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ChatGPT is great for studying.

But did you know you can use it to help you prepare for specific exams?

With the power of @LangChainAI you can!

Here's a 9-step breakdown including code: 🧵

#AI #study #buildinpublic #indiehacker Image
1/9 A high-level overview:

1. Input: PDF of study material
2. Process documents
3. Generate questions based on study material and exam guidelines
4. Answer the questions based on the study material

You could combine step 3 & 4, but separating them = better results👇
2/9 Let's dive into the code:

First, load and process data for question generation.

I'm using the new gpt-3.5-turbo-16k model for a larger context window.

Result: Less calls to the model and higher context-awareness Image
Read 10 tweets
Топ 7 книг, которые охватывают разнообразные алгоритмические концепции и практические примеры, помогая развить вашу способность к анализу проблем и разработке эффективных решений

🐦 1/25 ⬇️ Тред #Algorithms #study Image
Грокаем алгоритмы
Автор: Адитья Бхаргава. Год издания: 2017.

Эта книга великолепно описывает ключевые структуры данных и алгоритмы, хотя не рассматривает все существующие в информатике. Ее основная сила заключается в том, что изложение каждой темы идет очень ...

🐦 2/25 Image
... подробно, что особенно ценно для новичков.

Автор использует легкий язык, чтобы сделать сложные концепции понятными даже для тех, кто только начинает знакомиться с алгоритмами. Книга приводит простые жизненные примеры, чтобы проиллюстрировать сложные темы. ...

🐦 3/25
Read 25 tweets
In an essay I wrote, "only unaware practitioners use made-up #personas in their design work".

I think I know why this is done.

🧵 1/15 Image
There is a difference between #characters and #archetypes. You can make up characters, as long as each character is based on a researched archetype.

People who make up personas are actually making up characters, but they make these characters without any grounding. There are usually no researched archetypes.

You can do better, and have fun:

Read 15 tweets
How to Learn Anything-Fast🧠: The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a method for learning and understanding complex concepts quickly. 📖⚡

It is based on the idea that you don't truly understand something unless you can explain it to someone else.

(Open thread...🧵) Image
Step 1:
Choose a topic you want to learn about and write it down.

Step 2:
Pretend you are teaching the topic to someone who has no knowledge of the subject.

Write down everything you know about the topic, in plain language.
Step 3:
Identify the gaps in your knowledge or where you are struggling to explain the concept clearly.

This is the most important step in the process because it forces you to confront what you don't know or understand.
Read 7 tweets
Avec des vaccins à l'efficacité de plus en plus limitée (50% au mieux face à XBB 1.5 contre plus de 90% sur les premiers variants)…

> face à l'échappement immunitaire, quelle logique de l'obligation vaccinale si d'ici l'été la protection tombe à 25/30% ?
On peut aussi noter le variant BQ.1.1 Cerberus...

À chaque mutation de + en + sélectionnée par la pression immunitaire et vaccinale, le virus mutant résistant est sélectionné et diminue l'efficacité vaccinale car la vitesse d'évolution et complexité du virus va + vite ImageImageImage
De + chaque réinfection ⬆️ les risques de décès, d'hospitalisation, mais aussi de + en + kde séquelles, notamment pulmonaires, troubles cardiovasculaires, hématologiques, diabétiques, gastro-intestinaux, rénaux, de santé mentale, musculo-squelettiques et neurologiques.
Read 14 tweets
ミ como organizar sua rotina usando o método de estudos de Ebbinghaus 。⁠.゚
#studytwt #study #studytwtbr #enem #vestibular ImageImage
oiii, moots! hoje vou explicar o método de repetições espaçadas (método Ebbinghaus) e como aplicar ele nos seus estudos. também explicarei as conotações científicas sobre o método e o porquê ele funciona. espero que gostem, qualquer pergunta que tiver é só comentar em baixo!
↪ o que é o método de ebbinghaus?
é a incorporação de repetições espaçadas nas suas revisões.
Read 16 tweets
𓋪ْ𓈒𝆬𓈅📚 dicas de estudos que me ajudaram, como uma pessoa com tdah, ansiedade e depressão! 𝆫

- uma thread informativa.

#studytwtbr #study #studytwt #tdah ImageImage
antes de mais nada, gostaria de dizer que uma das coisas que mais foi eficaz para mim, foi a medicação, mas, por muito tempo, eu tive de me adaptar para tentar estudar, sem ela!

então, vou tentar trazer algumas das coisas que fazem efeito para mim, e que vocês poem tentar.

antes de mais nada, irei dividir as informações nos seguintes tópicos:

1° rotina, é bom ou não?
2° na sala de aula.
3° estudos sem professor.
4° autocuidado.

agora sim, sigam a thread!

Read 23 tweets
🏈Every shortseller knows this feeling. We're getting fucking squeezed after being deep in the money (85% win probability at one point).

I sound like a traitor for rooting against all NY teams but come on, we can't lose to the Giants after beating Buffalo.

#Giants Image
We got the afternoon trendbreak / late day offering !!! LFGGGG

That TJ Hockenson trade was a such a f**ng POWER move !!

🐻This is where every shortseller tries to decide if he should add to winner (on the bounce into trendline) , take profits, or start shitting his pants.

🐂This is where every Bull bagholder decides if he should sell for small loss or hope for squeeze

Read 6 tweets
˚୧ meu método de estudos; thread para ajudar quem ainda não sabe como estudar ୭̥° #studytwt #studytwtbr ImageImage
Primeiramente, gostaria de ressaltar que o método que estou divulgando aqui é apenas a forma como >eu< prefiro estudar. Por muito tempo tive dificuldades em estudar e, quando estudava, não obtinha o resultado esperado, isso porque não sabia estudar da maneira adequada pra mim. +
Porém, não posso garantir que vai funcionar para vocês. Mas se tem chances de algumas pessoas se identificarem com esse modelo de estudos, Faco questão de postar e tentar ajudar! :)
Read 16 tweets
(1 of 5) A few of you are asking to retweet the monthly PDF setups i shared a while back (June, July and August 2021).
I also shared Mark Minervini's USIC 2021 in a PDF.
This thread 🧵will provide links to all 4 PDFs that includes 10s of chart setups to #study
Please share 🔁
Read 5 tweets
🇰🇷📖 재미있는 한국어 Coreano divertido

Hoy vamos a aprender palabras que suenan parecido. 😆
➡ 딱딱하다 Estar duro (físicamente)
Ej.) 빵이 딱딱해요.
El pan es duro.

➡ 뚱뚱하다 Estar gordo
Ej.) 옛날에는 뚱뚱했는데 지금은 날씬해요.
Antes estaba gordo pero ahora estoy esbelto.

➡ 통통하다 Estar gordito
Ej.) 아기 볼 살이 통통해요.
El moflete del bebé está gordito.
➡ 똑똑하다 Ser inteligente
Ej.) 네가 똑똑했으면 그런 말을 안 했을 텐데...
Si fueras inteligente, no habrías dicho eso...

➡ 똘똘하다 Ser listo (no se usa para personas mayores)
Ej.) 제 친구 민수는 어렸을 때 아주 똘똘했어요.
Mi amigo Minsu era muy listo cuando era pequeño.
Read 5 tweets
🖇·˚ ༘ ┊͙Rekomendasi acc Instagram study + bermanfaat💐🌷ˊˎ
A thread.
Don't forget to like & RT, thank you!!!💗 [#studytwt #study
#studyacc #studygram #ambis #ambistwt #AMBISVERSE]
❀⋆⤿@/sstudymate Disini feeds nya sedikit tapi mencakup banyak hal dan gampang difahami jugaa
❀⋆⤿@/todarilist Disini lengakp BANGETTT semuanya adaa, tips² study banyak juga terus di sini dijelasinnya detail banget
Read 11 tweets
I’m reading through Technical Analysis of Stock Trends (Edwards & Magee) 7th Ed, 1998. The first edition came out in 1948. This thread contains book notes, excerpts, interesting bits.
“The stock market goes right on repeating the same old movements and much the same routine.” Image
The first edition came out <20 years after the Crash of 1929. Editions after included the prior charts from the boom & bust leading up to & after and are excellent for learning history of crazed euphoria and despair. It does remind me of ‘98-02 in particular. #Study the action.
Read 17 tweets
NEW PCOS STUDY looking at prevalence, incidence and years lived with disability due to polycystic ovary syndrome in 204 countries and territories has been published

What does this mean? 🧵

#PCOS #PCOSAwareness #PCOSStudy #Study #Research #Thread
Study looks at global, regional and national burden of PCOS by age and socio-demographic index.
It focuses on years of healthy life lost due to PCOS or any associated disabilities. The study spans time period 1990 - 2019.
Read 8 tweets
Dear Prospective or Current International Student,

I came across this email and thought I'd share an important story with you.

I received the email below from a contact while trying to navigate my options after my master's degree in Australia.

#thread Image
I was enrolled for a Master of Public Health in 2016.

As you can see, many assumed there was no future (jobs, visas, etc).

Don't get me wrong.

They meant well because it was actually easier to go via other courses.
I chose to stay.

I knew it would be challenging. But I didn't really care. I was actually open to leaving AU.

I kept going.
Read 18 tweets
Sitting in the cramped high school library I sat a table chicken scratching a script outline for a Western style video game.

Hampsterdance plays endlessly on loop as a bunch of freshman giggle uncontrollably at the classic meme.
The principle big bellies up to my desk and asks me to explain what I was doing.

I tell him, “I’ve got this cool idea for a video game. These rough sketches are storyboarding the major plot points… I think there’s room for deeper storytelling in video games.”
Read 10 tweets
I got the understanding of how to do it better.

You can study with deposit fee of CA$3,000 - 5000
Black Market rate is 350-370
Bank rate is lesser

i.e With less than a million Naira or more, you can actually start the processing of your Canadian 🇨🇦 study visa at VFS.

@pikaso_me screenshot this
Read 3 tweets
You don't take some positive step because of yourself alone but for your husband, wife, born & unborn kids.
The easiest way to relocate to UK 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, USA 🇺🇸, other countries is through #study
Take a good step today and you'll never regret it.
Your money is valueless here.
@pikaso_me screenshot this
Read 3 tweets

Today we release a new #study for @votesolar that looks at #electrifying and #decarbonizing #Michigan's #economy by 2050. A thread 🧵!
We computed 3 scenario pathways:
1) Duplicated three utilities IRPs
2) Clean economy by 2050 using utility generation
3) Clean economy by 2050 using both utility & distributed generation (via co-optimization)
Main results (1)
Lower costs for customers ($773 p/a for res. + comm. & $70K p/a for industrial) compared with IRP.
Read 15 tweets
1/ #Study #MegaThread

A new study dropped with a trove of data I've long waited for around #CCTA/#CAC scans and #LDL #Cholesterol

✅ >23k studied (!)
✅ Largest sample of CCTA w/ ≥190 #LDL to date (!)
✅ Very uniform study population

Let's unpack...…
2/ First, be sure to check out this short thread from the lead author, @MaBMortensen.

2 quick notes:
a) While there'll be lots of data appreciated by LDL skepticism, @MaBMortensen maintains LDL-C is still "an important causal RF"
b) Usual epi caveats, etc
3/ Okay, so if you've followed me a while, you know just how incredibly thankful I am of studies that seek to avoid common risks of selection bias (Even if entirely unintended).

This study had the distinct advantage of categorically scooping its population directly...
Read 18 tweets
1. Le 15 janvier dernier est paru le 21e baromètre de confiance Edelman, vaste enquête mondiale sur la confiance des populations en leurs institutions (28 pays, 33.000 pers. interrogées)
👉Petit thread de synthèse ci dessous… Image
2. En matière d'information, la confiance est au plus bas, quel que soit le canal : médias trad., moteurs de recherche, réseaux sociaux, médias d'entreprise... Les moteurs sont en surplomb (neutralité apparente, liée à l'opacité des algorithmes ?) Image
Les médias sont perçus comme partisans (61%), orientés idéologiquement (59%), et les journalistes sont considérés comme cherchant à tromper délibérément le public (mensonges, exagérations) pour 59% des répondants. Image
Read 12 tweets
Excited to share my new #study with my colleague Toshiaki Yoshida @to4akiyo4da at @NUPoliSci! We measured strong negative #policy feedback effects of #nuclearpower plants on the overall #socialcapital of cities that host them! Key policy insights for #energy. Tweetorial below!
@to4akiyo4da and I asked, does adopting #nuclearpower strength or weaken cities' civil society? NPPs promised to improve #rural economies, but led to mixed outcomes in Japan (eg. @dojin_tw's article How about civil society?
To measure strength of #civilsociety, we used 4 proxies for social cohesion/#socialcapital: total migration (do people stay or leave?), crime rates (strong norms or not?), voter turnout (are they invested?), winning party vote (strong linking ties to govt or not?)
Read 9 tweets

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