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«Госслужащих и банкиров будут штрафовать за рабочее общение в иностранных мессенджерах»¹ — депутаты Госдумы приняли в 1-мчтении поправки в КоАП. Соавтор инициативы — конечно Горелкин.


Горелкину простительно не знать российского законодательства ↓
и правоприменительной практики… Он депутат — не читатель, а писатель. От него ждёшь откровений! Так и вышло. Законодатель перечислил недозволенные на работе мессенджеры, чем ввёл офисных в иллюзию безопасности.
Клерки вот-вот вообразят, что в одних мессенджерах рассказывать рабочие секреты «нельзя», значит в остальных«можно»? Это не так. Тоже нельзя. Сядем все! Карать ВСЕХ за ВСЕ потусторонние средства связи на работе, включая русскую связь — решил Конституционный суд РФ в 2017 году.
Read 16 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet w...
Tomorrow (Apr 30) at 2PM, I'll be at the #SanFrancisco Public Library with my new book, *Red Team Blues*, hosted by…

2/ Image
The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets: Maybe the map IS the territory?

3/ Image
Read 29 tweets
El poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Es posible lograr la plena identificación de un usuario de Telegram?, ¿Qué información se puede obtener de un enlace de invitación?, ¿Qué tan expuestos estan nuestras #HuellasDigitales? 🚨

#AnalistaOsint #ManuelBot #Socmint #Leaks

1⃣ Estas y otras interrogantes, nos hacemos todos a diario... Es por ello decidí abrir una investigación empezand desde una simple búsqueda en #Dorks, para luego terminar encontrando toda el registro digital de una persona a través d su #HuellaDigital encontrado en #Internet

2⃣ Bueno empecemos... navegando por #Google, me puse a rebuscar un rato aplicando #GoogleDorks #GoogleHacking o #Dorking, a fin de encontrar en algunos "enlaces de invitación a grupos de #telegram", los mismos que son generados por los usuarios "administradores" ... 🕵🔎

Read 17 tweets
El poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?, ¿cómo saber si he sido víctima de una filtración de datos (#Facebook, #Instagram, #Twitter?, ¿Qué medidas tomar?.

#databreach #dataleak #Ciberinteligencia #Socmint
1⃣ Sabe ud., ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?

💥Es una pregunta que muchos tratan de omitir e ignorar... es por ello decido iniciar este🧵HILO, que por cierto espero que sea de agrado para uds., a fin de tomar conciencia de la peligrosidad digital. 🚨
2⃣ SAMUEL, era un estudiante de una Universidad de PERÚ 🇵🇪, decide contactar a Manuel, debido a que recibía muchos mensajes de correos electrónicos SPAM, así como también llamadas y hasta había sido víctima de suplantación digital en Instagram y Facebook (🚨¡ALARMANTE!)...

Read 18 tweets
From your bank statements and travel documents, to your company’s financial data and customer details – you can easily make sure they don’t become exposed on the internet.

Here are some ways to protect your sensitive documents when exchanging them online 🧵👇 (1/6) An image of an open envelop...
Here's how you can protect the emails you send to recipients who don't use Proton Mail:…. (3/6) The image of a shield with ...
Read 6 tweets
I get really happy when the people in my online program celebrate their results. This is a direct cut and paste of an email I received today, word for word. (1/12) #share #email #testimonial #brainfogrecovery #brainfog #health #experience #hr #software #energy #work
Who are you and what do you do?
"I am a 24-year-old cis woman who currently works at an HR software company." (2/12)
What were the brain fog symptom challenges you were suffering with before you began? "I struggled with concentration, which impacted my ability to focus on my work during the day. (3/12)
Read 12 tweets…

We need to Run Faster than Diseases Progress in Patients.

So much #NHS Hospitals can do to unblock A&E & Wards without waiting for more Social Care - #CutTheCrap

@mnt @BBCr4today @BBCNews @TheIHI… for those who prefer video to podcast - starts at 12:04pm #NHS Drowning in Paperwork
@DrGrumble @rakeshspatel

Not to mention


No wonder there are queues of patients everywhere in #NHS

Doctors want to Doctor
Nurses want to Nurse
Read 6 tweets
5 Steps to implementing Task Management in Obsidian
One of the plugins I use most is Tasks.
I use this to create tasks in my different workflow and help me prioritise tasks.

In this thread, I will explain how I use it with @obsdmd

#obsidianmd #tasks
🧵 👇
1. Creation
Tasks can be added to any note.
All you need to do is type "- [ ]" with your task name, and the prompt will let you set a due date.
2. View tasks
You can create queries to see a list of your tasks.
The queries can have added functionality to filter, sorry, group and limit the results.
I add these queries to my dashboard. I also have a task list note that shows different views of the tasks.
Read 7 tweets
Notion is a beast

But 98.9% of people are still unaware of the full potential of @NotionHQ.

Here are the best free 30 Notion tools 🧵 👇
Use Dynamic Visualisations (Graphs & Charts)

1. Customblocks:
2. Notion2Charts:
3. Notion Charts:
4. Vizydrop:

#charts #notiontwt #visualizations
@NotionHQ New set of resources every 15 mins 😉
Read 12 tweets
(1/7) 📢 📢 The ninth (9th) update on this final stage of the #evolution of #ProfitSharing 2.0 is here! 📅 📅

Read it out loud: We have officially started #migrating services from the current version to ProfitSharing 2.0! 💪✨ 🙌
(2/7) We have begun with some #services from the list that have a small number of #followers, and we will be #migrating more and more services as the days go by. ⚙️ 💪
(3/7) Currently, we'll not publicly share access to the whole #community, only the followers of those services that we are #migrating will receive access, and they will do it by #email. This way, those investors will be able to continue to manage their #portfolios correctly✨📈
Read 7 tweets
MemberOwls [ An A.I Powered Membership site creator in 2 Minutes for dummies.]: What are the features of MemberOwls?…
#webdeveloper #digitalmarketingagency #digitalmarketingtips #digitalmarketer #Sales #Salesforce #marketingoptimization Image
How To Rank ANY webSite on the first page of Google Without Backlinks [Ranking Number 1 on Google Made Easy]…
#SEO #seorankjng #DigitalMarketing
Read 19 tweets
#OSINT Tools thread for #Email investigations 🧵0 / 20
>> DeHashed 🧵 1/20
DeHashed provides free deep-web scans and protection against credential leaks.
>> LeakCheck 🧵 1/20
Data Breach Search Engine with 7.5B+ entries collected from more than 3000 databases. Search by e-mail, username, keyword, password or corporate domain name.
Read 21 tweets
Notion is a beast

But 98.9% of people are still unaware of the full potential of @NotionHQ.

Here are the best free 30 Notion tools 🧵 👇
Use Dynamic Visualisations (Graphs & Charts)

1. Customblocks:
2. Notion2Charts:
3. Vizydrop:
4. Notion Charts:

#charts #notiontwt #visualizations
5. Chart Nerd:
6. NoChart:

BONUS! Notion Metrics:

#charts #notiontwt #visualizations
Read 11 tweets
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
Having fun with cyberstalking #UKGOV, attacking organisations, universities & individuals connected to the justice system, UK #military against #NCSC, treating #intelligence & #GCHQ as jokes to your 15- 20 yrs malicious #hacking for #China & #Russia inside #Britain, @Animez_UK?01
Converting #traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious #cyberattacker against the UK, for

1- #financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the #UKGOV.

@Animez_UK @NCSC

02 Image
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learned to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys to #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Read 188 tweets
Casino emails shouldn’t go to a work #email addresses – often, when people only have one email address it’s one that they use for #business purposes. It’s never appropriate to engage in any online casino activities when in the workplace, so promotional casino emails shouldn’t be… received at that email address either. Using a separate email address from the one you use for work will ensure that you’re only reading casino emails at appropriate times and not becoming distracted or tempted by gambling during your workday.… If you use your main email address, you’re likely to access your email account from multiple computers and locations. This increases the potential that other people may inadvertently have access to your personal and financial data via the online
Read 5 tweets
Notion is a beast.

But 99% of people are still unaware of the full potential of @NotionHQ.

Here are the best free 30 Notion tools 🧵 👇
Use Dynamic Visualisations (Graphs & Charts)

1. Notion Charts:
2. Notion2Charts:
3. Vizydrop:
4. Customblocks:

#charts #notiontwt #visualizations
5. Chart Nerd:
6. NoChart:

BONUS! Notion Metrics:

#charts #notiontwt #visualizations
Read 11 tweets
Recommendable:…("Another sign of the system being totally corrupted is their #SmartBoards which are replacing blackboards in every room. Along with most other so-called "smart" technologies, it is really a device intended more to dumb-down the users,
>or to at least insult their intelligence. These devices cost roughly $5,000 per unit, and require an additional recent..#computer to drive them. Therefore, when the cost of one of these is added to the cost of its driving computer, plus the #cost of setup,
>plus the cost of all of the required software, plus the cost of training, then the price is certainly over $10,000 per classroom (and likely closer to $20,000 per room). This would place the cost for each upgrade at well over a million dollars per school every couple of years.
Read 6 tweets
Protection against #Ransomware – how to prevent an infection.


1. Never click on unsafe links: Avoid clicking on links in spam messages or on unknown websites. If you click on malicious links, an automatic download could be started, which could lead to your computer being infected.
2. Avoid disclosing personal information: If you receive a call, text message, or #email from an untrusted source requesting personal information, do not reply. #Cybercriminals who are planning a #Ransomware attack might try to collect personal information in advance,
Read 10 tweets
Which has greater reach: Email or Social Media -- A thread

1. While social media is great for outreach, the next step should automatically bring the people you reach there to your email list. 1/6

#emailmarketing #SocialMedia #CustomerRelationshipManagement #DigitalMarketing
2. A small subscriber list that wants exactly what you are offering is way better than a large list of the 'uncommitted'. Isn't it!
3. Check out how the granddaddy 'email' compares with the younger hip social media.
Read 6 tweets
TODO Lo que debes saber sobre la WEB 3 lo tienes en este HILO:

Como os prometí, durante los próximos días previos a la presentación de nuestra colección de NFT’s (#cooloh) voy a tratar de haceros más comprensible la revolución que nos llega con las #cripto, los #nft y la #Web3.
Si seguís las instrucciones ocultas en este hilo y entráis en nuestro discord a través de esta invitación: recibiréis un premio seguro de 100 tokens y participaréis en el primer #giveaway de nuestra colección de #NFTs
¿Os acordáis de Yahoo, Lycos o Terra? La primera versión de la World Wide Web o #Web1 es conocida como la Web estática, aparecida en los ’90 y construida principalmente mediante 3 tecnologías:

Read 53 tweets
Do you think your attribution model is correct? It's essential to understand attribution models to choose the right #metrics and optimize accordingly.

Find out in just a few clicks!🏃🏃

#EmailMarketing #Shopify #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #ecommerce @googleanalytics
Attribution models allow you to see how many #conversions are driven by each touchpoint in your campaign, whether it's a #social post, #email, or #ad.
This information helps you optimize your #campaigns by adjusting budgets and schedules for #ads generating higher #ROI.
Read 6 tweets
Don’t take God out of your matter. I am a full time lawyer and as an immigrant, I would have lived in the UK for 32 years by the 8th of February 2022.

In finding my feet, getting married, having children, raising children, building my career and my ministry,
I can see the hand of God in my matters. Even at the height of attacks to destroy me and my ministry, God showed up.

If you are discouraged, tired, weak, betrayed, jilted, going through family or career issues, I believe I am well positioned to help you through counseling
online or face to face meetings. As a professional, I believe I can help fellow professionals. Don’t die of depression or die of stress. I was inspired to reach out to you wherever you are today. I have helped millions through my daily TV programmes for the past 17 years and
Read 5 tweets
@klaviyo Is there really no way for me to send an event to you guys and have you fire off an #email or SMS to a list or segment of profiles?

@klaviyo 2/

I have a system that pieces of content are published on from time to time. I want to have a list/segment of users that have agreed to accept SMS updates to those content as they are newly published.

So what I'm doing right now, is sending y'all...
@klaviyo 3/

An identify event, through @segment , that has "traits" containing the data about that newly published content. And then I'm sending a "track" event w/ that "userId"(just the content id w/ a prefix), w/ the even name "Content Published"...
Read 5 tweets

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