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Jun 12th 2023
@iltasanomat #Vantaa-#HellOnEarth
'Pahoinpitelyn jälkeen nuorisoporukka poistui paikalta juosten kohti Länsimäen kirkkoa.
Rikosnimikkeinä toimii tällä hetkellä törkeä #ryöstö ja törkeä #pahoinpitely.'
@iltasanomat @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Koraani.
#IslaminPerusteet - #mus­limi on määrätty #taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #väärä­uskoisia vastaan.
Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa #sotilaal­linen toiminta #islam'ssa on.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@MikkonenKrista #Islamistit ja lapsensa eivät kokaan tule kristittyyn maahan 'kotoutumaan' tai 'sopeutumaan, vaan tuhoamaan ja tappamaan - Insallah.
#Soros #Jihadists without IDs were attracted to #Finland with the #best #socialbenefits in #Europe.
@MikkonenKrista #MILITIAMEN INFILTRATE EU SHORES | Nov 19, 2019
- Miltias who have used the Refugee influx to present themselves as #Refugees Image
Read 30 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
Morality police to be disbanded by #Islamic regime of #Iran? It already effectively has by Iran’s #womensrevolution. As has compulsory veiling laws. Women, with the support of men, have been removing & burning their veils, walking the streets without veils.
#MahsaAmini Image
Morality police one of #Islamic regime of #Iran’s many crimes against women & people of Iran. Just since #MahsaAmini killed, over 400 protesters killed, many of them children, 18,000 arrested, women prisoners raped & execution sentences already been issued in kangaroo courts.
#Islamic regime of #Iran must be overthrown & held accountable for over 40 years of crimes against humanity.

Disbanding of morality police is one of the victories of #womensrevolution that is aiming to end an Islamic regime in Iran.

This is the beginning of its end.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Memang benar #Indonesia negara demokrasi tapi membatasi #religion hanya enam saja. Diluar enam itu berarti tidak resmi dan tidak dilayani pemerintah lewat kementerian agama.
Sejarah berdirinya kementerian agama adalah agar sesuai #sharia dalam Islam yaitu negara ikut memfasilitasi atau melayani umat. Jadi, negara tidak harus menjadi negara muslim untuk bisa diidentifikasi menerapkan #sharia intinya negara memfasilitasi umat.
Model kementerian agama ini pada hakikatnya adalah jalan tengah antara teori memisahkan agama dari negara dan teori persatuan agama dan negara.

Read 11 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Kuvan alla #ReformiStudio'n LIVE-seuranta @HelsinginHO:sta.

Kyseessä on mielenkiintoinen juttu, jossa kansalaisjournalisti #AnterYasa paljasti @Demarit:en ehdokkaan #lelusalakuljettaja Rami Adhamin kytköksiä mm. terroristijärjestöön ja huumausainerikollisuuteen.
@HelsinginHO @Demarit Syyttäjän asianesittely menossa. Kysymys on #AnterYasa'n blogikirjoituksista, jossa Yasa toi esiin @Demarit:en ehdokkaan epäiltyjä rikoksia Syyrian leluavustusten aikana.

Rami Adham lopulta tuomittiinkin epäselvyyksistä leluavustustoiminnan ympärillä ja joutui pois SDP:stä.
Adhamin AA Koivu kertoo, että #AnterYasa'n väitteet #RamiAdham'ista ovat kunnianloukkaus Adhamia kohtaan.

Yasan AA:n asianesittely: Yasan väitteet olivat riittävällä todennäköisyydellä todenperäisiä, kun Yasa kirjoituksen julkaisi kansalaistoimittajana.
Read 47 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
The #HijabRow reaffirms the belief that the so called religion enforced on the people of the captured land by the invaders from Medina acted like a TROJAN Horse if the invaders lost control of that land.

This Trojan Horse can be activated anytime, anywhere by anyone, as seen clearly in the case of #Iran

Iranians enjoyed lot of freedom under d Shah of Iran for a brief period although most #Zoroastrian were converted into Islam over the last 1000 yrs resulting in Muslim majority
Then people sitting in Europe started activating the Trojan Horse which was dormant and started instigating the people in the name of Islam

Read 29 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
A thread about why #AmnestyUK is collection of lies

#Israel @InnovationAut and the Department for Economic Development of Minority Sectors at the Ministry Social Equality, launch NIS 225 million five-year program to promote high-tech in Arab society.…
Rowad program supports access to higher education for young adults in #Israel’s Arab, Druze, Circassian and Bedouin communities
Esawi Frej, a Muslim, Minister of Regional Development; Hamad Amar, a Druze community, Minister in the Finance Ministry. Mansur Abbas, a Muslim, deputy @KnessetIL speaker.
The United Arab Party is part of the coalition.…
Read 8 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
1/ In sommige culturen en religies is de vrouw verhandelbaar en wordt de vrouw als bezit overgedragen. Staat de vrouw in de islam ook te koop?

#sharia #feminisme #vrouwen #handel De bruidsschat in de islam
2/ In de islam geeft de bruidegom (m.a.w. de man) de bruidsschat. Niet aan de familie—of de vrouw en haar familie aan de man—maar de man aan de toekomstige vrouw. Dit kan voor haar als bescherming fungeren en behoort tot de rechten die de islam aan de vrouw geeft.
3/ Zij mag zelf bepalen hoeveel ze wil en het zal volledig van haar zijn, wat ongekend was in zoal de westerse geschiedenis: niet alleen had ze geen eigendom, maar ze was het bezit van de vader en werd overgedragen naar de man. Ze veranderde tevens ook haar achternaam naar de zijne.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
Today we are live tweeting the U.S. House's scheduled floor vote and anticipated approval of #HR5665, Rep. @Ilhan Omar and @RepSchakowsky's Combating International Islamophobia Act.

IA, one step closer to having a @StateDept Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia. Image
#Congress (@HouseDemocrats + @HouseGOP) today needs to pass the Combating International Islamophobia Act (#HR5665).

Watch the live congressional debate and vote on @cspan by clicking here:…
American Muslims are proud to see @RepAndreCarson "Dean of the Muslim Caucus" leading today's House floor proceedings, debate, and vote on the Rep. @Ilhan and Rep. @janschakowsky's Combating International Islamophobia Act (#HR5665). ImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
An alleged #TTP member wrote on twitter:
"Over the past few days, there have been reports of talks between the TTP& #PAK government/army:
* There is no progress yet.
* Prisoners release is the first condition but not fulfilled yet.
* About talks, all TTP is on the same platform.
* Both parties don't confirm talks to media, for caution.
* The #IEA may be a mediator, but neutral. Even it is possible that IEA as a mujahidin movement be more in favor of TTP.
* Attempts to spoil negotiations, make it unconditional& to prove it failed, are already neutralized.
* TTP will definitely not hold unconditional or non-Sharia talks, inshallah."
Read 8 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
Some short-sighted people think that the reason why Islam and Muslims lag behind is because they do not practice worldly knowledge science, in fact it is a reflection of their short-sightedness and their limited ideas about Islam and the history of Islam. Or is it the...1/17
ultimate manifestation of their defeatist mentality or a worn-out speaker who is mentally disturbed in the face of materialism?

The reality is that Islam and Muslims are lagging behind, or in other words, the reason why Muslims are falling from the seat of supremacy is....2/17
that they have deviated from the basic tenets of Islam. Because, like other religions, Islam has not come to change the specific aspects of human life, but Islam wants a complete and complete change in human life. When Islam and Muslims fully implement the basic ideals and...3/17
Read 17 tweets
Aug 20th 2021
For 20 years, #America ruled, #killed people, #looted, I did not see such compassion then... but now when #Afghanistan it is free, and it's time to run the country under #Sharia rule ... people's compassion is overflowing !! 1/10
People who are worried for #Afghans, ask them why are they fleeing the country! Why risk your life to get on the plane! If they are told now, they will take you to #Europe,#America,#Canada,#Australia for free and give you a green card, they will also jump on the oppurtunity.
And they have been betraying their country for so long, they have dealt for America, they did not want Sharia rule, they wanted a secular state. Where like other countries they will roam at their own whim. But it did not happen. 3/10
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Aug 18th 2021
Outlets from @BBCNews to @SkyNews on #Taliban in #Afghanistan describe how #ShariaLaw curtails #WomensRights

This is *false*.

We present the #Caliph of the #Ahmadiyya #Muslim Community from #JalsaUK 2021 on how the #Shariah of #Islam PROTECTS women's rights

The Caliph's extraordinary speech from #JalsaUK covering the various aspects of the #Shariah on women's rights can be found in full here:…

Below we will review key aspects he highlighted... /1
From the outset, the #Caliph explained that the current notion of "freedom" increasingly pushed in the West is no more than slavery to one's base desires /2

#WomenOfAfghanistan #afghanistandebate
Read 13 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
Very consistent pattern of reports about #Taliban behaviour that we have now. Needless to say it does not match what the Taliban have been presenting in these first few days in the interview with a female journalist (who has now been purged) or in their press conferences.
State Department seeding the ground for a recognition of the Taliban regime.
Kinzinger is clearly correct: it was a disaster to give up Bagram before the end of the mission
Read 73 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
#FatwaAlamgiri, the official book governing Mughal law and Justice during the time of #IslamicInvader #Aurangzeb, approves using Kafirs as slaves as slavery of NonBelievers is allowed as per #Quran and #Hadith!

Here are a few key rules of that time:

#AurangzebTheBastard 1/5
"If 2 or more Muslims enter a non-Muslim controlled area for the purpose of pillage even without the permission of Imam, and seize parts/complete property belonging to Kafirs, then donate it to Imam, that property will officially become Islamic"

#AurangzebTheBastard 2/5
"Every Muslim has rights to purchase and own Kafirs as slaves in accordance with the guidance provided in #Sharia"

#AurangzebTheBastard 3/5
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Jun 2nd 2021
Most Hindus are still under the impression that #Sufism is a good form of Islam. They are so greatly mistaken. Sufis came to India either accompanying the invading armies of Islamic marauders or followed in the wake of the sweeping conquests made by the soldiers of #Islam..(1/19)
Sufi masters were silent spectators to the murderous mayhem & reckless plunder of temples and cities by the ruthless armies of Islamic Invaders. They just used the unsuspecting Hindus' inherent love for spiritualism to convert them to Islam en-masse..(2/19)
and this is true for all 4 major #Sufi "saints" (1) Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer Sharif and (2) Khawaja Qutubuddin who both came along with Mohd Ghori, (3) Sheikh Faridudin and (4) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya of Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin. ...(3/19)
Read 20 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
the relationship with the Taliban could be useful. But the envoy must now deliver a clear message to the Taliban: It will be accommodated within Afghanistan's existing structure as the price for peace but should stop expecting to rule Afghanistan again.…
#Khalilzad's muted response to #Taliban attacks lay in the language of the Doha agreement.The Taliban had made no commitment to a ceasefire & had only agreed that "A permanent &comprehensive ceasefire will be an item on the agenda of the intra-#Afghan dialogue and negotiations."
But the #Taliban are students of #Islamic #sharia law and, in their belief system, an agreement is binding only in its literal sense. #Khalilzad's expectation of a "reduction in violence"
Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
2nd round of the #intraAfghanNegotiations
@PeaceIRAfg delegation is going to Doha after meeting the government’s leadership and reconciliation council”: @7Anajia , spokeswoman of @SMP_AF

“We are ready and have no problems. The agenda will be prepared by the sides’ agreements who have already agreed on. This is impossible that one side try to impose their opinions on the other”: @IeaOffice, #Taliban Spokesman.

Read 36 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
Let me clarify why is it next to impossible for #Hindus to win this ongoing Ideological/ civilizational war with us #Muslims:

If the #Hindu cause is +1, #Islamic cause is -1, and 0 is neutral, then we #Muslims are fighting hard for -1 while U Hindus R aiming for just 0!..(1/12)
..Let me explain:

V #Muslims attack #Hinduism.
U #Hindus attack only Traitors & Pakistan!

V fight for #Islamic cause.
U fight for #Nationalist cause!

We #Muslims want #Sharia state.
You #Hindus want #Secular state! ...(2/12)
... V R fighting #Religious war.
U just fighting political war!

V vote on Islamic grounds.
U vote on #SabkaSathSabkaVikas

V #Muslims never raise voice for #KashmiriPandits but burn cities for #Rohingyas!
U #Hindus speak for not only KP but also for Sufis & Balochis! ..(3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
Let me clarify why is it next to impossible for #Hindus to win this ongoing Ideological/ civilizational war with us #Muslims:

We #Muslims attack #Hinduism.
You #Hindus attack only Traitors & Pakistan!

We fight for #Islamic cause.
You fight for #Nationalist cause! ...(1/12)
We #Muslims want #Sharia state.
You #Hindus want #Secular state!

We fight #Religious war.
You just fight political war!

We vote on religious grounds.
You vote on #SabkaSathSabkaVikas ...(2/12)
So, If the #Hindu cause is +1, the #Islamic cause is -1, and 0 is neutral, then we #Muslims are fighting for (-1) while you Hindus are aiming for 0!

Meaning: V Muslims R fighting for purely selfish motives and U Hindus R fighting for mutually beneficial/neutral outcomes!..(3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Feb 21st 2020
THE MAN PMB? Why I beseeched @MaziNnamdiKanu to face very SERIOUS ISSUES & drop his @MBuhari is EL-SUDANI FROM SUDAN'S thingy is 'cos that shit CAN'T HAPPEN without the knowledge of U.S. 17 SPY AGENCIES under her Dept of National Intelligence @ODNIgov. U.S. 'LL KNOW-- GEJ (2014)
Giving @MBuhari's track record SYMPATHY of #Sharia, in March 2015, now Ag. Dir., @ODNIgov, @RichardGrenell, warned Prez. @BarackObama, the #West, as well as 73m Nig Electorate against a @MBuhari Presidency. The chickens 've come home to roost, today.

ON December 12, 2013, former President #Obasanjo, in his OPEN LETTER to @GEJonathan titled, "BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE," subtly warned Nigerians about @MBuhari's IGNORANCE on ECONOMY, FOREIGN POLICIES. #TYDanjuma told OBJ, this, in 1976.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
#BurgerKing #McDonalds & now #KFC have submitted to Islam by offering #sharia compliant halal menus❕

Many consumers are unaware that percentages of their purchases of Muslim «halal» (imam-certified) food products eventually end up in the hands of #jihadist organizations‼️⚠️👇🏼
⚠️🚩Consumers are unaware that percentages of their purchases of Muslim «halal» (imam-certified) food products eventually end up in the hands of jihadist organizations. Halal refers to any food product that can be eaten by observant Muslims.…
🔪Halal refers to any food product that can be eaten by observant Muslims. Anything other than halal is «haram» and prohibited for Muslims. Haram includes pork, blood, or meat from approved animals but which have been strangled or slaughtered with blunt knives.
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Nov 28th 2019
1) After Killing 100s of Hindu schools & plundering Hindu temples, @Dev_Fadnavis embarks on Hindutva pilgrimage:…
@Dev_Fadnavis 2) Learn how Good-cop @Dev_Fadnavis & Bad-cop @girishdmahajan blackmailed Hindu temples for funding irrigation schemes (note: irrigation is a very lucrative govt dept with max opportunity for corruption)…
@Dev_Fadnavis @girishdmahajan 3) Hindu Nationalism means "sacrifice hindus for non-Hindu Vishwas". Here is Hindutva icon @Dev_Fadnavis mulling Jerusalem subsidy for Christians & 50% income tax on hindu temples:…
Read 9 tweets

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