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This week on my Middle-Class Wealth series, I’m sharing insights from @McKinsey_MGI's report.

I highlight the opportunities for the African & diasporan middle class.

#MiddleClassWealth #AfricanMiddleClass #AfricanWealthReport #Africa #Diaspora… Insights from Mckinsey Glob...
McKinsey Global Institute is an authoritative source of economic forecasts. Their report projects a vibrant economic future for Africa in a number of sectors.
Agriculture: Blessed with plentiful natural resources and a climate conducive to farming, Africa has untapped agricultural potential.
Read 11 tweets
It was an honour to speak at the @SAAMA_NPC Conference on Wednesday, 7th June 2023.

I presented @volitioncap's unique fund management model using traditional African cooperatives.

#AfricanWealth #Diaspora #VolitionCap #MiddleClassWealth Image
I also emphasized the need for asset managers to assist the middle class to reach their financial goals.
By nurturing an environment where the African middle class has the right tools and knowledge to better manage their assets and secure their financial future, we can open the door to a better tomorrow.
Read 5 tweets
Français, imaginez... Il ne s'agit pas de prendre position, mais juste d'imaginer, dans quelques années, une France devenue majoritairement musulmane du fait de sa démographie. Décennie après décennie, le christianisme est peu à peu devenu ultra-minoritaire. ⬇️Déroulez⬇️
Imaginez qu'à mesure que passent les années et les siècles, l'Histoire de France tombe peu à peu dans l'oubli, réinventée par les nouveaux occupants, réecrite avec d'autres héros, et sans christianisme. Imaginez que la France soit renommée, prenant par exemple un nom musulman ⬇️ Image
Imaginez ses villes renommées.. Les monuments, qui faisaient sa grandeur, détruits... il n'en resterait que des ruines, un mur ici ou là. Imaginez que les lieux saints soient tous convertis et que ce qui fût Notre-Dame soit en partie rasé et devienne une immense Mosquée... ⬇️ ImageImage
Read 28 tweets
(1/5) Der zynische Idealzustand vollständiger Erpressbarkeit - das russ. günstige #Gas war pures Gift in #US-Augen, es garantierte wirtschaftl. #Konkurrenzfähigkeit & relative Unabhängigkeit von #NATO/#US-Interessen - #Putin, wie war der Name? ...
(2/5) .... #Sanktionen gg #China, sind jederzeit willkommen, sonst ist der #Flüssiggas/#LNG-Hahn schneller abgedreht, als man sich das vorzustellen vermag.

Im Klartext: würde D jetzt versuchen ins Gespräch mit #Putin zu kommen, hieße das für #Washington u.U....
(3/5) ... erweiterte (nach #NS1 & #NS2 Sabotage) feindselige Aktionen gg D via #Ukraine und innerdeutschen öko-(+/-)rechtsradik. #Terrorismus, #Polen|s (dann #US)-unterstützte #Reparationsforderung, neue #Migrationsströme und - natürlich - ausbleibende #Gaslieferungen. ...
Read 5 tweets
Do you have expertise in #Health, #Environment and/or #Development in SE Asia?
Apply for a tt position as Asst. Prof at our Dept of #Geography .@UUtah -- a thread 🧵 with more deets below ! 1/5

Link to position description and application link
2/5 Some example research in SE Asia for this hire include (but not limited to) #illness & #disease, #population, #environmental challenges & #inequality, #sustainability, #climatechange impacts, #agriculture & #foodsecurity, #urbanization, #development, #conflict, #migration...
3/5 ... #Diaspora...
We value diverse perspectives and seek to build more inclusive faculty, graduate, and undergraduate student bodies. Applicants from underrepresented backgrounds are encourage to apply by 1 September 2022.
Read 6 tweets
Si tu as des antécédents dans le quartier, même 10 ou 29 ans après, koyaka na matanga ya ba z'amis d'enfance te. Okodoka comme mon ami Guelor. Hier, alors ke mbonda ya Bitshaku Tshaku eza koningisa mabina, ye akutani na Modestine, chérie ya bomuana, awanganaka ye na zemi
2. Au fait, tout se passait bien. Ba #Diaspora, ba masta batikala n'a base, ba oyo bakenda, tokunaki biso tout. Rendre hommage au vieux. Azalaka coach de foot. Biso tout, toleka na équipe na ye. Ngai kutu, "Di Stefano". Guelor, Belhomme, ba votaka ye "miss garcon 1995"
3. N'a nzela ya Institut Kasaï, Guelor et Modestine, love kilawu. Cote oyo ba progestérone n'a ba folliculite. Kuna ba testostérone. Chacun vivant avec ces demons d'adolescence. Les promesses de l'aube. Entre tabous et curiosité, un jour, Modestine andimi kokota Hôtel Agrico...
Read 20 tweets
I recently learned from @fatemaaaahmad that @Middlebury is developing a CVE game. This is disappointing, but not surprising. A decade ago, I got a scholarship to study #Arabic at Middlebury's summer institute and my experience there was pretty disturbing
National security was an undertone of the program. My class included a student from the #ARMY, the #CIA, and a #Zionist. Instead of studying #Arabic in peace, I felt like I constantly had to do better because I knew that Arabic was going to used to hurt members of my community
At one point during the summer, the CIA came to do a presentation on careers with them since Arabic language skills would be a valuable asset. I didn't attend the presentation because I couldn't handle it, but my friend who passed by the room said it was overflowing with students
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#12Sep #Diáspora #Argentina #Elecciones
@EliTrotta: "Hoy se celebran las #PASO de las Elecciones Legislativas.

Es la primera ves que muchos venezolanos tienen la posibilidad, como extranjeros, de votar en este país que nos ha abierto las puertas"
#12Sep #Diáspora #Argentina #Elecciones
@EliTrotta: "La sensación que he recibido de personas que me he cruzado y he hablado, ha sido de confusión, es un sistema distintos al nuestro y que no conocemos de primera mano.

Aquí pueden ver cómo votar"

#12Sep #Diáspora #Argentina #Elecciones
@EliTrotta: "En este día, muchos recordamos las votaciones en #Venezuela, lo especial que eran y que votar era una fiesta; una fiesta democrática, donde nos levantábamos con la convicción de poder influir en el futuro de nuestro país"
Read 6 tweets
#12Sep #Diáspora
El empoderamiento de la mujer le ha permitido abrirse paso en carreras las que no era considerada.

Ejemplo de ello es la ingeniera químico de la USB con una maestría en la NYU y cofundadora de Sunthetic, Daniela Blanco - @VPITV

#12Sep #Diáspora
Daniela Blanco, ingeniera química: "Lloré de la emoción cuando recibí la notificación que fue reconocida por la revista Forbes entre las 30 mejores emprendedoras de América del Norte menores de 35 años" - @VPITV

#12Sep #Diáspora
La ingeniera química Daniela Blanco, contó cómo ha sido su experiencia académica y laboral en los Estados Unidos, donde reside actualmente - @VPITV
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#11Sep #Diáspora #Colombia #ConLosRefugiados
La mayoría llegaron al país en condiciones que se mueven entre la urgencia y la necesidad, huyendo de una situación de crisis extrema en su punto de origen - @CaleidoHumano

#11Sep #Diáspora #Colombia #ConLosRefugiados
Distintas voces han señalado a venezolanos como causa de un aumento de la delincuencia en las ciudades colombianas, pero el panorama completo dice más de las sociedades que los reciben que de los recién llegados - @CaleidoHumano
#11Sep #Diáspora #Colombia #ConLosRefugiados
No es, no ha sido en las últimas décadas, un lugar de recepción.

Ni su Estado ni sus ciudades estaban preparados de antemano para la acogida - @CaleidoHumano
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A rant...,

The words that I express here are my own and have no affiliation to @ADOSorg @BreakingBrown or @tonetalks. If you would like to talk about their agenda, they are always available to clear up misconceptions from what I have noticed.

But I'm finna say this... 1/11
Africa celebrated the first AA president in America, not because his family had descended from American Chattel Slavery and made it to the point where he could matriculate at a #PoisonIvy institution and become the leader of the free world, NO! They celebrated because... 2/11
He is the first generation of his African family to be born in America. It was an accomplishment that should have been celebrated. That, IMO, should have been the point where we began #Diaspora repair. People where congratulating me like my brother won, lol 3/11
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A thread…

🌍Y’all had 166 years as the biggest continent to bring the entire diaspora back “home”. Generations of people would have loved to be connected to the continent. But, y’all done came here and showed out… BE CLEAR, #ADOS identity is not based in skin color… 1/8
While that is the tie that may bind us together, our familial experiences have been fundamentally different. #ADOS ancestors were beaten, raped, lynched, murdered, maimed and the like, in order to prove that G-D would make a way for their generations…2/8
We are their wildest dreams come true, and we haven’t even been included yet! Every major city in America has a celebration for every “AA” group, except #ADOS Y’all use colloquialisms and food to pretend to relate and only like our culture for monetary gains, it seems! 3/8
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#28Jul #Diáspora #Chile
Sentencias protegen los derechos de venezolanos deportados - @hrw_espanol
#28Jul #Diáspora #Chile
@hrw_espanol señalo que el gobierno chileno debe poner fin a las deportaciones sumarias de venezolanos y asegurar que todas las deportaciones cumplan con el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos
#28Jul #Diáspora #Chile
@hrw_espanol informó que la Corte Suprema de Chile y diversas cortes de apelaciones ordenaron a las autoridades chilenas poner fin, en casos específicos, a las deportaciones de venezolanos, debido a los graves riesgos que podrían enfrentar en Venezuela.
Read 13 tweets
On Friday June 4, 2021 I attended a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken. The purpose of the meeting was to talk all things #Palestine
#SheikJarrah #Silwan #Jerusalem #Gaza #EqualityforAll #OneLove
Full thread in 1 convenient viewing location here:…
I attended as an individual. I am not affiliated with any PAC or organization. I obviously do not speak for or represent the #Palestinian people. There’s like 7 million of us at least, and like 2 million of #Palestinians stuffed in #Gaza alone.
To the #Palestinian Americans who boycotted this meeting after the #Biden Administration handed Israel $735 million dollars in weaponry following the merciless attacks on Palestinians locked in Gaza.
Read 56 tweets
#8May #Coronavirus #Diáspora #Perú
Al menos 6 mil migrantes venezolanos recibieron la vacuna anticovid - @venepress
#8May #Diáspora #Perú
@veneactivaorg dio a conocer los pasos para que los venezolanos puedan acceder a la dosis de las vacunas contra el #coronavirus - @venepress
#8May #Coronavirus #Diáspora #Perú
El Ministerio de Salud peruano informó que, hasta el momento, 6.523 migrantes venezolanos vacunados contra el #Covid19 en su nación - @venepress Image
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Check out item @CNN on #dualcitizenship trends with ref to @_GlobalCIT and @macimide data and comment from yours truly.

If you’re curious, this is what the trend in acceptance of #dualcitizenship for expats looks like over the past six decades.… Image
Over the past two decades, nearly all changes in #dualcitizenship acceptance for expats have been towards a tolerant approach. Image
I would not be surprised if one more country will follow liberal trend in near future but will depend on this week's general elections in 🇳🇱...

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A #thread of some #Edos in #diaspora shaping science & tech.

Osamuyimen Stewart co-founded IBM Research - Africa Lab & was the Chief Scientist of IBM Research - Africa & later the IBM Distinguished Engineer responsible for Middle East & Africa. He is a Uniben 1st Class graduate.
Robert Okojie is a prolific inventor at NASA & has been inducted into NASA's inventors Hall of Fame. He has gained worldwide recognition as the leading expert on silicon carbide-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for use in extreme environments. #Edosindiaspora
The Imafidon Family (UK Smartest Family): Paula & Peter passed advanced maths exam at age 6 & got into high sch at 9. Samantha passed advanced maths & stats at 6, got into sec sch at 9. Ann-Marie spoke 6 languages at age 10 & got MSc at 19. Christina got into university at age 11
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Good evening everyone! 🌇🕕
Welcome to In Conversation with Dr. Renu Swarup @RenuSwarup @DBTIndia

Please post your recommendations, comments with #ChatwithRenuSwarup.
This live-tweet thread is curated by @AnamZille & @Jengovz on behalf of @spf_in 👧👧

Opening the session with a warm welcome 💐💐by @ChagunBasha @DSTCPRIISc @PrinSciAdvGoI
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El obscuro recuento

Nos vendieron la idea de que: lo que no nos mata, nos hace más fuertes.

No nos dijeron, que los que sobreviveremos de un modo u otro terminados diezmados. Un poco rotos por dentro y con un amargo sabor de boca.
Quedará la memoria.

No nos iremos todos, pero de un modo u otro todos perderemos algo. Unos ya perdieron a seres queridos, por la pandemia, porqué tenían cancer y este gobierno de porquería.
Ni siquiera se molestó en comprar las medicinas de este año. Ni lo hará.


Hay otros que ya han perdido su trabajo, por lo mismo su fuente de sustento.
Aquellos que estaban endeudados. Correrán el riesgo de perder todo su patrimonio, como ocurrió en 1994. El colapso del peso también acarreo una hecatombe en el sistema financiero.
Read 13 tweets
I am looking for a program &/or resources that help teach #Somali to our children.

Like lots of 2nd gen ppl the #language our parents spoke is now firmly my 2nd language. I'm interested in ideas that promote #multilingualism, feel free to share & tag others. #online #clubs Image
@Poetic_Nomad @SomaliKids @thesailorsgirl @MohammedAArtan @numbiarts @AliAbdi_ @SamOfSomalia @HannaAli @Rooble2009 @Gulaid1 @robjama I sometimes feel that passing on a #language is harder for us 2nd & 3rd gen ppl. Although we were born & raised outside 'wadankii', the dynamics are different for our youth now. Interested to know what the educators think?

#Somali #Identity @MualimMohamed @ashahodan #teach
Thank Q #SomaliTwitter, I learned a lot about this today through conversations both on & offline. There is a lot of talent in our community, enough to design solutions to this & other challenges. My parents came to UK in the 60's, I grew up in the 80/90's. @WaaberiPhone 1/2
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Here's an interesting tweet that I dug out because I wanted to talk about #France, after talking about #Serbia this night.
Indeed France betrayed Serbs in the 90s, & has been holding onto it since.
I guess it deserves an explanation, from a Frenchman who's not on a payroll.
2. First, as an Historical reminder, what #France betrayed was something big. 200 years of joint History since a wave of Serbian diplomats & scholars came into France to see what we were doing, & then Prince Petar Karađorđević fought in the Franco-Prussian War on the French side.
3. France, despite its ties with the Ottoman Empire, progressively supported Serbia against it because it needed a new foothold in the Balkans, & #Serbia and Serbs showed interest, & huge appreciation for French intellectual & artistic movements. This relationship grew until WW1. Image
Read 54 tweets
Regarding the racist & xenophobic blood argument of people calling themselves #Irish patriots... You clearly don't know #Ireland's history at all. Not our perpetual exodus to other countries as #immigrants, our status as a people of the #diaspora or our history of blending.... 1/ Image
In roughly 12,500 BC the first inhabitants of Ireland arrived from overseas. They were hunter gatherers & they were later joined by a group in around 6000 BC. This second group brought agriculture & also high levels of CF amongst other hereditary genetic issues... They merged. 2/
Yes we are a Celtic people, but "Celticism" is an international culture which was imported & built on by the people who were already here. None of us have a right to claim that our blood & culture doesn't encourage immigration. Newcomers merged with the inhabitants to make us. 3/
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Después de casi 5 años en el exilio ayer tuve una experiencia casi mágica. Caminaba con mi novio y mi suegra por las calles del hermoso campus de Harvard y entonces en un rincón de la plaza, lo ví.

Orinoco... Pronto sentí como el mundo se detenía.
Cómo quién sale de un sueño. Tomé la mano de mi chico y me detuve. Él vio confusión en mi mirada y en inglés me preguntó: ¿qué pasa?

- Es... Es un restaurante venezolano. Señalé, sintiendo mi corazón saltar en el pecho.

El me miró con sus ojos verdes y sonrió.
- ¿Sí? Entremos entonces.

Su madre sonrió y se emocionó con la idea de probar comida venezolana. Ya conocían las arepas y las tajadas, pues las había preparado para ellos.

Entonces al entrar. lo primero que escuché fue una canción de Óscar de León...
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Here is a thread from my Covenant & Conversation essay on #Behaalotcha called "Camp and Congregation". You can read it in full here: and download the accompanying Family Edition here: #ShabbatShalom Image
#Judaism in the past two centuries has fissured and fractured into different edot [communities]: #Orthodox and #Reform, #religious and #secular, and the many subdivisions that continue to atomise #Jewish #life into non-communicating sects and subcultures.
Yet in times of #crisis, we are still capable of heeding the call of collective #responsibility, knowing as we do that Jewish fate tends to be indivisible. No Jew, to paraphrase John Donne, is an island, entire of him- or herself.
Read 8 tweets

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