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@writenrun @TimHoustonNS @CH_ABeswick @NS_Justice @nspc I recently heard @CTVSteveMurphy tell @TVeinotteShow that Tim Houston is a lot more like Stephen McNeil than most people realize.

In other words, they're both "my way or the highway" kinda' guys. #WhiteMalePrivilege
@writenrun @TimHoustonNS @CH_ABeswick @NS_Justice @nspc @CTVSteveMurphy @TVeinotteShow @skimber The new Tim Houston has morphed into the old Stephen McNeill: arrogant, angry, self-righteous. (paywalled) #nspoli #nspc…
@writenrun @TimHoustonNS @CH_ABeswick @NS_Justice @nspc @CTVSteveMurphy @TVeinotteShow @skimber Last week, @MLABarbAdams announced plans to build 600 new #LTC beds, doubling the number under development.

Good news, but… Is it playing politics to note that most of those beds will not open until 2025, the year the Tim Houston govt. is scheduled to seek a new mandate? Image
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Who works in essential services since #Covid19 started? 🦠In many cases, #migrants represent a big percentage of #EssentialWorkers. This paper introduces the concept of ‘systemic resilience’ into the analysis of labour migration.
🌐Read more >> (1/5) Image
When talking about #EssentialWorkers, authors Bridget Anderson, @F_Poeschel & @MartinRuhs refer to those who deliver key services in agriculture and food production, health services and social care. (2/5)
#Covid19 has exposed the often precarious employment conditions of essential workers➡️ Socio-economic vulnerabilities of employed migrants may shape the system’s capacity to continue functioning. This calls for attention to analyse their role in national labour markets (3/5)
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Covid-19 laid bare the failures of our health care system.

We can ease the burden for millions if we #ExpandMedicare by:
⬇️ Lowering the eligibility age
👓 Including dental, vision, & hearing
💊 Allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices

Here's what that would mean.
Nurses are sick and tired of watching as our patients who can't seek care for financial reasons have simple health issues become life-threatening later on.

These stories are a glimpse into why we MUST #ExpandMedicare now. Quote graphic from Michael in Arizona reads: My wife and I b
To #ExpandMedicare would mean freedom to choose a job that won't cause constant physical pain. "I'm now 60 and as a dental hygienist my body is consta
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I despair of being free of the coronavirus.

Not because we lack the tech, but because we lack the will.

Things which make no sense to me, things which seem cruel or outright monstrous and I am forced to ask: why?

Welcome to #SpeakingTheUnspeakable.
• The #pandemic hasn't ended.

#Governments, due to corporate pressures, are forcing people back to work.

• You may be #vaccinated, but you are NOT safe.

• The #coronavirus will last longer, cost more & kill millions more people worldwide.
@FoxNews's #disinformation efforts have proven to be more effective at misleading people than our government has been at leading them.

• Unchecked #misinformation and #socialmedia have been integral to developing the failed rhetoric on the vaccination effort.
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1/ HOMETOWN HEROES: Ticker-tape parade honors workers, NYers who fought COVID pandemic🍎

NYC's 15-month battle wasn't won without doctors, nurses, MTA workers, conductors, restaurant workers, delivery drivers, teachers, food cashiers—essential workers all…
2/ HOMETOWN HEROES: Mayor de Blasio said "this one is going to have a special spirit to it ... celebrating everyday New Yorkers.”

See our special 'Hometown Heroes' section, honoring 13 NYC #EssentialWorkers 🍎 —…

Our Story:…
3/ NYC's delivery cyclists, some 80,000 strong, spent the COVID-19 crisis bringing food to homebound, pedaling groceries, riding to hospitals with meals.

On Wednesday, a group of 20 delivery cyclists will ride through the Canyon of Heroes in the parade.🚴…
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✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾 CASA and many other organizations are in DC ready to elevate member voices! Immigrant mothers NEED a pathway to citizenship NOW! #ImmigrantMoms #EssentialWorkers #WeAreHome
Calling all moms, daughters, sons, and children! Raise your voice and join us to demand that Congress pass a path to citizenship for immigrant moms and families who did SO MUCH to help our country through this pandemic. #MomsAreEssential

RSVP now:
🦋CASA Member Ruby is an undocumented rights fighter for COVID relief. She is here today risking arrest on behalf of her family including her husband, Jose who is a TPS holder #ImmigrantsAreEssential
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🗣Today we’re gathered at Black Lives Matter Plaza, alongside thousands, READY to march and make our demands heard. @POTUS immigrant families are counting on you! #Citizenship4All
🦋 Today, we fight to ensure that the Biden administration keep the promises made to immigrants at the start of these 100 days. Where are you on this historic day?! Join us in DC! #MayDay #ImmigrantWorkersAreEssential
📢📢📢 @POTUS and Congress, can you hear us from Freedom Plaza? We come in thousands to remind you that immigrant workers are essential and deserve a path to citizenship NOW! #WeAreHome #ImmigrantJustice
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NEW❗️on #DACA from @claudsDC @NSvajlenka highlights the critical role that the program continues to play for hundreds of thousands of #Dreamers, their families, and our communities. #HeretoStay #WeAreHome 🧵
Read the stories of #DACA recipients here 👉🏻…
Any day now, a federal judge in #Texas will rule on #DACA, a policy that allows certain young immigrants who arrived to the U.S. as children to access a renewable, 2-yr work permit and a reprieve from deportation.… @MALDEF
#DACA has allowed recipients to put their skills and abilities to full use, giving them a greater sense of stability. More than 83% of previously surveyed DACA recipients reported that increased earnings has helped them become “financially independent.”…
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🔺3k workers (20-69 yrs) perished in #CdnPoli pandemic @CPHO_Canada. Hard to get good official #OSH info . Using #ONpoli @WSIB injury reports & PHU data from
@TOPublicHealth &
to estimate where fatalities might b . #TOpoli #PaidLeave #SickPlan #COVIDZero Image
#Pandemic #ONpoli work hotspots inc warehouse, transport, health, #OntEd, manu, construction, stores & offices. Adj fatalities for #excessdeath as per @MoriartyLab . #DayOfMourning @FredHahnCUPE @HarveyBischof @ETFOpresident @aefopresidence @OECTAProv @SharleenStewart @FolkDawson Image
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What if I told you we could have a path to citizenship for COVID-19 essential workers without having to convince 10 Republicans in the Senate? It's possible: through budget reconciliation.

Yesterday our @GovernorVA Northam became the first Governor to tell @JoeBiden to do it.
If a pathway to citizenship for essential workers is passed as part of the 2nd reconciliation economic package, then we only need a simple majority in the Senate, and *checks* yep, we have it.

We can make this happen! The power Dems have gained means nothing if we squander it.
VA is the *only* state in the country whose senators both sit on the Senate Budget Committee. We've been calling on Sen @timkaine and Sen @MarkWarner to be bold and push a pathway to citizenship for essential workers.
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Announcement from @fordnation sank my heart today. As an ER doctor, person of color and #Scarborough native, I feel defeated 😢. The measures are not going to get wave 3 under control. #BIPOC #ERdoc @SHNcares @torontolife @JustinTrudeau @SCMirror 1/
When I landed as an #immigrant in #Canada, my life started in #Scarborough. My parents (#heros) struggled to find jobs that matched their education. That didn't stop them from working hard / hustling even if it meant 2 jobs at times to keep bills paid and food on the table. 2/
My family lived in an apt building that had mostly racialized/middle-low income families (#affordability). Not much social distancing when large crowds wait for elevators (#EssentialWorkers) or use the shared laundry facilities. This pandemic brings back those vivid memories 3/
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/06/2021…
The climate crisis shows how rich people blow through their “fair share” of carbon emissions - Vox…

#carbon #climate #share #emissions
Climate change and infectious diseases in North America: the road ahead

#ClimateChange #InfectiousDiseases #consequences
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Today my friend got fired from #TraderJoes when he recommended enhanced COVID-safe practices. He’s been working there all through the pandemic, but I guess his labor (and his health) aren’t essential to corporate. Support Crew for a @TraderJoesUnion!
Here is #TraderJoes response to @BenBonnema’s letter. It’s pathetic. Instead of addressing his concerns as an employee they signal out two of his recommendations for keeping employees safe as contrary to the value of the company and fire him. Trader Joe’s is trash.
If you find this behavior upsetting please let them know, and make sure to follow and support @TraderJoesUnion
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1/3 Once >50s and clinically vulnerable people have had #Covid19 #vaccine, the tradeoff of benefits and #harms for #TestAndTrace and #asymptomatic testing in particular changes rapidly. My take at @bmj_latest #CovidUnknowns seminar yesterday
2/3 Big issue - when #hospitalisation #deaths low and the vulnerable protected, why would we ask #children #parents #essentialworkers and other non-Zoomocrats to #SelfIsolate, #test over and over to leave home? Listen to @bmj_latest #Covidunknowns webinar
3/3 Will we really ask the groups already most affected by #economic and #mentalhealth impact of #Covid19 to #SelfIsolate indefinitely when life opens up for others?
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1/2 This is a complete red herring. Lay ofr outdoor exercise. Read the #transmission report to #SAGE here Support #SupportToIsolate for #EssentialWorkers…
2/2 #SupportToIsolate for #EssentialWorkers ha to be top of the list - here's why. I am of course blocked by @trishgreenhalgh.…
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1/2 Delighted to see a such a constructive outcome following @DHSCgovuk consultation on #careworker mobility. We responded to it from… from @CHSS_Kent @BSMSMedSchool @SussexUni.… #EssentialWorkers Coronavirus - a 3 year old artist's impression
2/2 Here at @ARC_KSS we are working to help support #socialcare workers amid #Covid19 and beyond. Preliminary soon follow @RebeccaJSharp @MedVetAcarology for early alerts! Here's why #socialcare workers are so vulnerable…
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1/2 Will #schoolclosures continue into the summer? It's likely, unless we get our act together and support #SelfIsolation for #EssentialWorkers with £, replace caring responsibilities, provide incentives. Here's why, and also...…
2/2 see @BBCNewsnight - #COVID19 payments are *refused* to majority of applicants. Many people cannot afford not to go to work. Newsnight, 12/01/2021:… via @bbciplayer @maitlis @deb_cohen #EssentialWorkers #COVID19
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Societal structures - #housing, #essentialworkers #unpaidcare expose people to #Covid19 risk. "Pandemic fatigue" is a convenient myth used to gloss over the real issues. Important blog on an issue now widely reported for...
example @bbcnewsnight 4th Jan, even @Telegraph… covered it, drawing on my
blog at… and excellent threads by @ScienceShared and @sdbaral. So
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So *how" to slow this @chrischirp? What is a #smartlockdown? #EssentialWorkers are exposed to many unavoidable contacts. We've offloaded nearly all #Covid19 risk on precarious keyworkers. #tier4 #lockdown #SupportToIsolate. Blog… & @FinancialTimes Letter Financial Times 31st December 2020
We *know* this happened in Toronto. Data from UK? #TestandTrace @PHE_uk Let's have a #smartlockdown if we have to move away from #Tier4
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🚨 🚨 New @brookingsmetro post from @StatelerLaura & me:

"@Amazon & @Walmart have raked in billions in profits during pandemic & shared almost none of it w/ their workers."

We compare 1st-of-its-kind data on profits, #HazardPay & billionaire wealth. 1/…
Despite earning $10.7 billion in *additional* profit during the pandemic compared to last year, and generating enormous shareholder wealth, @Amazon and @Walmart were among the least generous of the 13 companies we studied in our Nov report.…

In fact, 2/
Both Walmart and Amazon could have quadrupled the #hazardpay they gave their frontline workers this year and *still* have earned more profit than last year.

This staggering imbalance between profits and people stands in stark contrast to many of the companies' competitors. 3/
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🚨 🚨 Excited to share my favorite publication yet: new @brookingsmetro report w/ @StatelerLaura @JuliaTDu

"Windfall profits & deadly risks: How the biggest retail companies are compensating #EssentialWorkers during the #COVID19 pandemic"…

A 🧵 1/
We ask: are the biggest retail companies in America that are booming during -and b/c of- the pandemic sharing windfall profits w/ workers who are making the least & risking the most? As pandemic worsens, what $ should workers earn, and what *have* they earned during pandemic? 2/
During the pandemic, big retail companies like @amazon @Walmart @Target @HomeDepot @Albertsons have flourished. We looked at 13 top of top 20 retail companies. Together, they earned an EXTRA $16.9 billion in profit this yr compared to last year, a stunning 39%, increase. 3/
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We have what we say and believe in our hearts - Mark 11:23-24.

We know the #enemyofthepeople want to steal this election so they can continue to destroy America. But we also know Yahweh is not done with this nation nor is it time for the #nwo according to His
2. Divine Timeline.

As the #Ekklesia, #Jesus' Governing Body on Earth we have authority and the final say as long as we agree with The LORD.

Governing Body, think about that. We're Jesus' hands to do good works and show strength, to uncover corruption and deliver justice.
3. We're His Feet to go into the halls of governments, schools, businesses, the media, nations and invite His Presence and Mind and Will to come. We are #essentialworkers like no others.

We love to say His Kingdom come and Will be done, but we have to believe that it will, that
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This section is called: ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL, AFFORDABLE, QUALITY HEALTH CARE
Only one party has a specific plan for ensuring EVERY American will have access to quality healthcare as a human right..the other fights to TAKE IT AWAY. 1/10 Image
Overturning the #AffordableCareAct remains a central plank of the Republican Party (invisible) platform. The difference in values between the two parties on this life-or-death issue could not be more stark. 2/11 #DemPartyPlatform #healthcare Image
The pandemic has made this difference in values painfully,brutally clear. Pres Trump has repeatedly downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, bullied governors for enacting life-saving public health measures, &left our frontline health care heroes w/o the equipment they need 3/11 Image
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