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La nuit dernière,les forces du régime de #Kiev ont lancé une attaque contre le village de #Novodonetskoe dans la région de #Donetsk.Les unités qui avançaient ont été vaincues par un détachement d'assaut de marines de la flotte #russe du #Pacifique. Image
Selon l'armée #russe,il y a plus de 50 unités de matériel immobilisé,y compris du matériel militaire de l'#OTAN,dans la campagne de #Novodonetskoe. Image
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Der KPz Leopard. Die #Leopard Familie in Ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte hat es immer geschafft, mit Ausnahme weniger Details, der Zeit und Möglichkeiten entsprechende Lösungsansätze zu integrieren, die denn einzelnen KPz zu einer ausgereiften und verlässlichen Plattform machten. Image
Kein #Panzer dieser Welt stellt jedoch eine #Wunderwaffe dar, die allein auf sich gestellt jeden Gegner aufhalten kann. Das galt in den Anfängen wie auch heuzutage. Ein Panzer allein ist nichts wert was man im aktuellen Konflikt häufig auf beiden Seiten beobachten kann.
Die Hauptstärken eines #Kampfpanzers (KPz) sind in der Reihenfolge: Beweglichkeit, Feuerkraft und Panzerschutz. Keine #Panzerung und #Feuerkraft kann einen #KPz retten wenn er die #Mobilität verliert. ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
As the #Russians started to study #Leopard tanks they were surprised by the flimsy construction and poor quality.
Leopard armor: in some places the thickness of the roof of the #German tank is 20 mm (up to 15 mm) it appears to have increased brittleness of steel🔽 Image
In fact, the blast wave did not dent in instead it shattered the armor
It turns out that the roof of the Leopard tower is about as good as cardboard.
This was a set up for #Ukranian military that has relied on these tin cans
#Leopard tanks
More zoomed in #Leopard roof with clear failure of the roof. The #Ukranian soldiers inside never had a chance Image
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The Ukrainian #counteroffensive has begun.

Activity throughout #Ukraine is consistent with a variety of indicators that Ukrainian counteroffensive operations are underway across the theater.

🧵on what we’re seeing & how to evaluate this activity ⬇️…
2/ Ukrainian officials have long signaled that there will not be an announcement that the #counteroffensive has begun.
3/ The #counteroffensive won’t likely unfold as a single grand operation. It will likely consist of many undertakings at numerous locations of varying size and intensity over many weeks.
Read 15 tweets
🧵 Adesso è partita la bambola degli F-16 all’#Ucraina, con inclusa illusione (fomentata da chi li vende) che siano dei “game-changer”. Ricordiamo i precedenti invii di nuove miracolose armi che non hanno cambiato assolutamente niente dall’inizio della guerra: 1/n
1. Gli #stinger: missili terra-aria con lanciatore a spalla: avrebbero dovuto impedire ai russi la superiorità aerea e il supporto di elicotteri alla fanteria. Ne abbiamo inviati migliaia, non è cambiato granché. 2/n
2. Gli #HIMARS: sistemi di lancio di missili a corta-media gittata (MLRS o ATACMS) che avrebbero dovuto minare la superiorità dell’artiglieria e della logistica russa colpendo le retrovie: al momento irrilevanti tranne per un unico colpo inferto alla vigilia di Natale 2022. 3/n
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Se informó que las sirenas de ataque aéreo comenzaron en #Kharkiv, probablemente debido al misil de crucero Kh-555/Kh-101 lanzado por bombarderos estratégicos rusos cerca del Mar Caspio.
Las sirenas de ataque…… Image
🔴 Todo parecería indicar que luego del ataque a #Crimea de #Ucrania 🇺🇦 (a refinerías de petróleo ya expresadas con anterioridad) y luego de un ataque a #Kiev luego de dos meses; desde #Moscú también se esperó a que Ucrania tenga ya el 98% de los tanques #Leopard y…
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Die sicherheitspolitische Kommission des Nationalrats will es ermöglichen, dass 25 von 96 ausgemusterten #Leopard-Panzern der Schweizer #Armee an den Hersteller Rheinmetall in Deutschland zurückverkauft werden können, wie sie mitteilt. (1/3)
Mit 17 zu 7 Stimmen beantragt die Kommission dem Nationalrat im Rahmen der Beratung der #Armeebotschaft, 25 Leopard-Panzer ausser Dienst zu stellen. Damit solle "die Grundlage geschaffen werden, welche einen Rückverkauf (...) an den Hersteller in Deutschland ermöglicht." (2/3)
Im Juni des letzten Jahres hatte der Bundesrat ein Gesuch von Polen abgelehnt, stillgelegte Leopard-Panzer zu erwerben, mit der Begründung, zuerst sei eine formelle Ausserdienststellung nötig.
Ende Februar dieses Jahres traf dann ein Gesuch aus Deutschland im VBS ein. (3/3)
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Mercoledì 15 marzo. A Varsavia, per la seconda volta negli ultimi sei mesi, fa la sua comparsa Bill #Burns. Dovrebbe essere già un indizio che qualcosa di grosso stia bollendo in #Polonia.
Non fosse altro per un motivo: il felpato direttore della CIA si è affermato fino ad oggi come uno degli attori chiave nella risposta occidentale all’invasione russa dell’#Ucraina. Fu la sua agenzia di intelligence, più di ogni altra al mondo, ad anticipare le mosse di
Vladimir #Putin prima dell’inizio della guerra. Fu lui a recarsi a Mosca per tentare un ultimo disperato approccio con il Cremlino. Il presidente russo non si fece trovare, ma al telefono ascoltò dalla voce di Burns le conseguenze che un attacco avrebbe comportato.
Read 15 tweets
There's been criticism of the detail (esp re #Poland, which has already delivered Leos) - but @JeremyCliffe's main point is right.
▶️I'd actually take it further (it's not about #Germany but about #Ukraine), which is why we need to talk about #Finland🧵…
I've repeatedly praised #Finland's approach to standing up #Russia & have written on its own #Zeitenwende in joining #NATO.
I've also repeatedly praised @MarinSanna as a figurehead of #NeoIdealism - who's been wonderfully clear on how & why #Ukraine must win & RU must lose
So, to be clear, this is not a general critique of🇫🇮or '🇫🇮 bashing'!
- BUT on the tank issue, I think #Finland has got it wrong.
- According to public info they have agreed to send
3 Patria Leopard2R heavy mine breaching tanks
-But NO #Leopard2 MBTs…
Read 23 tweets
#Germany: As @nld_37 has mentioned, #Bundeswehr is taking on a structural reform in #Army (#Heer). This is essential not only for Germany, but also for the allies of Germany. On one hand, @Deutsches_Heer is becoming more mobile, but this comes with a price - a hefty one 1/
German Army is going to have only three "heavy" brigades, i.e. with #Leopard and #Puma battalions. Another one is the Dutch 43 Mech. Further three will be "medium forces" / Mittlere Kraefte based on Boxer APC. Not only the Franco-German brigade and 23 Mountain, but also 2/
21 Mountain. While this will improve mobility of German Army, even after provision of full equipment for the Army, #Germany will have very limited capability when it comes to "schwere" (heavy) forces. This has certain implications for NATO posture... and for Poland 3/
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🔴 Une des plus grandes campagnes de propagande de tous les temps

🚨Très intéressant article de James Rickards, éditeur des magazines Strategic Intelligence, Project Prophesy, Crash Speculator et Gold Speculator.

Il est extrêmement difficile de trouver la vérité sur la 🔽
guerre en #Ukraine.

La première raison : nous parlons de guerre. Les guerres sont toujours difficiles à évaluer en temps réel. L'expression "brouillard de guerre" a été inventée pour traduire l'incertitude et l'imprécision des progrès réalisés sur le champ de bataille. 🔽
Cependant, il existe une autre raison pour laquelle la guerre en Ukraine est déroutante pour tant de personnes. L'effort de propagande ukrainien est devenu l'une des inventions de mensonges les plus étonnamment efficaces jamais vues.
De la chasse aux as du "Fantôme de Kiev" 🔽
Read 40 tweets
A year of the nine-year war (longread)

LONG-TIME APPEASEMENT (1991-2014). Due to the immense potential to destroy humanity, vast resources, and incurable optimism of the renaissance nations, 🇷🇺has been a prism through which the West has been looking at the nations in-between.
The brutal second #Chechen war, orchestrated by @putin to grip power, was hardly noticed. 🇷🇺was let in from the cold just a year after the invasion of #Georgia.
Contrary to common sense, the Kremlin was awarded more say in global affairs and even more role in #Europe, thanks to the Partnership for modernization Angela #Merkel had championed.
Read 25 tweets
🚨 #RussiaUkraine Une analyse glaçante de James Rickards du Daily Reckoning concernant la terrifiante fin de partie de la guerre en #Ukraine qui s'est transformée en une longue et inexorable marche vers la désintégration de l'Ukraine ou une guerre nucléaire.

🚨À lire et RT ! 🔽
La guerre en #Ukraine présente deux aspects dont vous n'entendrez pas parler dans les médias d'entreprise.

Le premier est que la #Russie est sur le point de gagner la guerre.

Dans les médias américains, comme le New York Times 🔽
(une chaîne du département d'État) ou le Washington Post (une chaîne de la #CIA), on entend sans cesse des histoires sur l'échec des plans des Russes, sur leur incompétence.

Sur la façon dont les forces armées ukrainiennes (AFU) ont repoussé les Russes dans le #Donbas. 🔽
Read 37 tweets
Seems #Germany is upset about the limited number of #Leopard donors to #Ukraine. While I have long been arguing for more aid to Ukraine, I'm somewhat unsure what exactly is the core of the criticism in this case.
The decision to approve exports was good, and #Scholtz et al. deserve credit for it. At the same time, it took months longer than it had to. This discrepancy is at the heart of (at least my) criticism towards #Germany.
Make no mistake, Germany does *a lot*, but every step is accompanied by hand-wringing and vocal concerns about the risk of escalation, which undercut the diplomatic part of it.
Read 13 tweets
#NordstreamSabotage #Leopard
这是左派政党#DieLinke的Sahra #Wagenknecht的演讲。她称德国政府是欧洲最愚蠢的政府,并要求重新开放#Northstream管道。2周后,他们被#拜登和#中情局#炸毁。
来自右翼政党#AfD的爱丽丝-魏德勒(Alice #Weidel)指责总理#Scholz不愿意就美国对德国/俄罗斯#Nordstream管道的#恐怖袭击#进行评判。她还斥责外交部长#Baerbock是个文盲。
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Я взял на себя труд перевести наиболее значимые речи немецкого парламента за последний год. Большинство людей не понимают, как #Германия может быть настолько глупой в отношении своих собственных национальных интересов. Но еще остались голоса за мир
#NordstreamSabotage #Leopard
Дата: 08.09.22
Перед вами выступление Сахры #Вагенкнехт из левой партии #DieLinke. Она называет немецкое правительство самым глупым в Европе и требует возобновления работы трубопроводов #Northstream. Через 2 недели после этого они были взорваны #Баденом и.
Дата: 08.02.23
Алиса #Вайдель из правой партии #AfD критикует канцлера #Шольца за его нежелание судить США за их #террористическую атаку на немецкий/российский трубопровод #Nordstream. Она также ругает министра иностранных дел #Баербока как неграмотного.
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My @faznet analysis of the British perception of Germany’s foreign&security policy since Russia invaded 🇺🇦 is based on conversations with security experts, academics& government officials. There is considerable interest in London in the way 🇩🇪 is changing.…
London was surprised by @Bundeskanzler ‘s Zeitenwende speech in February 2022, but the initial reaction was overwhelmingly positive. The speech seemed to announce a real change which could result in Germany stopping to be a weak link in the chain of the European security order./2
The #Zeitenwende has not given rise to UK concern that a domineering or revanchist Germany might eventually be re-emerging. That fear which still existed in Thatcher’s head at the time of German reunification no longer matters among 🇬🇧’s foreign&security policy making elite./3
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I took the effort to translate the most significant speeches of the German Parliament of the last year. Most people don't understand how #Germany could be so stupid concerning their own national interests. But there are still voices left for peace
#NordstreamSabotage #Leopard
Date: 08.09.22
Here is a speech of Sahra #Wagenknecht of the left party #DieLinke. She is calling the german government the most stupid in Europe and demand the reopening of the #Northstream pipelines. 2 weeks after this they were blown up by #Biden & #CIA
Date: 08.02.23
Alice #Weidel from the right wing party #AfD is calling out chancellor #Scholz about his reluctance to judge the #USA for their #TerrorAttack on German/Russian #Nordstream pipeline. She also scolds foreign minister #Baerbock as a illiterate.
Read 11 tweets
100 #Leopard1A5 is good news for #Ukraine, even if it is significantly older than the Leopard 2A6 and a (serious) step below the 2A4. It is however in some ways what Ukraine needs.
The bad news is that Leopard 1 is old, and the prime example is the main armament: the legendary 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7. Once the finest tank gun of the west and fitted to a host of different tanks, it is by now (as are rifled 105 mm guns in general) outdated.
However, on the positive side, so are a lot of the potential targets on the battlefield in Ukraine. The T-62 and T-64 are roughly of the same generation, and a lot of the T-72 running around are not the latest and greatest T-72B3M, but Cold War relics.
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Many thanks to @radicalizedpod @Heidi_Cuda @jimstewartson HiFi for their tireless work & laser-sharp vision.

Grateful for the opportunity to speak about a year of war in #Ukraine, #Leopard tanks to #Wagner Nazi origin to #Zelensky's presidency.

articles that I quote in🧵
Still feel this way. When people ask me about #Russia. I drew it in 2014, I think, and at that time nobody got it. Now pretty much everyone does but it is too late.
@johnsweeneyroar: the full interview and it's a must. Please listen to the voice of wisdom. And common sense. He gives it as it is, zero BS.
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L'ufficio di progettazione di #Novosibirsk #Spektr ha creato un drone kamikaze per distruggere i carri armati #Leopard.. Il prototipo di munizioni vaganti può distruggere i moderni veicoli corazzati, inclusi i Leopard.. Nell'intervista con #BFM_Novosibirsk
, #AndreyBratenkov, direttore esecutivo di #KB_Spektr, ha spiegato perché il suo team ha intrapreso questo lavoro e cosa è necessario per completarlo..

- Perché il tuo ufficio di progettazione ha deciso di sviluppare tali apparecchiature?

Questo è il nostro desiderio di aiutare
l'esercito russo, che ora sta affrontando il nemico nella zona #SMO.. L'Occidente dirige le sue tecnologie contro i nostri uomini. Dobbiamo sostenere l'esercito con tutto il possibile. E dobbiamo attrarre forze e risorse per garantire che le nostre tecnologie siano più forti.
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#Russia "È stata una battaglia per l'esistenza di un paese tormentato ma non conquistato"Vladimir #Putin si è congratulato per l'ottantesimo anniversario della sconfitta dei nazisti nella battaglia di #Stalingrado. Incredibile, ma vero - siamo di nuovo minacciati dai carri ⬇️
armati #Leopard tedeschi, che combattono con le mani di #Bandera's. L'ideologia del nazismo nella sua veste moderna crea nuovamente minacce dirette alla sicurezza della #Russia. Coloro che trascinano la #Germania in una nuova guerra e si aspettano di vincere sul campo di ⬇️
battaglia non capiscono che una guerra moderna con la #Russia sarà diversa. La Russia, quando risponde alle minacce, non se la caverà solo con i veicoli blindati, tutti dovrebbero capirlo. La prontezza per amore della verità ad andare fino in fondo e fare l'impossibile - era ed⬇️
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Here is the new and third thread 🧵 for the Strategic Assessment of Russo-Ukrainian War that started after the fell of Soledar and defense of Bakhmut. This is the fourth thread on overall strategic assessment of war. #Svatove #Kreminna #Vuhledar #Ukraine #Russia #Soledar Image
1) Please take a look for understanding how a counter-offensive should be conducted, what are the goals and requirements and for the events that occured between September to November.
2) You can take a look to this thread for the first part of the Ukrainian Winter Counter Offensive which includes the situation and events between November to January.
Read 103 tweets
🐆Leopard 2 Coalition Status ⬇️

"Every country in 🇪🇺 wants to deliver their Leopard 2 MBT asap to🇺🇦"

That was the story, wasn't it?

As usual, reality is different. Let's look at the current status

#LeopardCoalition #Leopard #Ukraine Image
Disclaimer: As usual, I've done my research to the best of my knowledge. If you find an error or if you have a _confirmed_ source telling a different story: please let me know.

Now to the 🧵⬇️
[1] Germany has announced to deliver 14 MBT Leopard 2A6 + 2 ARV Bergepanzer as part of the Leopard tank coalition…
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