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1. This is would be a violation of Geneva-III and @jensstoltenberg must act to refer #Orban to the #Hague if any part of this is true. Image
2. Such a transfer puts Orban in a role that can result in his being charged for Geneva-III violations: Image
3. Image
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#GuerreEnUkraine D+478 (16/06) PdS2 - Secteurs #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Arrière-scène

1/ Front du #Louhansk, le rien et le néant
2/ Front du #Donetsk, peu et pas grand-chose
3/Arrière-scène, corrompus et bonus

Ka-52🇷🇺 frappe Bradley👇

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXXVII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine 👇


1/Front du #Louhansk👇, aucun gain tactique 🇷🇺

(i) Dans la direction #Kupyansk, R.A.S.

(ii) Dans la direction #Svatove, assaut 🇷🇺 repoussé vers #Stelmakhivka

R.A.S. = pas d’offensive, mais des échanges d’artillerie, reco, opés spéciales (bref, une guerre de positions) ImageImage
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@iltalehti_fi "-länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”:
#Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna…
@iltalehti_fi #Kusetus
cc: @ odefinn
Johan oli.. meidän onnemme että #Venäjä näkee läpi tuon Suomen valtiovallan kansan kusettamisen, ilman sitä olisimme todella #kusessa.
@iltalehti_fi @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna
- "länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”: ImageImageImageImage
Read 33 tweets
Quando ho cominciato a scrivere un libro sulla fine della democrazia in #Polonia e #Ungheria, lo scorso autunno, mettendo insieme le interviste, i reportage, le letture e le esperienze degli ultimi otto anni, l'ho fatto per timore che l'Italia di #Meloni e #Salvini potesse

fare la stessa fine. Per mesi, però, ho sperato che tutte le analogie e i legami, palesi e nascosti, rintracciati tra #Orbàn, #Kaczynski e #Meloni non significassero per l'#Italia una condanna automatica all'involuzione verso un'autocrazia o una tirannide. Ma il governo

sta attuando passo passo il disegno eversivo messo in atto dall'Ungheria nel 2010 e dalla Polonia nel 2015. È un piano che punta a scardinare l'ordine repubblicano annientando il principio di Montesquieu della tripartizione dei poteri che regola ogni democrazia moderna. Ma

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It is not new to say that Europe has lost its independence and blindly follows the #US. What is new is the European core institution falling apart, telling #Hungary and PM #Orbán: either you submit or your country doesn't lead the EU Parliament. The new principle of democracy. Image
The resolution, supported by the EUP centre-right, Socialist, Democrats, liberal Renew Europe, Greens & Left groups, is not legally binding. Hungarian gov is due to hold the 6-month presidency of the Council of Ministers from July 2024, less than a month after the next European……
It is not a question to agree or disagree with #Hungary's political choices. It is the principle of democracy to sit and listen to your political opponent and accept his presence and leadership even if you don't agree on all objectives. Europe is turning autocratic. Shame.
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Der ehem. Präsident des Verfassungsschutz und @CDU-Mitglied #Maassen hat ein Interview gegeben.

- Bevölkerungsaustausch
- geheime Netzwerke bestimmen die Politik
- USA kontrollieren die EU
- USA bestimmen über die politische Führung in Deutschland
- US-Stellvertreterkrieg Bild von Maassen bei der CP...
#Maassen war auf der #CPAC in Ungarn.
DEM Netzwerktreffen von Rechten, Rechtsextremen, Faschisten und Christofaschisten.

Im Anschluss hat er der #BudapersterZeitung ein Interview gegeben, welches tief blicken lässt.
Natürlich spricht Herr #Maassen über die bösen "Linken", über das ganz böse "wokeness" und, dass die @CDU/@CSU schon lange nicht mehr konservativ ist. Auch nicht unter @_FriedrichMerz.

Hier versucht er eine Verschiebung der Standpunkte.
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In 2 days, #Eurovision2023 week begins in Liverpool with delegations arriving on the #TurquoiseCarpet

Surely the most important thing happening in🇬🇧this weekend😉

I'll be there covering. Here's the mother of all threads on the most important things to know for this year. 🧵1/23 Image
The context: Despite what many think (Europeans' cultural cringe and all), #Eurovision is a big deal.

It's the most-watched annual live event in the world, with an average 200m viewers each year. That's more than the 🇺🇸Superbowl, Oscars & Grammys combined…
Each year 40,000 visitors descend on the #Eurovision host city.

🇬🇧Liverpool is hosting this year. They've built a fan zone holding 15,000 people. There will be 9 shows over the week (televised: 2 semis & 1 final).

The 54,000 tickets sold out in an hour.…
Read 23 tweets
#Russland/s "Trojanisches Pferd" in der EU? #Ungarn spielt seit Beginn der russ. Invasion der #Ukraine eine zwielichtige Rolle: #Orban blockiert immer wieder Sanktionen gegen Russland und verweigert der Ukraine die Unterstützung. Heute tagt d. Fidesz Partei unter dem Motto:/1 Image
"Frieden und Sicherheit" - im Hintergrund ist allerdings die Karte des historischen "Großungarn" zu sehen. Darin Territorium die heute zu Kroatien, der Slowakei, der Ukraine, Serbien und Österreich gehören. Was Orban und Putin gemeinsam haben ist die vermeintliche "Opferrolle"/2
einer "ungerechten Friedensordnung". Ungarns Imperium, in dem zahlreiche nationale Minderheiten lebten, wurde im "Vertrag von Trianon" nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg aufgelöst. Bereits der "Reichverweser" Miklós Horthy (1868-1957) versuchte "Großungarn" im Bündnis mit Hitler wieder/3
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Les législateurs hongrois ont adopté un projet de loi qui permet aux citoyens de signaler aux autorités, de façon anonyme, "les couples qui contestent le rôle constitutionnellement reconnu du mariage et de la famille et ceux qui contestent les droits des enfants à
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une identité appropriée à leur sexe à la naissance"

En clair, les couples homosexuels qui élèvent des enfants pourront être dénoncés aux autorités, le gouvernement de Viktor #Orbán a déjà restreint les droits de la communauté #LGBTQ du pays et, par exemple,
interdit l'adoption pour les couples de même sexe. C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles la #Hongrie a été coupée du financement de l'Union européenne.

En 2022, la Commission européenne a intenté une action en justice devant la Cour européenne de justice contre la Hongrie
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🚨La #Pologne prépare une intervention directe dans la guerre en #Ukraine

Très intéressant article de Martin Nowak et Johannes Stern

La visite du président ukrainien Volodymyr #Zelensky à Varsovie la semaine dernière a surtout mis en évidence une chose : la guerre de l'… Image
Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commandant en chef des forces armées ukrainiennes, devant le visage de Bandera, citant les propos de ce dernier : "La victoire complète et finale du nationalisme ukrainien ne sera atteinte que lorsque l'empire russe n'existera plus".

Après un tollé en……
Viktor #Orbán a averti que les puissances européennes étaient sur le point d'entamer des discussions sur le déploiement de "forces de maintien de la paix".

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, chef du parti PiS au pouvoir, avait déjà appelé il y a un an à une "mission de maintien de la paix……
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Does Sending “Peacekeepers” to #Ukraine Guarantee World War III?
#Orbán warns of secret #EU plan: peacekeepers for the front in Ukraine?…
#Peacekeepers, peacekeepers from the EU nations, are to be sent to the front lines. If that happens, World War III will draw closer,” warns Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in a recent interview.
2- According to Viktor Orbán (59), the plan for sending tens of thousands of peacekeepers to the east of #Ukraine, which has already been discussed among the heads of state of the #EU nations, sounds sensible on the surface:
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🧵1/ The upcoming 18 March Ohrid meeting between #Serbia’s 🇷🇸 President Aleksandar #Vučić and #Kosovo 🇽🇰 Prime Minister Albin #Kurti is already a bust. Odds that anything of substance will be signed are the same as the odds that Donald #Trump will stop coloring his hair. Image
2/ This is part of a game of chicken between Vučić and Kurti. Vučić swerved first on 27 February in #Brussels, where it became apparent that Kurti was willing to keep his foot on the gas pedal longer. The faces at the meeting speak eloquently of winners and losers.
3/ Vučić had bet that Kurti wouldn’t sign on to the Franco-German plan. This gave Vučić the room to pretend to go along with #EU/#US policy goals, simply by taking one step further than Kurti, but without doing anything of significant substance.
Read 25 tweets
Possible #Russian Breakthrough North of #Bakhmut | Avdiivka Front Update | -2h,1 2/03/2023
#Russian Soldiers Pushed Into #Bakhmut City, Destroyed New #Nazi #Monuments | March 11, 2023… Image
Blind To #HumanitarianCrises, #Israel Strikes #Syria And #Lebanon | Mar 10
- On Mar 5 Israeli soldiers breached the #BlueLine, which was set by the #UnitedNations for the #withdrawal of the #Israeli forces from Lebanon in 2000.
Vid… Image
Read 10 tweets
Es ist nach langer Zeit mal wieder nötig einen Blick auf Putins Aussenpolitik zu werfen.
Erstmal meine Übersicht von Anfang August 2022.
Es hat sich seitdem allerhand getan.
Immer wieder aufflackernde Proteste. Hauptsächlich ältere Personen und aus dem ganzen Land, inklusive #Transnistrien zusammen gekarrte Personen. Hier wird intensiv versucht mehr darzustellen als es ist. Die Lage zwischen Moldawien 2/x…
Und Transnistrien ist weiterhin stabil. Zu beachten ist, dass die Pro-russischen Proteste eine stabile Basis haben. Wichtig ist hier die wirtschaftliche Situation zu stärken, damit es in Moldawien nicht zugunsten von Russland kippt.
Insgesamt ist es etwas unruhig aber stabil 3/x
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If the #EU & it’s member states really wanted to do something about #Orban’s #Hungary, they would.

- The mess over ratifying #Sweden & #Finland’s NATO membership is only the latest incident & 🇭🇺‘a continuing presence is a stain on 🇪🇺reputation & effectiveness.
🇭🇺should go. 🧵/1 Image
In case anyone doubts the game playing over 🇫🇮& 🇸🇪’s #NATO membership the country’s foreign minister Peter Szijjarto made it clear earlier this week
- Fidesz now says it will support accession but it has been a farce & again cast doubt on 🇪🇺competence /2
Thankfully, Commission VP @VeraJourova (already among the tougher voices on Orban in Brussels) seems to have had enough
A lesson we should have learned from recent years is that we can’t treat illiberal actors in a liberal way.
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Yday, 650km to the east from #MSC23 in Budapest’s fancy Várkert Bazár 🇭🇺 PM #Orbán delivered his grandiose state of the nation speech

Quick #Thread 🧵 on what caught my attention as I am reading it - buckle your seats 🎡🔍
Already the greetings: 2 ex-Presidents (the current one was at the MSC) w/ their wifes, Mr. Speaker & “leaders of Hungarian communities from beyond our borders”

State of the country speech also aimed at ethnic HU minorities around 🇭🇺? (even if many dual citizenships)

The initial 3-4 pages (!) of the speech -> PM Orban lamenting how external disruptions derailed his beautiful recovery plan for a new HU economy (covid, war, sanctions, inflation)
@dgapev @VisegradInsight

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🇭🇺⚡️Hungarian Prime Minister Orban accused the European Union of prolonging Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.
#ukrainewar #hungary #orban #ukraine #russia #nato #usa #europe #europeanunion #maidan
In his State of the Union address on Saturday, he said the EU fanned the flames of war by imposing sanctions on Russia and giving Ukraine money and weapons instead of seeking peace talks with Moscow.
"When Russia launched the attack, the West did not isolate the conflict, but raised it to a pan-European level. The war in Ukraine is not a conflict between the armies of good and evil, but between two Slavic peoples fighting each other. This is their war, not ours" .
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Today was the 24th time Viktor #Orbán gave his traditional „state of the nation” speech. From the Ukrainian war to inflation and gender, here is a quick recap of what the #Hungarian PM had to say. 👇 Image
2/6 Orbán is convinced the war between Russia and Ukraine could last for years, and everyone in the NATO and the EU, except Hungarians, is on the side of war.
3/6 The only “morally right thing to do” is to stay out of the war. The war in Ukraine showed that Russia would not stand a chance against NATO, and it is therefore wrong to think that Russia poses a threat to Hungary's security, Orbán added.
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🔴 Il est devenu très difficile de connaître la vérité ou même de s'en approcher. Regardez les différences d'interprétation des événements, combien la vérité sur la guerre #RussianUkrainianWar est différente si vous écoutez Olaf #Scholz ou Viktor #Orban. C'est pourquoi la 🔽
propagande (les médias) devient une arme redoutable.

Les patrons de l'Union européenne ont l'impression de perdre la partie et que peu importe le nombre de mesures qu'ils prennent, les gens commencent à comprendre qu'on leur ment, qu'on les manipule, qu'on les traite 🔽
avec un mépris infini.

L'arrogance suprême des soi-disant élites, soutenues à coup de milliards est devenue insupportable. Jamais, au cours des quelque 80 dernières années, les Européens de l’Ouest n'ont connu une telle attaque contre les fondements de la démocratie. 🔽
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Siamo un paese di grande cultura simbolica: si discute per settimane di eventi-simbolo, per esempio se #Zelensky parla o non parla a #Sanremo. Poi però c’è la realtà in cui l’Italia oggi sembra in seconda fila fra gli alleati dell’#Ucraina. Quali sono i fatti? Breve thread -1
I dati del Kiel Institute for the World Economy in questo aiutano. Per cominciare, l’Italia è *ventitreesima* in Europa per il totale degli aiuti all’#Ucraina in proporzione al PIL. In questo siamo dietro l’#Ungheria di #Orban, il governo più filo-russo d’Europa 2-
In termini di aiuti militari, in valore assoluto delle forniture, US ne hanno forniti per 23 mld, UK per 4,1 mld, GER per 2,3, Polonia per 1,8, la Germania ne ha forniti per 2,3. L’Italia è 12esima fra gli alleati (dietro Francia e Estonia, poco sopra Lettonia) con 300 milioni 3-
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Oh Gott, die Rede von Marie-Agnes #StrackZimmermann (#FDP) in #Aachen hat nicht nur mit Friedrich #Merz abgerechnet, sondern auch mit Markus #Söder, Viktor #Orban und #Erdogan. @MAStrackZi ist einfach Queen. /MS…
Konserven-Twitter dreht natürlich wieder gut frei. #StrackZimmermann kontert mehr als souverän - Hendrik #Wüst (#CDU) ist im Gegensatz zu #Merz anscheinend kritikfähig und lacht mit. /MS
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Chi invia tank all'Ucraina partecipa direttamente alla guerra con la Russia. E' la posizione del primo ministro ungherese, @PM_ViktorOrban. Il premier ha anticipato che porrà il veto a sanzioni dell'#UE contro il settore del nucleare russo e ha precisato…
che l'invio di tank, da parte dei #PaesiOccidentali, implica la loro "partecipazione diretta" alla guerra. #Kiev sta esercitando pressioni sugli alleati per l'introduzione di sanzioni contro #Rosatom, l'agenzia per l'energia nucleare russa coinvolta nello sforzo di riarmo russo.
#Orban ha anche indicato la guerra come la ragione dell'aumento dell'inflazione. "Per noi l'Ungheria viene prima di tutto, per questo non siamo in guerra con nessuno. E' interesse del Paese è rimanere fuori dalla guerra. Non bisogna internazionalizzarla. Il nostro governo sta
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"Whoever controls the media, controls the mindset of that country and through that, the country itself."

Words from the political director of PM Viktor #Orbán in #Hungary where Fidesz has pursued the most advanced model of media capture ever developed within the EU.
Further reading: Mission Report from @globalfreemedia on Media Freedom in Hungary Ahead of 2022 Election.…
A @RFERL investigation on how Hungary's State News Agency whitewashes the news.…
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#Putin received a message from #Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor #Orban. Orban asked Putin not to go too far. This is his response to Putin's demands to step up opposition to "anti-#Russian" decisions in all structures of the #EU.
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#Orban said that he was doing everything possible and impossible, but there was a limit to everything. The Prime Minister of #Hungary assured that he remained a devoted friend of the President of #Russia and would defend the interests of the Russian leadership in the #EU.
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However, within reasonable boundaries. #Orban asked not to threaten him anymore with the disclosure of info that the #Kremlin has about his (Orban's) corrupt ties with representatives of organized criminal communities that are affiliated with the #Russian special services.
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