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mit diesem Trick mogelten sich #Ungarn in #Gematria auf Nummer 906 #Magyarország
heisst Ungarn
2) da kommt gleich in Zeile 2 eine Drohung
"you are going to die soon"
Hr. Dörnyei ist im Haus. Man hört ihn durch alle Wände, auch ohne Auto. Mit #looking #glass versuchen sie #Gedanken #Träume zu sehen. Funktioniert übrigens auch bei Ihnen. Wie kann Bad Wie...eigentlich Image
3) bei der #Erpressung einer #Einwohnerin mitspielen. Glauben Sie ernsthaft, das #RoteKreuz #Johanniter geben Ihnen etwas ab? Sie naiv? Geschäftemacher! Vorbestellt Mitglieder #Habsburg #Bourbon #Frankreich #Spanien #Windsor #Putin #Trump Image
Read 6 tweets
#Netflix has dropped a 45-page report on its "Africa adventures" from 2016-2022. I just received it. I'll go through it and share highlights in this thread, so this may take all day... 🤪 Image
Intro statements from Shola Sanni Director of Public Policy, sub-Saharan Africa Netflix; and Dean Garfield VP, Public Policy. In a nutshell, Netflix is excited about the future of its presence in Africa and bringing Africa to the world. ImageImage
$175 million invested over the six-year period; or just about $29 million a year towards both content and "creative ecosystems" in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria combined; or about $10 million annually to each country. Can't wait to see numbers from Prime Video eventually. Image
Read 20 tweets
Many people asking us about #bumblebees at the moment - why they’re seeing them on the ground - so here’s a quick thread to explain what they’re up to. Please #retweet as every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year! 1/8
#Bumblebee queens emerge in early spring from #hibernation and immediately need to feed - that’s why early flowering plants are so important. Apart from feeding their mission at this time is to find a suitable site to establish a nest. Hence you will observe queens flying low 2/8
…to the ground zig-zagging across the landscape - they’re house-hunting. Stopping to explore in long grass and vegetation, hollows in trees, stone walls, under sheds and even compost heaps. During this time #bumblebee queens spend a lot of their time resting between flights. 3/8
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El 8M marzo 1974 se editaba Queen II.

La Cara B del álbum es el diario cifrado de Freddie Mercury al mundo.

Sus letras más enigmáticas de las que no había información sobre su significado...

... Hasta ahora!

Abro megahilo de esta obra maestra.

#Queen #8M2023 #FreddieMercury
El "lado oscuro" del álbum, un mundo creado por Freddie Mercury, es la antesala de Bohemian Rhapsody, pero de veinte minutos de duración.

La "Black Side" es una roller coaster vertiginosa de melodías, coros, ópera, heavy metal, rock, cambios de escalas, estructuras y capas
interminables de voces y guitarras. Es impredecible, creativo y original.

Si la "Cara A" abría con una marcha fúnebre, la "Cara B" irrumpe de forma abrupta: gritos, voces escandalosas, tambores atronadores, platillos invertidos y un poderoso riff.

En todo el "lado oscuro" vamos
Read 76 tweets
#KingCharles inherited 45,667 acres of land (without having to pay inheritance tax)

The Crown owns 226,000 acres across the UK

After the #Queen died, we unveiled our proposal for a new memorial park in London: the #QueenElizabethMemorialGardens

All we need is 2 acres of land👇 ImageImageImageImage
Our vision is to create a place of tranquility in a walled garden carved from a sliver of the 42-acre Buckingham Palace Gardens: a living legacy to #QueenElizabeth

It’ll also be an act of care towards London & its ecosystem #QueenElizabethMemorialGardens…
Originally conceived to to mark the #Queen’s 90th birthday, the idea for #QueenElizabethMemorialGardens has been developed over many years

The gardens would include woodland, wild flowers, a butterfly meadow as well as a statue of #QueenElizabeth.
Read 5 tweets
@giaaa1987 2

auf der Tanzfläche ganz gerne konkatteniert mit Douglas Adams:


hier gesprochen u.a. von Helmut Kohl:

Play Loud and Listen Carefully !

@giaaa1987 @Klang_Ruinen Play Loud and Listen Carefully ?

Challange accepted! .... Loading, please wait.

Front 242
Work 242 N.Off Is N.Off [Never Stop! EP '89]

Mission accomplished 3 years later:

@giaaa1987 @Klang_Ruinen "Geschichte wird gemacht, es geht voran"

#JoyDivision - Atmosphere

#NightmaresInWax #Liverpool #BirthOfANation:

#FreddyMercury & #Queen: One Vision

@Laibach: Geburt einer Nation
Read 7 tweets
1/2 "Here, we demonstrate an increased survival of infected #honey #bee #larvae after their #queen was #vaccinated, compared to offspring of #control #queens (#placebo vaccinated)."…
2/2 "These results indicate that #trans-#generational #immune #priming (#TGIP) in insects can be used to majorly enhance #colony #health, protect #commercial #pollinators from #deadly #diseases, and reduce high #financial and #material losses to #beekeepers"
1/2 "The idea came to be known as the “#butterfly #effect” after Lorenz suggested that the flap of a butterfly's wings might ultimately cause a tornado."…
Read 4 tweets
The #Charing Cross landmark in #Lahore has remained the centre point of the city since the #British era and continues to be the better-known venue for political mobilization. In 1904, a grand statue of #Queen Victoria was placed under a canopy and the #monument stood (1/7)
at the crossing until 1951.

The statue was moved to the Lahore #Museum thereafter. In the 1980s, during the ‘Islamist’ regime of #General Zia, a wooden model of the Holy Quran was placed where the statue once stood. Earlier, under the civilian Prime Minister Zulfikar (2/7)
Ali #Bhutto, another modernist tower was erected to mark the 1974-summit conference of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC). The summit monument – as a cultural space – commemorates the ideal of Unity of all Muslims and that of the Ummah – the Muslim Brotherhood (3/7)
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1/. “In the centre of the swirling madness of London traffic there is a sort of sanctuary, a green oasis that his intrigued & aroused the curiosity of Londoners & visitors alike”

Clip from The Queen’s Garden (1977) by James Hill & @willtravers dad, Bill.
2/. On Thursday we’ll unveil our proposal that’s been in a decade in the pipeline

Originally devised to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday in 2016, the idea is to use a sliver of #BuckinghamPalace Gdns to create a new park: the #QueenElizabethMemorialGardens

DM me for a press pack Image
3/. As this period of national mourning comes to an end, our thoughts turn to how we will mark the #Queen’s memory

We hope that the #QueenElizabethMomorialGardens might provide both a living legacy to #QueenElizabethII & as well a welcome new green space in a central London ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
THREAD | Her Majesty The Queen's State Funeral. 19th September 2022. Short clips and highlights.

#QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #TheQueen #Queen #RoyalFamily #Royal #StateFuneral #RIPQueenElizabeth #GodSaveTheQueen #KingCharlesIII #TheKing #PrinceWilliam #WestminsterAbbey
Her Majesty's coffin is conveyed from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey.

#QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #TheQueen #Queen #RoyalFamily #Royal #StateFuneral #RIPQueenElizabeth #GodSaveTheQueen #KingCharlesIII #TheKing #PrinceWilliam #WestminsterAbbey
The coffin is conveyed on the Royal State Gun Carriage, pulled by 142 @RoyalNavy sailors.

#QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #TheQueen #Queen #RoyalFamily #Royal #StateFuneral #RIPQueenElizabeth #GodSaveTheQueen #KingCharlesIII #TheKing #PrinceWilliam #WestminsterAbbey
Read 16 tweets
1/ On @MSNBC Michael Beschloss just told the story of Gandhi sending the Queen a wedding present—a piece of cloth that he spun himself. Gift was downplayed at the time. Beschloss said gift was sign of how Queen made everyone feel special. 😧 #Queen #funeral
2/ I usually love Michael B’s take on everything on @MSNBC. But this is a GROSS oversimplification of that moment. #QueenElizabethII
3/ When the British colonized India they outlawed the spinning of Indian tapestries. Britain’s Indian “subjects” (non-citizens) were only allowed to grow the raw cotton. Then it was exported to Europe, spun in similar style and sold back to Indians at a profit. #queensfuneral
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#Thread 🧵
On #Britain, #Egypt and the passing of Her Majesty #Queen #Elizabeth 1/
Although many in #Egypt expressed sadness for the passing of the Queen, others commented negatively on her legacy, recalling colonialism, the Suez conflict, and the 1956 war 2/
I too, didn’t forget the history of conflicts between the 2 countries.
My late Mum proudly gave me this coin commemorating the withdrawal of British forces in 1956 3/ ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
قائدِ اعظم محمد ؐ علی جناح صاحب کے آخری ایام
ٖوہ سارا دن بستر پر مردہ دل ، بے حس و مایوس لیٹے رہے۔ "فاطمی مجھے اب زندہ رہنے میں دل چسپی نہیں ہے۔(1)
جتنا جلد میں چلا جاؤں اتنا ہی بہتر ہے۔ اس سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا میں زندہ رہوں یا مر جاؤں۔ جناح کی آنکھوںمیں آنسواور ایسے شخص میں جسے عام طور پر غیر جذباتی اور مظبوط سمجھا جاتاتھا۔ جذبات کے اس مظاہرہ سےہم سب حیرت زدہ رہ گئے۔ میں تجربہ سے جانتا تھا کہ۔ جب ایک مریض ہمت ہار دے (2)
تو کوئی علاج چاہے کتنا ہی بھر پور کیوں نہ ہو ذیادہ کامیاب نہیں ہو سکتا اوراس لئے یہ بات جان کر کہ اس آہنی قوت ارادی کے شخص نے ہمت ہار دی تھی۔ سخت مایوسی ہوئی۔
ستمبر تک جناح کو نمونیا کے علاوہ تب دق اور پھیپڑوں کا سرطان ہو چکاتھا۔ ان کا بخار ١٠٠ درجہ تھا. وزن ستر پونڈ رہ گیا۔(3)
Read 17 tweets
What can we learn from the death of the #Queen?

The world has watched her live through the process of #OrdinaryDying, and yet dying went unspoken, un-named.

Let's notice what nobody mentioned: we all saw the Queen going through the stages of ordinary dying.

A 🧵...

As her body wearied, she needed to ration her energy, reduce her public engagements, delegate some tasks.

Energy runs out faster as the process progresses.

But her mind remained crystal-clear, her famous sense of humour was undimmed.

The changes began slowly.

Initially, we realised that she was less energetic year by year.

This is the stage of dying when life expectancy is usually still measured in years.

Read 12 tweets
Colonised Slaves of the Colonisers!!

Does any other country that many slaves as ours?

Broken Parenthood creates broken Childhood & even the so called experts are broken in Colonised Societies to not #decolonise

Colonisers #Queen is #NotMyQueen
Colonised Slaves of Coloniser #Queen seems to have lost their mother Queen while local Peasants don’t seem to be bothered that much

Classical competition among Slaves to outdo each other

What a fall for the CIVILISATION when #ChildrenOfCivilisation suck up to own oppressors 🤦🏻‍♂️
Love how Colonised Coolies make fool of own self trying their best to shake hands many times 🤣🤣

Look at child & possibly dad desperate hand while their Master ignores them so many times
Read 26 tweets
.@TuckerCarlson Here’s how Brits “civilised” Indians by imposing the barbaric “distance test”.

Robert Lytton (aka Rodent) & “Queen” Victoria were sc^mbags.

👇 thread was written to rebut academics who whitewashed Crimes of Britain as “Climate Change”.

Plundering all ur wealth & food, selling the food to u at an exorbitant price, imposing a barbaric “distance test” to determine your eligibility to eat (u eat if you’re fit for slave labour). 8 Million Madrasis were genocided in the Madras Holocaust. #IndianTwitter #IrishTwitter
Nothing says “civilising” “savages” like plundering & genociding 8 Million people while you throw a lavish 14 day banquet for your self proclamation as the Empress of the colonised nation & then rewriting history to call it a “famine” caused by “Climate Change”.

Read 9 tweets
Kalau ingat Lady Diana, maka gk ada sedih2nya dengan kematian Queen Elizabeth
The nasty one -> 2015, Sang Ratu mengomentarari kematian Putri Diana

Sang Ratu tidak langsung percaya bahwa kecelakaan mobil yang dialami Putri Diana.
Ia dengan terbuka mengatakatan,"seseorang pasti sudah melumasi remnya."
Pernyataan ini mengejutkan banyak orang
Sang Ratu tidak menyukai perhatian yang Diana dapat.

Putri Diana selalu menjadi pusat perhatian, tmks paparazzi, yang semakin memperparah hubungan Putri Diana dengan Sang Ratu.

Sang Ratu menjadi 'lelah' dengan semua perhatian untuk Princess of wales tsb
Read 29 tweets
ماذا يعني إعلان وفاة ملكة الزواحف عميدة التاج البريطاني؟؟
-إنتهاء سيطرة التاج البريطاني على أجهزة مخابرات الدول جميعها وخاصة تحالف الخمس عيون
-إنتهاء سيطرة التاج على كل جيوش الأرض التي كانت تأخذ الأوامر من المحفل الماسوني
-إنتهاء الكومنولث وتحرر كل بلاد الكومنولث من الهند
إلى كندا
-إلغاء وعد بلفور يدخل حيز التنفيذ وتنتهي الدولة المستعمرة لـ فلسطين

-سقوط مدينة لندن وهي داخل العاصمة لندن ومقر الإقتصاد السري بين أفراد العصابة والفاتيكان

-فتح حقيقة القصور الملكية في كل العالم وطقوسها الشيطانية

-إنتهاء اقتصاد الفقر المفتعل لسكان الأرض ورجوع المال
-إنهيار كل المؤسسات السرية التابعة سراً للتاج البريطاني ومنها فرسان مالطا ومؤسسة الحجيج وكل المجمعات الماسونية التي لم تسمعوا عنها من قبل.

-إعتقال كل ماسوني بجميع دول الأرض من الكبير إلى الصغير.

تلك بعض التقاط ليس كل ما سيحدث!

إنتهت عبادة الشياطين على الأرض.
Read 3 tweets
On Elizabeth II's controversial visit to Uganda. UG's monarchs saw themselves on equal footing w/ Elizabeth. Here we see #Queen in UG in 1954, after the British empire exiled Ssekabaka Muteesa II. The visit was covered extensively in the Luganda press.… 1/9
Here, we see some of the earliest confidential reports regarding @BugandaOfficial on Ssekabaka Muteesa's exile, now housed in the British National Archives. 2/9
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Lyndon LaRouche: "#QueenElizabeth was a poor imitation of the Witch of Endor. Well, that's what she is, in effect. She's evil."
#Happy100thLyndonLaRouche!! I wish Marsha Malouk was alive today to read and hear about the death of the "Witch"!
#Elizabeth, RIH!!
#September 8, 2022
Lyndon LaRouche: "The #BritishEmpire, since the 1790s, has been running the international drug traffic. And the #Queen, as head of state, was responsible for this. For example, let's take #Afghanistan. ..."
..."Now, in #Afghanistan, a farmer who is working under duress, that is, the gangsters who run this #drug operation, force the #farmer to grow #opium. They say, we'll kill you if you don't. He grows opium. He doesn't get paid much for it. ..."
Read 6 tweets
Attenzione, da Buckingham Palace: "A seguito di un'ulteriore valutazione questa mattina, i medici della Regina sono preoccupati per la salute di Sua Maestà e le hanno raccomandato di rimanere sotto controllo medico. La regina resta a suo agio e a Balmoral".

Situazione seria.
#Truss: "Tutto il Paese sarà profondamente preoccupato per le notizie provenienti da Buckingham Palace a quest'ora. I miei pensieri - e quelli di tutti i cittadini del Regno Unito - sono rivolti a Sua Maestà la Regina e alla sua famiglia in questo momento".
Altro elemento che sembra segnalare la gravità della situazione: il principe #Carlo e Camilla sono arrivati a #Balmoral dalla tenuta della vicina Birkhall. In viaggio verso il castello scozzese anche il Duca di Cambridge, #William.

Read 55 tweets
Life Has Only just Begun for all ! …

Thank You for always believing in ME, Even on the darkest of days this world has ever seen—You never stopped having faith in The smallest spark lighting the way. That spark turned into A BEAM OF LIGHT …

I Will NEVER Abandon yoU! ImageImage
Read 14 tweets

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