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Räumung im #FecherBleibt?
Was geht da ab?

Der Fechenheimer Wald soll dem Ausbau der A66 nahe Frankfurt weichen. Dagegen wird vor Ort Wiederstand geleistet, der gerade dringend Unterstützung braucht!

Aktuelle Infos @RiWaTu_stoppen

Ein 🧵zu aktuellen Räumungen

Die Staatsgewalt räumt gerade brutal unsere Freiräume, die dem Ausbau des fossilen Kapitalismus zum Opfer fallen sollen. Davon lassen wir uns nicht einschüchtern!

#LütziLebt #FecherBleibt #HeiboBleibt! Jetzt erst recht! ✊️

Schon ab dem 23.01. ist der @heibo_bleibt akut räumungsgefärdet! 994ha Wald sollen hier für einen Kiestagebau gerodet werden.

Dieses Wochende findet vor Ort ein Skillshare statt um das zu verhindern! 🌳

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Ich war am letzten Samstag (14.1.) auf der friedlichen Großdemo bei Lützerath (in Keyenberg und Umgebung). Damit habe ich meine Solidarität mit den Aktivisti, die Lützerath besetzen und meine Enttäuschung darüber,
dass die Gesetzeslage und die Politik ein Vorgehen, für das es keinen vernünftigen Grund gibt, das uns allen schadet (und gegen das Pariser Klimaabkommen verstößt), zulässt, und darüber, wie es in der Politik kommuniziert wird, zum Ausdruck gebracht.
Weiter hatte ich nicht vor, mich dazu zu äußern. Jetzt ist es aber so, dass die Berichterstattung über die Demo gelinde gesagt extrem scheiße läuft. Ich schreibe im ersten Satz FRIEDLICHE Demo. Die angemeldete Großdemo, die von Polizei und Medien im Vorfeld heruntergespielt wurde
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Einsendeschluss: 15. Dezember 2022
Veranstaltung am 7. Januar 2023 in #Lützerath

Alle Infos im Thread: 🧵 1/9 Image
Hier kämpfen Menschen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven für den Erhalt des Dorfes, das der Konzern RWE wegen der Braunkohle darunter zerstören will. Mit Bezug auf die Forderung „Keep it in the ground! “ machen wir darauf aufmerksam & schaffen ein Format des Austausches. 2/9
Unterstützt von #CheersforFears ruft das Projektteam Glützerlight euch auf, Workshops, Vorträge, Performances, Lesungen o. andere künstlerische Beiträge für unser gemeinschaftliches Traumformat einzureichen. Das Traumformat ist im Wesentlichen ein von uns gefüllter Tag. 3/9
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NEW REPORT: We looked under the hood of G20 countries' international public finance for energy ahead of their Very Big Deadline to #StopFundingFossils.

🧵Here's more on the $55 billion / yr in fossil fuel money we found & how we can stop it 🧵…
GOOD NEWS: Public 💵 for fossils just dropped for the first time, and ~1/3 of this is from action from UK, @EIB, & others.

BAD NEWS: The rest of the drop is (a) just noise, (b) already overturned in early 2022 data, or (c) from worse data availability!…
But there is a growing 🌊 of countries adding more fossil free public finance policies that could mean this trend continues. For this to happen, @OlafScholz, @JustinTrudeau, @POTUS, @ItalyMFA_int need to show up at #COP27 with policies too!…
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I wonder whether any Conservative politicians realise that the period of prosperity we experienced during the 20th century resulted not from exploitation and greed but from a workforce with access to excellent health care, free medicines, free school milk & orange juice for kids
And on free education through to 18 and free university with full maintenance grants to enable every intelligent student to get to the most prestigious institutions and collaboration with other scientists across Europe with generous funding for research
And workers' rights including the five day week that allowed families to enjoy leisure time and spend the fair earnings that gave them freedom and the chance to broaden horizons, instead of working 80 hours just to scrape together the cost of the next meal
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Montag neunundvierzig.
26. September 2022
Ob wir den Montag zweiundfünfzig, also das Jahr, noch schaffen? Dies ist das letzte Foto der #LindeBleibt vor Beginn der Rodungssaison. Und so wie es aussieht, wird es dunkel in #Luetzerath ... Image
Montag fünfzig.
3. Oktober 2022
Letzten Freitag hat der #Luetzerath'er Lichterweg wenige Stunden vor Beginn der #Rodungssaison Kerzenschein, Wärme und Kraft zur #LindeBleibt gebracht. Mögen die Sägen schweigen. Image
Montag einundfünfzig.
10. Oktober 2023
Jetzt haben @BMWK und @WirtschaftNRW die profitmaximierenden Vorschläge von RWE durchgewunken & das Todesurteil über die #LindeBleibt gefällt. Die einen haben ihr #Eckpunktepapier - die anderen diesen Kraftort!
#Luetzerath #StandWithLuetzi Image
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Guardians and allies @WesternLaw, @HCCACB, @CenterForBioDiv, Citizens for a Healthy Community, @WildAdvocate and @SierraClub secure agreement that prevents new oil and gas leasing across 2.2 million acres of southwestern Colorado!

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See 🧵 👇 for details!
@westernlaw @HCCACB @CenterForBioDiv @wildadvocate @SierraClub The agreement requires @BLMNational to supplement its environmental analysis and to produce an amended plan that analyzes potential harms to the #climate from #fossilfuel extraction in the area, and that considers alternatives to reduce oil and gas leasing.

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@westernlaw @HCCACB @CenterForBioDiv @wildadvocate @SierraClub @BLMNational Furthermore, @BLMNational must also complete plans that conserve the critically imperiled Gunnison sage grouse and that promote conservation of big game corridors on 20+ million acres of #publiclands in Colorado.…

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I think it is simultaneously true that:

1) playing whack-a-mole with various pipelines & FF infrastructure projects was never going to meaningfully make a dent in carbon emissions, even if successful

2) these campaigns’ primary virtue was the created lots of climate activists
It’s important to remember key context that past top-down technocratic climate attempts like Kyoto failed in part because they failed to incorporate the needs & priorities of frontline, Indigenous, & poor Black & brown people, who revolted against deals that screwed them over.
The climate movement has been grappling with a core strategic challenge for decades: support for climate action is wide, but shallow.

Lots of people understand the need for climate action, but for most people they have more immediate individual needs they have to prioritize.
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Our new report: 'Unburnable #Carbon - 10 Years On' finds global stock markets 🏦 are financing energy companies which are sitting on 3x more #coal, #oil & #gas reserves than can be burned without breaking the 1.5°C Paris climate target… #CarbonBubble
🧵Despite growing urgency to tackle #ClimateChange, 'Unburnable #Carbon' reveals “embedded #emissions” in the #FossilFuel🛢️reserves of companies listed on stock exchanges – the CO2 released if they’re extracted & burned – has grown by nearly 40% since 2012…
@CarolineLucas @EdwardJDavey @Ed_Miliband @MichaelEMann @CFigueres @AnnPettifor @billmckibben @martinwolf_ @AlokSharma_RDG The report warns that 90% of all known #FossilFuel🛢️reserves & resources held by companies must stay in the ground as 'unburnable #carbon' to limit global warming to 1.5°C🌡️🛑… #KeepItInTheGround
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The Norwegian state owns the two-thirds of Equinor, and even though fracking (a method of extracting gas) is illegal in Norway because of harmful everlasting environmental consequences. However, that is not stopping Norway from going all in on the Vaca Muerta project in Argentina
,one of the largest coastline fracking developments in the world. This is why it's easy to understand that the force of hypocrisy is great in this one.
The people of Serbia understand the struggle of fighting against corporations and governments who sell fake tales about the green transition, and focus solely on their own profits. We are aware that projects like these are destroying the planet.
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Conservative's should be furious about the subsidies paid to fossil fuel companies!!!

Analysis by the IMF shows that fossil fuels receive $11 million a minute of subsidies. This is equivalent to 6.8% of global GDP, and it is forecast to rise to 7.4% of GDP by 2025.

A very good conservative argument could be made that the money used to subsidize fossil fuel production would be better off as tax cuts.

Surely you, the taxpayer, know better than the government (or fossil fuel companies) how to spend your money?
I raise this not because I have a problem with 'big government' but because it would be much better to discuss how best to transition away from fossil fuels, and the more brains we have on this, the better.

What do you think?

#ClimateAction #KeepItInTheGround
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In Halfing im Landkreis Rosenheim will die Firma Wintershall DEA rund 13 km² #Erdgas fördern. Im Moorgebiet inmitten von Wasser- und Naturschutzgebieten. Gegen den Willen der Anwohner*innen und des Gemeinderats. (1/3)
Hier könnt ihr dagegen protestieren:…
Der Grund, wieso das Projekt trotz allem eine Chance hat, ist das deutsche Bergrecht, das im Kern aus der Nazizeit kommt und der Ausbeutung von Bodenschätzen Vorrang vor nahezu allem anderen gibt. Das sollten wir bald ändern, gell, @OlafScholz. (2/3)
Wenn wir den Klimawandel ernst nehmen, müssen die fossilen Energieträger, die noch im Boden sind, auch im Boden bleiben. Neue Gasbohrungen haben in unserer Zeit einfach keinen Platz mehr.
#gas #keepitintheground #Erdgas #Energie #Klimakrise
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730+ groups call upon global leaders to deliver #RealZero through rapid & permanent emissions cuts & real solutions, not dangerous techno-fixes, like carbon capture, blue hydrogen, geoengineering, or carbon markets & accounting tricks.
A thread 🧵
This call comes as governments and corporations at #COP26 unveil “#NetZero” climate pledges, many of which are being used to greenwash climate inaction and justify “business-as-usual” fossil fuel production.

#NetZeroIsNotZero #KeepItInTheGround
“Climate leadership will not be measured decades from now, but rather by the pace and scale of concrete, near-term actions taken today.”

It's time to invest in #RealZero solutions, no more techno-fixes, geoengineering, carbon markets, or accounting tricks.
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🧵 This will be my thread for tonight’s #NewDemoChat 🍊

Q1. Here in the North, we’re like the canary in the coal mine when it comes to climate change. We’ve been seeing it’s effects for years and frankly, it’s terrifying.
We as Inuit are people of the ice and snow and so much of who we are depends on it: our traditions, our knowledge, our culture, our food ways, and more!

Climate change is forcing us to adapt and it’s impacting food security, transportation, health...…
Like my pal @PJC_NL says: I want to teach my grandchildren how to ice fish, as I have, as my ancestors have before me

Will I get this chance? I legitimately don’t know

That haunts me, but it drives me to press for real climate solutions. To protect my traditions and culture.
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THREAD: News just broke from @Reuters of a potentially critical new initiative to be launched next month: the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (#BOGA). Read the article here:…
@Reuters #BOGA will be the 1st diplomatic initiative acknowledging the need for governments to manage the decline of oil and gas production as a key tool to address the #climate crisis. It’s a big deal and something we’ve been calling for for a long time.
@Reuters #BOGA has the potential to help reframe the global climate conversation to ensure phasing out production is seen as a key tenet of climate leadership. Why is this important?
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For those claiming yesterday's (genuinely brilliant) Exxon/Chevron shareholder climate victories are an argument against fossil fuel divestment, remember that shareholder engagement with Big Oil achieved precisely nothing for 25 years. 1/n…
2/n: Then divestment came along. As did #KeepItInTheGround & #Blockadia. As did grassroots organizing @350, @sunrisemvmt, @ExtinctionR, @GretaThunberg @Fridays4future et al. As did a collapsing climate & shifting energy econ. As did #ExxonKnew…
3/n: (@_aploy and I wrote about those dynamics in @sciam ⬆️.)

Only after all that - i.e. now - have shareholders made progress. This isn't an argument against shareholder activism per se; indeed, divestment campaigns generally propose an explicit "grace period" for engagement.
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🌎✊ Die #WKO muss sich entscheiden, ob sie ihre Blockadehaltung aufgibt und ein konstruktiver Player im #Klimaschutz-Diskurs sein will. Das wäre im Interesse ihrer Mitglieder, die klare Rahmenbedingungen brauchen, um den Umbau der Wirtschaft zu meistern.

Bis dahin: #WKOboycott!
“Dass die #WKO eine gesetzlich verankerte und rasche Reduktion unserer Emissionen bis zur Klimaneutralität 2040 “überambitioniert” nennt, und kritisiert, dass nun Zielverfehlungen auch eingeklagt werden könnten, verdeutlicht das fehlende Klimabewusstsein der WKO" so @krogenhofer.
Wir sind heute in ganz Österreich vor WKO-Zentralen, um ihre rückwärtsgewandte Klimapolitik zu kritisieren!
Denn: Es braucht Verbindlichkeit und Rechtssicherheit, um endlich die Klimawende zu schaffen, die jahrzehntelang verabsäumt wurde.
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Pödelwitz bleibt! hieß es gestern endlich von offizieller Seite und das ist eine richtig gute Nachricht!

Dass @MartinDulig (@SMWA_SN) dies nun aber so darstellt, als wäre es sein Verdienst, zwingt uns zu einer Reihe Anmerkungen im folgenden #Thread.

Punkt 1: Der Kohleausstieg ist nicht nur mit der #Klimakrise verbunden. Dritter in der Runde ist der Ausbau der Erbeuerbaren Energien. Die MIBRAG verzichet nun gönnerhaft auf die Kohle unter Pödelwitz, da Energiegewinnung aus Kohle schlicht nicht mehr wirtschaftlich ist.
Punkt 2: Der Ausbau der Windenergie ist in Sachsen zum Erliegen gekommen, weil Flächen für Windkraftanlagen auf der Basis des sächs. Energie- & Klimaprogramms (EKP) vergeben werden. Das aktuelle EKP stammt aus dem Jahr 2013 und arbeitet auch mit Zielstellungen von damals.
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Die Dörfer Berverath, Ober- und Unterwestrich, Keyenberg und Kuckum sollen weggebaggert werden, damit #RWE dort einen #Tagebau errichten kann. Doch schon beim Abriss der #L277 stellt sich die #Bevölkerung quer. (1/5)(#AlleDörferBleiben…
Obwohl @DIW_Berlin-Gutachten eindeutig feststellt, dass für die dt. #Klima-Ziele die #Kohle unter den Dörfern nicht mehr verbrannt werden darf, wurde die "energiewirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit" von #Garzweiler II ins #KohleEINstiegsgesetz geschrieben. (2/5)… Image
Wie das sogenannte "#Kohleausstiegsgesetz" mit seinem fatalen §48 das Todesurteil für die Dörfer (und das #Klima) bedeutet, hat #Monitor in diesem Bericht zusammengefasst. (3/5)…
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The story of how #climate activists succeeded in getting #Ireland to #KeepItInTheGround, banning new #oilandgas extraction - great piece by @AdamMcGibbon

(it's paywalled but you can register for 1 free article per week)…
Adam rightly gives credit to @bridsmithTD for her amazing leadership in getting the licensing ban on the Dail agenda
@AdamMcGibbon And of course plaudits to @greenparty_ie for getting it onto the government programme
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hey, y'all listening? I want to talk in a bit more detail than yesterday about the Biden Bernie Unity Task Force climate plan. Will use same hashtag as yesterday -- #Underwhelmed.
First, the document, all 110 pages. First 6 pages are Platformese climate; then pp. 42-55 are Policy-ese climate. I skimmed a few other sections and there may be stray climate mentions elsewhere too. #Underwhelmed
Next, some praise. This is a labor-friendly climate plan. And that matters a lot, because non-union cleantech doesn't get much respect in Dem circles compared to labor folk who donate and walk and elect Dems. Still, I'm #Underwhelmed.
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Winnipeg City Hall adult ally #ClimateStrike

Week 27

So this is my worst Strike selfie yet - accidental shot while struggling to hold the ph for the pic at which point my camera died ;)

#Wetsuweten shirt art credit @christibelcourt

Thread incoming, will be pauses while I type
Disclaimer - everything I say here has already said, by better writers (often Indigenous) & by more knowledgable ppl (often Indigenous).

None of this should be taken as my own original thoughts, tho is not the fault or deficiency of the original thinkers if I get anything wrong.
Hello World, we need to talk about Canada.

I'm doing this in the context of my #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike, because the Winnipeg youth Climate Strike group, @mbyouth4climate, has been very involved in #WetsuwetenSolidarity #ShutDownCanada actions.
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Think of this OpEd as climate denial meets peak concern-trolling:

"There is a real danger that the climate debate is deteriorating into a game of name-calling, with oil and gas companies all too often portrayed as opponents of climate progress."…
As if oil and gas companies were just "portrayed" as blocking climate policies from being passed.

As if they weren't ACTUALLY working extremely hard and spending large sums of money to campaign against, oh I don't know, the carbon price @JayInslee attempted to pass in WA.

The man who wrote this OpEd heads the @TheCLCouncil founded by neoliberal economists, corporations, and oil and gas companies including BP, Shell, Exxon, etc.

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Looking back over a year of making invisible #methane emissions from #oilandgas visible.

A few videos taken with an iPhone from the LCD screen on a FLIR GF320 camera.

1/4/19 Carlsbad, #NewMexico
1/9/19 Carlsbad, #NewMexico
#ClimateEmergency #KeepItInTheGround
3/27/19, Balmorhea, #Texas
@TCEQ said this was only lighter fluid
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