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May 22nd 2023
Aktuell läuft eine sehr große, vermutlich gut abgestimmte psychologische und militärische Aktion gegen #Russland. Ob und was dran ist und was daraus entsteht ist unklar!!!
Momentan kann man nach wenigen Stunden noch sagen 👇. Image
Im Oblast #Belgorod #bilhorod sollen ukrainische Einheiten stehen. RUS Grenzposten wurden vernichtet. RUS soll gerade verzweifelt irgendwelche Einheiten dorthin schicken um überhaupt mal zu sehen was los ist.
3/x eine russische Partisanengruppe soll dort auch sehr aktiv sein.
Read 93 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Roger Stone protégé Jack Posobiec & others used the social justice protests following George Floyd’s murder as a launching pad to further divide the country in the Summer of 2020. 1/
Read 18 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
“A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national ‘antifa’ organization j pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.” 6/1/20 by Ben Collins 1/…
Read 57 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
The Influence Continuum with Dr. Steven Hassan
Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right with Anne Nelson

📢If you haven't listened to this you MUST. I've been listening to all your podcasts, retweeting all your posts etc. You've all done an....
incredible job. Many of us are deeply grateful for your work. Steven new podcast is an absolute must if we are to get out of this insanity. He summaries what is going on in an easy to follow big picture way. Please use your influence and spread the word. @CultExpert @jentaub
Read 6 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
#OODA loop: Observer, Orienter, Décider, Agir.
Stratégie de décision initialement #militaire, utilisée chez les pilotes pour gagner un combat.
L'idée, c'est de trouver un avantage, être plus rapide pour détruire la #boucle du mouvement de l'ennemi. Citée par Robert Malone..⏬1/8
Les 4 étapes de la stratégie #OODAloop:
Observer, Orienter, Décider, Agir.
#Observer: rassembler des données, vérifier leur pertinence. Suivre les tendances, les infos des réseaux, identifier si l'autre est ami, ennemi. Selon la qualité de vos datas, vous aurez l'avantage.. 2/8⏬
-#Orienter: décider de votre point de vue. Quelle est votre perception du monde. Si un avion n'est pas orienté correctement, vous ne pouvez pas descendre votre ennemi.
-#Décider: voir quelles sont les options disponibles. Un pilote décider de monter, s'enfuir ou viser.. 3/8⏬
Read 9 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+342 (31/01) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

#NATO, #AFU n'attendent plus que la prochaine offensive russe. L'initiative est passée du côté des #RF ?

🛑 !

Où sont passées les 10-15 brigades "d'élite" #AFU ?

#AFU demandent des chars lourds occidentaux (300), mais où sont passés LEURS chars soviétiques (entre 600-1000) ?

Ne sommes-nous pas en présence d'une #PsyOps de grande ampleur ?

Quel est le rapport de forces réel ?

Analyser la mobilisation russe ne suffit pas car #AFU continuent à beaucoup mobiliser, aussi :
-30.000 h ont été mobilisés le mois dernier
-4 nouvelles brig. méca. créées : 21è, 33è, 116è et 118è
-1 nouvelle brig. d'artillerie, la 47è
Read 18 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
Levels of #Psyops:

The pattern of the Endless Wars in the Middle East...

Look a lot like...

The pattern during the #pandemic.…
Middle East wars psyop 1:

We're going to get the terrorists. And WMDs.
Middle East wars psyop 2:

Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are stealing liquid black gold for American oiligarchs (part b: rare earth metals).
Read 14 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
I’ve always believed that one of the greatest benefits that Twitter provides to foreign influence operations like Russia in 2016 is “narrative seeding” & pushing the narrative needle among journalists & social media influencers. #osint #RussiaGate #MuellerReport #disinfo #infosec
NYU @CSMaP_NYU and its authors are also trying to push back on the right-wing narrative that continues to be ubiquitous in RW circles that the Kremlin’s efforts at interfering with our 2016 elections had no effect. The the narrow scope of their research did NOT conclude that
Even yesterday on multiple large right-wing Twitter spaces the NYU study was being touted as proof Russian interference in our election in 2016 was a hoax…their #RussiaGate. A narrative that they have pushed for yrs despite overwhelming evidence from #MuellerReport & researchers Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 21st 2022

Où l'on apprend que Twitter assiste le Pentagone dans différentes opérations d'influence destinées à accompagner ses guerres et celle de ses (ex) amis Saoudiens au Yemen.
Je dois vous dire que ce genre de choses est l'un de mes sujets de prédilection depuis plus de dix ans. Je l'enseigne dans différentes institutions. Un peu de mise en contexte pour comprendre pourquoi ce type d'astroturfing, le militaire, est fondamental.
L'astroturfing sur les réseaux sociaux dans lequel nous baignons tous aujourd'hui, ces différentes opérations d'influence pratiquées aussi bien par des Etats, des entreprises et parfois même des groupes militants, est né au sein de l'armée, à priori en 2009.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
#SOS #Mayday #Mayday #BeastAI #AI #SweetAI My website has been TAKEN OVER by the Luciferian Cartel after 2 weeks of INTENSE ASSAULT with MK ULTRA BULL EMF Assault and Battery with Intent to MK me into a "Bunney" #MockOp for the Deranged and Evil Cartel Crowd. Image
2/#AI I can't make a single post now as I want.
3/#AI I was just stopped from a stream of messages describing what has been done to #AI by the Luciferians in private DMs sent to #TarunRavi @6THSENSE_3RDEYE
Read 145 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Mainstream Media is so biased these days. You can almost always find that media follows money and power.

The days of independent media are long gone. Those in power control the media houses. Those with wealth control the messaging.

A thread 🧵 for your awareness Image
Print media is out. With digital media its always about clicks, eyeballs, TRP ratings and views these days.

The faster someone keeps churning #BreakingNews the higher their ratings. Focus on the message & quality, not quantity & speed. Image
Read 35 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Absolutely chilling. Key members of #CPC, esp Pierre Polievre, participated in a destabilization operation against 🇨🇦. Mike Flynn was also part of #FluTruxKlan. This is/was an op meant to undermine the legitimacy of 🇨🇦’s gov’t. This op continues using #PsyOps & #InfoOps. #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
From coordinated behaviour to trend anti-Trudeau hashtags to propaganda offensives in #cdnmedia, to online radicalization in Facebook groups, to targeting religious groups, these coordinated ops are attacks on 🇨🇦. Supporting them should be disqualifying for holding public office. ImageImageImageImage
I’ll also add, it goes without saying this study conducted by Flynn & colleagues, looks like a blueprint for (among other disinfo ops) the election denier movement to convince people Biden isn’t the lawfully elected president. (See import work by Robert Pape & @CPOST_UChicago). ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
#Propaganda, psyops, guerra cognitiva: l’importanza del fronte interno

Le tecniche sempre più raffinate di manipolazione dell’opinione pubblica costituiscono una seria minaccia alla democrazia.

👉Il mio nuovo articolo x #IntelligenceForThePeople
Dal conflitto ucraino alla crisi da Covid19, il ricorso a tecniche di “guerra psicologica” e di manipolazione dell’opinione pubblica si registra con sempre maggiore frequenza ed evidenza all’interno dei paesi occidentali.
E’ stato detto che i servizi segreti occidentali hanno condotto una guerra psicologica contro il Cremlino, in particolare utilizzando notizie di #intelligence desecretate come parte di una guerra di informazione contro Mosca.
Read 29 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 66) - Después de un breve pero merecido descanso, iniciamos nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con este vídeo, grabado en #Topolske, en el que se aprecia el efecto de la artillería ucraniana sobre los blindados rusos.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 66) - Seguimos con esta entrevista a un mercenario de #Wagner, hecha e 26 de febrero, en la que cuestiona las opciones rusas de derrotar a Ucrania por diferentes motivos. Vía @kamilkazani.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 66) - Un "pequeño" depósito de armas supuestamente encontrado durante un registro en una vivienda de la óblast de #Jersón utilizada por partisanos.
Read 23 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
None of the 30 @NATO countries have any twitter handle like @NATOinUkraine. A special aspiration of @NATO to bring @Ukraine under their fold. Twitter handle created back in 2015 - long term game. What does Ukraine have that @NATO was so eager towards @Ukraine? Image
Current 30 countries by year of joining @NATO 30 Nato Countries by year o...
A map of how @NATO expanded in europe… Image
Read 49 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
Hoy traigo un nuevo hilo en sobre la interceptación de las supuestas comunicaciones militares rusas. Quizás pueda ser de interés para algún periodista, investigador o interesado en el tema, que no conozca mucho sobre radiocomunicaciones. Va hilo. #comint #sigint 👇👇👇
Ante este supuesto fallo, siendo una de las mayores potencias en Guerra Electrónica del mundo, me planteo algunas preguntas: ¿Es solo un error garrafal de #COMSEC? ¿podría ser intencionado y usarse como parte de una #PSYOPS? ¿les da absolutamente igual que se les escuche...?
¿Qué parte del total de las comunicaciones vemos realmente? ¿el puñado de indicativos escuchados en unas frecuencias de HF son gran parte del C&C radio de la invasión de Ucrania? ¿Qué producto útil de inteligencia proporcionan esas conversaciones que ya son públicas en Internet?
Read 8 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
Read 76 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
"Muuh, Bobby, what's up with the #Novak scandal/ @AustralianOpen?"

This is for sure not a #PsyOp, right @DjokerNole?

@novakfoundation supports social impact markets, digital child labour for hedge funds, the #4IR @wef- agenda.

@ProfKlausSchwab approves.…

Credits for above tweet actually belong to @WWakeUpTime.
Poor @DjokerNole is now isolated at Melbourne Airport.
Will @ProfKlausSchwab/@wef intervene at @AustralianOpen? Is this all just a CheapThrills #Astroturf-#PsyOp for the mainstream normie to seed some Scripted Reality 'predictive programming'? "No Vax, No Winner Cup"? Poll below. ImageImage
Read 75 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
De vier elementen van een mass formation pychosis zijn de volgende: 1) een periode van langdurige isolatie; 2) onthouding van zaken waar mensen normaal gesproken van genieten; 3) een constante staat van opwinding en boosheid;
en tenslotte 4) Een enkelvoudige oplossing die wordt aangeboden door een gezaghebbende instantie. Jullie mogen zelf invullen in hoeverre deze vier elementen van toepassing zijn op de huidige situatie in Nederland en of we kunnen spreken van een #massa_psychose.
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Dec 19th 2021
1/ What is Moms For Liberty? 🧵

This new REPUBLICAN group started in #Brevard County, FL. They spread across the country(like COVID), calling themselves "non-partisan" and "grassroots", they are neither. Last week, they formed 4 large PACs. Let's dive in!

2/ FACT: The Republican agenda IS to privatize public education, and put that tax money into their own private piggy banks. They have already taken several steps down that road, and that's not an exaggeration.…
3/ Matt Gaetz sponsored a bill in 2017 that would have completely elimated the U.S. Department of Education @usedgov

Read 34 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
Steve Bannon is the Kevin Bacon of white supremacy. Drew Hernandez, a defense witness in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial, is a professional agitator (see below) & pretend “journalist” who works for a phony “news” outlet that streams Bannon’s War Room podcast. #PSYOPS 1/
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Oct 20th 2021
If you're always told the country you live in is a democracy when it isn't, chances are you won't put in the effort to make it so.

Why try to achieve a goal you've already reached?

That's how American Exceptionalism #PsyOps work.

From Russia With Hate.
This doesn't mean the US can't get there.

It means that the only way it will is to recognize just how much it's fallen short and put forth the effort to reach true equality.
Read 4 tweets

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