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Jun 13th 2023
🇪🇸 LA LIGA 22/23 🇪🇸
-Real Madrid (@realmadrid ) 🥇🌍🏠⚽️
-Barcellona (@FCBarcelona ) 🥇✈️⚽️
-Barcellona 🎖️🌍🏠✈️↔️
@LaLiga #football
🧵1/4 ImageImageImage
-Barcellona (@FCBarcelona ) 🥇🌍🏠⚽️
-Real Madrid (@realmadrid ) 🥇✈️⚽️
-Barcellona 🥇🌍🏠🛡️
-Real Sociedad (@RealSociedad ) 🥇✈️🛡️
-Barcellona 🎖️🌍🏠✈️↔️
xG via @fbref
@LaLiga #football
🧵2/4 ImageImageImage
Over/under performance...
-Atletico Madrid (@Atleti ) 🥇🌍🏠⚽️
-Espanyol (@RCDEspanyol ) 🥇✈️⚽️
-Barcellona (@FCBarcelona ) 🥇🌍🏠🛡️
-Atletico Madrid 🥇✈️🛡️
-Atletico Madrid 🥇🌍🏠↔️
-Siviglia (@SevillaFC ) 🥇✈️↔️
xG via @fbref
@LaLiga #football
🧵3/4 ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2023
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
Read 33 tweets
May 2nd 2023
#IPL is spreading hate amongst the citizens and minting money.

This is not a new analysis and it's known for most people but after watching yesterday's incident between #RCBvLSG this is the right time for all the cricket fans not to fall into this trap. 1/n
IPL has always been everything about #MONEY and #entertainment. The teams were based on most popular cities in #India so that each team will have larger fan following and representation, just like #football leagues. 2/n
The people behind #IPL were/are biggest #businessmen, #Celebrities from various fields and #politicians. It gathered enough attention when it got started as new league in 2008. Just because IPL has celebs backing doesn't mean it's gonna be a superhit league in the long run. 3/n
Read 22 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan welcome Billy Graham to the 1981 National Prayer Breakfast.…

In East Berlin Graham was hosted by Walter B. Smith II - officer of the US Foreign Service
In Walter B. Smith II's long career he was in
East Berlin, Germany (1979-1983)

Liberalization of U.S. trade restrictions
Ambassador Bolen
Poland’s Solidarity crisis
Local situation
Ambassador Ridgeway
"In 1977 , President Jimmy Carter named Dave Bolen as the ambassador to East Germany, the first African-American to serve as ambassador to a nation behind the Iron Curtain ...While in that role Bolen helped to lay the groundwork for the destruction of the Berlin Wall" 🤔
Read 33 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
1/5 The head coach of the #Turkish national team, Stefan Kunts, said that they were well received in #Armenia, for which he thanked.

The Turkish team won, but the #Armenian team played well. They could have won.

#Turkey #Yerevan #Ankara #EURO2024 #football #sports #UEFA2024 Armenia-Turkey football match in Yerevan State flags of Armenia, Azerbaijan, TurkeyArmenia provided humanitarian aid to Turkey in order to elimThe head coach of the Turkish national team, Stefan Kunts gi
2/5 I think that the Armenian and Turkish peoples can communicate more in the fields of #sports, #art, #humanitarian, #business.

In this way, the Armenian and Turkish peoples, who have a difficult history, will gradually restore their trust. The Turkish – Armenian Business Development Council (TABDCThe Turkish – Armenian Business Development Council (TABDC
3/5 Only then can the states of 🇦🇲-🇹🇷 have a peaceful, cooperative future. About 70,000 Armenians live in 🇹🇷, who are the descendants of Armenians who survived the #Genocide. 🇦🇲 has been independent for 32 years, 🇹🇷 closed the border, but there was active trade during these yrs. The Church of the Holy Cross located on the Aghtamar Island
Read 5 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
While all this focus is on @GaryLineker, he gets criticised a lot for tweeting about this because he understands that most people don’t understand the magnitude of what we are facing in our kids lifetimes and maybe our own. Worth watching. A thread #MOTD #MOTDboycott #football
If you’re in any doubt of the facts: NASA Oxford… Met office… Margaret Thatcher Stephen Hawking The PR campaign against the facts:
How millions is spent on PR, lobbying and disinformation, to stop you from understanding they are polluting the world as they earn billions and billions: #JustStopOil…
Read 19 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Today is #InternationalWomensDay, so we figure today is a good day to talk to you a bit about something that most non-female players don't even think about.

These things. Football socks.

Football socks are a certified enemy of women's football. Here's why. /1 #IWD23 #football anakin talking to padme meme. First panel is anakin saying &
Let's start with the basics:

Women's feet are different to mens'. Everything from the heel-to-ball length, ball circumference. Ratio of medial and lateral malleoli heights. Our calf height/shape differs, too.

Loads of science on this. Google "women's feet."

(Wait, no don't)
This isn't a shocking new discovery. You will find science papers going back decades on how women's feet and legs are different to mens'.

So OBVIOUSLY this means women's football socks are designed for our feet, right?
Read 15 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
Listings of WHO's response to COVID-19

July versie 2020 totaal herziene tijdlijn van origineel en...

Wat staat hier🤔: The Pandemic Supply Chain Network (PSCN) created by WHO, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, held its first meeting.👇…
Snapt u het? #missie 👇

The mission of PSCN is “to create and manage a market network allowing for WHO and private sector partners to access any supply chain functionality and asset from end-to-end anywhere in the world at any scale”.
29 januari 2020:

@WHO published advice on the use of masks in the community, during home care and in health care settings.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 15th 2023

*Golden Visas

*Golden opportunity for OCG's, spooks, middle-men, dodgy lawyers = Online payment processing 🌐

*Gold standard for fraud = offshore

*Gold smuggling/laundering

*Golden characters!


Brinks Mat ⏩️ Wirecard

@FD @mrneilforsyth
There's a #Diamond geezer pioneer;

Crime, Money Laundering ⏩️ Payment processing fraud ⏩️ Crypto...

Patrick Diamond #Gold

See also;
*Gordon Parry
*Shaun P Murphy
*Michael Levine
*Mossack Fonseca
*Christopher Samuelson (Valmet/⚽️/Oligarchs/OCG)

Crime - Middle Men - Money
Read 15 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
In my PhD thesis defense, I will defend the following 10 propositions based on my research into tactical behavior in professional soccer:

#football #Analytics #research #DataScience #MachineLearning
Not every pass can be an assist - my research
Succes is the product of interaction, not action - my research
Read 12 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
Latest updates from the Animoca Brands’ #Metaverse: (🧵)
1/ @TinyTapAB held its second Publisher #NFT auction, and we are already working closely with one of the #hodlers, @matsuzakimisa, to adapt the content for Japanese audiences. 🚀

#teachers #education #onlinelearning
2/ The @TOWERtoken's plan for the first half of 2023 is out, let's take a look how the team will continue pioneering the developments of #Web3 #gaming: 🔥

Read 11 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
So we all know that this particular collapse was staged, right? Good, glad we are starting to learn how they play us to create controversy, fill up the search hits with garbage, and cause distraction away from something else. The truth. #DamarHamlim
Hundreds of athletes have dropped dead FROM THE VACCINES so these demonic nutcases had to do their thing, again. I am sure these numbers are conservative:…

How do we know this is a psy-op? Its SO easy when you have eyes to see, almost no effort required...
...plain as the nose on your face. They tell us with their signs, of course. The only standing player when they were dramatically praying was 33? The sketchy, unmarked ambulance? This smiling face after having your heart stop twice, intubated and on loads of heavy drugs?
Read 7 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
Les supporters #Brésiliens 🇧🇷 continuent de se recueillir au stade #Santos où le corps de #Pelé sera exposé pendant 24 heures avant son enterrement prévu mardi. Un reportage de @cedferreira et @RHoueix
@cedferreira @RHoueix Les supporters pourront se recueillir à partir de 10 heures (UTC-3) au stade de #Santos au #Brésil 🇧🇷, et ce pendant 24 heures où sera exposée le corps du "roi" #Pelé, décédé dans la nuit de jeudi dernier. Le point avec @eliottsam, chroniqueur sport
@cedferreira @RHoueix @eliottsam La veillée au stade de Vila Belmiro à #Santos 🇧🇷, le club où #Pelé a effectué la majorité de sa carrière, a débuté ce lundi.

Les fans pourront rendre hommage au "roi" pendant 24 heures. Le point sur place avec @cedferreira, envoyé spécial
Read 5 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
The interesting part about the numbers in the square of Saturn is the grid.

3x3 > 33

Or every number if you like mathematics like me.
Every result is 15 in square 4+9+2 = 15

15th prime is 47° the masonic compass.

Saturn is alot at the moment will add alot to this thread just about math and geometry.
And why and how.
#Saturn #math #magicsquares
Interesting part here > grid is 3x3 this fits 3 times in the grid just by the numbers.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
Road to Paris 2024: Qualification System!

In this thread, we cover how athletes will qualify for various sports at Paris Olympics.

First up: Badminton 🏸

#RoadToParis2024 | #Paris2024 | #Badminton…
Next Sports: Football ⚽️

16 teams in Men's Tournament. 12 teams in Women's tournament. Let us see how to qualify..

#RoadToParis2024 | #Paris2024 | #Football…
Next Up: Shooting!

India has already 3 quotas in Shooting for Paris Olympics. Let us see how the qualification process works..

#RoadToParis2024 | #Paris2024 | #Shooting…
Read 18 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
#CoupeduMonde & #contrôle mental du #sport. "Du pain et des jeux et ils ne se révolteront jamais." Les grands événements sportifs servent à envoyer des émotions fabriquées dans la classe des #esclaves.
Cela rend la personne satisfaite émotionnellement suite⏬#WorldCup #France
Le #sport fait croire à l'esprit de l'#esclave qu'il a gagné, parce que notre esprit ne fait pas la différence entre l'expérience extérieure de joie de victoire de l'équipe et notre victoire. Comme au cinéma où le corps réagit à la peur (suite⏬) #football…
Cela rend la personne satisfaite émotionnellement depuis son canapé, et plus susceptible d'aller au travail le lundi matin pour l'élite. Et le potentiel de rébellion de l'esclave est repoussé d'semaine.
L'effet #sédatif est renforcé quand il est vécu en groupe. Enjoy #WorldCup😎
Read 3 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Venitemi a raccontare la bellezza degli altri sport adesso, dai. #football #Qatar2022
Partita che dovrebbe durare finché una delle due squadre segna il 3-2. Altro che rigori. #Qatar2022
Incredibile. Doveva essere lui. #messi #Qatar2022
Read 6 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
Pourquoi l'équipe d'#Argentine n'alligne jamais un noir en son sein ?
La raison, c'est d'abord le génocide de la population noire de l'Argentine !
La composition exclusivement blanche, toujours blanche, de l'équipe de football d'Argentine a-t-elle déjà suscité votre curiosité ? Image
Pour faire court, cette équipe est la seule en #Amérique du Sud qui n'a jamais, mais alors JAMAIS eu de joueur noir ! En effet, derrière ce pâle portrait de l'équipe de football, se cache une réalité autrement choquante du pays.
En 2022, l'Argentine est le seul pays du continent #Américain où il n'y a presque pas de noirs! Alors que les noirs formaient près de la moitié de la population d'Argentine en 1778, un génocide prémédité systématiquement implémenté les réduira à 30%
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Dec 11th 2022
Fans around the world celebrated Morocco's win over Portugal in the World Cup quarterfinals on Saturday, which marks the first time and African team and a team from the Arab world has made it this far in the tournament. #WorldCup #Morocco #Portugal #Soccer #Football #Ronaldo
Morocco defeated superstar Cristiano #Ronaldo's Team Portugal 1-0 in a stunning result with Youssef En-Nesyri scoring the winning goal in the 42nd minute. The Moroccan team hoisted coach Walid Regragui on their shoulders after the match. #WorldCup #Morocco #Portugal
Morocco will play defending champion France in the World Cup semifinals on Dec. 14.

#WorldCup #Morocco #Portugal #Soccer #Football #France #Ronaldo
Read 4 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
For #HumanRightsDay2022 let’s remember that #ModernSlavery is a #HumanRights issue first and foremost & so the surest path to ending this severe form of exploitation once and for all is to put #HumanRightsFirst.
Why do we fight to end #PrisonSlavery? Because every person has an inalienable right not to be held in #Slavery or #Servitude. Put #HumanRightsFirst and take action today:…
Qatar still has yet to effectively end its #Kafala system leaving its majority #Migrant worker population vulnerable to continued exploitation. Tell @FifaWorldCup to put #HumanRights before #Football today:…
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Dec 1st 2022
This year's FIFA World Cup is the first-ever to be held in the Middle East and it has bring about some completely new innovations and rules.

In this thread, we have covered some major tech and rules introduced in Qatar 2022.🧵 Image
1. Female Referees
Three women have been chosen among the 36 referees for Qatar 2022, a first for the men's World Cup.
👉Stephanie Frappart 🇫🇷
👉Yoshimi Yamashita 🇯🇵
👉Salima Mukansanga 🇷🇼

Among the 69 assistant referees, there will be three women who will be joining them.
2. Semi-automated offside technology
Players' movements are tracked by the technology using a sensor in the ball and a limb-tracking camera system.

The information is utilised to project 3D graphics onto stadium screens so that fans may better understand the referee's judgement. Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
#Chine #Football TR Li Tie, l’ancien entraîneur-chef de l'équipe nationale chinoise de football masculin, soupçonné d'avoir enfreint la loi. Pas étonnant que la Chine n'ait pas pu se qualifier pour la Coupe du monde ! Super ironique😓
On parlait du ⚽️ en 🇨🇳 récemment sur @rfi A(re)lire 👇…
#CoupeDuMonde2022 La Chine n’est pas qualifiée, mais les Chinois restent les champions du BTP, des bus électriques et des goodies.
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Nov 25th 2022
We are super excited to announce our upcoming launch of #FIFAWorldCup Brazil #NFT Art Collection X Daniel Alves @DaniAlvesD2 Authentic, Digitally signed Autograph cards!🇧🇷🐍🔥

#Elrond #MultiversX #ElrondCommunity #Brasil #CopaDoMundoFIFA #EGLD👇
As Club Gorgon team, we are proud to step up the Digital Collectibles game on the entire #MultiversX, thus representing our #Blockchain & bringing value to our clubs members!❤️

@ElrondNetwork #ElrondNFTs #Qatar2022 #GoodCrazy #EGLD👇
After all, we havent got awarded “Most Creative Project” for nothing.😎 Before diving into collection details, We would like to thank our team member & Most Decorated Player in the football history for making it happen! Thank you Dani❤️

#ElrondCommunity #MultiversX #GoodCrazy👇
Read 7 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
#FOOTBALL IS MEDICINE ⚽️🏃🏽 A biopsychosocial therapy

The idea that football can be used as therapy and as a high-intensity and literally breath-taking training regime goes back centuries. To take one prominent example, the French philosopher
Voltaire describes in the Book of Fate (1747), how a patient is cured by playing with a sacred football: “…You must kick this Bladder, Sir, once a Day about your Hall for a whole Hour together, with all the Vigour and Activity you possibly can”,
“Ogul, upon making the first Experiment, was ready to expire for want of Breath”, “In short, our Doctor in about 8 days Time, performed an absolute Cure. His Patient was as brisk, active and gay, as One in the Bloom of his Youth.”…
Read 25 tweets

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