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Apr 23rd 2023
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
How dare you...

How dare you steal my childhood, my future and the future of our children...

@ChildrensHD @Togetherdec
Join the fight back against the push for smart cities, against the push for 24/7 surveillance society, against open digital prisons for our children...

We are many; they are few...stand up TOGETHER @Togetherdec

#FreeOurStreets #SmartCities
Read 4 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
#Globalist Jews Created And Run Communist #China
- Israel #Epstein was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party.
- Sidney #Shapiro, an American Jew, was a high ranking member of CCP’s govt
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, '19
"Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and occupation of the US body politic by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania & Russia, ALL becomes clear."
Read 20 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
#VaccinePassport mass surveillance is in full effect in China 🇨🇳


☑️ Digital Identity
☑️ Vaccine Passports
☑️ Social Credit System
☑️ Mass surveillance
☑️ Quarantine Camps
☑️ CBDC implementation

Hey Zelensky… Jo… Jo… Jo…
You look so cute and chubby

Here take another $10 billion
Our #MoneyLaundering through #FTX is ratted out… lets find an alternative Image
Read 7 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Imagine the very bad things that thieves & criminals can do to you on the streets or in your homes… governments can do much worse.

“GOVERNMENTS” are known for assault, theft, extortion, intimidation, collusion, kidnapping, electrocution, discrimination, trauma and death Image
Look at the Chinese government checking in peoples phones forcibly for their #VaccinePassport verification and also checking to see if they’re supporting the #ChinaProtests 😱
Read 6 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
WEF 4th Industrial Revolution:

It’s all about your compliance. You’re the product. They’re selling you off to billionaire corporations for profits.

You’re tracked, monitored and controlled, all for corporate profit and you’re too busy ignoring it all

A thread 🧵 for awareness Image
We will grab more power in the name of #VaccinePassports

We will restrict your travel & freedoms based on vaccination status of ineffective & barely tested vaccines
Read 17 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
🚨 | Nadhim Zahawi rumoured to be new Chancellor.

Shame Boris could have got someone who didn't break promises in public.

Remember his constantly saying no plans for #VaccinePassport and then brought them in.

Another policy not evidence based which in hindsight was dangerous.
The reason for danger is the Government went out saying vaccines stop you infecting others.

Vulnerable people would have attended events thinking they were all bomb proof when they were not.

Irony unvaccinated who attended events with negative tests posed less risk.
Here was Boris at Xmas saying vaccination stops infecting others
Read 4 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
Belgian PM @alexanderdecroo confirms the government will not yet be relaxing the COVID restrictions put in place in November.

But there are no plans to tighten restrictions either. Omicron is worrying but “makes people less sick, so pressure on healthcare system is not as bad.”
“The hope is that we can go from a pandemic to an endemic,” says the Belgian PM. “But let me be clear: that is not yet the case today.”

Belgium is introducing today a #CoronavirusBarometer that will see automatic tightening or loosening of restrictions when thresholds are hit.
Here's what Covid hospital admissions look like right now:
Read 4 tweets
Jan 21st 2022



#vaccinepass #Resistance #Guadeloupe
#Guadeloupe #vaccinepass #generalstrike #Resistance

#vaccinepass #generalstrike #Resistance #Guadeloupe
Read 121 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
🚨🚨 Mark Drakeford - "It is the nature of the nightclub that people go there in order to be up close and personal"

➡️ Explaining decision to close nightclubs

You needed a #VaccinePassport or a negative test so surely it was safe❓ Or as I have said many times they're pointless
Read 4 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
The #CoViD1984 “pandemic” was simply a pretext for putting fully-digital monetary systems in place, globally. #VaccinePassport systems were manufactured to hasten a financial #GreatReset, replacing Western failing fiat currency systems with new #DigitalID:
The evil #WorldEconomicForum has efforts underway to implement a #DigitalID across ‘free’ societies—actually a way to fully track, trace, and control individuals within a digital panopticon. And the #WEF is going to use industry to impose it upon citizens:
The nefarious #WorldEconomicForum has long had plans for a #DigitalID across ‘free’ societies—actually a way to fully track, trace, and control individuals within a digital panopticon. And the #WEF is going to use gov’t #technocracy to impose it upon you:… Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 11th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/11/2021…
Rain to replace snow in the Arctic as climate heats, study finds…

#Arctic, #rain, #snow, #ClimateChange, #models
The United States Is Not “a Nation of Immigrants”…

#USA, #immigrants, #multiculturalism, #ColonialHistory, #settlers
Read 18 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
I’m at a global travel & tourism conference in León, Spain - hearing from industry experts about what they’re expecting for the next year.

This is an industry on its knees, and much of what I heard was depressing. But there’s also very promising signs. Some takeaways: (🧵 1/6)
One thing’s clear: industry feels EU’s successful #VaccinePassport scheme saved the summer.

Travel within 🇪🇺 now totally open and mostly hassle-free, esp compared to European countries requiring PCR test instead (UK). But travel outside EU will stay at low levels for some time.
I heard predictions that travel & tourism sector won’t recover to 2019 levels until *2025*.

Many tourism businesses will fold if it takes that long. What do they need? Quick international coordination on travel requirements and globally recognised vaccination certification.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
1/ A result of this decision by @UHN, some people have been withdrawing their organ donation consent in protest - given the ongoing campaign by the pro-lockdown lobby to demonize unvaccinated people.

This thread discusses the procedure in Ontario.

#TOpoli #ONpoli #cdnpoli #UHN
2/ To check if you are registered as an organ donor in Ontario, go to Service Ontario link below and follow instructions set out below.…

#TOpoli #ONpoli
3/ You can withdraw a previous organ donor consent in Ontario at any time at Service Ontario link below.

Click on "Register, Check or Update".…

#TOpoli #ONpoli
Read 5 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
Figure 7. #Canada: deaths with #covid19 as of October 1, 2021: 27,660

Figure 7. #Canada: deaths with #covid19 as of October 8, 2021: 27,660

No additional deaths WITH covid.

Yet #media hysteria continues for experimental jab / #vaccinepassport (#digitalID) uptake.
Note on same page it states "the count of deaths related to COVID19 in Canada was 28,141 as of Oct 7 2021". (Possible that new deaths w/ covid will not show up on this chart until next cycle).

#Adverse event reports up to/including Oct 1 2021: 17,982…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
#vaccinepassports: "They are creating a new inescapable web of #surveillance. W/ geolocation data being tracked everywhere. We have a global #digital infrastructure that is growing [] all around the world."

- Ann Cavoukian, former Privacy Commissioner of Ont., advisor/#ID2020
Cavoukian: "And I should mention w/ the
#vaccinepassport, which I find highly, highly offensive from a privacy perspective, both #Quebec & the port-a-pass in #Alberta have been found-the CBC revealed this-to be incredibly #privacy invasive."

Quebec 👇

Cavoukian: "Contrary to what's being said by the govt, lots of personal information is being collected & retained. That will have an impact upon you & your freedom. #Privacy forms the foundation of our #freedom. We cannot give that up."


[Source: ]
Read 3 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
The map no longer exists, and here is why.

~ a thread
Over 3 weeks ago, @blogTO released an article about NoPassList: a website created for businesses to register as non-compliant with the new #VaccinePassport system. It shocked me beyond words, and after days of not being able to "shake" it, I decided to do something about it.
The idea that there were hundreds of businesses registered with a website actively defying the passport system - many not informing their customers - infuriated me. They were taking away the right to informed and responsible consumerism.
Read 23 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
SEPT 27: #COVID19 in #Ontario
613 cases, 0 deaths🙏🏻, 578 resolved,
22633 tests/day, 9306 pending, 2.0% pos
184 in ICU (130 on ventilator)🏥

+20,454 vaccinations💉
85.9% of age 12+ ≥1 dose💉
(80.4% = 2 doses)
See thread for more graphs📉⤵️
#onhealth #COVID19ontario
🦠Cases (new):
Unvaccinated: 350
Partial vax: 35
Full vax: 159
Unknown: 69

🏥Hospitalizations: N/A

"Due to incomplete weekend reporting, vaccination status data for hospital & ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays & Mondays."
Sept 27: Cases/Hosp/ICU by vaccination status *PER MILLION*

Cases: RR 6.0x unvaccinated to vaccinated

"Due to incomplete weekend reporting, vaccination status data for hospital & ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays & Mondays."
Read 13 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
1/ The Vax$ contains the RNA (encapsulated in liposome) to make one of the spikes found on the outside of the coronavirus. When injected, it is absorbed into a cell and makes one of those spikes on the outside of whatever cell it went in to.

#VaccineMandate #VaccinePassport
The RNA shot was supposed to stay in the arm muscle, making those spikes on the outside of muscle fibres, but instead most of it got flushed into the blood and spread around the body.

#VaccineMandate #VaccinePassport
The place where blood slows down the most is in the capillaries & this is where the RNA has mostly been absorbed & those are the cells that started growing those little spikes.

Problem is those capillaries are supposed to be nice and smooth.

#VaccineMandate #VaccinePassport
Read 7 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
THREAD: "F**k Joe Biden, Biden is a Pedophile" Hundreds marched through NYC protesting vaccine mandates.
All Videos by @yyeeaahhhboiii2 (FreedomNewsTV)


#VaccinePassports #vaccines
"We all have to develop an immunity to this entire virus" said speaker Del Bigtree, "We're gonna have to catch this cold." he added


Del Bigtree speaking at Anti-mandate Protest in NYC "I told you over 7 months ago, this vaccine does not work". When interviewed and reporters who say that he doesn't have a medical license, he responds "That's why it's so terrifying that I'm the only one getting it right" #VAX
Read 6 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
#VaccinePassport This Protocol is heavily flawed and here's why.

1. Vaccination - getting the jab doesn’t mean immunity from the virus, it simply means you will experience less hectic symptoms, which makes the virus manageable at best. You can still get the virus, spread it -
and die from it even when vaccinated. With that being said
2. Uniformity - Not all countries agree to a #VaccinePassport, this means there is no standard of evaluation of information. In simple words. There is no standard we globally can follow as the best method to asses the quality of your passport. -
Read 13 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
Es geht wieder los in #France:

Thread mit Videos🧵 1/n

In Pau demonstrieren die Menschen am 9. Samstag in Folge gegen die #Impfapartheid.
In Paris hat die Polizei aufgerüstet…
2/ #ChampsElysées und #Wagram, sind von der Polizei abgesperrt: mehrere Wasserwerfer, Dutzende Polizei- und Gendarmeriewagen stehen bereit... #Paris
3/ Aix-en-Provence auf der Straße gegen den Gesundheitspass.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 6th 2021
#Quebec #vaccinepassport QR code begins w/ shc:/. "shc"- acronym for SMART Health Cards specification spearheaded by the Vaccination Credential Initiative [VCI]. Akinox, developer of #VaxiCode & VaxiCode Verif for the Quebec govt, is member of VCI.

#4IR #Salesforce #Rockefeller
Aug 20 2021: "Many US states have outlawed #vaccinepassports but the #SMARTHealthCard is being rolled out across the country with help from the private sector.

#VCI is a consortium of key players [] & includes major corps like #Microsoft, #Salesforce..."…
[Source of information highlighting #VaxiCode acronym for #SMARTHealthCards:…]

Smart Health Cards [#VCI] & Common Trust Network:

#4IR architecture
Read 6 tweets

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