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Menopause can result in a decline in hormone levels, including testosterone, which is essential for various aspects of a woman's health. Here are some natural ways a menopausal woman can increase her testosterone levels: #menopause #testosterone
Exercise & physical activity: Regular exercise, particularly strength training & high-intensity interval training (HIIT), have shown to raise testosterone levels. Incorporate a mix of cardio & resistance training exercises into your routine to help maintain healthy hormone levels
A nutrient-rich diet is essential for hormonal balance: Include both lean & fatty meat, eggs & fish, fats (like those found in avocados, ghee, lard, tallow & olive oil). Specific foods, such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, & cabbage), support hormone production.
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Interestingly, the findings of this one suggest that comorbidity burden could be the driving factor behind age-related decreases in total testosterone levels in men.
- The current study utilized data from the 2004-2017 Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging to investigate the association between additive comorbidities and serum testosterone levels over time in men with a mean age of ~69.8 years.
- After controlling for various comorbidities, no association between age and testosterone was observed.
Read 11 tweets
Do night shift duties pose any risks on health?

1. Large number of people are employed in jobs that require working at nights and sleeping in daytime.
Is it healthy? Are there any health hazards associated with this routine?
Let's look at some of the research on this topic.
2. Type 2 #diabetes :
Night shift work, especially rotating shift work including night shifts, is associated with higher type 2 diabetes odds.
Working on #night shifts for >8 nights/month increases the risk of diabetes by 36%. Ref:…
3. Hypertension: In a recent study, night shift workers were found to have a higher #hypertension risk than day shift workers, which increased with increasing frequency of night shift work. Ref:…
Read 13 tweets
In this one, exogenous testosterone administration was found to alter the metabolome in such a way that lipid substrates were preferentially utilized over amino acids, something that was in turn associated with attenuated muscle proteolysis during a severe energy deficit.
- Testosterone administration altered androgenic steroid, acylcarnitine, and amino acid metabolites during severe energy deficit compared to the placebo group.
- During the recovery period, when testosterone was not administered and the severe energy deficit had ended, many of these changes reversed.
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Il Sex drive, crescita muscolare, confidence, mascolinità...

Che cos'hanno in comune?

Derivano tutte dal Testosterone...🧬👇
3 anni fa mi sentivo mooolto meno "mascolino", di come mi sento ora, perchè?

Perchè avevo i livelli di testosterone basso, ma non avevo mai correlato il mio "non sentirmi mascolino" al testosterone... Non avevo ancora così tante informazioni come ora
Nel momento in cui me ne sono accorto, ho prenotato le analisi del sangue 🩸...

Sono rimasto shockato quando ho visto i risultati:

2,67 ng/ml 🤯

la mia mascella era metaforicamente a terra, in quel momento si erano come collegati tutti i punti nel mio cervello
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”She's moody, probably because she's a teenage girl, but could it be the #BirthControl?”
"She's acting so hormonal."
"Her moods are crazy, she's PMSing all the time."
Moods have nothing to do with #gender and sex hormones! These #stereotypes only perpetuate #bias. 🧵 #MedTwitter
Let's start with #hormones. Hormones are chemicals released by certain organs that carry messages to other organs. Everyone has hormones. Changes in hormone levels can affect our moods but having hormones does not make someone moody.
The reproductive (and other) organs produce the sex hormones (#progesterone, #estrogen, and #testosterone) in all people, just in different quantities. These levels can vary throughout the day and over time.
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Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new #accredited #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia covering the relationship between #LDL_C & major #CV events, CV risk categories, recommended LDL-C treatment goals, & oral therapeutic options for lipid-lowering
1) Welcome to a new #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia. Our returning @cardiomet_CE expert author is dedicated #SoMe education advocate Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes @drkevinfernando
2a) This is the next instalment of @cardiomet_CE's 10-part #tweetorial foundational series on #lipid management! It is accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
#FOAMed @MedTweetorials #cardiotwitter
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Soy is one of the most well-known sources of #PlantBased protein.

While many people enjoy dishes made from #soy, others are concerned about soy’s environmental and health impacts.

Today, we are taking a close look at the impacts of soy and the many myths that surround it.👇 1/8
Many people worry that #soy increases cancer risks.

However, these concerns are based on #animal studies, which found that rodents who were exposed to high doses of isoflavones, compounds found in soy, showed an increased risk of breast cancer. 2/8
Human studies produced different results.

A study, which followed 70,000 women over 7 years, showed that those who consumed the highest amounts of #soy had a 22% lower chance of getting breast cancer than those who consumed the least. @HarvardChanSPH 3/8…
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Sleep should be the top element of life whether u r going to gym or not, plz sleep at least for 7-9 hrs daily:

Benefit Of sleep:
-It helps in fat loss
-It helps in muscle growth
-It helps to improve Testosterone level
Short term and long term consequences of not having enough sleep:
-Insulin sensitivity decreases (Cause of diabetes)
-Appetite increases
-Stress increases
-Obesity problem
-Cardio vascular diseases
How to improve your sleep:
-Try not to consume caffeine before 5-6 hr of going to bed.
-Try to avoid too much alcohol
-Drug abuse causes sleep problem
-Shift work also cause sleep problem
-Have dark env while sleeping
-Have alarm to go to bed
-Start tracking ur sleep
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Today, we’re taking a look at the effects of artificial testosterone on the female body. #Testosterone is prescribed to healthy female children at gender clinics across the US. Its side effects include #depression, type 2 diabetes, blood clots, and high cholesterol. (1/8)
A recent scientific study found that artificial testosterone also increases females’ risk of heart attack. Src: #healthcare (2/8)
Artificial testosterone and artificial estrogen both increase the risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS) when used for “#transition.” That means higher risks for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. Src: #health (3/8)
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THREAD: Let’s talk about the HOW. How do “trans kids” #transition from healthy children to cash cows for Big Med? Let’s break down the process. (1/13)
The first step is the “affirmative model” of #therapy. When a child claims to be or wants to be the opposite sex, well-meaning parents may seek answers from a therapist. An “affirmative” therapist automatically labels the child "trans." (2/13)
It’s important to note that “affirmative” therapists don’t examine children’s #mentalhealth or question their ideas before making a decision. Instead, they “rubber-stamp” children’s psych evals. Src: (3/13)
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Campaigning for equality and recognition of human rights in sport - Kristen Worley #57 by LawInSport via #soundcloud…
In this podcast Kristen Worley, athlete and, equality and human right campaigner, talks about her personal journey campaigning for the equality and human rights to be recognised in sport.
This journey led Kristen to take a landmark case to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against the Cycling Canada, the Ontario Cycling Association and the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI).
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Autistic Women & medical conditions thread 🧵 RE: Common #Medical symptoms and conditions in #autisticgirls #autisticwomen
By @sbaroncohen et. al I feel this research study has implication on #autisticgirls #gender #ROGD #trans #detrans In my #Autism clinic it has
been common to hear about #puberty #Dysphoria
Menstrual problems, #PMDD #PCOS & #endometriosis What is really nice for clinicians is when we see research that backs up our clinical work. In consideration Of #gender distress #dysphoria #ROGD we should be considering this research ImageImageImage
In making clinical decisions that impact #autisticgirls #autisticwomen with #ROGD #trans #detrans This July 2021 study looked at common medical conditions in #autistic females.
For some time, researchers have been investigating #sexbias in #autism diagnosis. #Medical
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🖐️Have you ever seen those studies claiming finger length is related to health and behavior?

There's a whole field of research exploring the ratio between index and ring finger (known as 2D:4D digit ratio).

I think it's mostly #pseudoscience!

Take a few minutes and read on!👇
Before the debunking details, a disclaimer.

I care about scientific quality+integrity, & helping people understand the nuance behind abstracts & media headlines.

I'm not intending to disparage anybody personally. Perhaps some of this research is legit, but many issues w/ 2D:4D.
Supposedly #digitratio indicates prenatal testosterone exposure.

Fetuses exposed to more male sex hormones in utero are supposed to have a smaller digit ratio (shorter index finger or longer ring finger).

But, there's very little evidence of this in humans.
Read 33 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/05/2021…
A Nitrogen Shortage is Brewing, So What Will it Take to Cure The World's Fertilizer Deficiency?…

#NitrogenFertilizer #NaturalGas #prices #shortages #CropYield #projections
Scientists Concerned About New COVID-19 Variant Detected in South Africa With High Number of Mutations…

#COVID19 #evolution #variants #detection #transmissibility #virulence #PublicHealth
Read 13 tweets
I’ve had dozens of inquiries about shin splints, hamstring injuries, and generally injury-prone sprint groups in this, our first pandemic track season.

The view from 30,000 feet... “Why does this surprise us?”

Contributing factors (thread)

1) For some kids, it was nearly 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days since their last track meet.

2) Sprinting is the most EXTREME exercise in the human experience.

3) Running is not sprinting.

4) Many of our best male athletes spent the LONG off-season as body-builders.

5) 🏋️‍♀️ and body armor are critical for injury prevention in collision sports. However, body-building, weight gain, and flex-posing 💪 are recipes for ⬆️ exposure to many non-contact injuries. Strong muscles can put ⬆️ stress on connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, bones, etc) ⬇️
Read 12 tweets
Dear guys, your weight matters!

Being too fat may cause hormonal changes in your body leading to;
• low sperm count
• bad sperm quality &
• inability to make a woman pregnant

You can stop firing blank & weak by shedding your excess body fats

A thread 🧵

RT for awareness
Apart from low sperm count and poor sperm quality, obesity is a well-known cause of
• erectile dysfunction, and
• low sex drive.

Being overweight can damage your blood vessels and decrease the level of your male hormone #testosterone.
The damage caused to your blood vessels by obesity can come in different ways, e.g. due to the associated;

• high blood pressure
• diabetes
• excess cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia)
• excess triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia) and
• inflammation
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How to boost Testosterone the natural way.. Muscle, lean bodies, lesser fat % belly fat, bone density, red blood cells, sexual health, reproductive health, libido, hormonal balance, post age 25 - 30 starts to decline, here’s what you can do..
Exercise - lift weights, lift body weight, safe HIIT, rest and recovery, deep sleep, lower body workout, compound moves, plyometrics, circadian fasting, quality carbs, proteins and fats.
Fad diets and starving lower the big T, overacting lowers the big T, healthy vitamin D levels and calcium, Zinc and B vitamin rich foods, sunlight, limit artificial and blue light after sunset, laughter and happiness, fasted workouts if it suits you.
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Thread - My top testosterone boosting foods

Thanks again to those that voted, the winner was my top 10 #Testosterone boosting foods.

So lets crack on with the list!

Is a great source of cholesterol (the building block of testosterone) & saturated fats. It’s high in Zinc, it’s a source of B12, B6, B3, selenium, Omega 3, creatine, taurine & other antioxidants that help increase #testosterone production.

Highly nutrient dense Food! Image

They’re high extremely high in T boosting Zinc & a good source of other T boosting nutrients like magnesium, Selenium, Iron, B12 & vitamin D. Oysters are also high in D-Aspartic acid shown to increase testosterone & strength, a good source of protein as well! Image
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Thread on reasons to increase #testosterone production.

Some of the physical benefits to higher T are as follows:

- Higher energy levels
- Greater muscle mass
- Lower body fat
- Stronger Bones
- Healthier skin
- Faster response times

#MensHealth #fatloss #biohacking
"Internal health" benefits to naturally increasing #testosterone production:

- Reduced risk of stroke
- Increased basal metabolic rate
- Improved blood circulation
- Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
- Reduced risk of heart problems
- Higher Immune system

#MensHealth #biohacking
The mental health benefits to increasing #testosterone:

- Reduced risk of depression
- Reduced risk of dementia
- Improved memory
- Reduced "brain fog"

#mentalhealth #MensHealth #depression #dementia #biohacking
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Writing guidelines is hard, since evidence often lacking for key items. AUA recommendations re T thresholds is excellent example. No data exist re who responds to TTh based on total T levels. So recommended threshold of <300 is ARBITRARY, not evidence-based. 1/
While I congratulate AUA for establishing #testosterone guidelines, 1st rule should be to avoid making AUA members who practice good medicine WRONG. Experienced clinicians know there are MANY men with total T >300 who benefit from TTh, esp if have low free T. 2/
Since guidelines are not laws, there is ample room for clinicians to deviate from guidelines in their own practices, and data reveals poor adherence to most medical guidelines. A big issue, tho, is that insurance often will not provide coverage based on restrictive guidelines. 3/
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