Obviously their families in #Iran are also safe thanks 2 their lobbying



I get more Likes from my 837 followers on #Instagram than what I get from my 29.4K followers on #Twitter today!!!

Their attempt to oppress voices of a #FreeIran is while they are ironically enjoying the #FreedomOfSpeech in #Washington themselves!
@jack @yoyoel

Not expecting @TwitterSupport to verify #HeshmatAlavi but to #FreeAlavi & honor the work he does for a #FreeIran using #FreedomOfSpeech on @Twitter

Ironic isn't it?

I urge @Jack & @yoyoel to remove the ban on #HeshmatAlavi
#IranLobby in #USA should not encouraged to abuse the #FreedomOfSpeech on #SocialMedia
While Pro-Mullah lobbies in #WashingtonDC use their full name & ID pretending to be "Anti War" writers, the real Iranian dissidents like #HeshmatAlavi need to hide their ID

#HeshmatAlavi is the voice of the voiceless citizens who cannot be on twitter due to censorship and oppression.
You know you’re doing something right when #Iran’s regime launches an army of apologists/lobbyists and fake accounts/bots against you.
iranarabspring.wordpress.com/2019/06/10/my-… via @IranArabSpring
#HeshmatAlavi is an #Iranian dissident exposing the #IranLobby in #Washington.
He is one of the voices of the voiceless people in #Iran
@Twitter should side with the people not the verified apologists in #WashingtonDC

They sure are enjoying the #FreedomOfSpeech while preventing the people of #Iran to do the same!

He watched it live and copied the piece from their @YouTube timeline Min 13:54 rather than waiting for the video and article to be published separately only 2 hours later on their website!

#HeshmatAlavi is one of those #Iran-ian dissidents fighting for a #FreeIran
@Jack, you owe the people of #Iran