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Wanna know bout the effect on national security & global stability of #QuantumHacking in #Web3 #Crypto #AI #VR & #AR by nation-state-backed hacker groups like #USCyberCommand, #NorthKorea, #Iran, #Russia, & #China?

You do? Here's you're TL;DR to minimize your Units of Attention
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups are a prime example of nation-state-backed hacker groups

#CozyBear (APT29), #LazarusGroup (APT38), #DoubleDragon (APT41), #FancyBear (APT28), and #HelixKitten (APT34) are some of the most well-known APT groups
These groups have been known to carry out cyber espionage, intellectual property theft, and sabotage. For instance, the #FancyBear APT group was responsible for the alleged 2016 US election interference
Read 17 tweets
We’re pleased to announce the 2023 NAS Awards recipients! These 16 individuals are honored for their extraordinary scientific achievements in a wide range of fields spanning the physical, biological, and medical sciences. #NASaward #Science #Awards
Join us in congratulating Kirk Bryan Jr. of NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory & @Princeton, winner of the 2023 Alexander Agassiz Medal for pioneering and visionary work in oceanography and climate science! Learn about his work:… #Climate
We are honoring David J. McComas of @Princeton with the 2023 Arctowski Medal for his pioneering contributions to experimental space plasma physics! You can read more about his achievements here: #NASaward #Space #Physics
Read 17 tweets
How #Bitcoin Unlocks the #Quantum Potential of the Free Market Economy Image
Does Bitcoin unlock the ability for a true free market economy to act as a high fidelity quantum computer built upon humans, or what I will be referencing interchangeably as “human bits”? The quantum bit or qubit is the backbone of the quantum computer’s exponential
probabilistic and predictive computational power. Do human bits function like a complex fractal of a qubit for the free market economy?

Quantum theory explains energy exchange and the state of energy on the atomic and subatomic
Read 38 tweets
[1/🧵] Is this you? 🤨

• Holder of #XRP since December 2020
• Has never heard of $FLR before (Hello, #Spark?)
• Has no idea what the fuss is all about
• Slept under a rock for two years

Allow me to bring you up to speed w/ this crash course on @FlareNetworks and $FLR. 🧵👇 Source:
[2/20] If you've been following this topic, you'll recall that there was once a #XRPL snapshot:

• 12th December 2020, 00:00 UTC
#XRP Ledger index 60,155,580
. . . Source:
[3/20] . . .

You may recall that you had to claim your #Spark coins by providing your #EVM-based $FLR address in the message key field of your #XRPL account.

→ claim period expired on #XRPLedger index 64,204,315
→ Message could be changed until 11th June 2021, 23:59 UTC
. . . Source:
Read 22 tweets
We give general guarantees for benchmarking with random #quantum circuits. For fast-scrambling random circuits, linear depth is sufficient for function and sample-efficiency. Our analysis applies to prominent protocols such as linear XEB.…
We study a variant of RB, dubbed "filtered RB", which applies a random sequence of gates, followed by a basis measurement. The inversion is effectively done in post-processing, making the protocol easier to implement in experiments.
Following the modern approach of "measure first -- ask later", the same data may be used for other randomized protocols from the "toolbox", and gate set tomography.
Read 10 tweets
This thread is

Chapter 3, titled,

“The Farther Reaches of Human Experience:

“The Prenatal Matrix, the Wombular & Cellular Veils, & Unsullied Experience—Experience Is Divinity”

of “Dance of the Seven Veils I”

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… #psyche

D7V1 3/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD #psychology #Adzema #prenatal

D7V1 3/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “In looking at these matrices embedded in us through our cellular & womb & birth experiences, it will be possible to have our best chance to get a look at existence outside of these matrices—the No-Form State.” []


D7V1 3/3
Read 225 tweets
#quantum is here! Why not collect #fluorescence #photon-by-photon in your laser-scanning #microscope? We developed the #BrightEyes_TTM, an #opensource data acquisition system able to do it!…
@IITalk @ERC_Research @RNA_iit @MSCActions #BrightEyes_ERC
(1/5) Image
Our time-tagging #DAQ module can collect single-photon signals from 25 independent channels and reference signals from 3 channels. We showed how this module combined with a #SPAD array allows us to perform #FLISM and #FLFS. (2/5)
#imagescanningmicroscopy #fluorescence #lifetime Image
We characterized the #BrightEyes_TTM. We can reach a single-shot precision of 30 ps, 4 ns dead-time, and an "infinite" range in all channels, with a total flux of up to 125 MHz. (3/5)
#TCSPC #antibunching #quantum #microscopy #FPGA
#coding #LIDAR Image
Read 5 tweets
This thread is

Chapter 2, titled,

“The Primal Ground of Being:

“Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & the Mythological Matrix of World”

of “Dance of the Seven Veils I”

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #birth

D7V1 2/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series
THREAD #psyche #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 2/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…describing the problems of ‘normality’ as rooted in a deprivational & deformational series of traumas from our earliest biological history...holds out the vision of a new person & new society…”

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psyche

D7V1 2/3
Read 186 tweets
“We Are What We’ve Experienced & The Perinatal Paradigm:

“Our Conception, Gestation, & Birth Create Our Windows to the World

is Chapter 3

of *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

by M Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK link for free BOOK...…

ED 3/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Going Beyond Jung...Our Prenatal & Perinatal Experiences Predispose the Nature of Our Mind” []

THREAD… #psychology #perinatal #consciousness #prenatal #quantum #templates #anthropocentrism #paradigm #knowledge #spiritual

ED 3/2
[] “You cannot convince a fish it lives in water. You can only give the fish the experience of being in air; then it will understand.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #perinatal #consciousness #prenatal #quantum #templates #anthropocentrism #paradigm

ED 3/3
Read 71 tweets
“We Can’t Know What We Can’t Know but We Cannot Unknow What We Are:

“Our Reality Is Species Determined & the Relativity of Science”

Ch 2

of *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

M. Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...…

ED 2/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Ultimately our going to demonstrate that essentially there is no such thing as matter. All there is, is mind & motion.” —Armand Labbe []

READ BOOK… #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception

ED 2/2
[*Chapter 2 text begins:*] *Relativity of Science*

“But what of our science, one might ask, which can reputedly extend the range of our senses?”

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psyche #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception #physics #anthropocentrism

ED 2/3
Read 66 tweets
Hey #quantum crowd!
Are you still here on @Twitter or have you left already?
In any case, here is another very good #CryoFails story for the #cryogenics and #quantum crowd out here.
As you may know, our VeriCold dilution refrigerator here is one of the very first ones ...
... way before pulse tube cooler systems were available commercially from @OxInst or @BlueFors_Ltd @Bluefors_Inc or anyone else for that matter.
So when we go for the factory acceptance test, in a barn of a farm near Munich, the CEO of the company shows us our system, just after it has been warmed up. While the CEO, a postdoc of @qudev and I stand next to the opened cryostat ...
Read 8 tweets
This thread begins the book,

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series


READ BOOK>… #psychology

D7V1 Pr/1
Starting with the PREFACE, titled,

“A Dance of the Seven Veils:

“The Secret Life of Stones, Womb with a View, Cells with a View, Overview...the Quest for Our “Original Face””

THREAD… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness

D7V1 Pr/2
[Quotes/highlights:*] “…when the Veils across perception are pulled to the side, everything appears as it is...infinite.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene #spirituality #shamanic #anthro

D7V1 Pr/3
Read 163 tweets
Table of Contents for

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“*Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three*"

From The Path of Ecstasy Series, Volume 2


READ BOOK>… #psychology #identity

D7V1 FM/1
*Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self* is now available to all on my blog & it can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.

READ BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthro

D7V1 FM/2
Dedication, *Dance of the Seven Veils I*:

“For Hermann Hesse, the one who saw.

“For Arthur Janov, the one who told us.

“And for Colleen, who was there.”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene

D7V1 FM/3
Read 59 tweets
This thread begins the book,

*Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

By Michael Adzema

Starting with PART 1.





READ BOOK…… #psychology #anthro

ED 1/1
Chapter 1 is titled,

“Creating Worlds:

“Our Science, Too, Is Built on a Judeo-Christian Assumption of Humans Being “God’s Chosen Species””

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception

ED 1/2
“*The Probabilities Are Enormous That There Are Unperceivable Beings, Unimaginable Realities, Unknown Ways of Infinite Number of Worlds*”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception #physics #mystical

ED 1/3
Read 67 tweets
Table of Contents for



Return to Grace, Volume 10


*Experience Is Divinity* is now available to all on my blog & can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.…

Dedication, *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*:

“To all my sisters and brothers from all species of other mothers.”

READ BOOK… #psychology #consciousness #spiritual #mystic #primal #transpersonal #psychedelic #shamanic #psyche #tao

*Experience Is Divinity* CONTENTS



THREAD…… #psychology #consciousness #spiritual #mystic #primal #transpersonal #psychedelic #shamanic

Read 71 tweets
Physics is about to be eating the world.

Software is finishing up the appetiser, before the the main course arrives.

Happy for you all to quote me on this one 10 years from now.

If one day my VC ever gets to the levels of @a16z - this would probably be the reason.
Their founder's "software is eating the wold" classic quote underpinned their "contrarian" investment thesis at a time when the world was recovering from the dot-com crash.
They were right and the VC world today sees them as one of the legends alongside the early Silicon Valley pioneers still around, like @sequoia

Today they think the future is the metaverse. I.e. digital-2.0

I don't.

That's my contrarian view.
Read 14 tweets
Yesterday, we held the first "Defence and Statecraft Forum" & we were honoured to welcome a number of great guests. For those that couldn't make it, we are going to write a thread on the main points (in no particular order)🧵 /1

@Brussels_School #Defence #Statecraft
Supporters of #Ukraine are not doing enough to think about the plan for and repercussions of the country's eventual accession to the #EU and #NATO. One implication is that political and military support will have to be drastically enhanced. /2
Western countries have been providing weapons and support to #Ukraine, albeit more can certainly been done. However, as Ukraine presses #Russia there is a need to send Main Battle Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles, as well as to ramp up deliveries of munitions.

Read 18 tweets
How can we simulate lithium-ion batteries with a quantum computer?🔋⚛️🤔

Our collaborative paper (…) with Volkswagen has the answer, so let's dive in with a thread by our Head of Algorithms @ixfoduap 🧵 1/11 Image
“This work is unlike most other papers: it’s somewhere between a review paper 📘, a tutorial 📗, and a technical manuscript 📙

This is by design! We want it to be a self-contained reference for everyone interested in battery simulation with #quantum computers 🤓📖”

2/11 Image
“Our main challenge was to navigate the interdisciplinary nature of the project. Requiring expertise in batteries, DFT, quantum chemistry, materials science and quantum algorithms. It was only possible by assembling a team of experts across these disciplines” 👨‍🔬 👩‍🔬 ⚛️ 🔋

3/11 Image
Read 11 tweets
@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Yes Chris Lattner is very interesting, been following his #LLVM and #SWIFT work.

@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Actually #ZokuTalk adopts the portion of SWIFT #EBNF for #Unicode as they seems have done good job on that, as well as parts of the EBNF for numerics such as "1_234.00" to expand privative data types entry.

@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Borrowing C & Assembly data types: 0b0011, 0xFF, keeping 16r0A, plus many others.

Actually the numeric formats are one of more complicated part of the #EBNF of #ZokuTalk and the only non-#MOBS (#Messages #Objects #Block #Syntax) part of the evolved syntax.

Read 10 tweets
Queuing up for tonight's sold out (but streaming) Community Lecture by Fractal Faculty Professor @seanmcarroll!
🧵 Follow this thread as we look into Schröedinger's Box with @seanmcarroll (newly appointed to Chair of #NaturalPhilosphy at @johnshopkins) and learn about the #ManyWorlds hypothesis of #QuantumMechanics:

"Even if we're wrong, it's not magic, it's #physics, it's #science, and it can be understood."

"When we look at the world, we don't see the entirety of reality. What reality is, is the #superposition of the many different ways..."

"#Space is one of the many things in #reality."
Read 24 tweets
Con-call with 3 collegues. All #Banking #Security pros. They noted, via twitter, I had attended the @SCSpikes #NFTClassic. Asked me if I was into #NFTs, he is. No. I'm not. I'm like #baseball. Why? Three Reasons. I was asked by them to post my response.
1 - #Crypto/#Blockchain, like all complex mathematics fascinates me. I love it from a technical perspective, AND have worked on two functional commercial applications. But as an operational Day2Day transactional currency? It is loony-tunes impossible to make it pencil.
I was hired by a major credit card company to write a think piece on a 100% of the annual transaction and settlements. One major credit card company on blockchain by year 5 would consume 12% of the world's electrical generation. That nuts.
Read 12 tweets
The conference brought together scientists in quantum gravity and quantum information, and philosophers working on the conceptual aspect of spacetime and the quantum. We opted for an innovative format: no lengthy talks but 2-hour discussions for each different question! #QISS Image
Before discussing each question, the sessions were opened by a few lightening talks of 15’ max that were meant to introduce the question and ignite the following discussion. The format worked out with the discussions touching on the talks’ topic and getting wider and wider! #QISS Image
Read 29 tweets
#Finland @NATO membership-"#Turkey's objection...we are still in the assessment phase, trying to figure out how serious the demands & objections are" @FINambUS Mikko Hautala tells @BrookingsInst

"We intend to discuss w/the Turks...This process is going on right now"
"This is a discussion we are having w/the Turkish gvt right now" per @SWEambUSA Karin Olofsdotter tells @BrookingsInst re: #Tukrey's objection to @NATO membership

"#Sweden of course is a very strong ally in all issues that deals w/terrorism & anti-terrorism" she adds
"The #EuropeanUnion has had #PKK on its terrorist list since 2002, so we have always been there for that" per @SWEambUSA

"We have been operating w/some of these organizations in #Syria, as the #UnitedStates has done, as many other Europeans have done"
Read 21 tweets
[Thread] [Blockchain & Quantum - Partie 2]

0/ Hey les chads, j’espère que vous avez bien profité de ce week-end ensoleillé. Aujourd’hui je vais reprendre le sujet de l’informatique quantique avec vous et de son application à la blockchain. #Quantum #Crypto #Security #Defi Image
1/ J’espère que vous avez eu le temps de vous y intéresser depuis le premier thread. Je remets le lien pour ceux qui l’ont raté.

2/ Pour rappel, une blockchain est comme un ensemble de plusieurs blocks nécessaires pour son bon fonctionnement. La couche de hashage des blocs, une couche de signature, le consensus, puis une couche modulable comme Zk-SNARKs qui assurent la sécurité en cachant l’information.
Read 20 tweets

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