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1/ Die @NZZ zur neuen Studie der Yale University zu Herzmuskel- und Herzbeutelentzündungen (…) nach #mRNA-Impfung:

„Die beiden Herzerkrankungen werden durch eine Überreaktion des Immunsystems verursacht. Man könnte auch sagen: Es liegt ein großes …
2/ … Missverständnis vor: Das Immunsystem denkt, der Körper werde von Erregern überschwemmt. Daraufhin wird die Produktion einer ganzen Reihe von Faktoren ausgelöst, die das Immunsystem anheizen.
Manche dieser Faktoren zerstören gesunde Zellen in Organen. Zudem aktivieren …
3/ … diese Moleküle auch noch spezifische Immunzellen, die ebenfalls Gewebe angreifen. Eine Stimulierung des Immunsystems ist genau die gewünschte Reaktion. Denn das Immunsystem soll ja durch den Impfstoff lernen, einen Erreger zu erkennen. … Doch in seltenen Fällen wird …
Read 18 tweets
Hot Rod Lincoln ~ Phase Separation

Spontaneous Nucleation and Fast Aggregate-Dependent Proliferation of a-Synuclein
Typical blood pH is 7.35 - 7.45
Phase separation and neurodegeneration https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih...
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💉 Here's Where the Story Ends ~ snoRNAs 💉

Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are small bits of RNA which direct gene expression. They are involved in transcription, and translation of proteins which cause cancer. snoRNAs are biomarkers for tumerogenesis. >
N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) is a snoRNA product.

N1-methyl-pseudouridine is also an ingredient in the COVID mRNA 💉.

It's used to insure strong lasting translation of the spike protein in the body. > Image
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@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pääsevät kulkemaan elimistön biologisten esteiden läpi. Ne menevät rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myös [1]veri-aivoesteen läpi ja jos ne läpäisevät veri-aivoesteen, ne läpäisevät myös istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
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1/2 Compelling share from @oliver_phil...

"Remarkably, previously #hospitalized and #nonhospitalized patients remained with decreased numbers of CD1c+ #myeloid DCs and pDCs seven months after #SARSCoV2 #infection."

#COVID19 IS NOT #mild
2/2 "Moreover, the expression of #dendritic #cell (DC) markers such as #CD86 and #CD4 were only restored in previously #nonhospitalized patients, while no restoration of integrin β7 and indoleamine 2,3-dyoxigenase (IDO) levels were observed."

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1/4 "Using droplet digital PCR, we found #SARSCoV2 #nucleocapsid #RNA in 7 out of 9 #adenoid and 15 out of 22 tonsil formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks from post-COV individuals, despite #negative #nasopharyngeal swab #PCRs at the time of surgery..."

2/4 "... variation in memory B cell frequencies and serum-neutralizing antibody titers we observed further highlighted heterogeneity of responses that may leave some #children prone to #repeat #infection."

#pediatric #viral #persistence despite #negative #nasopharyngeal #PCR
3/4 "... activated cells in these #tissues after infection may also contribute to delayed or #prolonged #sequelae of #COVID19, including long-COVID-19 and #multisystem #inflammatory syndrome in children,..."

#LongCovidKids #PASC
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1/@GraphiteBio presented preclinical results supporting the use of a single-#cell #RNA #sequencing method to assess #gene correction outcomes in #patients treated with nulabeglogene autogedtemcel (nula-cel) - GPH-101. #BioTech #CRISPR #GeneEditing #Genomics $GRPH #ASH22 GraphiteBio presented precl...
2/GPH101 (nula-cel) is a #CRISPR #Cas9 #GeneEditing autologous #stem #cell-based #therapy in clinical development aimed to treat #SickleCellDisease. GPH101 is designed to directly correct the underlying mutation, thereby decreasing HbS production & restoring HbA expression #ASH22 GPH101 (nula-cel) is a CRIS...
3 $GRPH gene correction platform involves editing hematopoietic #stem cells found in the #bonemarrow that develop into various types of #blood #cells. Since red blood cells lose their genomic DNA during maturation-tracking #GeneEditing in mature cells via sequencing is impossible Graphite bio’s gene correct...
Read 7 tweets
REVEALED: Jan 6 #J6 Commission Chairman @BennieGThompson Backed Extremist, Secessionist Group Seeking Violent U.S. Takeover.
“Republic of New Afrika” #RNA right here in the State of Mississippi in the Capital City of Jackson. THREAD:
Thanks to Gregg Phillips for exposing this very important information. All Credit is due to him. I, K.L.C. Founder & Chief of FEN: Free Eagle Network only compiling all information for sharing purposes only.
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Thread explaining a complete pipeline for #RNA-seq analysis 🧵
RNA-seq is a powerful technique that allows researchers to study the expression of genes at a global level. The RNA-seq analysis pipeline typically involves several different steps, including:
1. Quality control and filtering of the raw RNA-seq data
2. Alignment of the reads to the reference genome
3. Assembly of the aligned reads into transcripts
4. Quantification of gene and transcript expression levels
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"The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future"

Follow this 🧵 today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium:…

#Web3 #Cities #Polarization #EmergentEngineering #Decentralization
We start with a talk by SFI President David Krakauer:

"Would anyone care to guess why we're so GOOD at building transistors and so CRAP at designing drugs?"

"This thing [points to transistor] lives in a centralized system. This thing [points to cancer drug] lives in US."
"I'm going to pick on economics, because we like to do that at SFI. 'Ooh, look at that cover! So techy. Global, heat maps...' But here's 'Networks' [in the textbook]. THAT'S IT. Here's '#ComplexityEconomics.' NOTHING."
Read 111 tweets
Also, fangen wir mal hinten an, Ich werde jetzt nach und nach #Literatur zu den #Luftreinigern twittern, um die Diskussion zu substantivieren.

I'll do that mainly in English, at times in German.

Let's start. (AC-1) Nature News, October 2021.
1 Image
Of course, this is only a #News article in @Nature. The paper, at that time only a preprint, now appeared here:

AC-2 =
2 Image
In this work, authos state "Here we present
the first data providing evidence for the removal of SARS-CoV-2 and microbial bioaerosols from the air using portable air filters with UV sterilization on a COVID-19 ward."

I think this is true, in the paper actually particles...
Read 128 tweets
Een video/podcast van Theo Schetters en Robert Malone in gesprek via @De_NieuweWereld is van diverse platformen gekickt want #desinformatie. Daar wordt door sommigen weer hard tegen geprotesteerd onder de noemer #censuur. Is dat terecht? 1/15
Technisch gezien is er natuurlijk sprake van #VVMU. Maar in dit specifieke geval vliegen de betrokkenen toch aardig uit de bocht. Ik snap wel dat bepaalde platformen hier niet mee geassocieerd willen worden. Er is zoveel op aan te merken…. Ik pak er random 4 claims uit. 2/15
Claim 1: “kinderen hebben een #immuunsysteem wat nog leert door #vaccins en volwassenen niet. Ons adaptieve immuunsysteem is minder sterk doordat de werkzaamheid van de Thymusklier (Zwezerik) snel afneemt na onze kindertijd”. #FOUT #DESINFORMATIE #ONZIN en wel omdat…. 3/15
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"#FDA-Dokument gibt zu, dass der PCR-Test "#Covid" ohne isolierte Proben für die Testkalibrierung entwickelt wurde, und gibt damit zu, dass er etwas anderes testet.

In einem soeben von der US-amerikanischen Food and Drug Administration (#FDA) veröffentlichten Dokument wird
offen zugegeben, dass der berüchtigte #PCR-Test für das #Wuhan-#Coronavirus (#Covid19) nicht mit echten Proben entwickelt wurde, sondern mit genetischem Material, das offenbar von einem Erkältungsvirus stammt.
In dem #FDA-Dokument wird eindeutig festgestellt, dass
gewöhnliches genetisches Material der saisonalen Grippe als Testmarker in den #PCR-Testkits verwendet wurde, weil die Behörden wussten, dass viele Menschen darauf "positiv" testen würden, so dass sie diese Ergebnisse nutzen konnten, um die '#Covid'-Behauptung aufzustellen.
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Elke keer als je denkt: ‘Nu moeten ze het wel gaan snappen.’ wordt er weer een blik #wappies (trollen) opengetrokken. Amusant ware het niet dat ze alles herkauwen. Daarom een eerste hulp bij nieuwe wappen draad. Heb je in één keer 90 procent van het script behandeld 🧵#draadje
Laten we meteen met de deur in huis vallen… #Sarscov2 bestaat niet want het virus is helemaal niet #geïsoleerd. False! Dat gebeurde al in januari 2020. Stelletje sukkels! Lees dit:…
Dan de #PCR test. Die is “vaak” vals positief.. kijk naar wat er gebeurt als je er cola op giet (wie doet dit nou btw?) Ehm nee! Lees dit……
Read 29 tweets
Time for the latest @nanopore technology updates. Up next in the auditorium: an Update from the Oxford Nanopore team. #nanoporeconf Image
Please note, we invite you to read the disclaimer in the slides
CB: More information on Clive’s previous technology updates:
Read 71 tweets
Please take your seats for @gordon_sanghera's opening plenary of London Calling 2022. #nanoporeconf
GS: Lord Kelvin believed in meaningful measurement to see the whole picture. With nanopore sequencing you gain more comprehensive insights than ever before. #nanoporeconf
GS: In the 3 years since the last time we were at Old Billingsgate, @nanopore has released 200+ products, increased our single-molecule raw read accuracy from 95% to 99.6% & hugely improved our scalability & output. #nanoporeconf
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"Systems Thinking is a must have skill in today’s complex, changing, non-linear world where everything is interconnected as well as interdependent." -- Sahana Chattopadhyay @sahana2802…
Choice Quotes from Bill Gates's New Book ⋆ Brownstone Institute…
#BiologicalVirus, #ComputerVirus, #AbnormalPsychology, #IntellectualError, #BookReview
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Study evaluating 29 patients with symptoms that persisted for at least 4 weeks after #COVID19 showed:

-had reported fatigue, muscle pain, dyspnea, inappropriate tachycardia, and low-grade fever
-previous #COVID19 was mild in 55% of the cases
-13 patients (45%) had positive plasma RT-PCR results and 51% were positive in at least one RT-PCR sample (plasma, urine, or stool)
-18 patients (62%) received antiviral treatment.
Conclusion: #COVID19 patients with persistent symptoms, 45% of them have detectable plasma #SARSCoV2 #RNA…
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Abrechnungsdaten der Krankenkassen belegen #Sicherheitsdesaster der #GenImpfstoffe

"Während die #CDC inzwischen zugesteht, dass mehr #Impfkomplikationen auftreten als in den Meldesystemen auftauchen (#Underreporting), bleibt das
#PaulEhrlichInstitut hartnäckig bei der Behauptung es werde lückenlos gemeldet. Man gehe stattdessen sogar von einem #Overreporting aus, da viele Menschen zufällig zeitgleich aufgetretene Beschwerden als impf-assoziiert melden würden und allgemein noch eine große Nervosität
ob der neuen technologischen Plattformen der #RNA- und #DNA-Impfungen bestünde. Offizielle Abrechnungszahlen gesetzlicher Krankenkassen beweisen das Gegenteil.

Bereits in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2021 lag die Häufigkeit von Impfkomplikationen laut Abrechnungssystem der
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Enamorarse hace que las células del sistema inmunitario se comporten diferente 💘🧬

Un grupo interdisciplinario de investigación en Estados Unidos reportó que algunos genes aumentan su expresión y otros la disminuyen cuando hay un enamoramiento 😍

Les cuento🧵👇🏼

Primero un pequeño recordatorio sobre la expresión génica:

Los seres vivos guardamos la información para construir todas nuestras proteínas en nuestro material genético, el #ADN🧬. El cual está dividido en secciones llamadas genes


#GeneExpression #Biology
Para que la información de un #gen se traduzca en la producción de una proteína es necesario que primero se transcriban las instrucciones en una molécula de #RNA mensajero (#mRNA) que la célula pueda leer

A la producción de ese mRNA le llamamos expresión génica

Ahora sí..

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Some cute moments of #Raju & #Akshara 🥰❤️ from day 1
#RNA forever ❤️ @iamAksharaReddy

PART - 1

#BiggBossTamil5 #BiggBossTamil #vijaytelevision #BiggBoss5Tamil #RajuJayamohan #Ciby #aksharareddy #Varun #thamarai
Some cute moments of #Raju & #Akshara 🥰❤️ from day 1
#RNA forever ❤️ @iamAksharaReddy

PART - 2

#BiggBossTamil5 #BiggBossTamil #vijaytelevision #BiggBoss5Tamil #RajuJayamohan #Ciby #aksharareddy #Varun #thamarai #BigBossTamil
Some cute moments of #Raju & #Akshara 🥰❤️ From day 1
#RNA forever ❤️ @iamAksharaReddy

PART - 3

#BiggBossTamil5 #BiggBossTamil #vijaytelevision #BiggBoss5Tamil #RajuJayamohan #Ciby #aksharareddy #Varun #thamarai #BigBossTamil
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„Dobro pacjenta jest nadrzędnym celem naszej działalności”
MEDYCZNE LABORATORIUM DIAGNOSTYKA ul. Kronikarza Galla 25, 30-053 Kraków. Dr Jakub Swadźba: „Zobaczyliśmy lukę w systemie... Nasze badania są bardzo dokładne.” Co więc korumpuje?…
RF-PCR: „Jest to badanie technologią biologii molekularnej tzw. RT-PCR, podczas którego zawsze badamy trzy geny koronawirusa. Bardzo ważne jest także samo pobranie materiału, czyli wymazu. W naszych punktach pobrań stosujemy wymazy z nosogardzieli” #zaJob bez akredytacji PCA PZH Image
„Wymazy wydają się charakteryzować największą czułością badania. Ten wymaz jest potem transportowany☝️do naszych laboratoriów, których mamy w Polsce całą sieć. Materiał, który przewozimy, jest już materiałem niezakaźnym i dłużej stabilnym” (DNA RNA komórek nabłonkowych S-pike)🙃 Image
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