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The #PaulFootAward was set up in memory of revered investigative journalist, Paul Foot.

#Britain urgently & desperately needs much more high quality investigative #journalism than ever, at a time when cuts to journalism are being made. 🇬🇧

#WorldPressFreedomDay Image
Paul Foot worked variously for the Daily Record, the Daily Mirror, The Guardian, & @PrivateEyeNews.

He was involved in many high-profile campaigns throughout his illustrious career, including the Birmingham Six, the Bridgewater Four and the John Poulson scandal.
Paul's accolades include the Journalist of the Year, the Campaigning Journalist of the Year, the George Orwell Prize for Journalism, and in 2000 he was honoured as the Campaigning Journalist of the Decade.

Paul died in 2004 at the age of 66.
Read 20 tweets
#Writing #Headlines For #Copywriting That Grab #Attention: Tips for #Crafting Headlines That Stand Out Image
1. Your headline is the first impression you make on your audience. To grab attention, make sure it's specific and relevant to your audience's needs or interests. #headline #writingtips
2. Keep your headline short and sweet. Aim for 6-8 words to ensure it's easy to read and digest. #headline #writingtips
Read 21 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 365 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 El siguiente vídeo habría sido grabado en la zona de #Kreminna, donde los combates prosiguen y los aniversarios hace seis meses, hoy o mañana son irrelevantes.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 365 - Este es nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerreEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, miércoles 23 de febrero de 2023. Nos centramos en la diferencia de rendimiento entre #Wagner, milicias y Ejército ruso.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 365 - Esto es lo que ocurre cuando el #clickbait se te va de las manos, algo que por ciertos medios pasa a diario pues generar tráfico web a toda costa -y no informar- es su forma de vida.
Read 29 tweets
Die @zeitonline veröffentlicht diskriminierenden & reißerischen Artikel über @CKemfert
-Vereinfachtes Erklären von Studienergebnissen
-Professionelles Medienauftreten
-Mehr Erfolg als andere Kollegen (Gendern nicht notwendig)

#SolidaritätmitClaudia #Sexismus 1/n
Eine Kritik ist, dass ihre/unsere (da oft Koautor) zu optimistisch die Machbarkeit der Energiewende aufzeigen.
Und das wo uns die letzten Jahre und insb. der Ukrainekrieg aufzeigt, dass wir mit unseren #CoalExit #GasExit Studien recht hatten

Studien, die bereits vor 10 Jahren gesagt haben, dass
- 100% Erneuerbare technisch möglich und notwendig sind
- fossile Ressourcen & Infrastruktur uns politisch abhängig machen
- fossile Konzerne sich auf Kosten der #Klimakrise und nachfolgender Generationen bereichern
Read 14 tweets
In the early stages of #Russia's invasion, critically important help for #Ukraine has come from an unexpected place: #Bulgaria, led by PM @KirilPetkov. I provide some additional context about this curious report in the 🧵below. 1/…
One thing ahead: the title is way too bombastic (“secretly saved”?) and full of platitudes that are irrelevant to the topic (“EU’s poorest country”). But what can you do, we live in the age of #clickbait. Apart from this dubitable editorial choice, it is an informative piece. 2/
On April 19th, 2022, 🇺🇦 foreign minister @DmytroKuleba visited Bulgaria and stayed for two full days, meeting various government representatives. Needless to say, “boosting trade and tourism” was barely the purpose of the visit. 3/
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 287 - Comenzamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con este Gepard alemán donado a Ucrania.

🟥 La compra de @EXPALSystems por @RheinmetallAG permitirá sortear la negativa #Suiza al envío de munición de 35mm para los Gepard.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 287 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, martes 6 de diciembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 287 - Aquí vemos los módulos utilizados por los MLRS #HIMARS durante su traslado a Ucrania. Imagen que choca radicalmente con la de los cohetes de los MLRS rusos, en cajas de madera individuales como en la imagen superior.

Read 26 tweets
In was für einer #Gesellschaft leben wir in #Deutschland?

Seit wann ist #Realpolitik nur noch die Zielsetzung fragwürdigster Kompromisse, statt einer krisenbewährten, themenorientierten #Politik?

Was für ein #Menschenbild steht hinter dem #Buergergeld? ImageImageImageImage
Waere in den 17 Jahren der Anwendung des #SGBII & den Folgen der Liberalisierung - = realpolitische #Entsicherung des Arbeitsmarktes - über Gesetz & lobbynahe Formen der Gesetzgebung gesprochen & in #Berichterstattung geschrieben worden, waere dieser "Kompromiss" nicht erfolgt❗
Wer strukturelle Veraenderungen in der Politik thematisiert, indem die Ebene d.#Personalisierung gesellschaftlicher & systemischer Modifikation rhetorisch uebergestuelpt wird, kann nicht Ursache, Kausalität, Korrelation & Kollateralfolgen benennen, da Zusammenhänge verloren gehen
Read 7 tweets
Jeg glæder mig til at være @AUforsker i den kommende uge. Tak til @koefoed som driver initiativet og til @kristianvsf for forgangne uges bidrag.
Jeg hedder Lene Kühle og er professor mso i religionssociologi på Afdeling for Religionsvidenskab, Institut for Kultur og Samfund
Min forskning er inden for det religionssociologiske felt, dvs. fokuserer på relationer mellem religion og samfund: Hvordan påvirker religion samfundet, hvordan påvirker samfundet religioner? Min hovedinteresse er hvad der sker, når et samfund rummer flere forskellige religioner
Jeg blev interesseret i dette da jeg skrev mit speciale om folketingsdebatter om religion i perioden 1972-1997. Debatten om religion døde ud efter at have haft en stor rolle indtil ca 1975- men opstod igen fra 1990erne, men nu om islam og ikke kristendommens rolle i samfundet
Read 9 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 221 - Iniciamos el #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con el fundador de #Wagner Group, Yevgeny #Prigozhin, asistiendo al funeral de uno de sus mercenarios, galardonado con el título de #Héroe de la Federación Rusa".

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 221 - Aquí tenéis nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, en la que cayó #Limán.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 221 - Hay que estar atentos, como comentamos en el informe de ayer, a la situación en #Zaporiyia, en donde los ucranianos podrían estar redoblando la ofensiva según algunas fuentes, aunque no hay nada claro por el momento.

Read 40 tweets
A short thread on #ClickBait

There is considerable controversy surrounding things #journalists print today. Yes, journalism has always attracted controversy. It should. There is no way around it. This is most true with stories on sensitive subjects.
Think about it. We outrage when such stories are true, and we outrage when such stories are false. We should. We outrage more when misled--even more if baited. Clickbait and misleading titles are the bane of good journalism. I want to focus on this point.
We all know this but it bears repeating. Most journalists don't write titles for their articles. Editors do. Many an article I wrote has a title I would never write. But, I sympathize with editors. They have an impossible job.
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A Thread for Top Mystery/Thriller
Mini Series to Watch

1. The Innocents
2. #Safe
Read 16 tweets
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Van “mijn” kwaliteitskrant had ik meer doorvragen en checken verwacht.

Nu tasten de @NRC lezers bijvoorbeeld volledig in het donker over wat die “nieuwe catastrofe” dan precies inhoudt, wie daar last van zou krijgen, en wat de gevolgen zouden zijn. 1️⃣
Nu heeft NRC slechts angst over “er net vermeden catastrofe” verspreid. En als je alleen #clickbait wil lezen, moet je bij andere media zijn, niet bij “mijn” kwaliteitskrant, dacht ik altijd.
Mijn hart gaat uit naar deze medewerkers, die grote mentale schade hebben opgelopen. 2️⃣
Door deze verhalen zonder checks weer te geven, beïnvloedt @NRC ook de mentale toestand van haar lezers, op een ongunstige manier.

Dat gaat via zinnetjes als hieronder. Feitelijk juist, maar suggestief: heel eng! 😱😱😱

En er dan niet bij vertellen dat het complex al … 3️⃣
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15 Top Mini series to Watch in Netflix - Ranked(Personal Opinion)

(A Thread)
#TopTen2blue #TVseries Image
15. #UnorthoDox (3epi)
Jewish woman flees an arranged marriage in Brooklyn to start a new life abroad, but her past catches up to her. Image
14. #Deadset (5epi)
Zombies + Biggboss set Image
Read 18 tweets
It's a #clickbait headline because it creates an information vacuum in your mind, it's sensational, and it prays on humans' FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

You can learn more about clickbait headlines here.

#Headlines ideas for guest posts… Common blog / guest post headlines include the following ideas. These are meant to be the seed for your headline creativity: Within each of these articles is an opportunity to embed a link to one of So let's say that these are the web addresses of t three positive web results you want to promote. One of them is your own website, the other two are existing positive articles about your business that already show up high in search results, but not high enough. So this is your own list of links you want
Read 6 tweets
How to ID #clickbait, contrast it to genuine #activism-#MutualAid-info dissemination, and stop funding grifters: a masterclass in three tweets. Thread, [1/3]:
This is clickbait, from one of the biggest grifters in left-wing spamtivism. They pretend they're giving you important information, but what they're really doing is trolling for ad revenue via web traffic/brand ubiquity: [2/3]
And this is how a trustworthy and genuine activist and helper actually gives you important information: "Hey, JH letting you know Mark Cuban has launched a low-cost online pharmacy at! Ex: Abilify retail $660/scrip, C+ $6/scrip!" [3/3]

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En la película “No mires arriba” descubren que un cometa va a destruir la Tierra.

¿Es realmente posible que algo así ocurra? Pues sí.

Esto es lo que se hace para medir la peligrosidad de los asteroides que vemos en el cielo y mantener el planeta a salvo 👇🧵
Los NEO (Near-Earth Object) son #cometas o #asteroides que en algún momento durante su trayectoria alrededor del Sol pasan a menos de 1.3 UA de nuestra estrella.

1 UA es la distancia que separa la Tierra del Sol. Por tanto, 1.3 UA nos pilla bastante cerca.
Para hacer una primera evaluación del NEO nos fijamos en dos puntos clave de su órbita.

· Perihelio: punto más cercano al Sol
· Afelio: punto más alejado del Sol
Read 22 tweets
If you're a llama shaver, these are really accurate (and compelling) headlines for your niche. Remember, the objective of a headline is to get clicked in search results. But also keep in mind that some headlines can be #clickbait.… Clickbait headlines are meant to bait you into clicking (hence the name) but the content doesn't always measure up to what you were expecting. Sometimes it does though. Here is an example of a clickbait headline:… It's a clickbait headline because it creates an information vacuum in your mind, it's sensational, and it prays on humans' FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

You can learn more about clickbait headlines here.
Read 7 tweets
#Pandemie ist für mich das große (traurige) Erwachen:
Handlungsfähigkeit der #Politik zerrieben zwischen #Förderalismus, Unfähigkeit und Geltungsbedürfnis einzelner.
Gesellschaft gespalten von #Wissenschaftsfeinden auf Basis von gesellschaftlich toleriertem #Aberglauben.
#Medien setzen auf #falsebalance und #ClickBait. Vermeintliche #Experten verkaufen gedruckte Lügen und machen sich die Taschen voll, #EchteExperten werden verunglimpft, angefeindet und mit dem Tod bedroht.
#Kinder werden nicht geschützt, sondern #Durchseuchung preis gegeben. #Maskenpflicht zum größeren Übel als #LongCovid erklärt.
"Randgruppen" werden vergessen, #Aufklärung über #Impfung findet kaum statt und wenn überhaupt nur auf Deutsch und bitte in Eigeninitiative.
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This mindset fascinates me. When black people critique Hollywood for failing at representation for decades mostly white studios said we should stop begging to get into movies and "make our own". Now that is the go-to response for black people caping for problematic television
Pointing out the consistent erasure of MOC and the one sided diversity of straight and queer couples in high profile #Netflix shows amounts to "begging" for inclusion 🤔 Would he make that same argument about Afro-Latin erasure in #TheHeights ? That criticism was "begging" ?
@YouNetflix is part of a long standing theme in Hollywood where "diversity" means centering straight white men and adding a bevy of poorly developed sexually available WOC around them. It's a problem, it's not new but change only occurs when you point it out. But there's more...
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You change nothing by tweeting! We're either preaching to the choir or buried by the Jack-boots.

Get involved locally and do something of substance. Then tweet to your heart's content. I do.😘😎

Sorry, but this is #Clickbait #Truth
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🧵Met 10.000 man een feestje vieren. Een dom idee?🧵

Ik ga even Excellen, en je raadt nooit wat er uitkomt!

#clickbait #whatCouldPossiblyGoWrong
Ten eerste, hoe langer dit draadje, hoe complexer het gaat worden. Dus de eerste getallen zijn eigenlijk bullsh*t. Maar naarmate ik meer aannames doe, denk ik dat de schatting beter is.

We beginnen. Aantal mensen in Nederland: 17,5 miljoen. 3,5 gevaccineerd.
--> 14 miljoen over.
We gaan er vanuit dat er 150.000 op dit moment *besmettelijk* zijn; en het virus kunnen overdragen.

Dus de kans dat iemand besmettelijk is in de groep van 14 miljoen is 1,07%.

Read 15 tweets
Graham Gooch/ Gayle time stamp
@Fancricket12 explains how this field of sports journalism and broadcasting has changed in past few years.
He also explains why he was famous once upon a time for doing MBA ✅👍
5:25 #Clickbait and it's problems @cricvidya @yasirrizvi Image
9:05 Sometimes it's @Twitter that breaks news in the field of sport/ cricket . Where news comes and how it is consumed has changed .
Challenge of factual correctness posed by Twitter newsbreaks.
@Fancricket12 @cricvidya
10:15 XYZ guy on twitter and his sources starts reporting stuff and it gets 5000-10000 likes . Without taking names .❤️🙃🙃
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Quem nunca foi influenciado a clicar em algum link atraente pela curiosidade que o título despertou? Ou porque acreditou encontrar uma solução milagrosa para seu problema?

Esses são os famosos caça-cliques.
Caça-cliques, também conhecidos por clickbait, é um termo utilizado para se referir a manchetes ou títulos sensacionalistas que desejam atrair um grande número de cliques em determinadas páginas ou sites.
Alguns fazem uso de frases sensacionalista, promessas milagrosas e imagens para conseguir despertar a curiosidade sobre determinado assunto, sem compromisso com a veracidade da informação ofertada.
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