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(1/n) Today is #WorldBipolarDay 2023.
This is celebrated each year on 30th March to observe the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, the famous painter who was posthumously diagnosed with #Bipolar Disorder.

Lets know what is #bipolardisorder & its #treatment
A 🧵
(2/n) Bipolar Disorder is a disorder of #mood that also affects our #thinking , perception, #behavior , decision making & thus hampers socio-occupational functioning.

A typical disorder consists of #depression , #mania or a mixture of both in varying types in its course.👇🏽
(3/n) A manic disorder is when there is:
persistent & pervasive elevated/ irritable #mood
⬆️ energy & activity for > 7 days ➕
other sx like Grandiose claims, ⬆️self-esteem, engaging in risky endeavours + ⬇️sleep need etc

Socio-occupational dysfunction.
Read 17 tweets
Sadly some parents of Autistic people decide to go after Autistic people on social media because they don’t believe we are Autistic as these parents are uneducated about Autism being a spectrum and the only presentation of Autism that exists to them is the one of their child’s.……
Bet it will blow their mind to learn some Autistic people are scientists, own businesses and are parents 😂🙄
the ignorance though.
If we don’t struggle in the same way as their autistic child or of other Autistic people they’ve met them to them you can’t possibly be Autistic. 🤣😂 it’s literally just uneducated ignorance. They really need to step away and go learn about Autism properly
Read 13 tweets
@kevinpmiller left when Elon took over. That's the kind of man he is. I'm honored to call him my friend. He doesn't toot his own horn. So I try to when I can. Because of his work.

From Kevin
Those of you who have been ardent supporters if this page—and of 'Letters from Generation Rx' - know full well that over the past 11-12 years, I have devoted countless thousands of hours in pursuit of the truth. Many view my work as controversial;
some have said I "had no right" to the story of a family who fought off the ravages of mental health symptoms with vitamins and minerals; others objected to the stories of two parents who killed their children while under the toxic influence of psychiatric drugs;
Read 12 tweets
.@blakehounshell’s death by suicide after battling depression spotlights broader issues: as a culture, we stigmatize #mentalillness + laud stoicism (or #toxicmasculinity?). #RIPBlakeHounshell
+ basic #ableism centering identity on work and productivity. Normalize telling your friends and family when you’re not ok. Normalize telling your caregivers. Normalize taking a break. Normalize asking for help, normalize receiving it. #RIPBlakeHounsell
61 million adults in #USA live with a #disability = 1 in 4. You are +/or know someone living with a disability. Do we talk about it? Or is it a shameful, secret thing? Internalized #ableism, #stigma kill.… via @CDCgov #RIPBlakeHounsell
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Research says most people who use drugs are men. And many people think there is no reason to involve #women in #drugpolicy. But they are mistaken. The drug phenomenon is not #gender neutral.

Why a #feminist perspective is essential 👉💡🧵...
Due to gendered norms and notions of #femininity that are incompatible with #drugs use, the complex realities of women are often ignored. However, a growing movement is trying to shift this perspective to better understand the unique challenges that female users face.
Let’s have a closer 👁️👁️ why…

#Women who use drugs are often judged because they don’t comply with socially constructed #norms and challenge the traditional role of women.
Read 11 tweets
1/3 #Gratitude: I Know What It Is Like…
To Overcome:

* #Homelessness
* Profound #Grief at the loss of hopes and dreams for a loved one
* #Failure - personal and professional
* #TBI, #CPTSD. #Anxiety Disorder and other #MentalHealth-related labels that no longer define me
2/3 * Intense isolation due to #stigma
* Being misunderstood in my intentions
* A sense of loss of self and purpose
* Over-inflation of my own ego
* Soul crushing #poverty
* Compassion fatigue - profound in its depth
* Asking God, “Why?”
* Turning too far inward
3/3 * Lack of simple #forgiveness
* Numbness
* Shit being placed in my mailbox

What have you overcome that you would add to this list? 🙏❤️🙏
Read 4 tweets
One thing that adds to mental health stigma is people demanding that we need special treatment, when we are every bit as able-bodied as a Neuro-typical.

I like Lisa, but this adds to #stigma. I dislike excuses. I don’t get to make them. No one does. #mentalHealth

More proof!

@BipolarBattle, how do you feel about people utilizing their disability to sue?

do you think this empowers others to believe that you can raise your children?

Seriously. 👇 is NOT something to celebrate. #MentalHealth @MHChat @Autism

I used a small account to confront the individual, but he blocked, because he is more interested in free money than helping and the stigma on disabilities.

I am livid.

I fight each and every day to end preconceptions, misconceptions, and discrimination.

Read 6 tweets
Hallo alle zusammen. Ich möchte den heutigen Tag dazu nutzen euch aufzuzeigen, warum die aktuelle Berichterstattung zum Thema #Cannabislegalisierung klar einem #Stigma unterworfen ist und warum #Suchtmediziner die falschen Ansprechpartner sind. (1/12)
Wie wir alle mitbekommen haben werden immer wieder #Suchtmediziner zum Thema der #Cannabislegalisierung befragt. Hier unterliegen gerade die Medien einem Trugschluss und überschätzen die Bedeutung dieser Gruppe massiv. (2/12)
Zunächst betrachten #Suchtmediziner nur einen kleinen Teil der betroffenen Konsumentengruppe. Wie wir gesichert wissen entwickeln in etwa 9% der Konsumenten ein Suchtverhalten. (3/12)
Read 12 tweets
#Prostitution itself is dehumanizing. The societal stigma that blames women and pretends the industry exists because of "nasty greedy nymphos" is just the top layer of hatred. The industry itself hates women. This shows in the way that women have to advertise/are advertised. A 🧵
I'm just going to describe the images I see logging onto a legal #prostitution advertising website in Germany, where supposedly regulation and bureaucracy keep women safe. First the name: "KaufMich" means "BuyMe". Not "BuySex", site owners knows its women for sale, not sex.
Most images are of either women's chests or butts. Some include a face (a powerful blackmailing tool for anyone trying to punish her), but many are just headless shots of (half)naked breasts, butts, crotch. For fetishists there are feet and even pregnant bellies (illegal but nvm)
Read 17 tweets
Building Hope: Substance Use in the Trades
Men account for 74% of overdose deaths in Canada which has become a leading cause of death across the country...
Co-produced by MSTH cofounder @LornaKay_Thomas
#overdose #drugpoisoning #stigma #menintrades
Several factors contribute to these trends, including chronic pain, toxic masculinity, and stigma, which can contribute to men being less likely to speak openly about their substance use and mental health...
#overdose #drugpoisoning #stigma #menintrades
Building Hope: Substance Use in the Trades is a film where four men with experience in the construction industry and trades, as well as their own experiences with substance use speak to their fellow tradespeople about how to stay safer in the overdose era...
Read 8 tweets
Liebe @ninastahr mit Grauen blicke ich der anstehenden Abstimmung zum #IfSG entgegen. Ich sehe nicht welchen Guten Ausgang das Ganze nehmen sollte.
Noch immer habe ich Angst vor dem verdammten #Coronavirus aber zu dieser Angst gesellt sich eine weitere dazu:
Ich habe mich im Laufe der letzten Wochen zig hundertfach beschimpfen, beleidigen, demütigen lassen müssen, weil ich laut bin und mich für #Schattenfamilien einsetze. Alleine heute habe ich sicherlich hundert Kommentare lesen müssen in denen mir unterstellt wurde...
ich sei Teil einer Astroturfbewegung, ich sei ein bezahlter Agenturaccount, der (vermutlich) von einer Home-Schooling-Lobby bezahlt werde, in denen mir verschiedenste psychische Erkrankungen unterstellt wurden...und in dutzenden Fällen kumulieren die mannigfaltigen Ferndiagnosen
Read 21 tweets
#Psicologia cos’è la #Devianza? Nella mio campo specifico da sempre lavoriamo contro lo #stigma di essere etichettati come devianti, diversi. Tutti sapete cos’è il super Io, giusto? Che si forma anche per proteggerci dall’onnipotenza infantile. Ma quando diventa rigido👇🏿
Il Super-Io diventa un persecutore autoritario e viviamo nel senso di colpa. Sto veramente riducendo all’osso l’argomento. Questo per dire che essere diversi, deviare dalle norme del gruppo può essere buono se ci aiuta a diventare chi siamo davvero. Diverso è essere antisociali👇🏿
Cioè deviare dalle norme di un gruppo manipolando, sfruttando, mentendo e ingannando o compiendo crimini. Quindi il termine #devianza non ha una sola valenza. Ma come ogni parola diventa un concetto: gli autoritari possono usarlo per reprimere chi è diverso e questo è pericoloso
Read 3 tweets
New in @NEJM: Most US hospitals do not offer evidence-based #addiction care. This missed opportunity harms patients, is an urgent need.

We describe how policymakers can incentivize & facilitate change. I'd love to partner w @CMSGov @samhsagov others 🧵/1…
WHY treat #addiction in hospitals? 1 in 9 hospitalized adults has SUD.

A rapidly expanding evidence base shows benefits of hospital-based addiction care, including ↑SUD treatment engagement, ↑patient-clinician trust, ↓mortality/ 2
Most efforts in hospital-based addiction care to date have been led by motivated clinicians making a business and quality case for improvement.

However, absent clear funding or financial incentives, most hospitals do not offer evidence-based care/3
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1/4 If any Teachers and/or Educationalists are interested I'm very happy to be speaking at the @street_trust 'Excellence in the every day' in-person conference @HardwickHHotel on November 1st

Details below ⬇️
2/4 My talk is titled:

'What we know and what we think we know aren’t always the same thing: Supporting Educators to better understand their Autistic learners'
3/4 In it I will be both reframing the autism narrative and reconceptualising it for Educationalists through topics such as #AutisticMasking #AutisticBurnout #Alexithymia #Monotropism #Stigma #Invalidation #Identity #Communication #Behaviour and #Pathologisation
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Ich habe #Affenpocken.

Damit bin 1 von 142 laborbestätigten Fällen in Berlin.

& es wird Zeit, dass ich darüber spreche. Einerseits, weil es sehr viel Unklarheiten über Ansteckung, Verlauf & Symptome der Krankheit gibt. Andererseits, weil bereits ein 🐒🦠 #Stigma existiert. 1/

Ich kann natürlich nichts zu den anderen Fällen sagen, über deren Ansteckung oder Verlauf; ich kann nur sehr persönlich darüber erzählen, sehr subjektiv, & nach meinem eigenen Wissensstand (14.06.2022). Ich bin kein Forscher & kein Mediziner. 2/
Angefangen hat es bei mir vermutlich mit einem eher "atypischen Husten" (Quelle: Gesundheitsamt Lichtenberg), der entweder zu den neuen Symptomen der Krankheit oder zu den zufällig auftretenden, sogenannten "begleitenden Infektionskrankheit" zählt. 3/
Read 53 tweets
There is NEVER a justification for violence towards medical professionals.

Perpetuating Fear & #Stigma is NOT beneficial

It's rare for individuals in #Pain to strike out in violence at medical professionals.

Does it happen? Yes.

Should it? NO!
The ONLY way to prevent future occurrences is to understand WHY it is happening & avoid Fear Mongering & casting aspersions on a population of patients who are experiencing Systemic #Discrimination.

Under & Untreated patients experiencing unremitting pain are more likely to Image
Three cases of people committing such an extreme act of violence is NOT a trend & is NOT reflective of the #PainPatient population as a whole.

There are an estimated 50 million people living with #ChronicPain.

These cases are anomalies, the Root Cause needs to be addressed
Read 13 tweets
Our 1st #Session at #GCEG2022 was all about the (dis)connection of #cities, regarding corporate affiliations and #investments: within global and national #CityNetworks as well as with their regional #hinterlands. (1/5)
@maxabuchholz looked deeper into #DisconnectedCities in the #US and identified a changing role of city-regions within the urban systems that goes way beyond the notion of #winners and #losers. (2/5)
Julia Binder and Tobias Mettenberger showed that #DigitalPioneers need good local #relationships if they want to make an #impact in rural areas. (3/5)
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„Und meint eigentlich irgendjemand, ein Freier würde vergessen, dass er gerade über eine Frau drübergerutscht ist, von der er nicht wissen kann, ob sie wollte, oder bei der er sehen konnte, dass sie NICHT wollte, und er hat es trotzdem getan?
Warum sollte diese erlernte Regel dann nicht auch für andere Frauen gelten? Warum sollte man sie nicht auch auf andere #Frauen anwenden?

Ja. #Prostitution ist #Gewalt. Und das #Stigma sorgt dafür, dass wir nicht darüber sprechen. Weil wir uns schämen sollen.
Aber es ist nicht das #Stigma,das uns tötet, es sind die #Freier,es ist die Prostitution.“
aus: „Warum ist Prostitution Gewalt?“, @HuschkeMau anlässlich des internationalen Hurentags 2019… #FreierSindTäter #ProstitutionistGewalt
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Our paper measuring #LongCovid stigma using a new scale: preprint (not-peer reviewed yet).…
In our UK-based sample, 95% experienced at least one type of stigma at least sometimes and 76% often/always.
@PantelichMarija @NidaZiauddeen @Know_HG @ClaireHastie1
13 questions were included in the LCSS capturing 3 domains:
Enacted (overt experiences of discrimination), Internalised (internalising negative associations with Long Covid and accepting them as self-applicable),
Anticipated (expectation of bias/poor treatment by others) stigma.
This is from a follow up survey of a online survey we did at the end of 2020:…
We have over-representation of females, white ethnicity, and people with higher educational qualifications. All non-hospitalised in the first 2 weeks of the illness.
Read 9 tweets
Thread 🧵: Reflections of a Parent/Caregiver After Six Years Implementation of CDC Guidelines (warning long but I am very interested in feedback)

Since babies, my kids, have intimately known #pain. At one time their #pain was intermittent & #acute. Sadly, they now struggle 1/
#chronicpain & are young adults. Our kids 1st 13/16 years of life, our family had a #safetynet, their #pediatrician. He was highly intelligent, compassionate, he challenged the system & in the most authentic sense #partnered with families. #Pain was not a major concern when 2/
the kids were under his care. The nature of their disease often brought us to the ER & hospitalizations. The hospitalizations resulted due to inability to manage #pain, dehydration, & other issues caused by a flare in their #disease. My husband & I attempted to minimize the 3/
Read 45 tweets
Dr. @JillianHortonMD starts with a very personal reflection that many of us can relate to... recognition that she (we) are often going through the motions of academic medicine, burning out, leaving 'garbage scraps' and a low feeling of accomplishment. #CCME2022
"What if this IS the story?"

Dr. @JillianHortonMD writes in the margins during an airplane ride...the realization that we ARE the story. If we have the courage to use our voice...

Well crafted stories lead us to lean in.

We learn best from stories that strike a chord and invite us to change. - @JillianHortonMD

Read 9 tweets
The head of a particular department called me last week to inform me about a staff in his department. He was surprised to note that I knew the person and had referred him for more detailed work. I then told him where I see staff in his campus (without regn) to decrease #stigma
Today I saw three patients from his dept. He had sent them. He had enough trust. Would continue to work with all of them.
It is a great joy when people in your hospital start recognizing your work. Nothing pleases a clinician more than referrals from colleagues.
One of the three had optic neuritis. He is off #alcohol now. He is struggling with #tobacco. I told him it is understandable that he couldn't stop even though he knows the price he is paying is hugh. This is how #Addiction is. Told him to consider a quit date.
Read 4 tweets
Amidst increasing attention to the #mentalhealth of health workers, we explored how #stigma is understood/enacted in #MedEd. We learned that things are a lot more complicated than we thought. 🧵

@jelenapole @juveriazaheer @rachaelpack89 @MedEd_Journal…
We know #stigma can prevent help-seeking due to the risk/repercussions of disclosure. This topic has been well researched. See the article below and work of @drjessigold @KGoldMD for more details /1…
Yet, the pandemic has brought the hero narrative to the fore, a sentiment meant to praise workers, yet may stifle conversations about distress, burnout, and help-seeking. See the important work of @drbreenheroes for more on this and Dr. Breen's story/legacy. /2
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HIV Edmonton would like to address the comment made by Premier Jason Kennedy during his announcement of the removal of COVID-19 restrictions in the province, where he drew parallels between what some might refer to as anti-vaccination stigma and HIV stigma, which has since been
followed by an apology from him.

First, we’d like to thank everyone who reached out to us and showed solidarity; we appreciate everyone. Over the course of last night and today, HIV Edmonton has connected with a number of our community members and other
AIDS serving organizations and we have seen the need to hold an information session, to enlighten the general public, and correct some narratives.

HIV Edmonton is inviting the Premier and members of the general public to a “lunch n learn” session at 12pm on Friday the 11th of
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