#Síria #USLedCoalition #USWarCrimes #WarCrimes #USCrimesAgainstHumanity
#USTerrorism #Terror
This is a conformation
A high scale attack is going against Syria
The hostile jets are launching their munitions from over east #Syria
Over #SDF controlled areas.
🇮🇱Air Force carried-out an airstrike against a rocket manufacturing workshop at Sheikh Najar industrial zone, near the #Aleppo International Airport. It's reported that #IRGC was producing Fajr-5C precision guided rockets for🇸🇾 Army there
This is the latest video showing aftermath of the #Israel airstrike at the weapon workshop in Sheikh Najar industrial zone located in Northeast of the #Aleppo International Airport. The rockets in can be heard exploding due to fire!
It's known that 🇮🇱Air Force has used both F-16D/Is and F-15Is in this airstrike & the F-16Is have used anti-radiation Delilah missiles to neutralize the SAM systems of #Syria Arab Air Defense Force in #Aleppo Intl Airport prior attacking the weapon workshops!

Aftermath of🇮🇱AirForce airstrike at an rocket ManufacturingWorkshop of #IRGC at SheikhNajarIndustrialZone in NE #Aleppo InternationalAirport. The SAM systems of🇸🇾AirDefenseForce at the airport were targeted & kept busy during the strike!
Nice to see exactly the scenarios & missions practiced during military exercises are being executed accurately & effectively by🇮🇱AirForce against #IRGC targets in🇸🇾.A week ago,I observed #IAF exercise & simulation of tonight's operation:
Almost a month ago,🇮🇱PM #Netanyahu received the green light of #Russia president #Putin for the airstrike against #IRGC targets in #Aleppo,🇸🇾tonight. But it could have been done only after the exercise which I participated as an observer:
#IRGC had hoped that the relocation of its workshops & assets from S.🇸🇾to #Aleppo & its neighborhood can protect them from danger of🇮🇱airstrikes But it can't at all!#IRGC's rocket workshop in Sheikh Najjar & weapon depot at the Aleppo airport after the airstrike

It’s all about a ‘Greater Israel’.
It looks like Israel has designs to be the dominant power in the region.
Much like Germany did in 1930s.

Israel = Rothschild
Israel = Genie Energy
Congress = Genie Energy
CFR = Congress
CFR = Genie Energy
Oil & Gas = Golan Heights
Pipeline projects = Syria
Greater Israel Project = Syria
= Violations on international law.

The American flag should be banned since it stands for several times more death, genocide and destruction than both the flag of ISIS and the flag of Nazi Germany combined.
Six hours ago #Aleppo was protesting Trump's #GolanHeights signing.
Now #Israel is bombing Aleppo.
Breaking: #Israel strikes targets in northern Syrian city of #Aleppo, Syrian air defense intercepting

This is one of my boyfriend's videos. We give it to people unfamiliar with the truth about Syria - "Balkanization of Syria":
#Assad #US #NATO
By @PressTV
France, Belgium planning false flag #Syria chemical attack: Russia ptv.io/2iTQ

🇺🇸officials say many troops will remain in🇸🇾in reversal of total pullout

Set 17, 2018
#Exclusive: leaked footage reveals #WhiteHelmets preparations for #chemicalattack false flag in #Idlib
Set 17, 2018
📹 Released by #Syrian Electronic Army footage reveals #WhiteHelmets members prepare for the staging of the #chemicalattack false flag
📷#TFSA militants detained a car loaded with arms that allegedly intended for #SDF in #Aleppo's #Jarabulus

The satellite image describes former #ISIS-held area in #DeirEzzor' #Baghuz Fawqani town after the #US-led coalition bombings
via Airbus Defence and Space
intelligence-airbusds.com/en/5751-image-… …

Terrorists are defeated and life is back in #Syria!
Kids with #DownSyndrome walk runway at #Damascus fashion show.
THE VETO: Film exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the western media propaganda war against Syria
As Dr Shaaban said to me in Aug2016,“WesternPropaganda is paid for in🇸🇾blood”.This is true.The horrifying bloodshed & loss of life in🇸🇾could never have happened without the ColonialMedia ManufacturingConsent for another IllegalWar against🇸🇾
Any resolution of #Syria conflict must guarantee its territorial integrity: UN ptv.io/2iVJ

SYRIA: Suspected Al Qaeda chemical attack in Northern Hama and Al Skeilbiyyeh bells ring in defiance 21stcenturywire.com/2019/03/31/syr…
Ladies & Gentlemen:We've caught #CNN this time, red-handed, manufacturing #FakeNews in🇸🇾100% staged propaganda. Special thanks to @VanessaBeeley for this awesome documentary premiering this week. Also exposes #WhiteHelmet fakery too. Brilliant:
#Síria #USLedCoalition #USWarCrimes #WarCrimes #USCrimesAgainstHumanity
#USTerrorism #Terror