScott (FL)
@MarshaBlackburn (TN)
@TTuberville (AL)

This is pathetic. Even volunteer women in the military cause the standards to be reduced. These Republicans are from bright red states & this is what we get… in the face of open borders, inflation, mandatory jabs, crime… these clowns draft women. #DontDraftOurDaughters (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
At 930AM, the @SenateGOP on the Armed Services Committee began debate (in private) on the #NDAA. There will likely be an amendment, again, to draft our daughters. Last year, several GOP Senators voted yes. That was asinine. They should not do it again… (1/5)
Those voting no last year:
James Inhofe
Wicker, Roger
Cotton, Tom
Hawley, Josh
Rounds, Mike

Voted YES (or Not Present) last year:
Fischer, Deb
Ernst, Joni
Tillis, Thom
Sullivan, Dan
Cramer, Kevin
Scott, Rick
Blackburn, Marsha
Tuberville, Tommy

… Absurd that @GOP is even considering advancing a bill that harms military readiness by ignoring biology - data shows on average among volunteers that males are more effective in combat. One study by Marines ($36 million) showed all male units outperformed mixed units… (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
The House of Representatives just voted to pass the #NDAA, 316 - 113

134 Republicans voted for it.

While many of them are going to focus on the uncontroversial parts of this “bipartisan” defense bill, there’s plenty in there that isn’t getting enough attention:

THREAD: (1/9)

First, this bill forces young women to register for the draft, which Rep. Roy has been against from the start.

"A vote for this #NDAA is a vote to draft your daughter, your sister, your mother & your wife" Image

Next up on the list, this #NDAA actually targets the Second Amendment rights of America’s military personnel with unconstitutional, gun-grabbing “red flag” laws.

Yes, that means violating the Constitutional rights of those defending the Constitution. Image
Read 9 tweets
1. @JamaalBowmanNY says these @HouseDemocrats support removing US forces from #Syria. IMO that will let #Turkey murder #Kurds, #Christians & #Yazidi & install al-Qaeda terror zone. @RepRoKhanna @RepPeterDeFazio @Janshakowsky @RashidaTlaib @RepAndyLevin @RepCohen @RepRitchie
2. These members may be misguided. Lied to by #Turkey's lobbyists. Let them know, their support for Bowman's misguided #NDAA amendment could end their careers. Support all secular, democratic and gender equal Syria. Reject the enslavement of women.
3. The Syrians have done the fighting. We are in a purely advise and assist role. There have been almost no US force combat casualties in Syria. This was the one war we fought smart with local support who died by the thousands while we lost almost zero combat casualties.
Read 4 tweets
#READ: @HudsonInstitute releases bombshell report documenting that there are 55 interlinked Khalistan & Pakistan groups operating in the US.

While the #Khalistan project is known to be supported by #Pakistan, this is the first to expose ties in the US.
This report by @Aparna_Pande @husainhaqqani exposes ties including those mediated by convicted ISI spy Ghulam Nabi Fai with D.C. based Khalistan groups.

This section highlighting a network of Khalistan activism tied to @standwkashmir, @IAMCouncil and OFMI is a must read.
Worth noting that @HinduAmerican previously exposed ties of OFMI's Bhajan Singh Bhinder, subject of a federal investigation for allegedly attempting to smuggle missiles to "free Khalistan," with a California @TheDemocrats leader and Pieter Friedrich.…
Read 5 tweets
#Iran is clearly a threat to not only the Middle East, but the entire world.

That's why I introduced the following 3 amendments and I am thankful they just passed during the #NDAA markup.
The first amendment requires the Secretary of Defense to issue a report regarding #Iran's support for the #Taliban and what, if any role, it played in the loss of American lives in #Afghanistan.
The second requires the Secretary of Defense to issue a report regarding #Iran's support of militant groups that commit human rights violations.
Read 4 tweets
Thobela bana ba Moya 👏👏👏

This is my calling & without it, I am nothing. 

I & my calling are one & no one can separate me from my calling.✊

Poverty have tried to steal my calling but failed. Witches have tried to scam me out of my calling, yet today I'm still standing 💪
I fell a thousand times, but in the thousand & one time, i stood up & claimed my calling. 

In all the callings of this world, this is the only one I know & can call mine. 

This calling chose me, it chose me for a reason, because there's no any person like me.
This calling chose me, it chose me for a reason, because there's not any other person like me.🤗

My calling found warmth in me & i found refuge in my calling. 

When everything else doesn't make sense, I still have my calling to talk to.
Read 7 tweets
Is #FINCEN coming for #NFT #Art markets? A thread about the #NDAA, Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (AMLA), its expansion of BSA coverage to include “dealers in antiquities,” & what it might mean for the #crypto art world: (link to notice here:… ) /1
Why regulate transactions of antiquities (&maybe art)? The concern is that art & antiquities can be used for money laundering, to violate sanctions, & “have been linked to ...criminal networks, ...terrorism, & the persecution of individuals or groups on cultural grounds.” /2
On Jan. 1, 2021, Congress passed the NDAA, which expands existing anti-money laundering (AML) requirements on a variety of fronts, including the addition of “dealers in antiquities” to the definition of “financial institution.” /3
Read 18 tweets
The U.S. surpassed 350,000 reported deaths from #COVID19 last night.…

And Trump, Pence & Alex Azar are doing what about it today?

Where is the accountability for these deaths?

As of yesterday #CDC says 13,071,925 doses of #COVID19 #vaccines distributed but only 4,225,756 administered.…

Recall, Alex Azar pushed back against any additional funds for states to administer vaccines. #HHS was also slow to distribute #CARESAct funds.
Fauci on #ThisWeek: "There's no running away from the numbers."
"The deaths are real deaths."

Meanwhile, Trump remains in denial & continues to undermine #CDC's #publichealth experts.

#COVID19 #pandemic #vaccines
Read 13 tweets
Valt het u ook op dat de Amerika-correspondenten niets meer melden over het debat over de NDAA en stimuleringswet in de Senaat, de hoorzittingen over verkiezingsfraude, de scenario's in aanloop naar 6 januari, de scenario's voor 6 januari zelf. #journaal #nieuwsuur #1V
Read 24 tweets
The #2000StimulusChecks is not dead yet in the Senate. It's a difficult path but not impossible. Please keep calling your senators. McConnell blocked an up amd down vote, a voice vote today.
Negotiations are still ongoing.
McConnell expects to bring the #NDAA bill & Democrats 1️⃣
will object. Then McConnell will bring up S.5085 (still being written) which includes the $2k stimulus checks. Bill also includes a repeal of section 230 of the communications act and set up a commission to investigate the 2020 elections.
Democrats have a few options with 2️⃣
this bill.
1. Reject it. Most Republicans do not want a repeal of section 230. Some like Cruz, Loefler, Perdue, Scott and Paul want a commission to investigate the elections.
2. Pass it repeal section 230 which will be challenged in court. Set up a commission where Trump 3️⃣
Read 8 tweets
House members are returning to D.C. now and the stage is set in Congress for an override of Trump's veto of the $740B defense spending bill.
Background on Trump's veto here:…
House Leader McCarthy has said that he would not go against Trump to override the veto of NDAA. But other high ranking GOPers in the House, like Liz Cheney, have been calling for it.
With today's vote, if the House successfully overrides, then it must go to the Senate next. There, it would take just one senator to delay the process with a series of procedural maneuvers -- ultimately, however, the votes seem to be there in the Senate to shut Trump's veto down.
Read 39 tweets
FLASH: Georgia To Conduct Statewide ‘Signature Match Review’ Of Absentee Ballots after weeks of pressure from @realDonaldTrump and his campaign

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP…
GEORGIA:The @GaSecofState said in the press release announcing the signature match audit that they’re working to “secure the vote in the Peach State”

#BidenCheatedAndGotCaught #HunterBiden #Trump2020 #MAGA #SteveBannon #WarRoomPandemic #StopTheSteaI2020… ImageImageImage
Justice Caught Admitting Why He Really Refused Election Fraud Case

#SCOTUS scared of riots

"Truth is God and God is Truth - #Bhagavadgita".

Can anybody defeat God

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP
Read 32 tweets
#NOW: @SenSherrodBrown holding a weekly availability with Ohio reporters.
Brown promoting his legislative language as part of the #NDAA (which passed the House) to make it easier to root out the source of money — shell companies — that fund drug operations nationwide.
Brown warning against a presidential veto. @realDonaldTrump has threatened to do so because the #NDAA contains no language to repeal section 230 regarding protections for big social media companies.
Read 12 tweets
Tonight, we passed the #NDAA which delivers for our service members and strengthens our national defense. As we look to the future, I believe that @JoeBiden's pick of Gen. Austin for SecDef is the right one for America's security (thread)
This is a decision I've thought very carefully about, and is informed by watching Gen. Austin up close when he served as CENTCOM commander and I served at the White House.
He was always extraordinarily thoughtful and unbelievably prepared whenever he spoke in the Situation Room and showed a level of professionalism and respect to our troops at every rank that I always admired in a leader.
Read 4 tweets
The outgoing president locks it in this morning again - saying he will veto the hugely bipartisan defense authorization bill.
Also, troupes are groups of dancers. Troops are groups of soldiers.
Just a smattering of what is inside this bill that President Trump would veto:
Notable is funding for the Defense Health program. During a global pandemic, the president would veto funding that helps pay for military members' medical and dental.
Read 5 tweets

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