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There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

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Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

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7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

Read 11 tweets
Amelia and her little foxgirl

#nsfwtwt #chastity #mommy #denial 3rd person #lesbian

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Amelia says softly to the little foxgirl curled up in her arms as her eyes begin to flutter open. Her fuzzy ears just start to twitch.
"Gmornin mama," Zoey mumbls out amidst the cutest contented sleepy noises. Those soft little vocalisations take on a hint of breathiness as Amelia begins softly scratching the little fox's hair.
Amelia enjoys the comfy fox audio for a few minutes, until Zoey starts to properly wake up. Or at least, until she decides to curl up against her mama and close her flickering eyelids once more. So in short, not properly waking up in the slightest.
Read 38 tweets
A small #lesbian #detrans 🧵
One of the things painfully obvious now after detransitioning, is that being transmasc/trans was the ONLY acceptable way to be anywhere CLOSE to gnc lesbian in presentation. Butch has all but vanished, subsumed in the queer landscape...
Lesbian becomes subsumed by pseudomaleness, and in some cases, sterilized, for ANY scrap of legitimacy. It suits patriarchy pefectly to have lesbians transed into pseudostraights.

This is why lesbian visibility matters so much now, possibly more than ever, in lesbian history.
If there had been anywhere near the lesbian rep I saw at @FiLiA_charity just ANYWHERE in mainstream, I wonder if I would have called myself trans in the first place. I liked women, wearing 'male' clothes, liked tech & science, &all of this has gone from visible to pathologised...
Read 8 tweets
2/4 "Even after accounting for such factors, having #LongCovid was linked to higher risks of recent #unemployment, #financial #hardship, and #anxiety and #depressive #symptomatology, with evidence of dose-response relationships."
3/4 "Overall, an estimated 27.3 million US adults with #LongCovid were at risk of adverse #socioeconomic and #health outcomes including #anxiety and #depression."

#SDOH #social #determinants of #health
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[ REPOST ] hiii #lesbitwt #lesbianflag #prideflags … i’m baaaack !! i had to delete my old post bc uhm. you know why! but today i have recreated the soda pop lesbian flag! mspec lesbians dni obviously !!! more info in replies … ImageImageImage
this flag is for lesbians who can’t STAND mspec lesbians…originally created by me but deleted ! 😭 anyways y’all enjoy #xenogender #flagedits #lesbian
this was me btw Image
Read 3 tweets
“We are deeply disturbed by the 20-yr track record that places Judge Alito on the far right of the judicial spectrum, esp when it comes to women’s & #civilrights. If #SamuelAlito is confirmed…many of our fundamental rights will be at great risk, & could well be lost entirely.”⬇️
2/Prophetic: “Dear Senator, NOW is strongly opposed to the elevation of Judge #SamuelAlito to the #SupremeCourt of the United States, and with every passing day, more information appears that re-confirms our opposition. We urge you to review his record, writings…
3/“…and judicial philosophy, and join us in opposing his nomination.Not only is NOW disappointed that President Bush has proposed to replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor with yet another white male ultra-conservative, but we are deeply disturbed by the twenty-year track record…
Read 12 tweets
A Thread for Porn Catagories and its Equivalent Movies - Part 1 (11 out of 33)
#TopTen2blue #Movies #Porn

1. #Bondage
#FiftyShadesOfGrey (2015) Image
2. #Milf
#Milf (2010)
Low grade comedy but good for a fap.. Image
3. #Voyeur
#AnimalInstincts (1992)
All you have to do is just watch

#TheVoyeurs (2021) ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
We’ve laid out some of the evidence against the homophobic practice of conversion therapy, currently known as “transition.” Now let’s talk about what lesbians in the U.S. need & want. 🧵
1. Lesbians United demands that U.S. legislators sign bills into law that explicitly prevent doctors from prescribing artificial hormones & hormone blockers for non-lifesaving reasons, esp. to minors.
2. Genital mutilation must be outlawed in the U.S., and the law must be clear that the definition of GM includes ALL cosmetic genital surgeries. Criminalize doctors who perform these procedures, and protect their victims.
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Ever wonder what #pubertyblockers really are? They’re a class of drugs known as GnRH agonists, designed for prostate cancer and marketed for everything from endometriosis to #autism. And they have some horrifying side effects. (1/10)
The @US_FDA has received over 25,000 adverse event reports for one GnRH agonist in particular: #Lupron, now the most common drug prescribed as a “puberty blocker” in the US.

Src:; (2/10)
@US_FDA In the 2000s, Dr Mark Geier and his son David Geier used GnRH agonists as a snake-oil “cure” for #autism. The result? Kids who were chemically castrated, underdeveloped, possibly sterilized … and still #autistic. Sounds like eugenics, right? Src: (3/10)
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THREAD: #ConversionTherapy is still around, but in the 21st century, it’s being rebranded as progressive. Today, Lesbians United is delving into the rampant medical abuse of #lesbian and #gay youth in the US. (1/10)
The science is clear: girls who are attracted to other girls are being targeted for medicalization. This is #ConversionTherapy, plain and simple. Src: #lesbianrights #SaveTheTomboys (2/10)
How are young lesbians being targeted? Through a DSM-V entry that treats non-conformity to stereotypes as a symptom of mental illness. Young #lesbians often fit this description. #SaveTheTomboys (3/10)
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Children can’t #consent to sex. Children can’t consent to sexual experiments. Children can’t consent to sexual mutilation. #SaveTheTomboys (1/3)
The majority of children being asked to “consent” to sexual medical #abuse will grow up lesbian or gay. Homophobic medical experiments aren’t just for Nazi doctors anymore. Now, they’re #woke. (2/3)
Would you rather have a healthy #lesbian daughter, or a #BigPharma-dependent facsimile of a straight son? #SaveTheTomboys (3/3)
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my fav part about being a cute girl is telling other girls they are cute too!!! 💙🌷💜 Image
*** i lied, the best part of being a cute girl is hooking up with babes

#sanjunipero #t4t #transjunipero
"god damn it, this is the girl."
Read 6 tweets
This will seem like a very odd decision for anyone familiar with LGB Alliance's social media profile. Taking a first glance at @ChtyCommission's reasoning here's what strikes me as key. Others may have more insight...
Firstly, it seems that much of LGB Alliance's historic social media output runs directly contrary to some their started charitable aims, notably the fact that they spend a lot of time denying and denigrating #bisexuality. Thread: .
This ought to have been a red flag for the @ChtyCommission as in section 41, they specifically commented on whether or not the LGB Alliance was a "sham" and, in section 42, concluded that there was "no evidence".

This begs the question: what evidence do they need, exactly?
Read 13 tweets
There is so much wrong with this article, it's hard to know where to begin. Lesbians are not extinct, nor are lesbians close to extinction. The L Word has never really been as popular as "gay" & this has long been the case, it's not a new thing....…
Then in the context of Queer activism, DIY activism & the burgeoning internet culture in the 90's younger adults did not seem to like to be labelled, or boxed into labels. It is still popular for younger adults to describe themselves as fluid, in terms of sexuality, gender...
Earlier, 70s/80s there had been an attack on #butch lesbians in the LGBT community, not from trans women, but from lesbian feminists & lesbian feminist theory, which branded butch #lesbians sadomasochists copying het roles & eroticising sexism & the oppression of femme lesbians..
Read 16 tweets
About #pledges, elected legislators and listening to diverse opinions: we are concerned that our representatives at #Westminster & in the #Senedd don’t adopt positions which eradicate the reality of same-sex attraction & the protected characteristic of #sexualorientation 1/14
Some MPs, for instance, have endorsed the Labour ‘LGBT+’ Pledge. We give the benefit of the doubt; maybe they haven’t thought it through. We hope the #Senedd, looking at a forthcoming Action Plan allegedly about us, makes sure it considers our views in putting it together. 2/14
We want training for #RSE teachers, including the importance of watchful waiting, rigorous #safeguarding & refusal of #transingawaythegay. NSPCC guidance is clear about #secrets 3/14
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I will not support these orgs like Amnesty, UN Women & NOW that claim to speak for us but have #DroppedWomen from their focus. This #InternationalWomensDay I will celebrate those who stand up and fight back! List to follow. >>
> But first I celebrate my mother, one of a kind. She bore me -- along with so many burdens. She gave me life & she gave me tennis lessons when I was in awe of @Martina & just coming out. She eventually accepted my #lesbian life & she died very too young. I miss her. #IWD2020 >
> There are too many women to thank here. Maybe I'll add to this thread all year. Because I appreciate women every single day. We're all fighters. We're all amazing. With respect, #WomenOfTheYear @selina_todd @MForstater @jk_rowling @sueevansprotect @BluskyeAllison @Mason134211f
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▪wrote a book
▪wrote another book
▪edited 13 books
▪wrote 2k+ articles, columns, investigative series & holy crap 400k tweets.
▪survived a violent rape
▪survived 7 surgeries
▪survived 2 collapsed lungs
▪survived a PE
▪survived paralysis
▪fought Trump
▪write three more books
▪keep doing kick-ass journalism
▪get a motorized wheelchair and wheelchair lift and keep fighting for #disabled people like myself
▪kick Trump out of the people's house
▪live to see 2030
So I want to go back to this #DecadeinReview again, because lists are easy reading but don't tell the whole story. Nearly dying 5 times between 2009 & 2019 informed literally everything I did/do. It propelled me to walk away from people who dropped me when I couldn't center them.
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@SimonFanshawe Fairly shocking to find eradication of "mixed wards" By @NHSEngland @NHSImprovmeent was only rebranding exercise & that now they just lie about #male genitalia to #female patients so they have no way to protect themselves. @CMO_England @CNOEngland
@SimonFanshawe @NHSEngland @CMO_England @CNOEngland @Jochurchill4 NHS guidelines:
Grade #1 woman: transwomen with #ladydique
Grade #2 woman: biological female #unraped (of course)
Grade #3 woman: Biological female - rape survivors, it doesnt matter that they can't sleep or scared out of their wits. @Baroness_Nichol
@SimonFanshawe @NHSEngland @CMO_England @CNOEngland @Jochurchill4 @Baroness_Nichol Ideally, of course #Female #Rape survivors (or victims) dont actually show up for medical treatment they need & deserve, freeing up #NHS resources for patients who are not damaged goods & who deserve actual health care.
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It's #InternationalLesbianDay!
Here is a thread on iconic lesbians in history, past and present.
I hope you will show your allyship by reading and sharing. 📌

#Lesbians have been with us for centuries.
This sweet couple was photographed in 1907.

19th c lesbians lived together in what were called #BostonMarriages.
Some (straight) historians have tried to de-gay them and erase their lesbian sexuality, agency and history. But they were still lesbians.

Democratic women have long been in the forefront of radical change in America.
#DrAliceHamilton was a physician, scientist, social reformer & #lesbian. Her work created #OSHA. Hamiliton focused on the health of #immigrant women.

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False @jerseycornelia
People are imprisoned & killed for being gay.
I don't have the same rights you have. I have been fired from jobs, denied housing, thrown out of public accommodations, expelled from HS, put in a mental hospital for #conversiontherapy for being a #lesbian.
You dismissing the impact of #homophobia on the lives of millions, @jerseycornelia, is saying that you really couldn't care less about the oppression and violence that #LGBTQ people suffer.
You might want to read up.
I wrote this for #Stonewall50…

Also @jerseycornelia, attitudes like yours contribute to circumstances like this, which I reported on this week:

REPORT: Almost half of #LGBTQ youth consider #suicide…
Read 5 tweets
Just watched #ACapitolFourth. It was everything Trump's authoritarian event was not: Diverse entertainment (including Muppets singing G-d Bless America). #JohnStamos saying cool things about America. Vanessa Williams singing #AmericaTheBeautiful. Sousa. Fireworks. #July4thPBS
#AmericaTheBeautiful was written by #KatherineLeeBates, a #lesbian professor at #WellesleyCollege--alma mater of my mother and #HillaryClinton.

Bates was partnered for 30yrs with #KatharineComan, who founded the economics school at Wellesley.
#KatherineLeeBates wrote #AmericaTheBeautiful for #FourthofJuly.
My favorite line "mend thine every flaw" "thy liberty in law." Our #Constitution is meant to grow and breathe and fix what is wrong with this nation.
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Hello again! We are pleased to be telling the #polyam / #nonmonogamous (hi)story of Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), the American poet, feminist, and playwright.
Millay is very well-known among #polyam communities today due to a number of articles that @brainpickings wrote about her “polyamorous” love letters:…
Along with this beautiful biography of Millay by @Ballad_BobDylan:…
Read 94 tweets
#MadisonWI elects it’s first lesbian mayor and it’s first all-woman school board tonight. Proud to have each of these elected officials. Excited for Madison’s queer feminist future, perhaps it will be one that actually begins to address the massive racial issues in the city.
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