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Jun 8th 2022
🧵#Thread | Reported closures of women-run restaurants in Herat

On 30 May 2022, @HashteSubhDaily reported that the Taliban closed women's restaurants in #Herat.

AW followed up with sources on the ground to find out more... (1/5)
▪️Sources in Herat say that the DPVPV has closed some 10 women-run restaurants in the province.

▪️They say the restaurants have been closed since the last week of May. (2/5)
▪️According to AW sources, authorities ordered managers to close the restaurants as they were not in compliance with Islamic rules and principles, but no further details were given on why the women-run restaurants are considered un-Islamic. (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2022
ICYMI: Intelligence shows "The relationship between the #Taliban & #alQaida remains close, w/the latter [alQaida] celebrating the former’s success & renewing its pledge of allegiance" per report from @UN Sanctions Monitoring Team released Friday
Intelligence from @UN members "suggest that #alQaida has a safe haven under the #Taliban & increased freedom of action" per report "[AQ leader] Ayman al-Zawahiri has issued more frequent recorded messages since August, & there is now proof of life for him as recently as Feb 2022"
#alQaida-#Taliban relationship "underscored by the presence, both in #Afghanistan & the region, of alQaida core leadership & affiliated groups, such as alQaida in the Indian Subcontinent (#AQIS)" per @UN report
Read 43 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
#Taliban #arrested Yar Mohammad Rahmati, the head of Kabul office for Tebyan Social and Cultural activities center and locked his center.
The #Iran-backed #Shia cultural center in #AFG held a rally in front of Iran’s embassy in Kabul on Wednesday, to show solidarity with Iran ... ImageImageImageImage
...following a violent protest of Afghans against Iran, before Iranian Consulate in #Herat.
The recent anti-Iran protests in AFG started after videos went viral of Afghan refugees being mistreated in Iran.
Some of the Tebyan center activities were labeled as #illegal by former...
...Republic Government of Afghanistan& the center's office in Kabul was also #attacked by the #ISKP in 2017, that resulted in the killing of over 40 AFG Shias, while many more were wounded.
Read reports here:………
Read 5 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
🛑🛑🛑With the support of @OrianeZerah, we have helped 40 war-affected families in #Sheberghan, #Mazar, #Herat, #Badakhshan, #Takhar, #Kunduz, #Sar-e-Pol, and #Jawzjan. (1/4)
Watch our distribution video of the mentioned provinces and get a glimpse of how your donations reach different parts of Afg to support destitute families in the most critical times. (2/4)
Our mission is to cover all provinces of Afghanistan and help as many individuals as possible. We can only achieve this with your contribution and help.
➡️➡️Keep contributing, sharing, and donating! (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
First photos of graduates from "Military Academy of #Kabul".
In #Afghanistan after pol leaders fled & soldiers surrendered, #Taliban have talked about an inclusive national #army curently being reorganised. But what hardware/capabilities will they have

They have
-Millions of rounds of ammo
-10s of thousands of guns, radios other hardware
-1000s of MRAPs & Humvees
-Dozens of aircraft
-100s of technicians/operators

@AJEnglish had exclusive access to what #Taliban says is the beginning of its own #AirForce
Military analysts say much of the estimated $88 BILLION firepower built by US in its 20-yr #Afghan war is either obsolete/inoperable. The coalition destroyed large amounts of hardware on its way out.

Now some being rebuilt from scrap and spares.
Such as #Mi24 #Mi35 attack helis ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
While one person was shot killed by unknown gunmen today morning in #Jalalabad, @bsarwary now reported about 12 hanged bodies in various parts of the city.
#Extrajudicial_killings in Jalalabad is a new normal but 12 hanged bodies in one day, if confirmed, will be a shocking news. Image
#ISKP claimed responsibility for today morning's target killing of an alleged #Taliban intelligence agent in #Jalalabad City:
"Caliphate soldiers targeted a member of the intelligence of the Taliban, in PD5 of Jalalabad City, with pistol shots, which led to his death." Image
#Target_killings in #Nangarhar Province continue. Shinwari Kara News reported about two new incidents in the province, as follow:
1. On Thursday evening, at 07:00 PM, unknown gunmen shot and killed a person in Farm-e Adda area of PD6 in #Jalalabad. No more details are available. Image
Read 9 tweets
Oct 24th 2021
#Nangarhar Governor Office:
Scores of Ahl-e-Hadith scholars pledged allegiance to #IEA in Nangarhar today.
"We are not in favor of revenge& violence. Anyone can live peacefully under the Islamic Emirate of #AFG using the #amnesty announced by the IEA," Nangarhar governor said.
This comes as extrajudicial killings continue in Nangarhar, mainly in Jalalabad City.
Last night a religious scholar teaching at a local Madrassa was shot killed in Qasaba area of Jalalabad.
Meanwhile, two young men were found dead today morning near the ring road in Jalalabad.
There are also UNCONFIRMED reports about #ISKP flags in Dehraud District of #Uruzgan (see the below tweet).
Note: No ISKP activity was reported in Uruzgan Province since the official announcement of the IS offshoot in Afghanistan, in January 2015.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
📡✈️ I wrote an article about how aircraft traffic situational awareness can be improved by capturing aircraft transponder signals, using open source-based software defined radio receivers

Let's consider the Islamic Emirate of #Afghanistan's airspace

cc @TGhazniwal2 @TGhazniwal
Here's what I wrote last time about #Iraq, and how to improve aircraft traffic situational awareness over Iraq, by capturing the transponder transmissions the aircraft are broadcasting. #ModeS #ADSB #ADSBexchange… Image
The largest cities in Afghanistan are #Kabul, #Herat, #Mazar_e_Sharif, #Kandahar, and #Jalalabad. If any cities in #Afghanistan were to have telecom infrastructure and internet access, it's those five cities. Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2021
Los centros sanitarios del país están sometidos a una gran presión por la falta de personal y equipos. Durante años, el sistema sanitario afgano ha dependido de la ayuda exterior. Si esta se detiene, podría entrar en un colapso total #Afganitán…
#MSF continúa con sus actividades médicas en sus cinco proyectos en #Afganistán: Herat, Kandahar, Khost, Kunduz y Lashkar Gah. Tras el fin de los combates, la población se puede mover con más facilidad y ha habido un aumento de pacientes, especialmente en Herat y Lashkar Gah.
#Khost: Mercados, sistemas de transporte locales y muchas clínicas privadas no funcionan plenamente.
Algunas pacientes han dado a luz en casa durante la última semana porque no estaban seguras de que los centros de salud estuvieran abiertos.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
#3settembre #Afghanistan Oggi, dopo le tradizionali preghiere settimanali, potrebbe essere annunciato nuovo governo e presentato al mondo il misterioso leader Hibatullah Akhundzada. Ieri revisionando bozze ho trovato questo brano dal mio “Missione Incompiuta” 2015👇profetico 1/20
Dall’imbocco della valle del Panshir continuano ad arrivare notizie contrastanti: i talebani (anche via ToloTv) fanno sapere di una loro avanzata, la resistenza parla di una vittoria schiacciante. Tendo a credere alla seconda considerando l’orografia della zona.Più difficile 2/20
verificare se davvero l’NRF - come sostiene - abbia preso Taqar (sarebbe strategica per uscire dall’isolamento del Panshir aprendo linee di rifornimento come fece Massoud) e sacche in Badakhshan, Kapisa, Baghlan 3/20
Read 20 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
Nelle ultime 48h un imponderabile caso ha fatto sì che dedicassi tutto il mio tempo ad aiutare calciatrici di #Herat, cicliste e tanti esseri umani fino al loro arrivo a #KabulAiport. Più di 70 persone sono state poi portate al sicuro dai nostri militari attraverso #AbbeyGate.
Non credo riuscirò mai descrivere queste ore che sono state fra le più incredibili della mia vita, in contatto costante con donne e uomini afghani in fuga, disperati, e con i nostri militari a #Kabul. Poi, 4h dopo l'ultimo ingresso, l'attentato. Esattamente lì.
La tragedia, la felicità. La gioia, la disperazione. I sommersi e i salvati. Non mi era mai capitato di esserci dentro così, dove un punto giusto trovato su google maps o no, un messaggio letto o no, un telefonino acceso o no, una scelta fatta o no, fa la differenza più estrema.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
The #Taliban higher education commission had a meeting with the administration of #Herat university and put forward their conditions. They initially demanded that women can only be taught by other female teachers. Upon protests by the admin, stating the lack of female [1/3]
the commission replied that it was the fault of the university for not having produced enough female lecturers through the years. The #Taliban did not struggle for 20 years for a non-Islamic set up for education to be in place [2/3]
The commission eventually conceded to letting old and pious lecturers teach the female staff. The admin also complained that they did not have enough rooms to segregate both genders. The commission has asked the admin to submit a proposal for consideration. [3/3]
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Aug 20th 2021
1. questa settimana il presidente #Draghi ha detto al #TG1 che i nostri soldati uccisi in #Afghanistan sono eroi. Non voglio offendere la loro memoria. Ma c'è un limite alla propaganda
2. di quello che hanno fatto i nostri soldati in #Afghanistan,noi sappiamo poco. L'informazione fattuale e verificabile in modo indipendente è estremamente scarsa. Dobbiamo ammettere che conosciamo solo la punta dell'iceberg
3. per esempio,sappiamo che, secondo la diplomazia USA, l'Italia era sospettata di pagare mazzette ai Talebani e signori della guerra per scongiurare il rischio di attacchi alle nostre truppe
Read 9 tweets
Aug 17th 2021
So, realtalk:

Was sagen Gerichte zu #Nehammer's tagelanger Realitätsverweigerung? #BVwG

Von substanzloser PR-Politik, Freiheitsentzug und strafrechtliche Verantwortung für ein Spiel, das wir alle bezahlen. #Schubhaft #Alpensalvini
1 Thread #Afghanistan #Abschiebestopp 1/12
#Nehammer Realitätsverweigerung nun gerichtlich bestätigt:

#Bundesverwaltungsgericht hat bereits am 09.08.2021 Schubhaftbeschwerde stattgegeben und festgestellt, dass Schubhaft seit 04.08.2021 (!!!) #rechtswidrig war.

Grund: #Abschiebungen nach 🇦🇫 nicht mehr realisierbar! 2/12 ImageImage
Nun wird #Innenministerium wieder schreien: Einzelfall!
Ist es aber nicht: In mindestens 3 Fällen wurde bereits gleichlautend entschieden.
Fest steht: #BMI und #Nehammer wussten seit 09.08.Bescheid und hätten Freiheitsentzug auch bei anderen Afghanen sofort beenden müssen. 3/12
Read 13 tweets
Aug 17th 2021
Nuovo thread con l’aggiornamento della situazione in #Afghanistan oggi 17 agosto. Vi anticipo che mi attendo che gli aggiornamenti saranno meno rispetto ai giorni scorsi.
Si inizia subito con questo: una prima assoluta nella storia dellmAfghanistan. Il portavoce dei #Talebani che risponde alle domande di una giornalista donna di @TOLOnews.
I #Talebani hanno dichiarato l’amnistia generale per tutti i funzionari statali. (Furbi: senza di loro non possono governare, la burocrazia serve sempre).
Read 119 tweets
Aug 15th 2021
#Afghanistan 🇦🇫: thread sulla situazione a #Kabul sulla base delle fonti attendibili sul campo.
Si sono sentiti colpi di arma da fuoco nelle strade della capitale afghana #Kabul questa mattina.
Il Ministero degli Interni afghano ha subito dopo confermato che i #Talebani stanno penetrando nella capitale da più parti.
Read 195 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
Mich fesselt die Entwicklung in #Afghanistan seit Tagen. Vormarsch der #Taliban wird so unglaublich vielen Menschen das Leben kosten.

Gleichzeitig die #Realitätsverweigerung von #Nehammer.

Und den letzten Nerv kostet mich Berichterstattung.

Für letztere hab ich Tipps. 1/13
Warum diese Schlagzeile? Ich versteh es nicht.
Eine Abschiebung nach AFG derzeit wäre nicht problematisch, sondern SCHWERE MENSCHENRECHTSVERLETZUNG. Außerdem ist es faktisch UNMÖGLICH.

3 Experten genannt, zwei sagen Abschiebungen rechtlich unmöglich, einer "problematisch". 2/13
Laut Medienberichte "hält BMI an Abschiebungen fest".
Innenministerium hat einen grandiosen internationalen Bauchfleck hingelegt. Der Brief, Ihr erinnert Euch?
Wer hat Brief initiiert? zwinkerzwonker
Warum sind GER, NED und DEN (!!!) binnen 2, 3 Tagen ausgestiegen? 3/13
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Aug 14th 2021
(A thread)

So as of a short while ago, the #Taliban control 24 of 32 regional capital cities and were around 15km south of #Kabul. The #US has begun evacuation of the Embassy in Kabul, moving personnel to Kabul International Airport which...
(1/8) a few miles north of the Embassy.

3,600 US and #UK troops are supposedly deployed to evacuate the remaining American and British citizens along with hundreds of Afghan interpreters who face death at the hands of the #TalibanTerrorists.

US Air Force & RAF flights...
... have been seen on @flightradar24 and @ADSBexchange heading into the region non-stop at a significant rate in the last 48hrs. A mixture of C-5M, C-17A, C-130T, C-130J, KC-135R and KC-10As from the USAF, with A400M and A330-MRTT from the RAF.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
The #Taliban claimed to have taken Lashkar Gar, Helmand's capital, earlier this morning, and that's either true or soon will be; now this. Two provincial capitals down already today, 15 overall. #Afghanistan
#Taliban are in Pul-i-Alam, the capital of Logar province; it is either overrun or very nearly. Third provincial capital to fall today, 16th in total.
It was expected that Tarinkot, the capital of the Uruzgan province, would fall today and the governor now says he was asked by tribal leaders not to fight the Taliban so as not to destroy the city. If and when that will be the 4th today and 17th overall.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
Voy a intentar hacer un hilo de uno de los días más complicados que recuerdo en #Afganistan

1-La guerra llama a las puertas de Kabul tras una jornada que ha arrancado con la caída de Ghazni y culmina con la entrada de los talibanes en Herat y Kandahar
Foto @AFP
@AFP 2- El avance imparable de los talibanes, que se ha hecho con 11 capitales de provincia en una semana, ante un Ejército que apenas opone resistencia convierte a #Kabul en refugio improvisado para decenas de miles de civiles que escapan de los combates.
Foto @TOLOnews
@AFP @TOLOnews 3- Ghazni supone toda una amenaza por su cercanía a Kabul y porque permite a la insurgencia cortar la ruta principal entre la capital y Kandahar, pero el gran golpe moral de la jornada son Herat y Kandahar
Mapa @AJEnglish
Read 10 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
#Taliban have captured 10 provincial capitals:

1. Zaranj (Nimruz province), 6 Aug
2. Sheberghan (Jawzjan), 7 Aug
3-5. Sar-i-Pul, Kunduz, and Taluqan (Takhar), 8 Aug
6. Aybak (Samangan), 9 Aug
7-9. Pul-i-Khumri (Baghlan), Farah, Faizabad (Badakhshan), 10 Aug
10. Ghazni, 12 Aug
Fairly visible on this map [] the main holdouts are the Hazarajat, some areas surrounding Kabul, and parts of Balkh province around Mazar-i-Sharif.

Herat in the west, and Kandahar and Lashkar Gah (Helmand) in the south, do not seem likely to hold for long. Image
One provincial capital has fallen in #Afghanistan already today; unwise to bet against a second going down and maybe three. By the end of the week and surely by the end of next, half or more of the 34 provincial capitals will be gone, de facto the whole north, west, and south.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 9th 2021
Catastrophic 72hrs for #Afghanistan, as the #Taliban capture 5 provincial capitals -- taking military bases, airports, emptying prisons etc.

The U.S. (then NATO) withdrawal is clearly an utter disaster, but that ship has sailed -- muted response from #Washington says everything.
#Taliban control in #Afghanistan:

Mid-April: 77 districts:
Early-August: 229 districts

Nearly 50% of provincial capitals are now under #Taliban threat.

(via @LongWarJournal) ImageImage
@LongWarJournal NEW -- Early reports emerging that the #Taliban may have just captured its 6th provincial capital in 4 days: #Aybak, in #Samangan.
Read 58 tweets
May 11th 2021
International Affairs /1-1
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
Myanmar's Generals
Run A Nearly Sanction-Proof
Long Before Seizing Control
Of The Streets
by @oanhha @jwf825
& Khine Lin Kyaw
MAY 11, 2021
International Affairs /1-2
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- Area : 676.5K km²
- Population : 53.6 M
- Capital : #Naypyidaw
largest city : #Yangon
- #Bamar 68%
- #Shan 9%
- #Buddhism 88%
- #Christianity 6.2%
- #Islam 4.3%
#Burmese Image
International Affairs /1-3
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- GDP (PPP) : US$355 B
Per capita : US$6.7 K
- #InformalEconomy :
one of the biggest in the world
- Rich in precious stones :
#Rubies 90% of world's
#Sapphires #Pearls #Jade
- #Tourism
- #Agriculture Image
Read 50 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
There is little doubt that sometimes the best way to make sense of the transmission of texts, debates and commentaries is to dive deeply into codices of collected texts (majmūʿa-s) #manuscripts #Islamic #intellectual_history 1/
One good example is the majmūʿa MS Majlis-e Shūrā (Tehran) 5284 which includes ten texts mostly copied by Sulṭān Muḥammad b. ʿAlī Shāh Iṣfahānī in 962/1555 in Bharuch in West India 2/
The collection begins with some works of Jalāl al-Dīn Davānī (d. 1502) - usually called Muḥammad b. Asʿad al-Ṣiddīqī in the incipits - reflecting on Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (d. 1274) works on the #intellect and #nafs_al_amr and on the logical notion of #conception_taṣawwur 3/
Read 11 tweets

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