Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #VitaminD

Most recents (24)

May 12th 2023
I want you to know that Alzheimer's disease-alleviating, neuroprotective effects of vitamin D have been replicated in recent clinical trials. (1/7) #AD #Alzheimers #VitaminD
In a 12-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, these researchers showed that compared to the AD group w/placebo the AD group w/vitamin D supplement (800 IU/day) had a significant reduction in plasma Aβ42 and related biomarkers. (2/7) #RCT #science #research
Plasma Aβ42 is a biomarker that is often used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease and track progression. It's a protein that accumulates in the brain and leads to the formation of amyloid plaques that can damage brain cells and disrupt cognitive function. (3/7)
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May 10th 2023
And what's good to get more #TCells?
The wonderful #vitaminD despised by the @WHO (which has never said a word in its favor) and by French doctors & pharmacologists (there must be too many of them in the @WHO bodies, right?).
@D_Deplanque @DgCostagliola @LacombeKarine1 ImageImageImageImage
It is known [apparemment pas par tous] that the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes decrease in vitamin D deficiency while vitamin D supplementation increases CD + 4 lymphocytes.

😵‍💫On peut être spécialiste du Sida & ne pas connaître l'intérêt de la vitamine D pour le système immunitaire
comme 1 médecin débutant qui vient de passer sa thèse: en 9a d'études, on peut à peine tout survoler, sans rien apprendre, même pas la modestie.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
Since #VitaminD is trending on this site right now… here is a collection some of our favorite papers.

Get some ☀️ today & build up your D levels! It's correlated w almost every aspect of health.

('s not a vitamin, it's a secosteroid hormone, but don't get us started)
Women with Vitamin D levels >30 ng/ml had
- 27% reduced mortality from all causes
- 22% lower odds of breast cancer
(presented at the @ASCO annual meeting)
In patients with existing cardiovascular disease, each +10 nmol/L increase in Vitamin D levels was associated with
- 12% reduction in all cause mortality
- 9% reduction in CVD mortality
Read 9 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
Bis Ende November haben wir regelmäßig #vitaminD sublementiert.
Unerfahren wie wir waren, sind wir der überall auffindbaren Empfehlung gefolgt und haben maximal 1.000 i.E. täglich genommen.

Als ich den Test im November gemacht habe, war ich überrascht.
Nur 10ng/ml und...
damit - trotz regelmäßiger Einnahme - am kritischen unteren Rand.
Beim Rest der Family war es ähnlich...

Nach Rücksprache mit @SAW_BW (vielen Dank an dieser Stelle für den Austausch 🙏) haben wir die Dosis einiges erhöht.

Faustformel (die mir neu war):
Gewicht x 40 als...
Normale Zugabe.
Wären bei mir 3.600 - 4.000
Mindestens Verdoppelung für die nächsten Wochen, um den Spiegel nach oben zu bekommen.

Habe also seit November 10.000 i.E. / Tag genommen. Junior entsprechend 5.000 / Tag.

Neben der Tatsache, dass wir beide nun im Normalbereich...
Read 6 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for dynapenia (poor muscle strength)

1. Dynapenia is an important risk factor for disability and death later in life. A 4-year follow up study looked at association between #VitaminD deficiency and #dynapenia in 3205 people aged 50 or more.
2. Vitamin D deficiency (< 30 nmol/L or <12 ng/mL) increased the risk of the incidence of dynapenia by 70% after 4 years. The risk was even higher in people aged 70-79 (4-times higher) and those aged 80 or more (8 times higher)
3. Vitamin D participates in both biochemical processes for the maintenance of muscle mass & muscle contraction kinetics. Through its genomic effects, vitamin D exerts an influence on the expression of contractile proteins & differentiation of muscle fibers, which affects the +
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Feb 8th 2023
Vitamin D is effective in decreasing risk for diabetes in adults with prediabetes

1. In a meta-analysis, the risk of #diabetes reduced by 15% in adults with prediabetes, who were given #vitaminD: 20,000 IU (500 mcg) weekly; OR 4,000 IU (100 mcg) daily, as compared to placebo.
2. The 3-year absolute risk reduction in developing diabetes was 3.3%.
The absolute risk reduction number is small, especially when compared with the risk reduction seen with intensive lifestyle changes (58%) and metformin (31%).
3. There are certain limitations.
*The effects of vitamin D can not be generalized to healthy adults, as it was tested in only those with prediabetes.
*The safety of prolonged vitamin D use on regular basis is not yet fully clear.
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Jan 30th 2023
🚨THREAD: Get ready to boost your health knowledge! 💥 Did you know Vitamin D is more than just a sunshine vitamin? But hold on, there's more to uncover in this thread. Two crucial problems related to Vitamin D await you, keep reading! #VitaminD #HealthMatters (1/15)
2/ Most Vitamin D studies are flawed because:
▪️The lack of expertise in nutrition, especially clinical or functional nutrition, among MDs & researchers.
▪️Many studies thus manifest a false image of Vit D. They conclude that it is ineffective even though the opposite is true.
3/ Due to the Covid "pandemic", many studies on vitamin D have been conducted in the last two years. Many studies conclude that vitamin D is ineffective, if not harmful. The website provides an overview of the Covid-related vitamin D studies.
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Dec 30th 2022
As the year ends, it's time once again to discuss some of the best clinical papers in the 🦴 #bone field in 2022!

A long 🧵
@Sandroppa @ECTS_science @larsfolkestad
Nr. 1: Supplemental #VitaminD and Incident #Fractures in Midlife and Older Adults @NEJM

No effect in the VITAL trial although confidence intervals do not exclude meaningful reduction in patients on osteoporosis meds or with fracture history…
#VitaminD Deficiency Increases Mortality Risk in the UK Biobank
A Nonlinear Mendelian Randomization Study

Risk increased steeply < 50 nmol/L and was greater with genetic than phenotypic vitamin D deficiency
Read 42 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
Vitamin D Vergiftung (1/5): In diesem Jahr gab es in den Giftinformationszentren mehr Anfragen wegen einer (versehentlichen) Überdosierung von Vitamin D. Offenbar waren in diesem Jahr also mehr hochdosierte Vitamin D Präparate im Umlauf. #corona #vitaminD
(2/5): Vermutlich liegt dies an Corona. Es existiert der Irrglaube, dass Vitamin D ein Allheilmittel gegen Corona ist und großflächig vor einer Corona Infektion schützt. Alleine im Giftinformationszentrum Erfurt sind die Anfragen wegen einer Überdosierung um ca. 30 % gestiegen.
(3/5): Eine einmalige erhöhte Einnahme ist in aller Regel unproblematisch. Anders ist es bei langfristiger zu hoher Vitamin D Einnahme. Dadurch kann es zu einem erhöhten Kalziumspiegel im Blut kommen. Dies kann akut zu Übelkeit, Appetitlosigkeit, Bauchkrämpfen, Erbrechen führen.
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Nov 25th 2022
Cause of coma in a #woman surprised us!

1. 65-year old woman was brought in an #unconscious state to #emergency dept. She sounded normal over phone to her son about 24 hours earlier. She stayed alone, so, further details were not available.
#MedTwitter #internalmedicine
2. Clinical examination revealed an #unconscious patient. She was afebrile; pulse and BP were normal. Pupils were equal and reacting to light. Meningeal signs were absent. She was electively mechanically ventilated in view of her unconscious state.
3. Serum #calcium was high (13 mg/dL). MRI brain was normal. Lumbar puncture was normal. Investigations were done to determine the cause of high calcium. There was no evidence of #endocrine disorder, infection or #Cancer.
#VitaminD level was very high (160 ng/mL).
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Nov 18th 2022
“Vitamin D3 associated with a significant 33% decrease in mortality within 30-days of COVID-19 infection.” #VitaminD
No amnesty. Never forget.

This doctor literally laughed at me for asking about potential benefits Vitamin D.

He filed a complaint with my employer and Ofcom, who found in my favour.

We must ask, why did they want to silence us from asking questions?
Dr. Simon Clarke is a professor at University of Reading, recipient of over £1m in grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The full conversation is available on Telegram and Facebook:……
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Sep 24th 2022
Maxwell Biosciences is developing the “One Drug for Many Bugs” CLAROMER™ biotechnology - preclinically active against all tested variants of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza. A NIAID-funded Syrian Hamster study showed full protection against the symptoms of #COVID & possibly #LongCOVID. Maxwell Biosciences 2022 CL...
How It Works

CLAROMER drug candidates literally explode the membrane that surrounds all enveloped viruses (all coronaviruses, influenza, herpes, many others) - destroying the virus. Photographic proof is below from UT Medical Branch using an electron microscope. Image
A Broad Spectrum Target

Viruses - including #COVID - inherit their membrane from the infected host cell, and bring it with them like camouflage. That membrane is marked for destruction by the immune system and that marker - phosphatidylserine - is what CLAROMERS target. Image
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Aug 13th 2022
This Mendelian randomization study finds that a higher childhood body size has a direct effect on lower vitamin D levels in early life, while in midlife, childhood body size impacts adult obesity indirectly to result in lower vitamin D levels.
- Evidence of an effect for higher adult body size on lower 25OHD levels measured in adulthood was found in the multivariable model accounting for the childhood body size score.
This suggests that childhood body size has an indirect influence of 25OHD levels in adulthood, likely due to its persistent effect throughout the lifecourse.
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Aug 3rd 2022
Interestingly enough, this one found that Irish children living in the most disadvantaged areas have the highest level of Vitamin D deficiency, affecting 34% of the population. Image
- Overall, 23% of all children examined were vitamin D deficient (<30 nmol/l).
- In total, half of the cohort had concentrations less than 50 nmol/l, indicating that inadequate vitamin D status was highly prevalent.
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Aug 1st 2022
Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new #accredited #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia covering the relationship between #LDL_C & major #CV events, CV risk categories, recommended LDL-C treatment goals, & oral therapeutic options for lipid-lowering
1) Welcome to a new #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia. Our returning @cardiomet_CE expert author is dedicated #SoMe education advocate Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes @drkevinfernando
2a) This is the next instalment of @cardiomet_CE's 10-part #tweetorial foundational series on #lipid management! It is accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
#FOAMed @MedTweetorials #cardiotwitter
Read 45 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
My mean platelet volume has been elevated and was BEFORE the vaccine. This study suggests it may link to thrombosis and inflammation…

Maybe a predisposing factor to #PostVacSyndrome #vaccineinjuries #LongCovid?

High MPV can be caused by #VitaminD deficiency, which i had BEFORE my vaccine (measured historical sample), and is now rectified.

My MPV remains elevated still. Maybe vit D initially triggered it, now the damage is hard to fix?

Maybe something else driving high MPV? 🤔
Super activated platelets have to die:…

Could this mean hyperactivated platelets = shorter cell life = more young platelets = higher MPV?

#LongCovid #postvacsyndrome #TeamClots #microclots

Spitballing here, have about 20 papers to read on MPV already 😆
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Jul 16th 2022
🧐”Antiphospholipid antibodies and vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19 infection with and without venous or arterial thrombosis: A pilot case-control study”.
…”Patients with both APLa and vitamin D deficiency had significantly more thrombosis compared to patients who were antibody positive without vitamin D deficiency (100% vs 47.4%; p = 0.01).”👀
…”Conclusions: Thrombosis in COVID-19 was associated with concomitant APLa and vitamin D deficiency. Future studies in COVID-19 should assess the role of vitamin D in reducing thrombosis.”👀. #covid #thrombosis #vitaminD
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Jul 8th 2022
This one suggests that vitamin D metabolites may be involved in skeletal muscle function and improve athletic performance.
- A total of 40 indoor and outdoor players (16 judoists and 24 football players) participated in the study.
- In the group of indoor judoists, there was a significant correlation between total 25-(OH)D and vertical jump parameters.
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Jul 7th 2022
that explains it… also the pineal gland has many important functions regarding certain hormone productions in the body… heavily affecting our thyroids and heart…#pinealgland PS: think of it as your antenna…that connects you to everyting…with bad reception if calcified/closed Image
perhaps then it makes sense why our Christ-mas tree is a pine tree…which gives birth to pinecones… and interestingly traditionally have a star on too that the whole decoration revolves around…would you say that we revolve in some form around a star as well? 🤔 Image
Ah the big’ol #SiriusImage
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May 28th 2022
Thread on #Magnesium and why it is fundamental for our #health. #micronutrients
..many people debate the various ratios of #macronutrients like #protein, #fat, and #carbohydrates in their diet to find their optimal health. Which is great as we are #bioindividuals but most miss out on #micronutrients like #vitamins and #minerals.
The way our bodies are able to use the #macronutrients is fully dependent on how our #enzymatic pathways are influenced by various #micronutrients. One of the most important amongst is #magnesium.
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May 28th 2022
𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 #vitaminD paper.
"The originally-published data are inaccurate and a complete set of corrected data is not available."

Here's a thread to outline the worrying data irregularities that led to this retraction.
#exercise #science #nutrition #research 🧵1/13
First and foremost, you can read here the full EIC retraction notice: ♾…

♾And my "Letter to The Editor" in which I describe in more detail the most serious/perplexing issues:
I learned about this study after Dr. Rhonda Patrick (Ph.D. in biomedical science) shared it among her nearly 400,000 Twitter followers who, in turn, retweeted it more than 500 times. 🧵3/13
Read 13 tweets

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