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Sep 16th 2020
Chinese database details 2.4 million influential people, their kids, addresses, and how to press their buttons


#China #surveillance #CCP #CCPChina #Chinazi #propaganda #ChinaIsWatching #ChinaWatching
A US academic has revealed the existence of 2.4-million-person database he says was compiled by a Chinese company known to supply intelligence, military, and security agencies.
The researcher alleges the purpose of the database is enabling influence operations to be conducted against prominent and influential people outside China.
Read 37 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
The west has trouble grasping what China and CCP is about. This thread might help. Classic Chinese civilization peaked at its “war of states” era, where most of the scholars worth mentioned lived and thrived. The era ended when one state conquered all the rest 6 states.
The Qin dynasty commited genocide, largely wiped out the identities of the 6 states, and established the foundation of a centralized power. The 6 states tried to fight back but failed. After that, China’s political system never really changed. Mao described this in his poem.
“For 100 generations we execute the political structures of Qin” Mao wrote. No matter which family, which foreign power, which party is in charge, the political structure has never changed. It was, and has been an empire. A ruling class sit on the back of an army of slaves.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
Incoming! #Chinazi alert! Turned out this Chinese woman is living in Greece, unable to speak Greek, but hate it when Mongolians don't speak Chinese, while extremly anti-Islam and anti-Semetism.
Oh BTW she also hates black ppl.(what a suprise!)
Translation below:
(1/3) ImageImageImageImage
Screenshot1: "Don't US teach English in schools? They teach African to black kids?The Altaic barbarians are even more retared than black ppl."
2: "This garbage Uyghur Islam terrorism, the Mongolian evil living-sacrificing shamanism, and all the minoritiy cultures(2/3)
"...along with their Altaic Mongolian languages, should be genocided in China."
Don't even know how to comment, see for yourself.
Read 3 tweets
May 25th 2020
A funny story from yesterday: A horde of police were trying to catch 2 youths they suspected of having thrown debris in the road. 1 cop dropped his baton. An old man picked it up, dropped it down a manhole cover, & sauntered away. When police came back for it, it was gone.
All of #HK's resisting tyranny, each as they can. This is an occupied city. It's not a free, or 'semi-free' city, any more than France was semi-free under Nazi occupation. #HK is occupied. Unless you apply this lens to the situation, it's hard to understand what's happening here.
Another story: Police are charging protesters on Canal Rd. Many scatter into Bowrington wet market. A protester asks a stall holder if he wants them to help move his wares indoors as police may charge through. The stall holder says, No, better to block them, may they all die.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
The racism in China continues. (THREAD)

This first video shows Chinese police not allowing Africans to rest after being kicked out of their homes with no place to go.

This is not an isolated incident.

More Chinese police chasing Africans.
A group of Nigerians have gathered after being kicked out of their homes and hotels where they were staying in China.

The Nigerians claim the Chinese won't allow them to enter any stores and that they are suffering. They are pleading to the world for help.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 22nd 2019
Edinburgh Place is full for the #HK rally in solidarity w #Uighurs . In our nearly 800 protests since 6/9, this is only the 3rd to stand for others. There was a small 1 at CUHK for Uighur uni pres rumored sentenced to death & 1 for Catalunya.
Great to see the #EastTurkestan & #Tibet flags flying at the #HK solidarity rally for #Uighurs. Our fate is tied to theirs. We all have to fight together for our freedom & our rights.
Free #IlhamTohti , Free All Political Prisoners at #HK rally for #Uighurs . Ilham just received EU parliament’s #SakharovPrize this week. He’s serving life in prison in China on the entirely false charge of ‘separatism’. His daughter @JewherIlham accepted the award on his behalf.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 22nd 2019
ALL #HONGKONGERS pls join today’s rally for #Uighur at Edinburgh Place!

— “You don’t need to be a #Muslim to feel the PAIN of #Uyghur. Just be Human Being.”

#StandwithUyghurs #UyghurGenocide ImageImage
While #HKPolice was busy cracking down a peaceful rally, *armed robbery” in Causeway Bay, #HongKong happened.

#HKPoliceTerrorists actually SHOT TWICE at an #Australia tourist’s leg during its unreasonable disperse.

#China_is_terrorist #StandWithUighurs
Read 3 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
Setelah banyak membaca referensi, juga dapat banyak kiriman artikel dari Gus @syaltout dg sumber keren Foreign Affairs yg berbayar, serta mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data Drone Emprit tentang Uyghur sejak Desember 2018 hingga sekarang, ini saya sajikan hasil kajian DE.
@syaltout Sub judulnya saya buat "Narasi Kontra Radikalisme-Terorisme, Reeduksi, dan Pendidikan Vokasi, Sebagai Influence Ops atas Negara-negara Islam"
@syaltout Konteks

Kita mulai dengan timeline konflik Xinjiang. Sebenarnya sejarahnya cukup panjang, tapi saya ambil yang di era modern (1900an) saja.

Ada pengaruh Soviet, penguasaan wilayah, migrasi etnis China, link dengan Afghan dan Al Qaeda, protes, serangan, teror, dan akhirnya camp
Read 37 tweets
Dec 1st 2019
ATL🇺🇸 in #HongKong: THREAD 1/n

Today SO MUCH in one short video:

* Melee of press, #police, protesters & tourists
* #HongKongProtester being arrested
* UK tourist watching atop the silver sculpture
* Sound of pepper spray being sprayed (fountain-style)
* Tear gas being shot
#HongKong THREAD 2/n

I'm not here to be at the front lines (this guy👇👇👇 is), but to visit with some #HongKongers & their supporters involved.

Think of it as American Thought Leaders🇺🇸, #HongKong Edition, & why not ATL🇺🇸—it's been said that this resembles, in some ways, 1776.
#HongKongProtests THREAD 3/n

Meet conflict reporter @Michael_Yon (with gas mask & orange vest) & #HongKong videographer Eric Fok @RazvenHK (donning mask).

Ok, before you meet them, meet the rather assertive #HongKongPolice. Big blue sign means "this protest is unauthorized."
Read 29 tweets
Nov 23rd 2019
The US 🇺🇸 will not submit to a communist government that doesn’t respect its own people,basic human rights, or the international order. With 85,000 Americans and 200,000 Brits in HK,this joker of a PLA commander is subtly threatening war. @AmbCuiTiankai @AmbLiuXiaoMing #Chinazi
And if @SecPompeo has to opine on the supposed “autonomy” of HK to @realDonaldTrump,it’s clear to the entire world that it was gone long ago. Time to treat HK as just another city in China where good people live their Owellian Nightmares daily. #HKexit #onecountryonesystem #china
The standing committee of the politburo has proven to be Pigs (in the Year of the Pig of course). It’s actually shocking to see a chinese military wank make reckless statements like this. Xi better chain his dogs in HK before they do something they will regret. #ccpPIGS #china 🇺🇸
Read 3 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
#Central — black flag & orange flag at the same time.

When CBD’s Office Ladies & Gentlemen come out chanting #FiveDemandsNotOneLess, we all know it’s NOT a fight of youngsters only but a FIGHT of ALL #HongKongers! 🇭🇰

#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong #chinazi #HongKong ImageImage
Confrontation in #HongKong’s financial hub still going on —
#HKPolice CONGRATS, you finally managed to work in #Central & go into #University!

Dismiss #HKPolice, #FiveDemandsNotOneLess!

#香港デモ #HongKongProtests #discoverHongKong #antichinazi ImageImageImage
#HKPoliceTerrorism — Riot Police surrounded a number of passers-by outside the high-end luxurious shopping mall, the Landmark #HongKong.

Humiliatingly they were all forced to sit, hands up & “surrender”.

@StandNewsHK #HongKongProtests Image
Read 3 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
Point to note:
#HKpolice can arbitrarily enter *Private Premises WITHOUT search warrant & consent of owner*
— which is a VIOLATION of #BasicLaw Art. 6: HKSAR shall protect the right of #PrivateOwnership of property.

#HKPoliceState — NO ONE’s private properties are protected in #HongKong. State-authorised armed #HKPolice Force could make arbitrary search & arrest as they wish

#Capitalists can just leave the city. Who’s destroying #HongKong now?

#HongKongPoliceTerrorism #antichinazi #chinazi Image
Kneeling down, Hands up for #police search in a residential building lobby — those young people are LIVING there.

With 🇨🇳 #CCP’s authorisation of ENDLESS #POWER, these armed #HKPoliceTerrorists could literally do anything.

#威權時代 #HKPoliceState
#HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Oct 22nd 2019
Clashes in #HongKong on 20th Straight Weekend of #Protests (Thread 👇)

Full video & story:…

#China #Eye4HK #加油 #antiELAB #反送中 #HkPoliceBrutality #HongKongProtests #FreeHK #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtest
#HumanRights #Chinazi #HongKongPolice
"So everytime we do have a peaceful parade or march, it's just that every time there’s police coming out to provoke us. If they don’t come out, they don’t suddenly raise their flag, everytime it will be fine, it will be peaceful."

#StandWithHongKong #hkpolicebrutality #HongKong
"There are mysterious suicides everyday and there have been at least 114 mysterious suicides since the beginning of the time revolution in June, and we can see police brutality on the frontline on a daily basis."

#StandWithHongKong #hkpolicebrutality #HongKong #China #Eye4HK #HK
Read 4 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
On Sunday, group of Mainland Chinese took down Hong Kong-style Lennon walls on the original Prague Lennon Wall and repainted with "China" and no. 70 with in PRC flag style. All this while taking pics and vids of their conduct yelling "We love China". Hard to get more distasteful.

Turns out it was a group of local Overseas Chinese (…) that took down the HK Lennon walls off the Prague Lennon Wall and then repainted anything related to #antiELABhk . Graphic designer Liao who authored the 70 with wrong PRC flag comments:
"Lennon Wall is a wall that expresses the feelings of people who like art and it brings real aesthetic value. It's not a place for political bickering."

Chinese tourist and 华侨 immediately started pictures with the Chinese posts.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
Posters are really popular around Hong Kong, especially on the Lennon Walls and "Lennon-floors",, but STICKERS are also popular.

This will be my thread for protest related stickers I see.

#HKProtestArt #HongKongProtests #StandwithHongKong
Stickers related to #5DemandsNot1Less.
An abundance of stickers on these poles and walls.
Read 52 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
#ChiNazi is when —
🇫🇷#Lyon fans are annoyed by a *special reschedule* tailor made for #CHINESE live broadcast, fans just unveiled a "#FreeTibet" tifo, BRAVO!

法甲里昂對南特,球團為迎合 #中國 市場,特意將比賽時間提早以便中國人看直播。不滿的里昂球迷排出 #雪山獅子旗#足球即政治 ImageImageImage
#SnowLionFlag, a time-honoured military flag from #Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo.

-Snowy mountain symbolises #Tibet
-Sun rays rising from top mean #Freedom, #Faith, Prosperity, #Happiness & Fairness by all Tibetans
-3-color #Triratna रत्नत्रय visualise the "3 Jewels in #Buddhism" ImageImageImage
#雪山獅子旗 源於吐蕃歷史法王時期藏王 #松贊干布 時代的軍旗

-中心之雪山象徵雪域 #西藏
-雪山頂上升起的太陽之光芒象徵雪域西藏之全部眾生均享受 #自由#信仰、富裕、幸福與公平公正

#History about #Tibet
#FreeTibet #HumanRights ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
Today’s #HongKongProtests in Shatin: #和理Shop (‘Shopping with you’)

To express discontent to Pro-#Chinese chain restaurants, people are happily taking photo with the *queue tickets* got from 8/F🤣

#Peaceful #Creative #Legal
#BoycottMaxim #美心黑心 #沙田友 ImageImageImage
#ShaTin neighbours’ creativity is just without any Limit!!

Another shop opened by Pro-#Chinese gang members ‘優品360’ shut its door this pm too. #BoycottChina

#福建幫 #LiberyOrDeath #黨鐵與黑警 #HongKongProtests
Photo credit: CampusTV #HKUSU ImageImageImage
Aw men, you suck.. at least please hv the courtesy to recite the LYRICS of your “National Anthem”!

// #Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” - Samuel Johnson.
#愛國主義 是無賴的最終避難所。//

Video taken in Ma On Shan this afternoon.
#愛國賊 #ChiNazi #BoycottChina
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Sep 21st 2019
Today’s #Xinjiang; Tomorrow’s #HongKong

Our democratic #FreeWorld 🌍 is now under THREAT of #Totalitarianism, aka #ChiNazi.

Will you join the #929GlobalAntiTotalitarianismMarch?

#FreeUyghur #genocide #SOSHK
Protests are breaking out in ALL OVER #Kazakhstan against ‘One Belt One Road’ as Chinese workers are taking Kazakh jobs; and #Kazakhs & #Uyghur are imprisoned in its “camps” in #Xinjiang.

Not only #HongKong but the 🌍 is under threat of #ChiNazi.
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Sep 21st 2019
Creative #Music confronting #HKpopo 📣

打傳媒 打傳媒 打!
打議員 打議員 打!
打女仔 打女仔 打!
#死黑警 打爛依個家園!

#肥媽有話兒 #Sia #Pop #MusicisKing
#HongKongProstests #屯門牛牛 #預防禽流感勿摸活家禽
#HKPolice today specifically targets at *FIRST AIDERS* in #TuenMun protest, at least 5 were arrested and many were #humiliated by being called “COCKROACHES” & made forced to face a wall. #HumanitarianCrisis

@UN @MSF @hrw
#HongKongProstests #hongkong
#HKPoliceState #HKGestapo ImageImageImageImage
Let’s take a walk down the *#Bullets Aisle* of today’s legitimate #TuenMun protest 🆘

“Letter of No Objection” was pre-approved by #HongKongPolice. Yet, bullets & #CSgas were still fired soon after the rally started.

#HKPoliceState #chinazi #LiberateHK
Read 3 tweets

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