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1/11 Cryptocurrency #arbitrage refers to the practice of taking advantage of price differences for the same asset across different #cryptocurrency #exchanges.

Let's dive into this concept 👇🧵 Image
2/11 Arbitrageurs buy the asset at a ⤵️lower price on one exchange and simultaneously sell it at a ⤴️higher price on another exchange, profiting from the price disparity.
3/11 This strategy 📊is possible due to the #decentralized nature of #cryptocurrency exchanges, where prices can vary based on factors like liquidity, demand, and trading volume.
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There are new pathogens in our midst.

My latest article about media #manipulators, velocity #hacking, and the latest Covid origin #controversy.

Maybe some #mainstream journalists & influencers take a good look in the mirror.

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How much should we think about the role of information in society?

In this article, I use the recent media coverage surrounding #lableak versus #zoonosis to point toward a new threat we have not yet wrapped our heads around:

Information pathogens with high #velocity. Image
#Velocity is a metric for the transmission efficacy of information given a particular content payload, its viral packaging, and its host environment.

Basically the R0 of information, a measure of #contagiousness.

Info pathogens with high velocity outcompetes good information. Image
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1/10 Have you read our recently published #whitepaper?

The Art of #Stock Picking #Returns

Highlights below ⬇
2/10 “We’ve had 40+ years where all the money went into broadband, or internet, or #Netflix or the cloud and no money went into basic productive capacity…”

–Robert Friedland, CEO, Ivanhoe group of companies
3/10 What follows is KCR’s attempt to create a simple walk-through of the #risks and #opportunities offered today. We believe both the structure and implications of this paper are easy to grasp.
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Plusieurs député.e.s de la NUPES ont interpellé le gouvernement sur la future proposition qui sera faite pour mieux partager les richesses en entreprise, autrement dit le partage de la valeur. Un thread pour comprendre le contexte et les enjeux ⤵️…
Suite à l’accord (ANI) trouvé entre syndicats et patronat le 10 février dernier, et dont la date maximum pour signature est demain 22 février, Elisabeth Borne a annoncé hier que le gouvernement proposera la « transcription fidèle et totale » de l’ANI.
En jeu ? Toutes les parties prenantes de l’économie l’ont compris : sous fond d’annonces de #profits records du #CAC40 (pour l’énième année consécutive), il est essentiel de redistribuer les richesses avec ceux qui l’ont créée.…
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#private_equity & #VC the big money, big #profits / big #losses

There exists a significant distinction between "Private Equity" (PE) and "Venture Capital" (VC), which can be explained as follows.
Most individuals are familiar with investing in the "public market" such as stocks
However, "private markets" are involved in investing in a company that is not publicly listed, such as "venture capital" (VC) or "private equity" (PE).
There are five stages involved in VC to PE investing, which are as follows:
#Angel (pre-VC): Angel investors provide early-stage support to startup-level companies before institutional investors are ready to invest. These companies may have an idea but have not validated it properly yet or built it into a business. Funding mostly from friends & family.
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🧵5 Hey crypto traders, I've got a HOT🔥TAKE for you today. Sometimes it's easy to get bogged down in technical analysis and overthink. But right now, I think there's a simple play that could work well 🚀

#BTC #Bitcoin #trading #tradingstrategy #HODL #crypto #CryptoNews
1/5 I've been swinging almost any asset and working strictly from the long side as long as $BTC is above $21,600.

#crypto #tradingstrategy #takeprofits #bitcoin #hodl #BTC
2/5 I'm not paying attention to indicators, resistance levels, or other factors at the moment. Instead, I'm looking for strong levels and buying for a rebound or further growth. I've loaded up on long positions, with more than 20% of my portfolio at risk.

#crypto #BTC #trading
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* Oracles
* We have developed a script that runs at any frequency to associate a Datum to an address
* We have found some restrictions: A Datum can write only integer information, but prices are floating. A conversion formula is needed.
* Exploration of MLabs libraries for contract testing. This will help us for a type of internal audit.

* Rebalancing current portfolio of Cardano Index
* AGIX valuation increased considerably
* Selling half to get profits and rebalance with other tokens
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#capitalism requires what people call "magical thinking". it requires people to believe that impossible things aren't merely *possible*, but can be done routinely, and turned into a dependable cash flow. #AI / #AGI of the @fchollet / @JeffDean sort is a perfect example.

the very name "#AGI" gives the game away: the #programming boys daydream that they've invented a "general intelligence", a universal thinking machine capable of solving literally any problem—and #capitalism is willing to gamble on that. it's just what #business wants.

remember that the ideal corporation in #capitalism *does nothing*. it produces nothing, it provides no service, it solves no problems for anyone not in the ownership hierarchy—because producing things *costs money* and capitalists hate all expenditures for any reason.

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so! let's talk about the #cryptocurrency phenomenon again. $BITC / @Bitcoin, $ETH / @ethereum, $USDT / @Tether_to, $BNB / @binance — there are a LOT of these #cryptocurrencies out there, maybe even millions of them. and that's a first clue about them and about #capitalism.

(1/x) Image
it's gospel #capitalism that the activities of "the #markets"—capitalist propaganda i.e. #business and #finance and #investment #journalism, not to mention all the #science and #technology journalism that's chiefly #advertising for corporations—are supernaturally powerful.

the central lie is that "the markets" (i.e. the sum total of all monetary transactions by all money-seeking entities in #capitalism) are the best possible mechanism for fulfilling every conceivable human need.

if it's not "on the market", then you don't really need it.

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oh right. I was going to say something about "God"—the being whom right-wing Christians seem to worship, the "God" who seems like so much *smaller* a thing than a truly omnipotent Creator—and how He's a demonstrably loyal friend to authoritarians and bloodstained tyrants.

#Christianity was permanently warped by its growth medium—the authoritarian and bureaucratic structures of Roman rule. Rome was a harsh and brutal state; "Western civilization", #Christian civilization, continues to imitate the tyrannical Roman model to this very day.

not once has "the West" ever lost its fondness for rule by absolute monarchy. right-wing blowhards like @DouthatNYT and @MattWalshBlog reflexively fall at the feet of every military strongman or corporate dictator or @GOP politician in whom they sense Great Man potential.

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1/21 Let's talk about $WE. Last month @SeekingAlpha reported that WeWork could declare bankruptcy in 2023. They have a $ problem.…
2/21 Their analysis of WeWork's failed business model is spot on.

"The problem for $WE is the margin between what they pay and what they receive from their #customers has not been enough to cover the very large administrative/marketing/advertising #expenses." Image
3/21 Their story is wild. WeWork was founded in 2010. By 2014, it "the fastest-growing lessee of new #office space in New York" and was on track to become "the fastest-growing lessee [lessor] of new space in America."
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Un thread sur le partage de la valeur générée par les #entreprises en France, entre #profits, #salaires et #impôts
Que montrent les statistiques ?
Comment se compare la France avec les autres pays européens ?
Le gâteau à partager est la valeur ajoutée NETTE.
C'est la valeur ajoutée brute diminuée des amortissements ou "consommation de capital fixe".
C'est important car la part de cette consommation de capital fixe a augmenté tendanciellement en France, contrairement à l'Allemagne
La rémunération du travail est la somme des salaires bruts et des cotisations sociales patronales payées par les employeurs. Ce sont donc les salaires, toutes cotisations sociales comprises.
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1/14 This piece from @latimes @hiltzikm about the #southwest meltdown is a must-read ⬇

Southwest’s meltdown was born in America’s cheapskate corporate culture
2/14 "The short answer is their underinvestment in preparation and planning. For decades, Big Business has been squandering its resources…instead of spending on workers and infrastructure. There’s not enough give in the system, so when crisis comes, it doesn’t bend, but breaks."
3/14 $LUV gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2022 was $5.928B, a 53.81% increase year-over-year.
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🤩Wanna Claim Free $MATIC $ETH $OP $BNB $FTM $AVAX $EVMOS $CELO on Mainnet ? 🤑

👀If Yes, Follow the Thread 👇💥

🎅Fist of all, Wish you 🎄 #MerryChristmas #Christmas TO all OUR #GAFamily, Wich This Christmas will bring lots of Happiness with Lots of #profits in #Crypto 🎁🧧 Image

The Project Name is @Unitap_app Which give us Free Claimable balance on Mainnet 🪂

📌Which help a lot to pay tx fees 👏💸😇

There total pool is 1 #ETH for Each Week✅

❔How to Claim 👇

1⃣ Go here & Connect with your Metamask:

2⃣ You must have Bright Id account, If not have, Learn here:

3⃣ Scan QR code with your #BrightID App and you'll be Ready for claim Free balance✅ Image
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(1/7) #Bullmarkets are periods of increased #asset values due to regular #price fluctuations. This thread emphasizes on its causes and characteristics. 🐮🧵

Learn More 👇…
(2/7) Wage growth, capital inflows, minimal unemployment, strong #consumer spending, and increasing corporate #profits are all factors that lead to sustainable #bullruns. 🐮📈
(3/7) Characteristics of a #BullCycle:
1. Boosted #investor confidence, falling policy rate. 🔝📈
2. More #money being invested in the future by businesses. 💵📈
3. There is a decline in the #unemployment rate. 👨‍💼📉
4. The process of #spending money is more straightforward ⬆💯
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⚠️⚡️ SCANDALE : Des industriels et des fournisseurs d'#électricité profiteraient de la crise pour faire des #profits à vos dépens.

C'est l'objet d'une tribune que j'ai publiée hier avec 4 dirigeants syndicaux CGT. Je vous explique ⤵️ (1/12)
📃 En 2010, la loi NOME a créé un dispositif servant à protéger les industries qui consomment beaucoup d'électricité face à une hausse des prix. Ce dispositif s'appelle "L'Accès Régulé à l'Electricité Nucléaire Historique". En raccourci : ARENH. (2/12)
Le principe est simple : EDF revend aux industries une part importante de sa production à un prix préférentiel, correspondant grosso modo au prix de production de l’électricité nucléaire : 42€ le MWh. (3/12)
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Some of you may know that for a long time I've worked in birth activism, supporting birthing women, writing about obstetric violence, promoting autonomy at every step of the way. So much of what I see detrans ppl talk about resonates with me in a very similar way.
Pls don't think for a moment that I'm conflating the struggles or the individual pain involved in detransitioning. I'm no Expert. I am expert in helping women heal from medical trauma tho, over nearly 20 yrs now. The parallels are unmistakable bc it happens in similar settings.
Obstetrics is a big machine that dehumanises women, pathologises their normal bodies & functioning, denies their autonomy, demands certain outcomes as a Good Patient & threatens mothers that they submit or their baby will die. It's the 'live son or dead daughter' philosophy.
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1. L'article de Cécile Morin, membre du CLHEE (Collectif Lutte et Handicaps pour l'Égalité et l'Émancipation), du 11/3/2022 dans Médiapart, alerte sur les pénibles conditions de #travail des personnes en situation de lourd #handicap dans les #ESAT.… Image
2. Cécile Morin y parle de l'enquête (durant 6 ans) du journaliste Thibault Petit sur les #ESAT. Il a écrit un livre à ce sujet titré "Handicap à vendre". #handicap #travail… Image
3. Dans son livre "Handicap à vendre", couverture avec la citation "Resteriez-vous sept heures à trier des vis ? eux, oui ! " d'un directeur d'#ESAT , Thibault Petit y dénonce des mauvais traitements subis par les handicapé(e)s dans leur #travail.… Image
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What really causes inflation? 🧵

[a thread for normies - like me]
2/ The problem with #inflation is that it's a very personal experience.

As I always say, the wallet is the most sensitive organ in the body, so my inflation might not be your inflation.

In fact, my inflation could be seen as #disinflation by you... (more on that later)
3/ Price inflation and monetary inflation have different definitions:

* For many.- #inflation is the increased prices paid for goods & services.

** To others.- it's a decline in the purchasing power of your #money.

*** In layman's terms.- Too much money chasing too few goods.
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#Power: "#Food #price rises around the world are the result of a 'broken' food system that is failing the poor and concentrating #power and #profits in the hands of a few, food experts have said."… #FoodSystems #inflation
"The Guardian revealed this week that the #ABCD companies (Archer-Daniels-Midland, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) – which control 70-90% of the global #grain trade – have been making a record #bonanza as food prices have soared in the wake of the #Ukraine war."
"Campaigners are concerned that seeds and agricultural chemicals are similarly controlled by a handful of companies, with just three multinationals – Bayer-Monsanto, Dupont-Dow and Chem-China Syngenta – controlling 60% of the trade. "
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#Wipro’s net profit drops 12% drop in Q1 as #recession fears grip its non-US clients…

By @jainrounak
IT services major #Wipro today reported a 12% decline in its #profits to ₹2,717 crore in the first quarter, as against ₹3,087 crore in the previous quarter.

The IT company’s revenues grew 3% sequentially to ₹22,001 crore in the same period, in line with analyst expectations.
Offering guidance for the September quarter, #Wipro said it expects IT services business revenue to be in the range of $2.82-2.87 billion, which translates to a sequential 3-5% growth.

However, Wipro CEO and MD Thierry Delaporte said the company is “pleased with the outcomes”.
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Les Bro, comme promis, voici les erreurs que nous avons faites en tant que débutant. On veut vous les éviter 🙂

Rappelez-vous un petit ❤️ ça fait du bien et 🔁 pour aider les autres 👍🏻
1) Jamais de #Futures, #Margin
2) Analysez le #Fondamental
3) Top 100 #crypto uniquement
4) Pas de #Swapping
5) Jamais de #FOMO
6) Ne jouez pas vos économies
7) Evitez les influenceurs "#ToTheMoon"
8) Ne perdez jamais la valeur de l’argent
9) Prenez vos profits
10) Pas d’affect
1) Les marchés dits "à effet de #levier" sont interdits quand on débute ⛔️

L'appât du gain est facile car vous pensez exploser vos gains grace à l'effet multiplicateur. Or vous allez surtout multiplier vos pertes et potentiellement tout perdre 🤕

Débutez par le marché #Spot 👍🏻
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Here's why everybody should be buying $pLUNA on @prism_protocol right now👀

A short 🧵, you won't regret💸
1/ Let's start with the basics: @prism_protocol let's you split ("refract") your $LUNA into two components:

- $yLUNA: representing the underlying $LUNA's yield (current APR 42 % on @prism_protocol) and
- $pLUNA: representing the principal

2/ The current ratio of these two components is heavily weighted towards $yLUNA, it representing around 87 % of $LUNA's price ($81), while $pLUNA is only capturing the remaining 13 % ($12). 🤔

That's no wonder as...
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