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#PASC #PCC #longcovid
Les #séquelles d'une infection #sarscov2 (condition post covid, #covidlong) handicapent beaucoup toute une frange de la population au point de l'éloigner durablement du monde du travail ou de mettre en jeu un fragile #rétablissement pour ceux qui,
ne voulant pas passer par la case (#retraite pour) #invalidité (selon leur statuts / employeurs) tentent un #tempspartiel #thérapeuthique.
Et ça n'est pas parce que les médias français n'en parlent quasiment jamais, à la différence de ce qui se passe côté anglo-saxon, que nous
serions mystérieusement préservés.
Je n'ai jamais conçu l'intérêt de garder par devers soi une partie des informations (ce mythe #linformationcestlepouvoir 🥴 est ridicule car le vrai pouvoir est de savoir utiliser les informations et il est intrinsèque à chacun - ou pas).
Read 14 tweets
🛑 Protestas en Cuba
Caimanera es una localidad ubicada al extremo más oriental de Cuba,justo al final de las cordillera de La Sierra Maestra, y de la bahía de Guantánamo.
Aunque los acólitos al régimen dijeron que no pasó nada,las personas llegaron hasta la sede del #PCC
Con frases
El pueblo estuvo en las calles hasta que llegaron los de la policía política y comenzaron a reprimir
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#TranchesDeCovid : énormément de souvenirs ce matin dans mes publications d'il y a 3 ans.
Le #déconfinement commençait à poindre. Il était question de #contacttracing et 1 partie des soignants étaient vent debout contre cette nouvelle demande.
A cette occasion @Drmartyufml
1/ Visuel très chargé présenta...
. @DrMartyJerUFMLS indiquait en clair qu'il serait plus opportun de créer une 33ème #MDO (maladie à déclaration obligatoire).…
Demande reprise 1 mois plus tard dans la tribune signée notamment par au moins 1 représentant de chacun des groupes de patients
confrontée à des symptômes persistants bien au delà des 10, puis 15 jours alors mis en avant par la #compol du @Sante_Gouv.…
Et demande restée jusqu'à date sans suite alors qu'elle aurait permis de répondre à tellement d'objectifs (nombre de malades,
Read 18 tweets
De Nihilistische behandeling van #MECVS en #LongCovid in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.

Een groot deel van de #LongCovid patiënten voldoen aan de diagnostische criteria voor #MEcvs en zijn IMHO #MEcvs patiënten.
#MEcvs een ernstige multisysteem ziekte die in NL wordt mishandeld omdat er gewoonweg geen kennis over de ziekte wordt gedeelt/ onderwezen in opleidingen binnen onze zorg. Daarbij komt dat bij gebrek aan 1 "makkelijk verkrijgbare" biomarker MEcvs vaak simpelweg wordt ontkent.
Ook het bestaan van #LongCovid patiënten wordt in NL nog steeds nauwelijks serieus genomen. Patiënten worden niet eens geteld of geregistreerd. We worden realistisch gezien ontkend. We kunnen nergens terecht voor zorg omdat daar geen geld 💰 voor is.…
Read 12 tweets
1. WHO may end the COVID-19 PHEIC in May. Then what?

(1) We are through the looking-glass. @RealCheckMarker introduces what's next.

(2) Priority: Stop SARS-CoV transmission because re-infection policy (RIP) is unsustainable.

(3) Read up on mitochondria.…
@RealCheckMarker (2) What makes HCoV and #LongSARS, #LongCOVID or Post-COVID-19 Condition (#PCC) unique?

The SARS, MERS, OC43 replication process is so sloppy, "CoV shouldn't exist". It creates misfolded proteins (~prions?) that cause mitochondrial and multisystem damage.
@RealCheckMarker 2. Good intro…

Reframed* here in graphical language:

* Always read all threads linked. If you only read individual tweets, you won't learn; this is epi twitter university, not facultative, as no one else is sharing this info yet ;)
Read 6 tweets
Read 168 tweets
Decine di migliaia rinchiusi in #campiconcentramento realizzati lungo autostrade. Nella provincia #Hunan, secondo la politica del #PCC "Zero Covid", Città che non si adeguano al Great Reset fanno questa fine?
Leggi #thread parte 1:
Come #Lanzhou (4 mil. abitanti) sono città fantasma. Andare fuori casa significa essere deportati nei #campiconcentramento.
In #Tibet, dopo 900gg senza casi #covid, in #Shigatse strade ed edifici con spray tossici, decine di migliaia deportati da #Lhasa.…
Per qualsiasi motivo, se la app #greenpass appare rossa, i cinesi dissidenti possono essere confinati nei #campiconcentramento. Così come i vaccinati, 1,21 mld completamente dosate, che sviluppano #covid.
#Cina ora approva v. nasale come nel film Contagion (2011).
Read 5 tweets
Great article on neurocritical care of the pregnant patient by Dr. Malaiyandi:…
Some pearls:
👉 🔑 tenet is prioritize outcome of mother while minimizing harm to fetus #reproductiverightsarehumanrights
👉PA<AP radiation
👉Use preservative free heparin
👉 NCCT head <0.001mGy exposure👉 Avoid use of lead over abdomen for CT - may actually increase radiation exposure
👉POCUS can raise temp from absorption of sound waves. B-mode best, Doppler worst. Minimize time
👉CT contrast = cat B, use when urgently needed vs MRA when not
👉avoid Gadolinium, however, but ok to breastfeed post
👉tPA/tNK do not cross placenta, but ⬆️ risk uterine bleeding - per @StrokeAHA_ASA give when benefit>risk
👉Lovenox best for AC. DOACs ⬆️ risk of miscarriage
👉#PCC/FFP/protamine cat. C. #andexanet = cat. N
Read 7 tweets
Nuovo Comitato Permanente #Pcc #Cina thread: viste le nomine il simbolo del Congresso sarà l’allontanamento di Hu Jintao visto ieri: Xi Jinping manda in soffitta anche l’ultimo barlume di “guida collegiale” e disegna il Partito a sua immagine. >
Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi. Li Qiang sarà il premier, fedele di Xie segretario del Partito di Shanghai, responsabile della gestione (non proprio ottimale) del Covid a Shanghai. È il vero schiaffo di Xi all’ala moderata del Partito>
Zhao Leji rimane da scorso CP, anche lui alleato di Xi già a capo del dipartimento di disciplina del Partito. Come lui rimane anche Wang Huning di cui abbiamo parlato a lungo, ideologo e alleato “politico” di Xi, è lui che ha disegnato la visione politica della nuova era di Xi>
Read 7 tweets
#Pcc #Congress thread: Cosa sappiamo: Li Keqiang, Wang Yang e i due ex Comitato Permanente Li Zhanshu e Han Zheng (era vice premier) fuori. Per limiti di età, si dirà. Limiti che non valgono per Xi e Zhang Youxia, vicepresidente della Commissione militare centrale. >
Fuori dal Comitato centrale (11 donne su 205) il capo della diplomazia Yang Jiechi e vicepremier Liu He. L’attuale ministro Esteri Wang Yi, nonostante i 69 anni, è tra i nuovi membri del CC. Potrebbe entrare nel Politburo e sostituire Yang Jiechi >
Al suo posto si dice possa andare l’attuale ambasciatore cinese Usa Qin Gang, fedelissimo di Xi (si parla anche di Liu Jianchao). Importante nomina anche quella del nuovo capo dell’anti corruzione. Nel suo discorso Xi Jinping ha specificato che non si fermerà, anzi. >
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1a) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on a very challenging topic: managing #ICH in a patient taking anti-FXa #DOACs! Your expert authors are both #neurointensivists: Richard Choi, DO @rkchoi @christianacare and Casey Albin, MD @caseyalbin @EmoryNeuroCrit ImageImage
1b) #Physicians #Nurses #Pharmacists #physicianassociate #NPs earn 0.5h CE/#CME from @academiccme for following this 🧵 Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca and is intended for #HCPs. Accreditation statement and faculty disclosures at Prior (& future) programs in this space, available for 🆓CE/#CME credit, at….
Read 52 tweets
Cet après-midi, on se penche sur les rivalités de puissances entre la #Chine, les #EtatsUnis et l'#Europe avec Marie France Chatin, journaliste à RFI, productrice et animatrice de @GeopolitiqueRFI, Bruno Dupré diplomate @eu_eeas, conseiller défense Image
Et sécurité du Secrétariat Général, @mayakandel_ historienne, spécialiste de la politique étrangère américaine, et chercheuse associée @Sorbonne_Nvelle, ainsi que @VNiquet, sinophone, responsable du pôle Asie @FRS_org
Nos intervenants, aborderont les différents enjeux économiques, politiques mais aussi militaires auxquels font face les grandes puissances d'aujourd'hui.
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#Trump #MidtermRally
#Midterms2022 #TrumpVsDS #PatriotesVsEtatProfond

Les républicains traitres qui ont voté pour impeacher Trump.

Il n’en reste que 2 à éliminer 😁🔥

Gardez la liste à jour!

@Lamia79643508 @AntoineAH2020 @ReinfocovidIDF @FrexitTV_Twitt @EndGreatReset Image
#USA #mondialistes #PCC #Chine
#ThinkTank #GreatReset
🇺🇸 🇫🇷 Le général Flynn discute de l'infiltration du PCC dans le gouvernement américain et au sein des Think tanks "groupes de réflexion" à DC :

« Wuhan est également un endroit intéressant pour certains de ces
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'Endemic Delusion' in Denmark - coming to a continent / country / city / town / village / house near you, if it isn't already in your living-room.

#ElastomericBulletproof ImageImageImageImage

Q & A.

Not sure why anyone would focus on one particular continent when this happens to be a global pandemic.

When Pi?

#ButtonUp #N95 #FFP3 #GoElastomeric #P100 ImageImageImageImage
Read 272 tweets
1) Welcome to an #accredited #tweetorial on a unique emerging (in Ph3 now) option for specifically reversing the #antiplatelet effects of #ticagrelor: it's #bentracimab. Expert faculty is antithrombotic agent reversal guru @md_pollack of @UMMCnews, working to create #AHealthierMS
2) This program is intended for #healthcare professionals and is supported by an educational grant from PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals. Faculty disclosures are listed at, and prior programs are available for 🆓CE/#CME credit at
3) It is an unfortunate fact of life that one cannot prescribe #anticoagulant or #antiplatelet (together, #antithrombotic) therapy without increasing a patient's #bleedingrisk. That is why it should be an individualized risk:benefit decision, ideally . . .
Read 51 tweets
#CASO #ProhibidoOlvidar ⚠️🛑

1/8 En enero de 2018, @joseraul86 fue objeto de una “Medida Disciplinaria de Traslado a otra plaza de menor remuneración o categoría por el término de un año”, luego de haber defendido al estudiante José Alemán Mesa (…)

Hilo 🧵 👇🏼
2/8 (…) quien se enfrentaba a un proceso de expulsión de la universidad, por publicar en su blog personal críticas a la UC y a la realidad cubana.

3/8 ‼️La sanción fue establecida sobre la base del informe final de la comisión disciplinaria creada para analizar la situación del estudiante, sin que el profesor constituyera el objeto de la investigación ‼️
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ocurrido el día de la fecha, en horas de la madrugada; del interior del Club de Paracaidistas de Foz de Iguazu; durante un Asalto por parte de 5 terroristas, presumiblemente miembros del #PCC.
La Aeronave tiene para 3 horas y media de autonomía y a full combustible; con destino Paraguay o Bolivia. Realizan procedimientos en el lugar, supuestamente colocaron bombas en el aeropuerto.
Cesna robado. ImageImage
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Your patient has acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.

They are unvaccinated.

What’s the best way to talk to them about their vaccination status?

In most patients with intact immune systems, vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 work to reduce incidence and severity of COVID-19.

However, to date, approximately 40% of eligible Americans are unvaccinated.

/2 Ref: Google
As the delta variant spreads, and hospitals fill, these morally challenging encounters are on the rise.

And we are tired.


Read 24 tweets
Thread: Thoughts on #valuebased & #patientcenteredcare

Within #healthcare & #advocacy there seems to be a great deal of discussion on both #valuebased care & #PCC. #Healthcare costs have skyrocketed’ & thus a need to #reduce. I am not an #economist but as a #caregiver I 1/
definitely have seen ‘waste’. From my POV costs will continue to skyrocket even if #valuebased care is implemented. One reason (again not an economist) is the vulture ‘istic’ aspect of industries profiting from our system. The other reason is that our system is not centered 2/
around the #patient or patients needs. Thus, if the value based metric is reduced hospital admissions, this, on the face seems straight forth, however if the patients needs are not taken into account but only focused on established metric, costs could (& I will argue often r) 3/
Read 14 tweets
Bien, #AbroHilo sobre la @mesaredondacuba de hoy...
Primera info importante.
Díaz-Canel sabe dibujar
@DiazCanelB dice:
#Cuba se merece el diploma de vanguardia en la lucha contra la #Covid_19
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Bij #NPO dramaserie over NL commando's. Dat is natuurlijk veel spannender dan wat echt aan de hand is in Nigeria, Burkina Faso en Ivoorkust. #journaal heeft al maanden niets meer gerapporteerd over ontwikkelingen mbt de mondiale jihad.…
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Precisamos entender a mente do @jairbolsonaro se quisermos derrotá-lo. Isso é fundamental para não fazer o jogo dele. Nesse fio, quero tentar mostrar como ações aparentemente caóticas do #genocida na verdade convergem para um único objetivo: obter poderes autoritários. (1/21)
O @BlogdoJuca publicou um post seminal para compreender a mente do @jairbolsonaro. A teoria é maravilhosamente simples: como todo tiozão de churrasco, o Jair pensa a vida como se fosse truco e futebol (de preferência as duas coisas juntas). (2/21)…
Um resumo rápido: @jairbolsonaro só joga no ataque, mesmo quando ele se aproxima do #Centrão, o que costuma ser lido como uma atitude defensiva (vide @MichelTemer, @LulaOficial, @FHC etc.). Nesse caso não é. É preciso entender isso pra não levar uma bolada nas costas. (3/21)
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1. The Budget process goes through 14 Stages.

2. While there are 3 Arms, Nigeria's budget process is the exclusive responsibility of both The Executive and the Legislative Arms.
3. The Fiscal Responsibilities Act 2007 is one of the Legal Frameworks guiding the content and presentation of the Budget.

4. The Budget is made of 4 Components;
(a) Statutory Transfers
(b) Debt Service - Domestic & Foreign
(c) Recurrent Expenditure
(d) Capital Expenditure
5. Elements in the Statutory Transfers are first line Charge. They are:

6. Debt Services are for servicing both domestic and foreign loans the Govt takes to complement its revenues in order to meet up with the budget.
Read 8 tweets

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