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Barclays on Argentina šŸ§

The economic and financial crisisis deepening in Argentina, in line with our baseline scenario (Argentina Quarterly: Drought fuels the fire). The exchange rate gap has widened to 110%, from 85% in February. (sigue) Image
The government is in negotiations with the IMF for changes to the program, as Q1 23 targets were not met. As we have been arguing, the large negative effect of the drought on agricultural production has increased uncertainty about the governmentā€™s ability to muddle through
without as harper exchange rate devaluation this year, in the context of depressed net reserves levels. The deepening economic crisis might improve the oppositionā€™s seemingly higher chances of winning the next presidential election, judging by the governmentā€™s record (sigue)
Read 8 tweets
The #Barclays7 were neither imprisoned nor fined, but had to pay court costs of Ā£500 each. They were each given suspended sentences for 2 years today in court. We have this message for the board of @Barclays
To the board of @Barclays,

We express our bewilderment & dismay that Barclays chose to support the prosecution of these brave women rather than take heed of their warning. 2/15

This act of civil disobedience was taken to raise awareness within the bank about the serious & immediate risk to human health and the survival of the natural world, that @Barclaysā€™ investment & financing strategy presents. 3/15
Read 15 tweets
BREAKING: #Barclays faces biggest ever day of climate protests

šŸ‘‰ Over 100 #Barclays branches across the UK targetted

šŸ‘‰ Windows cracked & covered in posters, fake oil & paint

šŸ‘‰ Actions & outreach continuing throughout the day

šŸ‘‰ Press release:ā€¦
#Barclays is the UKā€™s and Europeā€™s largest financier of fossil fuels. Since 2021, when the International Energy Agency concluded there could be #NoNewOil, gas or coal development if the world was to reach net zero by 2050, Barclays has invested $19.583B in fossil fuels.
Extinction Rebellion, along with other groups, are calling for Barclays to end all investment in fossil fuel expansion. In March 2020 #Greenpeace activists shut down nearly 100 Barclays branches in protest against #Barclays support for fossil fuels.

Read 6 tweets
(2/13) Blue Owl was brought up by @SylviaRey Recently

The Mcafee KillSwitch/Blockchain
Data Dropped This Image šŸ‘‡ I will go Through The Locations In these next tweets ImageImage
(3/13) šŸ”®What I found Near the Location is More Important than the Location itself

#Blackrock/Blackrock Financial/#Blackstone Group
#Citi & Citi Private

Shadow/Real? Synthetic Everything? 1:1 Seen/Unseen Image
Read 39 tweets
"The most important number in #finance", the London Interbank Offered Rate (#LIBOR), died a shameful death at the age of 52.

The interest rate benchmark underpinned more than $300 trillion in financial contracts before being marred in a scandal that lasted ~ a decade.

A shortšŸ§µ Image
2/ The scandal came into the limelight in 2008 but there is evidence that collusion between banks was going on since 2003.

šŸ¤„ ā€œWe know that weā€™re not posting, um, an honestā€ rate, a Barclays employee told a New York Fed official in April 2018.

How was it done?
3/ #Barclays was a key player.

Barclays would submit its #LIBOR estimate, claiming that it was lower than what other banks actually charged it.

A lower rate indicated a smaller risk of default & is considered a sign that a bank is in better shape than another bank. Image
Read 11 tweets
#Barclays avoided nearly Ā£2BILLION in tax via an arrangement in tax haven Luxembourg: it paid less than 1% on profits since 2009, when it booked profits from the $15bn sale of a fund management business there rather than the UK.

Barclays employs only 54 staff in Luxembourg, but it is currently the bankā€™s third most profitable jurisdiction behind the US & UK, with turnover of Ā£1.1bn last year. Low staff costs mean Barclays can turn nearly all of that income from corporate & investment banking into profit.
The bank has 46,000 staff in the UK & nearly 10,000 in the US. Cumulatively, Barclaysā€™ Luxembourg operations have made Ā£6.6bn in profits since 2013, according to annual tax documents.

Thanks to the generous tax arrangement, it has paid just Ā£46m on those earnings, or about 1%.
Read 4 tweets
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ The curious case of ā€œdisguise, I see thou art a wickednessā€ [Viola, Twelfth Night] - PART 1 of 2: <Background>. On 22/Oct/2021 #ClearBank froze the accounts of @theFCAā€™s notorious #Emoney op #Viola Money(Europe) Ltd ā€œVMELā€, ā€¦
2/ citing ā€œfinancial crime concernsā€ + informed the slumbering UK regulator (@theFCA). A week later VMELā€™s Estonian bank (#LHV) issued 2 months termination notice to VMEL. 4 days later (on 2/11/2021) the FCA finally issued a pitiful ā€˜1st supervision noticeā€™ BUT astonishingly ā€¦
3/ still allowed VMEL to carry out unsupervised ā€˜individual transactionsā€™ of <Ā£5k (remember this + this date for Part 2). 6 days later astonishingly the FCA reportedly backtracked + rescinded even the conditions of itā€™s pitiful ā€˜1st supervision noticeā€™ (#BigLaw no doubt ā€¦
Read 67 tweets
Amnesty International seems to be quite a schizophrenic organisation :

"1972: Lord Gardiner with Chairman of Amnesty International Sean MacBride and the Secretary General of Amnesty International Martin Ennals at the launch of Amnesty's campaign for the abolition of torture" ImageImage
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo is the chair of the Amnesty International Leadership Council

> besties with Jean Shafiroff > #Barclays #Epstein

Kerry is the ex-wife of Andrew Cuomo. They lived in Mount Kisco.. an area that came under the scrutiny of the chans for a number of reasons... ImageImage
Read 46 tweets
What bond inclusions are the markets talking about? #India appears to be targeting inclusion into the #Bloomberg #Barclays Global Aggregate Index and JP Morgan's GBI-EM Global Diversified Index. Note here that the Bloomberg-Barclays index has an estimated passive AUM...(1/4)
...tracking of around $2.5tr and the #JPMorgan index around $250bn. Based on the above-mentioned o/s G-Secs held by foreign investors under the FAR, analysts estimate India to be given a weight of 0.3%-0.5% in the Bloomberg-Barclays index and 9.2%-10% in the JP Morgan...(2/4)
...index. In addition to the above, India is also on a watchlist to be included in the #FTSE EM-GBI index with a reported AUM tracking of $1.25tr. On Thursday last week, FTSE retained India on its watchlist for possible inclusion and mentioned that they were "encouraged...(3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Ihr denkt, die #Grunen sind die Anti-Lobbyismus-Partei in #Deutschland? Leider falsch gedacht. Die Partei, die sich sonst gerne kritisch gegenĆ¼ber #Lobbyismus zeigt, war und ist selbst auf vielen Ebenen mit ihm verstrickt, wie die folgenden Beispiele zeigen. /PN
Eveline #Lemke war Umweltministerin in #RLP. Nach nur einem Jahr wechselte sie in den #Aufsichtsrat einer Windkraftfirma. Als Ministerin fƶrderte sie massiv den Bau von Windkraftanlagen. Hat der spƤtere Beruf die politischen Entscheidungen beeinflusst? /PNā€¦
Die #GrĆ¼nen zƤhlen zu den hƤrtesten NichtraucherschĆ¼tzern. Das hinderte Marianne #Tritz, Mitarbeiterin im BĆ¼ro von Fritz #Kuhn im Jahr 2008nicht, direkt von den GrĆ¼nen als Lobbyistin an die Spitze der Tabakindustrie zu wechseln. #GruenerLobbyismusā€¦
Read 14 tweets
Lust auf eine Reise zum Thema Verflechtungen ins linksradikale und extremistische Milieu, UnterstĆ¼tzung von Antisemiten und Einbringung wissenschafts- und technologiefeindlicher Phrasen in den Mainstream bei #GrĆ¼ne/#GrĆ¼neJugend? Dann schnallt euch mal an. /MS #Thread
Fangen wir langsam an: ISDN, #Glasfaserkabel und #Digitalisierung der Telefonie verbieten!
Sogar Computer wollten die #GrĆ¼nen nicht. Ein Blick in frĆ¼here Wahlprogramme zeigt die Tradition von den GrĆ¼nen als technologiefeindliche #Verbotspartei.ā€¦ ImageImage
Ihr denkt 1980er Jahre, das ist lange her? Heute beklagen sich die GrĆ¼nen Ć¼ber das schlechte Mobilfunknetz. Vor kurzem kƤmpften sie im Parlament gegen Mobilfunkmasten. Noch heute leisten GrĆ¼ne auf kommunaler Ebene Widerstand gegen Genehmigungen.ā€¦ ImageImage
Read 67 tweets
#Barclays activist renews attack on #JesStaley over #Epstein ties | Business News | Sky News


#PrinceAndrew #QATAR

ā€˜In the email, Georgeson, a firm specialising in proxy solicitation and shareholder engagement, highlighted the subpoena's demand forā€¦
"information on the bank's dealings with Epstein, including all JPM internal documents and correspondence related to investigations / compliance matters on #Epstein and associated anti-money laundering issues".

@TheDavidBoies @BradEdwards_Esq
Heā€™s excellent on naming names!
Part 3 Web of Support here
Flight Manifests
Adam Perry Lang #PrinceAndrew

Read 3 tweets
2 Stories To Begin With

1. #Nokia Refused Android
2. #Yahoo Refused #Google

Story over

1. Take Risks
2. Embrace Changes
3. If You Refuse To Change With Time, You Might Perish
2 More Stories

1. #Facebook buys WhatsApp & Instagram
2. #Flipkart buys Myntra & Jabong

Story over

1. Become Powerful, Make Competitors Your Allies
2. Reach The Top Position & Then Eliminate Competition
3. Keep Innovating
2 More Stories

1. Colonel Sanders Founded KFC at The Age of 65
2. Jack Ma, Couldnā€™t Get Job in KFC, Founded #AliBaba

Story over

1. Age Is Just A Number
2. Only Those Who Keep Trying Succeeds
Read 10 tweets
Brooklyn gathers for justice. Bus drivers honking, passersby cheering, neighbors w/ children who are leading these calls for #JusticeForGeorge & no more #NYPD abuses. Image
This is simple. Stop the brutality. #JusticeForGeorge #blacklivesmatter Image
Brooklyn taking a knee for all black lives lost to racist violence. #BlackLivesMatter Image
Read 4 tweets
This is my neighborhood & many of us showed up tonight at #Barclays for the life & dignity of #GeorgeFloyd & solidarity w/ #BlackLiveMatter. Massive #NYPD presence & vastly peaceful crowd. 1/ Image
We came home puzzled at what happened & I'm hearing ppl outside on the street making sense of it. #NYPD deployed mace & the air smelled of it. Someone burned a sign. Someone else set off a fireworks popper. But this was not character of the crowd gathered. 2/
The crowd I witnessed outside #Barclays looked like my neighborhood. Diverse, calm, helping each other, holding signs expressing anger at black lives needlessly taken. People handing out food. 3/
Read 5 tweets
If I was investigating #Epstein and #PrinceAndrew I would take a really good look at this web of connections:

#AmandaStaveley #DavidRowland

Iā€™ll start a thread with Amanda...

And whatā€™s happening with Newcastle Utdā€¦
ā€˜Amanda Louise Staveley is a British businesswoman notable chiefly for her connections with Middle Eastern investors. In 2008 Staveley played a prominent role in the investment of Ā£7.3 billion in Barclays by the ruling families of Abu Dhabi and Qatar, andā€¦
and by the Qatari sovereign wealth fund.ā€™

My late fatherā€™s boss at QEAF became CEO of QIA, this same fundā€¦ā€¦
I met him as a Sherborne Schoolgirl and later in Mayfair as a young Emir Tamimā€™s mentor when he was Qatarā€™s military attache
Read 20 tweets
20 mile views to #Scotland from #HadriansWall as early start for a rural home visit Saturday in #Northumberland - heading to #Bellingham + beyond #RuralMP Image
Surgery + chat with Kate from #Bellingham @PostOffice who (along with local community) will be seriously affected by proposed @Barclays decision. Signed her petition + meeting #Barclays on Tuesday in @HouseofCommons to protest proposal, which affects rural communities v badly 2/ Image
Honoured to chat to Graham Batey, who is a #veteran, a #Bellingham legend, 90 years young + telling me stories of his RAF service in 1949 in Hong Kong / China #proud Image
Read 8 tweets
The #UKGovernment #Torture Report. Instead of addressing it, they keep trying to frame us. We want answers! @10DowningStreet

To read the full thread (draft at this stage as 4 more years of frame ups need to be added)ā€¦

#bbcnews #royalfamily @metpoliceuk
The short outline version is as below in this thread. It's still quite long because it started in 2006 & the UK Authorities, mainly the #MetPolice, have invested a lot of time & resources in trying to get rid of this problem by hook or by crook
#bbcnews #royalfamily
It started with the #MetPolice being caught out falsifying paperwork - a search warrant. When caught out they tried to frame me for a crime I did not commit. #bbcnews #royalfamily #Metpoliceuk
Read 25 tweets
The #UKGovernment #Torture Report. Instead of addressing it, they keep trying to frame us. We want answers! @10DowningStreet

To read the full thread (draft at this stage as 4 more years of frame ups need to be added)ā€¦

#Euronews #DailyMail @metpoliceuk
The short outline version is as below in this thread. It's still quite long because it started in 2006 & the UK Authorities, mainly the #MetPolice, have invested a lot of time & resources in trying to get rid of this problem by hook or by crook
#Euronews #Dailymail
It started with the #MetPolice being caught out falsifying paperwork - a search warrant. When caught out they tried to frame me for a crime I did not commit. #Euronews #Dailymail #Metpoliceuk
Read 25 tweets
The #BBC's @Hoskea10 digs into #LOBOloan bank debt at Sheffield City Council (from 27mins)ā€¦ #Sheffield had to pay a Ā£12.3m "breakage loan" to the Royal Bank of Scotland #RBS to escape a Ā£20m loan.
Clive Betts, Chair of @CommonsCLG and a Sheffield MP said: "that the bank #RBS actually gets a double benefit, once for fiddling the #LIBOR interest rate, a second time when their council #LOBOloan interest rates go up"ā€¦ #localgov #fraud
#Newham resident @rachel_shares said: "this country has to stand up to the financial institutions that made hundreds of millions of pounds out of them over the last decade. Who has the most power in this situation, #Barclays and #RBS, or Newham Council?"ā€¦
Read 4 tweets
This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their day jobs properly & decided to take the law into their own hands. It started as a small cover up 12 years ago but has turned into British State Persecution.

#Skynews #BBCNews #DailyMail #Guardian #Euronews
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 147 tweets
This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their jobs properly & then decided to take the law into their own hands. The result of this decision has led to events stranger than fiction

#BBCNews #Skynews #Itvnews #Channel4News #ThisMorning #TheresaMay #UKGov #LBC
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 145 tweets

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