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May 21st 2023
Rich People's Gain is Worth Less than Poor People's Pain: A new way to think about utilitarianism, courtesy of the #OfficeOfManagementAndBudget…

#Utilitarianism #MarginalRevolution #MarginalUtility #IntellectualHonesty #LitmusTests A faded, halftoned image of...
A simple litmus test for self-described utilitarians: would you trade places with someone much worse off if it increased the net supply of human happiness?…

#utilitarianism     An intellectually hones...
Read 5 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
Aditi Vaze became a counselor through her gift for listening and empathizing 🎧💖

#counselor #empathy.
Therapy was once dismissed as a "pseudo-science," but Aditi persisted and now values evidence-based techniques 🧐📚

#therapy #evidencebased
Aditi faced many challenges and skeptics, but she persisted, knowing her work could help heal people. Today, she is proud to be part of a growing profession that values evidence-based techniques and rigorous training 👩‍⚕️💪🌟

#proud #mentalhealthprofessional
Read 16 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
🔥 🧵s on #NeoIdealism 🧵 🔥

2. Why is 'Neo-Idealism' called 'Neo-Idealism'?

- I outlined this new approach to #IR & Grand Strategy in a previous thread (see linked tweet).
- Now I dig deeper into the name & concept

I first introduced the idea of #NeoIdealism in a piece for @RUSI_org in April '22 but Its fullest elaboration so far is in my book - 'To #Ukraine With Love'
- published last month & available now on kindle & paperback😎…

So why call it Neo-Idealism?

Some of the Neo-Idealists from #CEE - sometimes explicitly - seek to refresh the hopeful, people-centred politics that flourished in the post-communist transitions of the 1990s but which had wilted more recently, especially after the 2008 financial crisis
Read 25 tweets
Jun 8th 2022

Thread – Part V – “How ‘Vladi the Provoked’ attracts clueless narcissists”

#Russia #Donbas #Ukraine @TimothyDSnyder @anneapplebaum #Merkel #NATO #SPD #Offenerbrief #colonial #Putin #Waffen #Zelensky #Melnyk Image
60/ INTRO: Assumption is that Putin appeaser views follow the stereotypes set out in the MATRIX in Fig. 19. The MATRIX is discussed in Part 1 (tweets 3-9).

#Nato #colonial #Ukraine #Russia #Waffen #Merkel Image
Read 20 tweets
May 24th 2022
(3) According to J. M. Hobson (Eurocentric Conception, 2012), a recurring tripartite pattern in terms of cultural maturity and political competence can be observed in a vast majority of schools in the 19th century (Fig. 1).

#Ukraine #Colonialism #Genocide #Bucha #Azov #NATO Image
Read 24 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
True, but there is a fine line between friendly advice and #Information #Warfare. My friends advise me privately and politely, not criticise me on social media, or give me advice on TV interviews! Those who did the latter are no longer my friends 🤡.
#PIP says: “We 😍🥰😘🐕🐩🦮”
3/pip #PIP: “The concept of “Friendship” in IR has been the bane of Indian foreign policy; Indians get emotionally committed to it, while great powers use it as an instrument of moral/intellectual coercion!” Asymmetric tests of “logical consistency” are another tool of coercion
Read 11 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
[#StoriesWeLiveBy - Session 2]

(1/5) Of CPEC & Afg: Linking stories of old silk routes & the dawn of Eurasian Century — A perspective by Dr Talat Shabbir in a session moderated by Mr Salman Javed, is in fact, a detailed snapshot of region, at the center of which, lie Silk Roads! Image
(2/5) "Silk Route is basically an ancient route connecting East Asia, Africa & Eastern Europe. Mr Xi Jinping's concept of rejuvenation [#BRI] is attached to #Chinese nostalgia; its culture & shared values advocacy to stay connected worldwide", says Dr @TalatShabbir3 Image
(3/5) While reflecting on the emerging #WorldOrder, Dr @TalatShabbir3 states, "World Order — Theory of #Realism is significant, as I understand, it's a realist world — realist paradigm's chief consideration is power & unfortunately, power has no morals". ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jun 28th 2021
1/ Has the #Metaverse "Devolved"?
Me in the @SecondLife #Metaverse in 2013 vs me in the @cryptovoxels Metaverse in 2021. People sometimes ask me why the 2013 Metaverses "look better". I have an answer for these people and it's gonna take several tweets, bear with me... ImageImage
2/ A bit of history: #Metaverses were created whole-cloth from the novel Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson. Active Worlds, which I actually tried (yes, I am that old) was fully based on that book's Metaverse, and provided the basis of all other Metaverses including @cryptovoxels...
3/ When it started, #Metaverses were totally separate and different from the concept of #onlinegames. The idea is to have more #socialimmersion and #userinteraction, not to have in-world goals to push the user in a direction...
Read 24 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
Yesterday, Biden issued an executive order on America's Supply Chains.

What's in it? Thread:…
It announces it's US policy "to strengthen the resilience of America’s supply chains," citing as benefits rebuilt domestic manufacturing capacity, competitiveness, good jobs, fighting climate change, and helping racial justice and underserved communities.

Here are the costs👇
By June 4 of this year, NEC and NSC are instructed to coordinate supply chain reviews in four industries, with four agencies writing them up

DOC: chips, advanced packaging
DOE: high-capacity batteries, including for EVs
DOD: critical minerals
HHS: pharmaceuticals,. API
Read 24 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/04/2021…
The Slow Birth of Covid Realism - WSJ…

#COVID19 #realism
Leading computer scientists debate the next steps for AI in 2021…

#AI #ethics
Read 8 tweets
Oct 24th 2020

Rusia cenderung "main aman" di dalam konflik #NagornoKarabakh. Diduga khawatir akan risiko SDA hingga kaum radikal.

A thread.
@Soviet_Foxtrot @johny2b

#Azerbaijan #Armenia #Russia #War #Putin
📽 @WIONews
Konflik antara #Azerbaijan dengan #Armenia masih jauh dari kata usai. Kedua negara masih sama - sama saling serang dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. #NagornoKarabakh
Uniknya, sebagai negara "great-power yang berada di antara keduanya, Rusia justru muncul sebagai mediator untuk meredakan ketegangan. #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia
Read 20 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
#Realism The #PLAN understands Very well, the implications of US navy exercising with India in the IO during a crisis. In contrast, Indian Navy exercising in SCS with US navy would be seen by PLAN, as a crow sitting on the back of a Rhino and thinking he is the rhino! 🧐🤔
2/in on other extreme of #unrealism 🐒 Shows no understanding of the fact that #Australia sits at the head of the key channels for passage of submarines through the Indonesian islands into IO:…
3/in Note monitoring of "Northern and north-western approaches to Australia are critical to cost-effective defence of IO:
Read 3 tweets
Aug 3rd 2019
#Art of William-Adolphe #Bouguereau
Forgotten master of 19th century classical academic realism…

#fineart #prints
#Art of William-Adolphe #Bouguereau…

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, forgotten master of classical academic #realism of the 19th century French Salon
The Nut Gatherers (Les Noisettes)
William-Adolphe #Bouguereau
oil on #canvas, 1882…
Read 9 tweets

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