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"The future of #ChemicalEngineering"

I asked @slidesgpt to create a slide deck on the topic with #AI.

Some might say "pretty generic" again but let me tell you:
At every conference, there are presentations looking at least partially like this.

Let's go through it.

For a start, it is good that @slidegpt warns you that you should have a critical look at the content.

If you want to talk about the future, start with the past. Okay.

It also gives you a comment so that you can just make a karaoke session out of it:

"[...] Understanding this history is important for understanding the current state of the field and predicting its future."

Read 15 tweets
🧵You can own the Future of Tomorrow Today.

I have heard many people try to call this crash in biotech the end of the #Biotechnology sector. A sector that has been around for decades. One of the most necessary sectors in the entire market.
1/ Here I am going to lay out for you the opposite case. I have been investing in tech and biotech for 27 years. I have seen so much technology that excites me about the future, and I see it today.
2/ The biggest question I always get in biotech investing is when will we run out of things to discover or great new technologies to invent. I my response is we will never run out until we cure every disease.
Read 19 tweets
Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
Vevo Therapeutics has officially launched out of stealth today with an oversubscribed and upsized $12M seed financing. We are so excited to reveal what we have been building behind the scenes! 🧵1/6
We're building the world’s largest in vivo, single-cell atlas of how drugs interact with patient cells. Combining this atlas with next-gen #AI, we aim to capture in vivo context of disease at the first step of discovery & better represent #PatientDiversity in drug response 2/6
What does this mean for patients? Better targets that would otherwise be missed, and drugs that are more likely to treat more patients. 3/6
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#Genomics is a rapidly growing field of #science that has revolutionized the way we understand #biology.
It has #applications in diverse fields. From #healthcare and #biotechnology to #climatechange, genomics is leading to some of the most exciting and world-changing discoveries in science and #medicine like:
1. Predicting Disease Risk:📊

Genomics can detect diseases long before symptoms present themselves. Early #diagnosis of a disease can significantly increase the chances of successful treatments like #cancer, #diabetes, #autism, etc.
Read 8 tweets
El Laboratorio de Genómica Funcional del CIIDIR Unidad Sinaloa, apoya a la industria y academia con asesoría y equipo especializado para proyectos que requieren genotipado, secuenciación masiva y bioinformática.
#2022BNTT #IPN #RedBio #Biotechnology #maizegenetics Image
Se puede evaluar la diversidad genómica, acelerar programas de mejoramiento genético, optimizar esquemas de cruzas y generar huellas genéticas para registro y protección de variedades. Image
Vista general de GenFunLab:…
Read 6 tweets
The US Govt just announced and EO for advancing #biotechnology and #biomanufacturing for a #Sustainable , safe and secure #bioeconomy.
There are 11 areas they will be looking to fund and develop within this niche.
Read the full article here -…
Here is a quick summary:
1) Coordinate investment in key R&D areas to further societal goals
2)Foster a biological data ecosystem, while adhering to principles of security, privacy, and responsible conduct of research
3) Expand domestic #biomanufacturing production capacity and processes, including #piloting and #prototyping efforts to accelerate the translation of basic research results into practice
4) Boost #sustainable #biomass production
Read 7 tweets
62/bbr “The J curve of Institutional reform” (2020)… showed that anti-black money crusade can’t b sustained w/o Institutional reform. Corruption is a systemic problem in India(origin Bureaucratic Socialism) & can only b solved by policy+institutional reform
63/bbr This is encouraging, but more needs to be done wrt #EODB/#EORC and to translate the policy reforms announced during last 3 yrs into rules, regulations & simpler procedures for producers & exporters.…
Read 17 tweets
To continue celebrating #BiodiversityDay, we would like to introduce one of the institutions that work together with UNU-BIOLAC to train researchers in the region: "Red de Genética para la Conservación" – @ReGeneC

#UNUBIOLAC2022 #Biotechnology #Biotech Image
Since 2004, @ReGeneC has worked alongside different experts in genetics to help form researchers from Latin America and The Caribbean. They contribute with an integral vision of the conservation process, considering diverse aspects of the context where it will be applied.🧬 Image
@ReGeneC supports the conservation of the region's biodiversity by preparing different professionals in specialized courses to apply genetics to their respective research. 👩‍🔬

Up to this moment, ReGeneC has fourteen courses and two conferences under its belt. Image
Read 4 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/16/2022…
The Homemade Air Purifier That’s Been Saving Lives During the Covid-19 Pandemic…
#COVID19, #AirPurifier
‘Traumatised and terrified, with nowhere else to go’: huge numbers of people stuck at US border…
#USMexico, #AsylumSeekers, #BorderCrossing
Read 13 tweets
I am delighted that, after years of collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts, our work is finally out…
A joint effort with a wonderful team of colleagues (@ico2s , @portabolomics) spanning software engineering (@nocoffeenocode), synthetic biology & environmental microbiology (@vdlorenzo_CNB) and social sciences (@LPelechova , @PEALSncl )
We take a small but important step in developing tools for #OpenScience and more #reproducible strain engineering.
Read 8 tweets
Issue #36: The Genesis of “Ledger Money” and the Modern Financial System…

#LedgerMoney, #FinancialSystems, #DevelopmentTimeline
Modern culture blames parents for forces beyond their control | Aeon Essays…

#culture, #essay, #AdultChildren, #ParentalEstrangement, #blame, #psychology, #responsibility
Read 17 tweets
¿Qué pensaríais si os digo que el futuro de la sostenibilidad está en el Reino Fungi? La biotecnología ha llegado al mejor reino del mundo y ha venido para quedarse. ¿Queréis saber más?

👇 ¡Dentro hilo! 👇

La mayoría estamos "hartos" de oír hablar de la utilidad de los hongos (desde el punto de vista de su aplicación práctica) bien en la cocina, bien por su importancia en la industria alimentaria o bien por avances como la Penincilina.
Lo que es posible que no sepáis es que en los últimos años se ha explorado con éxito su uso en la fabricación de biomateriales… ¿y sabéis qué? Es una auténtica pasada. ¡Vamos a verlo!
Read 23 tweets
The ICSP voted to include the rank "phylum" into the code of bacterial nomenclature, and NCBI taxonomy followed.

Many people voiced anger for this #taxonomygate bc... twitter. Here some thoughts on the matter... (1/n)
There were many complains about nomenclature being worthless or irrelevant. As a microbial ecologist, I understand where this comes from, particularly with bioinformatic tools that require only spaceholders as identifiers. As a microbiologist, I think this is short-sighted. (2)
But #microbialtaxonomy is important for other people too. For example, it is central for diagnostics in #healthcare and #foodsafety and #biotechnology. Many who don't care about ecology or evolution need this.
It might not matter to you, but it matters to others. (3)
Read 18 tweets
"Triple threat"

Lockstep #Propaganda - is not about your health.

Sept 27 2021: "You can get immunized against the #flu & #COVID-19... the FDA is currently reviewing an application for an #RSV #vaccine created by #Moderna."…
Oct 3, 2021, #Moderna: "We believe Moderna could be first to market with a COVID + Flu + #RSV booster #vaccine. A single vaccine to cover multiple viruses."

Polish up your smartphone passports & roll up your sleeve. There is money to be made. Arms to jab.

Oct 8 2021: "#Moderna also announced the initiation of dosing in the Phase 1 study of its solely owned #RSV vaccine candidate (#mRNA-1345). This Phase 1 study includes initial dosing in adults, followed by age de-escalation into #children."…
Read 3 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/24/2021…
COVID-19 is evolving to become more airborne, says recent study…

#COVID19 #variants #AirborneTransmissibility
winter is coming, and the vaccine narrative is about to shift…

#COVID19 #seasonality #vaccinations #surges #winter #consequences
Read 8 tweets
2/12/21: Newsweek: "Miraculous #mRNA #Vaccines are only the Beginning"

#mRNA vaccines offer "an early look at how the miraculous tools of the #genetics #revolution will transform our #healthcare & our world over the coming years."

#4IR #biotech…
"...our Promethean technologies, our moment of triumph could set us on a path to disaster. Of all the species that have ever lived, our single group of hominins now has the capacity to remake all of #biology."

#GeneEditing #4IR #Biotech
The new #vaccines are perfect early examples of this "godlike #technology." ... This approach will soon create a whole new platform for fighting cancers & other diseases, as well as for providing enhancements even more profound than #vaccination."

Human #Experiment w/ #mRNA
Read 11 tweets
2/12/21: Newsweek: "Miraculous #mRNA #Vaccines are only the Beginning"

#mRNA vaccines offer "an early look at how the miraculous tools of the #genetics #revolution will transform our #healthcare & our world over the coming years."

#4IR #biotech…
"...our Promethean technologies, our moment of triumph could set us on a path to disaster. Of all the species that have ever lived, our single group of hominins now has the capacity to remake all of #biology."

#GeneEditing #4IR #Biotech
The new #vaccines are perfect early examples of this "godlike #technology." ... This approach will soon create a whole new platform for fighting cancers & other diseases, as well as for providing enhancements even more profound than #vaccination."

Human #Experiment w/ #mRNA
Read 10 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/27/2021…
Pianist Plays Classical Music to Comfort Rescued Blind Elephants…

#ClassicalMusic #elephants AbusedAnimals #ComfortCare
Read 10 tweets

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