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1/🚨A 🧵on how @stkirsch avoids a debate he asked for!! On May 1, 2023, after he'd been ranting on about how no one would debate him, a team of scientists, professors, authors, doctors, med students and researchers offered him a fair debate proposal ImageImageImage
2/ Steve didn't want to debate. He wanted to talk privately about #VAERS and excess deaths, despite that our team had thoroughly prepared for those very topics prior to submitting our debate proposal ImageImage
3/ As you can see from the above screenshots, we notified Steve on May 5 that unless he gave a straight answer, we were going public with the proposal of the debate along with his refusal. His response was to try and disqualify me
Read 25 tweets
1/ A 🧵on #logicalfallacies and thinking errors anti-vaxxers commit when using #VAERS
2/ Post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this) – VARES does not establish a cause/effect relationship between vaccines and adverse events.…
3/a Countless counterfeit fallacy (taking the existence of a large number of examples as evidence that at least some of those examples are true) – Just because there are many reports, doesn’t mean any of them are true. There are millions of reports of alien abductions,
Read 23 tweets
#CDC Director Rochelle #Walensky is #leaving, White House says | May 5
- Last summer, Walensky launched a reorganization of the CDC, acknowledging that its “performance did not reliably meet expectations” during the '#pandemic'.
#WHO downgrades #coronavirus '#pandemic', no longer a global #emergency | May 5
- marking a symbolic end to the devastating coronavirus pandemic that triggered once-unthinkable #lockdowns, upended economies and killed at least 7 million people worldwide.…
Steve #Kirsch | Jan 22
#Walensky should be put in #jail for the number of #deaths CDC #responsible for
- Over 700 safety signals (incl #DEATH) have triggered in #VAERS and the #CDC was #SILENT about all of them until they were discovered by a #FOIA request… Image
Read 11 tweets
@vonderleyen The #Qatargate #Scandal: Could It Signal The #End Of The ‘#BrusselsEU’? | Apr 21
- A vice #president of the #EuropeanParliament and other EU #lawmakers have been #bribed by the governments of #Qatar, #Morocco, #Mauritania, and possibly other countries…
@vonderleyen Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between #Pfizer And #EUCommission Chief For Sale Of #Vaccines | Sep 18
- Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to #ransom making bizarre demands asking for #bankreserves, #embassy buildings and #military bases.
@vonderleyen The #EuropeanCommission's #refusal of public access to text messages #SMS exchanged between
@vonderleyen and the CEO of a #pharmaceutical company on the purchase of a #Covid19Vaccines
- CASE 1316/2021/MIG - OPENED ON Thursday | 16 Sep 2021
Read 20 tweets
L'ho già scritto in varie risposte, ma forse è il caso di dedicare all'argomento un breve 🧵

Nell'ultimo rapporto #AIFA sono segnalati 29 decessi correlabili ai vaccini anti #Covid_19, uno ogni 5M di dosi somministrate.

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Sul sito del #VAERS sono riportati 35.644 decessi avvenuti nei giorni successivi alla vaccinazione anti #COVID19.

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Possiamo quindi rilevare queste proporzioni:

✅ Dosi somministrate USA vs Italia ▶️ 7:1
✅ Decessi segnalati USA vs Italia ▶️ 1229:1

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1/ Liefern die sog. „Fakten“-Blätter des #RKI (Stand Dez. 2022) zur Impfung von Kindern & Jugendlichen gg. #Covid19 „Fake-facts“?

So schreibt das #RKI hierin zu „Herzmuskel- u. Herzbeutelentzündungen“:

„Bisher keine Fälle bei 5-11-Jährigen“ - aber stimmt das auch? ImageImage
2/ Ein Blick in die sog. „Wissenschaftliche Begründung“ der #STIKO zur Impfempfehlung für Kinder (5-11 J.) aus 05/22 im Epidemiolog. Bulletin Nr. 21/2022 offenbart auf S. 35:

„Aus den USA liegen veröffentlichte Sicherheitsdaten für den Zeitraum vom 03.11.2021 bis 19.12.2021 … ImageImage
3/ … vor. … Über das #VAERS wurden … 100 SUE … berichtet. Darunter befinden sich bislang 15 Verdachtsfälle einer #Myokarditis, wovon 11 durch Befragung des Informanten oder Einsicht der Krankenakte verifiziert werden konnten.“

Wohlgemerkt, es handelte sich hierbei nur …
Read 7 tweets
🧵Since I've done a thread to end the VAERS Debate I should try my best to explain HOW to use the VAERS. So I made a ultra-simplified step-by-step how to guide to do a #VAERS data search. 1st go to their website:
2🧵(all pics are #'d in order) Once you get to the webpage you'll need to scroll down till you see some options. For a data search you'll want to click the "Search VAERS" box
3.🧵After clicking the search option, you'll be taken to another page. Once there, you'll have a terms & conditions box with a disclaimer and warning on it. Read it, and click "I understand" if you wish to continue the process of using the #VAERS system,
Read 9 tweets
Day 2 of @CDCgov’s #ACIP covered Polio, Meningococcal, RSV, Chikungunya, Dengue + Varicella 💉s 😳

No votes, but discussed additions of new 💉s to the Adult, Pregnancy + Childhood Schedule.

See our 🧵 below as we break it all down

#ParentsAreWatching 👀
Latest #VAERS reports 1,499,156 AEs from C-19 💉s

Today they reported CICP claims for C-19 countermeasures:

🔴 8447 claims from 💉s
🔴 543 claims processed
🔴 524 DENIED

Thought you’d be compensated for injury/death? Think again! How long will remaining claims take to process?
#ACIP leads off with concern that vaccine hesitancy is at an all time high + overall childhood vax rates have ⬇️ again.

@CDCgov + @US_FDA – Consider this the “new normal” until you start putting people over pHARMa profits 💰
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1/ Skandalträchtige Vorkommnisse auch bei der #Pfizer/#BioNTech-Impfstoff-Zulassungsstudie für JUGENDLICHE


Was wusste die #STIKO zum Zeitpunkt ihrer allgemeinen Impfempfehlung für Jugendliche (08/21) über den Fall #maddiedegaray?

Ein Thread 🧵
2/ Die damals 12-jährige Maddie De Garay war in 12/20 und 01/21 eine von 1131 Probanden im Alter v. 12-15 Jahren, denen in der nur 2260 Teilnehmer umfassenden #Covid19-Impfstoff-Zulassungsstudie für Jugendliche das Vakzin v. #Pfizer/#BioNTech (30 Mikrogramm) verabreicht wurde. …
3/ Kurz nach Erhalt der zweiten Dosis am 20.01.21 begann für das junge Mädchen offenbar eine beispiellose Leidensgeschichte, die bis heute andauert. Sehr ausführlich ist diese in folgendem Text des Anwalts @AaronSiriSG beschrieben:…
Read 26 tweets
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla Swedish Radio SR:
#Sweden had to #destroy 8,5 million '#Covid19-#vaccine' shots.
- Swedish are not interested enough to take 3rd, 4th or 5th jab.
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla #EU #Ombudsman to identify good #practices on how the EU admin keeps #records of work-related text and instant #messages | 02 July 2021
- has written to several EU institutions and agencies to ask what #measures they have in place for #documenting msgs
Read 13 tweets
VACCINS COVID - COMBIEN DE MORTS? (= Suspected adverse reactions après ces injections expérimentales avec #AutorisationConditionnelle sur le marché, #Dispense de #BigPharma de la responsabilité civile en égard aux #EffetsSecondaires
mortels (par l’UE), et dont les médecins qui inoculent risquent des sanctions lourdes)

#USA #VAERS (27 janv 2023): décès: 34 122.

EUROPE #EudraVigilance (28 JANV 2023): Décès: 50 262 / Blessés non-guéris: 1,49 mio.…
FRANCE (fév 2022): 1802 décès:…

FRANCE (fév 2023): Français piqués min. 1 fois: 81,2 %,

COMBIEN DE MORTS A CAUSE DU COVID ? Les autorités ne le savent pas, la définition officielle est « décès avec ou à
Read 4 tweets
@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pääsevät kulkemaan elimistön biologisten esteiden läpi. Ne menevät rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myös [1]veri-aivoesteen läpi ja jos ne läpäisevät veri-aivoesteen, ne läpäisevät myös istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
Read 24 tweets
This is a graph showing deaths reported to the USA pharmacovigilence database VAERS. The vertical axis shows the number of deaths reported. The horizontal axis shows how many days after the #covidvaccine the death occurred

#mrna #informedconsent #suddendeath #nz
The tallest bar represents deaths that occurred ON THE DAY OF THE INJECTION. The second bar is deaths that occurred 1 day post injection. Bar three is deaths 2 days post injection etc
If there was no causal association between receiving the #covidvaccine and dying, the bar chart would resemble a horizontal plane with the number of deaths on any day roughly equal e.g. deaths would be scattered in a roughly equal pattern throughout days post injection.
Read 8 tweets
Yesterday, Children’s Health Defense filed a lawsuit against the @US_FDA to obtain documents related to the agency’s safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccines through the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (#VAERS) database.


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@US_FDA The lawsuit alleges FDA violated the Freedom of Information Act by refusing to provide key analysis of VAERS reports. The FOIA request was submitted July 2022

FDA claimed the records are exempt from disclosure under FOIA. Full story (4-minute read):…

@US_FDA .@CDCgov + @US_FDA administer VAERS, a database that allows medical professionals + others to file reports about vaccine-related injuries.

CDC considers VAERS to be an “early warning system” for detecting unusual patterns of reporting that can signal problems w/ a vaccine.

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Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
The PUBLIC #VAERS system was set up so independent researchers could use the data for, well, research. What would those researchers do with the full understanding of how manipulated their data is? 1/
@aravindmc has noticed that if there are two reports on the same event the one deleted is the worse one, generally speaking. What is actually happening is that they delete subsequent reports from the PUBLIC data. Only the first remains. 2/
If updates are made to any given report, these are not updated in the original report. So dr Michael who died of ITP early in the launch, remains not died in the PUBLIC data. 3/
Read 7 tweets
VAERS isn’t reliable…but it should be. A short🧵.

#vaers #vaccineinjuries #vaccine #VaccineDeath

Did you know…

The CDC was developing an electronic support system to go along with VAERS. They developed criteria for defining an AE and would then monitor patients…
who received a V for 30 days for any possible AEs.

The study found "an average of 1.3 events per clinician, per month."

The AE data was presented at the 2009 AMIA (American Medical Informatics Conference) conference.
This is important because it PROVES leaders in the informatics field knew this was an issue, and not a small one.

After these results, the project was abandoned by the CDC.
Read 6 tweets
#censorship #covid19 #suppression #Ivermectin #Hydroxychloroquine #mRNA #vaccines #VAERS 🧵



A Twitter space
8th January 2023

Opening statements - Neil Oliver (structure of presentation)…

A Twitter space
8th January 2023

Opening statements - Nick Hudson (censorship's evil twin)…

A Twitter space
8th January 2023

Opening statements - Neil Oliver (parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant)…
Read 32 tweets
Dr. @P_McCulloughMD asserts the development and rollout of #BioWeapon C19 vaccines was not "warp speed," but a DARPA-funded US Military Operation begun in 2012.

Sasha Latypova asserts in an interview with @laralogan that documents show DoD is Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed and controls all mRNA injectables.

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Tilastoharhoista ylikuolleisuuteen tietokannassa. 🧵

Käydään läpi #VAERS:in (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) dataa erittäin tiivistetysti.
Pohditaan miksi ihminen oli 21 päivää rokottamaton.

Tutkittu ja turvallinen.
#ylikuolleisuus #ministerivastuu #PfizerGate #48a
Lähdemme tutkimaan miksi. VAERS on siis ainoastaan järjestelmä johon raportoidaan rokotteiden haittailmoituksia (ei siis mikään rokotehörhöjen perustama sivusto). Ensimmäinen taulu kuvaa rokotteista ilmoitettuja haittavaikutuksia 1990-2022: Image
Aloitetaan siitä miksi rokotuksen jälkeen ihminen on 21 päivää rokottamaton sairaalaraportoinnin kannalta. Voitaisiin lähes väittää protokollan muovautuneen alkupään tutkimusdatan seurauksena (phase 1). Seuraava taulu kuvaa raportoituja kuolemia päivinä rokotuksesta: Image
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Die Zahl der Studien, die zeigen dass die Impfung Menschen zerstört, sind erdrückend!

The number of studies showing human destruction from the vaccine, are overwhelming!………… ImageImageImageImage
This is absolute horrifying stuff.
If this would have been shown 1 year before, i think a lot of people, who have taken the booster, would have not taken it.………… ImageImageImageImage
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#CoronaImpfSchäden in der #RBB Abendschau!

Die "Einzel-Fälle" häufen sich mehr und mehr und die Stimmen werden immer lauter!

Manuela Bogdann arbeitete bei Daimler-Truck im Marketing. Seit der Inokulation mit #BioNTech ist sie arbeitsunfähig. Ihr Magen-Darm ist zerstört…
Peggy Dobelke ("Diese Zahlen werden nicht erhoben" - Abgeordnetenhaus) konnte nach der Inokulation mit #Novavax plötzlich nicht mehr laufen.

Für jeden normal denkenden & fühlenden Menschen ist klar, dass den Betroffenen unmittelbar zu helfen und diese
…irrenführend als "Impfung" bezeichnete #gentechnischeBehandlung sofort einzustellen, dieses Experiment vollständig aufzuarbeiten & alle daran Beteiligten zur Verantwortung zu ziehen sind!
Mittlerweile versucht die CDU, mitverantwortlich für dieses Desaster, einzuschleimen.
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連邦緊急事務管理局がワクチン犠牲者家族を買収しようとした (1/2)


連邦緊急事務管理局がワクチン犠牲者家族を買収しようとした (2/2)


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