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Jun 16th 2023
Want to know why the moral panic around #videogames still persists 50 years since their popularization?

Because of articles like this. A thread.…
This week a new article came out discussing a "new resource for #videogames and #mentalhealth started by a concerned parent.

While I am all for parental advocacy and education, this is more of the same moral panic, witch hunt we've grown accustomed with video games.
The opening line: 8% of kids and adolescents that are younger than 18 are addicted to playing video games.

Wonder why there is no source to this claim? Because there literally is no scientific evidence to support this. Image
Read 23 tweets
May 30th 2023
Last week, Daedalic Entertainment, the developers of the stealth adventure J.R.R. Tolkien #videogames The Lord of The Rings: #Gollum , posted an apology for the game failing to “meet the expectations” of players and devs alike. #WrestlerProtests tough L to hold, it led to a pretty wholesome Twitter thread where a bunch of game devs shared testimonials about the lessons they learned while having fun working on their respective “worst” games.… The ongoing convo among game devs was sparked by a tweet from God of War: Ragnarök senior environment artist Danni Carlone. In a quote-retweet of a Video Games Chronicle article about Gollum, Carlone shared a screenshot of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric’s
Read 10 tweets
May 4th 2023
[𝗛𝗶𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗮 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶́𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮 é 𝘂𝗺 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗺𝗼]

Lendo tudo o que esta sendo dito sobre a 𝗟𝗲𝗶 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 no 🇧🇷, liga o sinal de alerta sobre o controle estatal na sua vida privada.

E se tratando de hipocrisia eu tenho o vencedor do século. ⬇ Image
@rpandolfato @alan_schramm @38bitcoinheiro @gustavoramos @robertopantojax Não acredito que isso ainda não foi mencionado por ninguém aqui no @Twitter; e é um clássico. Envolve duas coisas de que gosto muito: #videogames e #políticos recebendo o que merecem.

Entre no palco à direita, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. ⬇ Image
@rpandolfato @alan_schramm @38bitcoinheiro @gustavoramos @robertopantojax @Twitter Alguns de vocês provavelmente já jogaram este jogo. É tão lendário quanto os jogos, algo ainda reverenciado até hoje. No jogo, você joga como um vigarista, gângster e autônomo Carl Johnson (CJ) enquanto ele sobe na hierarquia do crime em uma versão de uma cidade da Califórnia ⬇
Read 22 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
(1/6)🧐Character Consistency for Video Games in #Midjourney

🧍‍♂️Introducing Jimmy Jazz, a potential character for a Lucas Arts-style 2D adventure.

🧵In this thread, I'll show you how to do it so that you can apply it to your own projects.

#AI #AIart #conceptart #videogames /imagine prompt: a comic dr...
(2/6)The tricky part is keeping our character consistent while applying variations.

So let's do just that. Copy the URL of the initial image (ensure to open it on browser first), use /imagine prompt:, and then paste the same prompt as before. But let's add a little modification /imagine prompt: [url_of_up...
(3/6) Now, do the same, maintaining the original image url, but modifying his status. Lets say... bowing! /imagine prompt: [url_of_up...
Read 6 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
Skill and repetition are two totally different things when it comes to playing video games.

Repetition is just doing the same thing over and over again, but skill is actually learning how to play better.

The difference between skill and repetition in video games 🎮🧵:
1/ Repetition can help improve a player's performance, but it's not the determining factor in attaining mastery in video games.
2/ For example, in MMORPGs and MOBAs, skill is developed through critical thinking, decision making, and teamwork.

Players have to think creatively, work together, and make strategic decisions in order to succeed.…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
some feel I softball Adam Sessler here in this article,

that I wasn't harsh enough or that I was burying the story: that Adam Sessler hates gamers

here is why that is wrong… #adamsessler #g4tv #videogames #gamers #gaming
When I cover a story about something a subject says, I try to not only cover the story factually but I also try to keep to the spirit of the issue

From the subject's point of view, what are they trying to say here? Not only what are the comments, but what do they mean.
yes, Adam Sessler says he hates gamers,

but if U listen to when he clarifies, he says he means people that identify w/ the hobby not everyone that plays games

Yes, for most it's a meaningless distinction, but it's a distinction nonetheless & not reporting it isn't truthful
Read 10 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
My latest w/ @BleedingFool

What Killed G4TV: Full Story Revealed✍️

Newly uncovered information shows how Comcast’s reboot was ended by media baiting, poor planning & the hubris of one Indiana “Froskurrin” Black🤦… #g4tv #gamers #gaming @stillgray
I dig up some new information about G4TV's closure,

what really happened w/ the infamous "bangable" rant

& how things at the reboot were much worse than any of us could have guessed 😶… @TheQuartering @BoundingComics @neontaster @jondelarroz @Th3Claude
According to new info:
Frosk gave the rant without permission or warning

She was supposed to talk about Red Dead Online & instead @ the last minute fed the TV prompter w/ the viral woke tirade😮
@Th3Claude @EthanVanSciver @YellowFlashGuy @ThatUmbrella @DDayCobra @thatstarwarsgrl Image
Read 17 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
This week Google will release the new Helpful Content algorithm update, specifically targeted to de-rank sites that create content purely for SEO. It is going to absolutely destroy a large chunk of the #videogame publications that rewrite content and create How Tos that are spam.
Particularly, #Videogames websites that appear as if they will answer a question and then guide you through content without ever actually answering the content are going to be targeted. Bad for re-write journalists - great for actual users.
If your website does the following you are likely to be impacted by the Google update:
1. Compile or aggregate information as opposed to write unique content.
2. Solely write content to ask and answer questions Googled by users without providing NEW UNIQUE CONTENT,

Read 7 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
new Star Ocean game, Divine Right, has some of the ugliest character models that I've seen in a good long time for AAA gaming

left picture is what it's supposed to look like,
right picture is what we are going to get
#gaming #gamers #starocean #jrpgs #rpgs #japan #SquareEnix
burn it with fire🔥🔥🔥

the left is Raymond Laurence

the right is also Raymond Laurence (just kidding its a chicken)
Read 5 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
A thread on where #videogames are going and why #crypto / #NFTs WILL dominate them in the coming years.
20 yrs ago nearly no one saw the transformation that gaming would undergo. The change to the free-to-play model

For many, 20 yrs ago was when you were born so you likely don't understand the change that has taken place

Or you're older & @Farmville /@CandyCrushSaga was your 1st
Free-to-play gaming today is the dominate giant in the room that is gaming.

At 80% of all gaming revenue, F2P has taken the lion's share from traditional AAA gaming. And it isn't going to give it back.

That's 240 billion dollars from 2025 projected revenue of 300 billion.
Read 20 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
Here's my latest for the Happy Warrior:

The Dark Age of YouTube. Youtuber Act Man Has Channel Nuked for Embarrassing YouTube and Defending Creators… @TheActMan_YT #JusticeForActMan #youtube @TheQuartering @YellowFlashGuy @BleedingFool @BoundingComics #nerd
I swan dive #JusticeForActMan story,
covering from April til now,

Interviewed @TheActMan_YT & researched,
Going through as much material as I could @nickgillespie @CathyYoung63 @emzanotti @ZubyMusic @libbyemmons @LibertarianBlue
YouTuber Act Man made a video about Quantum TV ne'er-do-well & copyright infringement troll that had among other things threatened his mom

& instead of acting,
YouTube nuked @TheActMan_YT channel instead
@Nerdrotics @neontaster @BlueBoxDave @stillgray
Read 52 tweets
May 17th 2022
From me @townhallcom ✍️

Mainstream Media Blames Violent Video Games for the Buffalo Shooting, Science Says Otherwise🕹️🥼… #videogames #gaming #gamers #buffalosupermarket @TheQuartering @GenePark @YellowFlashGuy @loftipixels @Grummz @xpatriciah @stillgray
I report on the how MS media on both sides of the political spectrum blamed games for the Buffalo Mass Shooting,

I talked w/ @CJFerguson1111 a psychologist & expert researcher on the topic of games & psychology to get to the truth of the matter
Hint: Its absolutely 100% baloney🥪
Read 8 tweets
May 4th 2022
Let's talk about toxic fandom for a minute, particularly the reaction against the new Monkey Island game's art style, and how negative fandom reaction is actually just a natural (yet irrational) sociological fear response to loss.
First, let me say that I am super jazzed to get another Monkey Island game from @grumpygamer himself and I will buy and enjoy whatever it is. I know it's going to be great. #videogames
Second, I don't get the crazy reaction to the 'new' art style. I can't see, objectively, what's wrong with it. Did people only want pixel art because that's the way the first two games (over two decades ago!) were made?
Read 18 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Want to be in the top 1%?

Find the blockchain projects 99% aren't looking at.

I've done 1000s of hours of research on some of the best projects and compiled them into educational threads for other citizens to research

Here are some of my deep dives🌊

--Thread of Threads-- Image
My focus is on long-term utility blockchain/ DLT projects⛓

Not short-term meme coins

These threads will cover:

• CBDC's
• IoT + IoV
• Innovation
• Supply chain
• Data protection
• Paperless trade finance
• Cheap payment infrastructure
• Interoperability of DLT ledgers Image
Read 18 tweets
Jan 25th 2022
How 1 brave esports host sacrificed her multi-million dollar network, career & the careers of her associates to complain about imaginary misogyny🔦

OH.....& how she mentioned G4 hosts don't play the games they have to review😬 #gaming #G4TV #gamers
Gaming world spiraled into outrage earlier this month when Indiana @Froskurinn Black, host of Comcasts new gaming network @G4TV lectured viewers on finding her less “bangable” than previous hosts

Lecture so shrill & destructive,
Must be seen to be believed👀
@FDRLST #frosk #rant
Outburst racked up millions of views across social media & gaming outlets covering the story

Old fans of G4, unaware the network had relaunched, were blasted w/ the decadent state of their old favs 😵‍💫
#gaming #g4tv #feminsim #gamers #business #economics #badadvice #tuesdayvibe
Read 19 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
It is a trend that is apparent throughout the #gameindustry, anyone now having the power to make the scheme by compiling the top tools that are required for a #videogames .… High payouts, welcome bonuses, and trusted security are some of the things you should look out for when playing online slots. Why play real money online slots?
Online casino sites are getting better and better, offering an ever-increasing range of games to choose from, some based on traditional casino games, and others offering something completely different.
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Sep 8th 2021
"The worlds of culture and gaming are largely separate."

I've never read anything more profoundly wrong. A (mini)thread.
This piece in @bopinion that came out today argues that games are not culture because they are a closed system that is more about "participating in an event than watching an event." (Umm.. @Twitch anyone?)
Games are not and have never been closed systems. They are, by definition, GAMING CULTURES.

Generally speaking, facets of culture include behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular group. The major elements being symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts.
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Sep 3rd 2021
🪅Too weird to not be believed😵‍💫

@Roblox the Massive Online Gaming Platform Rife W/ Scams & Abuse, & uses children as free labor 🎮😵… #roblox #RTC #gaming @SophNar0747 @Grummz @YellowFlashGuy @TheQuartering @RealClownfishTV @neontaster @InsideRoblox
Thanks go to People Make Games who first did the legwork on this story & it was their report that inspired me to cover this story

Great channel that is very informative & interesting

@chrisbratt @anni_sayers @Quinns108

#gaming #gamers #peoplemakegames
Roblox is Yuge,

Arguably most popular video game on earth,
40 million players login in daily to play 50 million different games (experiences)

The size of 7 Ubisoft's,
Next closet competitor is Nintendo
#gaming #gamer #gamedev #roblox #YouTube #twitch #streamer #robux #kids
Read 26 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
1/ $NTDOY's price has been getting pummeled recently...and I couldn't be happier!

I already thought $NTDOY was cheap prior to the recent decline, but now it's an absolute bargain.

This thread will cover my thesis $NTDOY's immense value potential.

#valuestocks #videogames
2/ $NTDOY is one of the most beloved companies by gamers, and also one of the most misunderstood by investors.

Recurring comments about the company for almost a decade are things like “highly cyclical”, “archaic management”, “missed the opportunity”, “unable to adapt”.
3/ The console market is notoriously cyclical, especially at the level of individual companies.

Nintendo is the poster child of this pattern, with an almost perfect track record of a super successful console launch followed by a relative commercial failure for the next model.
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Aug 7th 2021
Most of these creative businesses people daydream about are vanishing small, but none is so tiny as #TTRPGs. There are perhaps a hundred or so real, workaday-world jobs in the whole “industry”. And once you get past WotC, Paizo and Chaosium, that ground grows very sparse indeed.
People like to imagine some complex creative ecosystem of pros and non-pros, but in #TTRPGs, that line is blurred so much as to not exist. A nobody with no backing can win game of the year, and sell more than enough to make it all worthwhile all on their own.
I have worked professionally in #comics, #books, #videogames, and #cardgames and none of them approach the level of freedom and ease-of-liftoff of #TTRPGs. It is quite literally something you can just choose to try without a huge wind-up or buy-in from some tastemaker.
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Jul 9th 2021
I've asked you about the best ways you know to market your game. Here are your answers:
#indiedev #indiegame #indiegames #IndieGameDev #gamedev #gamedevs #GameDeveloper #gamedevelopment #videogame #videogames #gamers #gaming #indiegaming
Leading Answer: Build a community organically. You can do this by doing two things

First off, stay active and consistent in posting progress about your project. Gifs and Videos are best. Post even if you feel like you have nothing to show
Secondly, engage with other creators - help them when possible, be social, try to grow THEIR project. What goes around comes around
Read 14 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
Hoy tengo el placer (junto a otros desarrolladores de #videojuegos valencianos) de presentaros los #ValencianIndieBundle, unos estupendos packs de #Steam con #indiegames creados en la Comunidad Valenciana. ¡Os lo cuento todo en un HILO!

#indiedev #gamedev #videojuegosEspañoles
Hace unos días Steam anunció la posibilidad (todavía en beta) de crear “Packs colaborativos”, es decir lotes de juegos de diferentes desarrolladores que al comprarse en conjunto salen más baratos. Tenéis más info sobre el tema aquí:…
Como ya sabéis, a mi me gusta mucho probar este tipo de cosas. Hace tiempo ya había probado los packs de Steam con los juegos de @DevilishGames y os conté la experiencia aquí:
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Nov 18th 2020
For #indiedevhour I'm sharing some findings on everyone's least favorite topic: marketing. Specifically, on Imgur. Many devs ignore Imgur, as I did until seeing @DavidWehle's GDU content, but I’ve been testing it and I have some data that might convince you to give it a go!

Before I share numbers, understand that none of this is meant to sound like bragging! I don't enjoy marketing, I'm not good at it, I don't think I'm a guru or anything like that, it's just important and I've had a little bit of success recently that I believe is reproducible.

First, one big difference between Imgur/Twitter is people on Imgur don't really follow eachother. This is actually great, because every post starts on a level playing field, with just as much chance to make it to the top.

You don't need to build a following to be seen.

Read 18 tweets

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