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#Thread| Health officials across India are concerned as the nation seems to be at the crossroads of another imminent health threat, especially #WestBengal which has been reporting deaths in recent months due to respiratory infections!

1/n As per reports, several deaths of children from Adenovirus h
According to reports, several deaths of children from #Adenovirus has also been reported in West Bengal among the emergence of cases in #Karnataka and #Maharashtra as well.

2/n Mothers with their children wait outside the emergency ward
However, doctors are also reporting an increase in patients with acute respiratory symptoms of another viral infection. According to ICMR, it is caused due to influenza A subtype H3N2.

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#Adenovirus in Children: Recent surge
Adenovirus causes mild infections mostly in children
Outbreaks of ‘Madras eye/pink eye’, clusters of seasonal respiratory illness are not unusual
Severe illness with adenovirus has been rare

After a build up over 3mo we now see a surge
Parents should look out for:
Sudden onset high fever with chills
Headache and throat pain
Nausea and vomiting
Red eyes and red throat
Poor response to fever medications
Excessive tiredness
Burning sensation during urination
This infection is more of an inconvenience than a cause of concern
As a rule, kids get better in 5-6 days, very few need short hospitalisation to stay hydrated
Severe and unusual presentations needing ICU care (pneumonia or multi-organ involvement) are exceptionally rare
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Abro 🧵para hacer un recuento de lo que el #Año2022 nos dejó:
1. La aprobación por la @US_FDA en Noviembre del Tzield (#Teplizumab), un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-CD3 que retrasa la aparición de la #diabetes tipo 1.
2. La publicación en @ScienceMagazine de la fase 1 del ensayo clínico con la #vacuna eOD-GT8-AS01B para prevenir el #VIH, que indujo la sintesis de #anticuerpos neutralizantes vs el virus, en el 97% de los que fueron vacunados.
3. El #Daxxify una nueva forma de toxina botulínica tipo A, cuyo efecto tiene una duración de hasta 6 meses. El efecto del #botox es de alrededor de 3 meses.
Read 27 tweets
Il paraît que ce post a énervé beaucoup de gens réveillés? Je ne fais qu'analyser et expliquer des études scientifiques, comme depuis 2 ans. Et j'ai encore 2-3 arguments pour en finir avec la théorie de Lanka ou Kaufman que les #virus n'existeraient pas.⏬
Les détracteurs de #virus disent qu'ils "sont confondus avec des #exosomes. Faux & facile à prouver.
Les exosomes, produits par nos cellules, jouent un rôle de messagers. Ils ont une forme sphérique et peuvent #ressembler au virus.
Mais à cause de cette similitude, certains...⏬
Certains affirment que les virus n'existent pas car ils sont confondus avec des #exosomes.
Alors voilà quelques #virus, Ebola, #adénovirus (structure à 20faces), SARSCov2.
En bas voyez des exosomes, à bicouche lipidique.…
Donc non, on n'a rien confondu.⏬ Image
Read 16 tweets
Se sugiere que el enigma de la #hepatitis aguda grave de etiología desconocida en #niños lo explica la coinfección con #adenovirus y virus adenoasociado de tipo 2 (AAV2), y con menos frecuencia el virus del herpes 6 (HHV6)
Dos estudios independientes: Un estudio fue dirigido por la University of Glasgow, en Glasgow, y el otro por el Great Ormond Street Hospital de Londres, ambos en Reino Unido.
Los investigadores del estudio de Glasgow usando secuenciación y PCR, confirmaron la presencia de virus adenoasociado de tipo 2 en el plasma de los 9 casos de hepatitis de inicio agudo y en el hígado de los 4 pacientes analizados.
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Mystery #hepatitis cases in #kids linked to unexpected viral suspect

Two preliminary studies finding #adeno-associated viruses in pediatric hepatitis cases suggest a child's genetic background and other virusesall act in concert
Researchers found high adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) levels in the blood or liver cells in 24 of 25 children with unexplained hepatitis.

In a group of kids without this condition, almost none had AAV2, even those with #adenovirus.
The young #hepatitis patients were also much likelier to have a #genetic variant that may make their immune systems overreact to viruses.
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#OutBreak of acute #hepatitis among #children
650 probable cases of acute hepatitis of unknown
aetiology in children have been reported to WHO from 33 countries in 5 WHO Regions between 5 April and 26 May 2022.
1/… Image
- Three quarters (75.4%) of cases are 5 years of age.

- Of 156 cases with information on hospital admission, 22 (14.1%) were admitted to an intensive care unit.

Of the 117 cases for which this information was available, 14 (12%) have received a liver #transplant.
- Overall, 181 cases were tested for #adenovirus by any specimen type, of which 110 (60.8%) tested positive. The positivity rate was the highest in whole blood specimens (69.5%).

Table. Classification of reported probable cases per country Image
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HEPATITIS AGUDA INFANTIL de origen desconocido

¿Realmente la está causando el #Adenovirus F41? 🧐

Hay algunos puntos a considerar. Va mi opinión al respecto🧵👇🏼


Hace un mes (15Abr22) nos enteramos de que Reino Unido 🇬🇧 estaba reportando un incremento inusual en los casos de #hepatitis de origen desconocido en pacientes pediátricos, especialmente en l@s más jóvenes

Después otros países empezaron a reportar lo mismo (tot: 169 casos)

La presentación clínica, es decir, la manera en la que el personal médico identifica la enfermedad👩🏻‍⚕️, es una #HepatitisAguda (el surgimiento rápido de inflamación en el hígado) con una elevación muy pronunciada 📈 en los niveles de proteínas provenientes de ese órgano¹

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Hace ya 5 semanas que @ECDC_EU activó la alerta por los casos de #hepatitis agudas graves en niños de causa desconocida

¿Qué hay de nuevo?

📈 Más de 400 casos en estudio
📉 Caída de casos en 🇬🇧
🤔 Información sobre la posible causa
⁉️ Muchas preguntas

#livertwitter #COVID19
Antes de seguir puedes revisar donde estábamos hace unas semanas


El número de casos compatibles ha aumentado, en parte porque se han ampliado los criterios de búsqueda, era esperable:

🇬🇧 163
🇪🇺 106
🇺🇸 109

Llama la atención el "bajo" número de casos sospechosos (para la población) de la UE y USA 🤔

Read 20 tweets
1. Interesting update on #PediatricHepatitis from @ECDC_EU + @WHO_Europe. It contains the first epicurve I've seen, which is very helpful because reported cases include current & previous cases found through record searches. The 1st case here dates to Sept 2021.
2. A large majority of the European #PediatricHepatitis cases are really young — 76% under the age of 5.
3. The @ECDC_EU/@WHO_Europe #PediatricHepatitis update says as of May 13, a total of 232 cases have been reported. Puzzled by the UK number (131) because yesterday @UKHSA reported 176 cases.
This report reports 3 epidemiologically linked cases, which is interesting.
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1. @WHO held a press briefing today. Some interesting but disparate points made at it.
Pediatric #hepatitis: To date 348 probable cases from 5 regions of the world have met the case definition; 70 more are being studied. Only 6 countries have reported more than five cases.
2. Of the pediatric #hepatitis cases, 70% have tested positive for adenovirus, mostly type 41. ~18% of the cases tested positive for #Covid19. @WHO's Philippa Easterbrook says while adenovirus is still the chief suspect, prior or current Covid as a cofactor is still in the mix.
3. @WHO's Easterbrook says "within the week" there should be data from a UK case control study comparing adenovirus rates between kids with hepatitis of unknown etiology and other hospitalized children. Will help to see if #adenovirus is an incidental finding, she said.
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Unknown #Hepatitis in #children: From my point of view as a clinical virologist, there are many aspects that speak against #Adenovirus, with important implications for treatment. Why? Viral loads in the cases reported to be low. Normally viruses causing hepatitis are massively
found in the blood. Hepatitis virus A, B, E, when causing fulminant clinical hepatitis: very high viral loads (C rarely causes this). Same for other viruses with hepatic tropism (eg Yellow fever). Viral hepatitis with pronounced clinical picture but low viral loads doesn’t exist
Now in the children with hepatitis no Adenovirus was detected in the liver biopsies, and viral load in blood was low. In some cases, Adenovirus DNA only in whole blood but not plasma. Again: a virus that is replicating in liver should be found everywhere: plasma, serum, biopsy
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🚨 New study, relevant to 'mystery' child #Hepatitis.
🚨69% autopsied livers SARS-COV-2 RNA +
🚨Proteomic- etc profiles show "similarities to signatures assoc with multiple other viral infections of human liver" BUT was shown to be covid inf of hep cells…
@sajidjavid @HumzaYousaf @NHSuk
Evidence of DIRECT SARS-COV-2 infection of hepatic cells ➡️ interferon spike ➡️ hepatitis. Paper clearly states it may look like another virus but investigation proves IT IS NOT. It's SARS-COV-2.
Can we call this duck a duck now?
Protect our kids
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C'est tout chaud et ça parle des #hepatite
111 cas d'#hépatite chez des moins de 16 ans, depuis janvier 2022, un début de maladie ressemblant à une gastro avec jaunisse. Pas de décès UK, beaucoup de moins de 5 ans, 40 cas d'adénovirus sur 53 cas testés.

D'où l'hypothèse première d'une origine virale ou immunologique.
Ces cas ont été rapportés par pays. #hepatite

Sur 81 cas en Angleterre, 7 ont du être transplantés. Aucune intoxication au paracétamol n'a été retrouvée. On notait une sur-représentation des positifs au #SARSCoV2 et l'adénovirus 40 fois sur 53, dont 11 de type 41F.
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Unklare #Hepatitis-Fälle bei #Kindern - eine Einordnung meinerseits. Seit einigen Wochen werden vermehrt Hepatitis-Fälle bei Kindern unter 10 Jahren (Gipfel 2-5) gemeldet, bislang aus UK, Dänemark, Niederlande, Spanien, Israel und nun auch USA, mit Beginn wohl schon in 2021
Aktuelle Daten findet man hier (ECDC)… und auch hier (PromedMail), bei letzterem allerdings auch ungeprüfte Quellen. Vorläufige Falldefinition & erste Publikation aus Schottland hier:…
Vorab sei gesagt, dass es noch sehr früh ist & man wirklich noch nichts genaues weiß. Es ist im Moment wichtig, nicht zu schnelle/voreilige Schlüsse zu ziehen. Man kann auch alle nur darum bitten, Thema nicht für eigene Agenda zu missbrauchen & Fehlinformationen zu verbreiten.
Read 24 tweets
Mix It Up:

💉You can freely select between Pfizer & Moderna for your 3rd dose, regardless of which one you used for the 1st and 2nd doses

💉I expect J&J (adenovirus) will suggest a booster

💉I predict you will be allowed to switch (from adenovirus) to mRNA for the booster dose
Adenovirus + mRNA:

💉Data suggests adding mRNA booster to those who took an #adenovirus vaccine (eg J&J) results in increased protection compared to boosting with adenovirus for a second time

💉The AstraZeneca adenovirus vaccine was used in this study


💉Moderna had more side effects (9.7% fatigue) than Pfizer (3.8% fatigue) in 1st/2nd doses

💉I predict Moderna 3rd dose will be a half-dose of 1st/2nd doses (less side effects)

💉Moderna protection from 1st/2nd doses isn’t waning as fast as Pfizer…
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Dr Robert Malone - Q: Why do you call the #adenovirus-based (J&J) and #mRNA-based #vaccines #gene therapy-based vaccines? And why is that important? Are you just trying to scare people? Are you an #antivaxxer?…
why gene therapy-vaccines? both types of vaccines employ technologies that involve transfering foreign genetic material into the cells of the person receiving the vaccine, making those cells essentially become miniature vaccine antigen manufacturing factories - inside the body👉
for vaccination, the "active drug substance" is not the gene therapy vector, it is the protein that is manufactured in your cells.from an FDA/regulatory point of view, these products need to be reviewed using the regulations applied to "gene therapy" products ... 👉
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La vacuna Sputnik V COVID-19 utiliza dos virus "inofensivos" (adenovirus) que "inyectan" una parte del código genético del coronavirus a nuestras células para producir unas determinadas proteínas virales:
Sputnik V es una vacuna de vector viral diseñada para producir inmunidad duradera contra #COVID19. Según un análisis intermedio de los datos de los ensayos clínicos de fase 3 publicados en @TheLancet , la eficacia de esta vacuna es 91,6%…
¿Qué es un vector viral?
Un vector viral es un virus inofensivo que puede transportar un gen extraño a nuestras células para que estas produzcan una determinada proteína. Los científicos han estudiado el uso de vectores virales para terapia génica y vacunas.
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"#AstraZeneca, we have a problem"

New #preprint from Lena Krutzke and Stefan Kochanek et. al. @uni_ulm and @UniklinikUlm on @researchsquare

"Process-related impurities in the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine"

Why is this a problem? A short thread (1/8) 👇…
"The intramuscular injection of proteins that are not part of the active principle of the #vaccine itself might have effects at different levels"

That`s why removal of impurities (e.g. host-cell proteins) is critical for #therapeutics and strictly regulated
Unfortunately, removal of process-related #impurities from viral vector-based #therapeutics (e.g. host-cell proteins) is imperfect and low levels - orders of magnitude lower than the actual active therapeutic - are usually accepted if they are classified as non-problematic
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Del 20 al 27 de abril se vacunarán a más de 90 mil trabajadores del sector educativo e México

La vacuna #COVID19 de #CanSinoBiologics, se aplicará a docentes tanto públicos como particulares.

Por eso hoy les daré algunos datos sobre esta vacuna.

Abro hilo 🧵
¿Qué tipo de #VacunaCOVID19 es #CanSino?

Es una vacuna vector, quiere decir que ocupa otro virus que se hace pasar por el #SARSCOV2, en este caso un #adenovirus, el cual al introducirse al organismo induce la producción de anticuerpos creyendo que es el #coronavirus.
Esta vacuna se construyó utilizando una plataforma conocida como #Admax.
¿Y como la hicieron? Les cuento, al adenovirus Ad5 le quitaron sus genes E1 y E3, con lo que al entrar a nuestro cuerpo se generan anticuerpos en el día 14, con un pico máximo de estos al día 28.
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#idboardreview 50 M s/p liver transplant cmv D+/R- 28d ago now w/ dyspnea, fever, sore throat, myalgias, cough, yellow sputum x2d➡️hypoxia, ALT3k AST1k TBili2.3. Liver Biopsy: intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions. Dx? #medEd #idmedEd #IDTwitter Image
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En México hasta el 21/02/21, se han autorizado 5 vacunas: #Pfizer, #AstraZenaca, #SputnikV, Cansino y Sinovac.

Hoy les hablo de cada una de ellas: mecanismo, eficacia, seguridad, etc, para que tomes la mejor decisión.

Abro hilo
De acuerdo a datos de la @WHO, el #SARSCoV2 ha infectado a + de 110 millones de personas en el mundo, provocando casi 2.5 millones de defunciones 😷🦠⚠️

México 🇲🇽 ocupa el tercer lugar en muertes a nivel mundial 🌎
De ahí que actualmente existan más de 100 distintos tipos de vacunas desarrollándose contra este virus.

Además de las ya mencionadas, existen otras fórmulas que se están utilizando alrededor del mundo tales como #Moderna, #Novovax ó #Johnson & Johnson.
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At least 7 teams are developing #SARSCoV2 #vaccines using a weakened / inactivated virus. Several existing vaccines are made this way, i.e. #measles & #polio #vaccine. Sinovac Biotech started to test an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 #COVID19 vaccine. #scicomm
At least 25 groups are working on viral-vector #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #vaccines. A #virus such as #measles or #adenovirus is genetically engineered so it can produce #coronavirus #proteins in the body. These #viruses are weakened so they CANNOT cause disease.
At least 20 teams are using genetic instructions (#DNA or #RNA) for a #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus #protein that prompts an immune response. The nucleic acid is inserted into human cells, which churn out copies of the #virus protein; most encode the virus’s spike protein. #COVID19
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An #outbreak of 27 cases of unidentified viral #pneumonia in #China, including potential exposures at a local market, has drawn comparisons to the emergence of #SARS. But does the evidence support those concerns? #OutbreakThursday…
#Wuhan Update- Jan 3: 44 cases of viral #pneumonia, incl 11 "critically ill." Monitoring 121 contacts. Still no evidence of person-to-person transmission or HCW infections & no identified cause. Conducting genetic and culture tests. #SARS #Flu #China…
#Singapore has identified a #pneumonia patient with recent travel to #Wuhan. Preliminary tests are positive for #RespiratorySyncytialVirus (#RSV) & the patient is in isolation as a precaution. #China #SARS #Outbreak…
Read 52 tweets

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