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Die funktionellen und strukturellen Veränderungen im Hippocampus von #COVID19-Patienten

Da der Hippocampus besonders anfällig für durch COVID-19 verursachte Schädigungen ist, gibt es immer mehr Daten, die auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit von…

#LongCovid #Alzheimers #Corona #SARSCoV2 Image
Gedächtnis- und kognitive Störungen nach der Infektion und auf die Beschleunigung neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie der Alzheimer-Krankheit hinweisen. In dieser Studie wird die Beteiligung des Hippocampus bei COVID-19-Patienten erörtert, insbesondere bei Patienten mit Image
#LongCovid. Dies wird dazu beitragen, die pathologischen Faktoren zu identifizieren, die mit langfristigen neuropsychiatrischen Komplikationen von COVID-19 verbunden sind. Darüber hinaus kann dies einen Einblick in die Pathobiologie neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen, wie der
Read 17 tweets
Secreted endogenous macrosomes reduce Aβ burden and ameliorate Alzheimer’s disease

@ScienceAdvances #Meded #MedTwitter #Alzheimers…
Characterization of small EVs and macrosomes, and their influence on Aβ40 fibrillation. Image
Effect of small EVs or macrosomes on Aβ40-mediated cytotoxicity. Image
Read 8 tweets
Central to Alzheimer's pathology is a phenomenon known as brain hypometabolism. Let me explain better what that term means. 🧵 (1/25) #alzheimers #AD #neurotwitter
Brain hypometabolism refers to a state of reduced metabolic activity in the brain, characterized by a decreased uptake and utilization of glucose - the primary #energy source for brain cells. (2/25)
This disastrous metabolic slowdown is not just a mere lack of energy, although that would be devastating enough. It triggers a cascade of effects that impair neuronal function and disrupts communication between #brain cells. (3/25)
Read 25 tweets
Everything begins with A

Aluminum -> Amyloid -> Autism & Alzheimer's

Aluminum is the main adjuvant in most childhood 💉s

Aluminum is also proven to cause amyloid or misfolded proteins in the brain.

Amyloid plaques are associate with Alzheimer's and autism. 🧵
The CDC states that Aluminum is the main adjuvant, or immune system "stimulator," in many 💉 on their childhood 💉 schedule >…
Aluminum transforms normal proteins into misfolded, messy, junk or Amyloid proteins. >

"The results demonstrated that Al(III) induced the transformation of the initial random coil structure to the β-sheet configuration in the Aβ40 peptides."…
Read 15 tweets
Hot Rod Lincoln ~ Phase Separation

Spontaneous Nucleation and Fast Aggregate-Dependent Proliferation of a-Synuclein
Typical blood pH is 7.35 - 7.45
Phase separation and neurodegeneration https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih...
Read 15 tweets
I want you to know that Alzheimer's disease-alleviating, neuroprotective effects of vitamin D have been replicated in recent clinical trials. (1/7) #AD #Alzheimers #VitaminD
In a 12-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, these researchers showed that compared to the AD group w/placebo the AD group w/vitamin D supplement (800 IU/day) had a significant reduction in plasma Aβ42 and related biomarkers. (2/7) #RCT #science #research
Plasma Aβ42 is a biomarker that is often used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease and track progression. It's a protein that accumulates in the brain and leads to the formation of amyloid plaques that can damage brain cells and disrupt cognitive function. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Have you ever heard of glutamate excitotoxicity? No? Well, settle in for a thread. You're going to need to know about this fascinating (and slightly scary) topic that's essential to understanding brain health. 🧵 (1/30)
Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter. You need some constantly being released and taken up by neurons to keep the brain functioning. It is critical to properly function several brain pathways essential for mood and cognitive function. (2/30)
In the prefrontal cortex, glutamate signaling is necessary for executive functions like decision-making, working memory, and attention. When glutamate signaling is functioning properly, it's a very good thing! (3/30)
Read 30 tweets
Some of you are beginning to understand that to have a healthy brain that allows a good mood and rockin' cognitive function, you need to focus on mitochondrial function. Am I right? 🧵 (1/25)
Some pathways maintaining mitochondrial health include mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial dynamics (fusion and fission process shaping mitochondrial morphology), and mitophagy—the process in charge of removing mitochondria through autophagy. (2/25)
Let's discuss the pathways that maintain mitochondrial health and then look at how ketogenic diets might influence those pathways to help you feel better. Shall we begin? (3/25)
Read 24 tweets
@MadhavThambiset was the voice of reason at the #AANAM. He delivered a Neurology Year in Review Plenary about the dubious record of the anti-proteinopathy framework inspiring therapies in #Alzheimers, #Parkinsons, and #ALS --Some highlights (1/4) Image
(2/4) Unblinding due to infusion-related reactions or ARIA-H was not accounted for in the sensitivity analysis of the #lecanemab trial. This and other issues have led to an inflated sense of efficacy and underestimated risk for anti-amyloid therapies. ImageImageImage
(3/4) What's the magnitude of brain loss induced by lecanemab over the course of the trial? 3 fewer "teaspoons" of brain lost at the highest ('therapeutic') dose of lecanemab. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
New work from the lab @NatureAging!❄️Lowering body temperature extends #longevity. We find that cold-induced #proteostasis prevents #aging and aggregation of proteins that cause age-related diseases #ALS #HuntingtonDisease in C. elegans and human cells…
This was a tour de force by Hyun Ju Lee, @sedakoyuncu12, Hafiza Alirzayeva, @AlirezaBarandaq, and Amir Khodakarami (3 lab generations!). 1000x thanks to @impetusgrants for believing in us. Thanks to @CECAD_ @CGA_age @UniCologne @UKKoeln for their support
Aging is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative disorders linked with protein aggregation (#Alzheimers, #Parkinsonsdisease , #HuntingtonDisease, #ALS). We hypothesized that defining cold-induced changes can lead to converging modifiers of pathological protein aggregation🤔
Read 12 tweets
Research suggests that these changes in cognitive function (#brain fog, poor memory, mood, and focus) may be accompanied by dysfunction in #brain energy metabolism that can be treated with #metabolic therapies. (1/17)
Cognitive dysfunction can arise when the brain's energy supply is disrupted. It's called brain hypometabolism. (2/17)
Head traumas and concussions in sports or accidents are associated with such changes and can cause behavioral changes and memory loss in adults. But you don't need a history of head injury for cognitive decline to occur. (3/17)
Read 17 tweets
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a crucial defense mechanism for the brain, regulating the exchange of molecules between the bloodstream and the brain. When the BBB is disrupted, it can have severe consequences for brain health. (1/12)
Alzheimer's disease is one example of a condition that is exacerbated by BBB disruption. When the BBB is compromised, amyloid beta-peptide deposits can accumulate, leading to #inflammation and disruption of neuronal function. (2/12)
A disrupted BBB in #Alzheimers means astrocyte and microglia inflammation, disruption of synaptic transmission, and myelin destruction. (3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Any level of physical activity is associated with better later-life #cognition

1. The multiple benefits of #exercise on cognitive functions are well known. A recent research showed that it is never too late to start exercising, and any exercise is better than not exercising.
2. The investigators asked 1417 participants how much they had exercised at ages 36, 43, 60, and 69 years.
Activities included badminton, swimming, fitness exercises, yoga, dancing, football, mountain climbing, jogging, or brisk walks for 30 min or more.
#dementia #Alzheimers
3. They were also asked the number of times they had exercised in the previous month.
Most commonly reported activities at age 60 were walking (71%), swimming (33%), floor exercises (24%), and cycling (15%).…
Read 6 tweets
Magnesium is a mineral that is highly abundant in the human body and is considered the second most abundant mineral hanging out in your intracellular spaces. 🧵 (1/11)
Magnesium plays a crucial role as a cofactor in various physiological processes such as protein synthesis, energy production and storage, reproduction, DNA and RNA synthesis, and maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential. (2/11)
If you want healthy functioning #mitochondria, then you best supplement magnesium. And if you have any cognitive symptoms, it's time to get extra serious about your magnesium supplementation. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Regular laxative use is associated with a higher risk of dementia

1. A recently reported study looked at association between #laxative use and new-onset #dementia in >5,00,000 UK Biobank participants.
2. Regular use of laxative was associated with 51% higher risk of all-cause dementia and 65% higher risk of vascular dementia. There was no significant association with risk of #Alzheimers disease.
3. The risk of dementia increased by 28% in people using one type of laxative, as compared to 90% in people using two or more types of laxatives.
Only osmotic type of laxative use was associated with higher risk of dementia.
Read 7 tweets
1/Having trouble remembering how to differentiate dementias on imaging?

Here’s a #tweetorial to show you how to remember the imaging findings in dementia & never forget!

#medtwitter #meded #neurorad #radres #dementia #alzheimers #neurotwitter #neurology #FOAMed #FOAMrad #PET
2/The most common functional imaging used in dementia is FDG PET. And the most common dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

On PET, AD demonstrates a typical Nike swoosh pattern—with decreased metabolism in the parietal & temporal regions
3/The swoosh rapidly tapers anteriorly—& so does hypometabolism in AD in the temporal lobe. It usually spares the anterior temporal poles.

So in AD look for a rapidly tapering Nike swoosh, w/hypometabolism in the parietal/temporal regions—sparing the anterior temporal pole
Read 16 tweets
Insulin receptors and IGF-1 receptors, along with their signaling partners, are found throughout the brain. I think this needs a thread. 🧵(1/13)
IGF-1 receptors are involved in important #brain processes, including neuronal growth and survival, regulation of synaptic plasticity, and modulation of #neurotransmitter release. They are implicated in neuroprotection and #cognitive function. (2/13) #science #neuroscience
Many of you are familiar with insulin, but maybe you don't know well enough what its important roles are in the brain. Insulin affects neurotransmitter channel activity, brain cholesterol synthesis, and mitochondrial function. (3/13) #mitochondria
Read 13 tweets
Dementia is a major public health challenge, affecting around 55 million people worldwide. Unfortunately, it's expected that the number of people living with dementia will increase by 50% over the next decade. (1/10)
Dementia doesn't just appear suddenly one day. It sneaks up on you. There are symptoms of brain fog in the form of mood disturbance and reduced cognitive function years before a diagnosis of dementia is provided. (2/10)
Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, characterized by memory loss, impaired judgment, and other cognitive difficulties. (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
Long-term #depression is associated with #brain aging & poor cognitive function

1. 649 adults aged 23-36 years were followed up for 25 years in USA.
Participants with elevated depressive symptoms had on average a 3-year greater brain age.
#MedTwitter #Alzheimers #NeuroTwitter
2. People with elevated depressive symptoms were associated with 3-times higher odds of poor cognitive function in midlife.…
3. Take home message
*Adults should be screened for the presence of depressive symptoms and those with depression should be treated, in order to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and accelerated brain aging in later life.
Read 4 tweets
#obesity brain atrophy is similar to #Alzheimers disease (AD)

1. Obesity is linked to multiple health hazards such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart attack and stroke.
Recently, excess #weight has also been related to brain atrophy and cognitive decline.
2. Obesity-related grey matter atrophy resembles that of AD as per a recent research.
Cortical thickness was reduced in frontal, parietal & temporal regions.
The similarity in brain atrophy between AD & obesity was the highest in the right temporal and left prefrontal cortex.
3. Conclusion
Excess weight management could lead to improved health outcomes, slow down cognitive decline in aging, and lower the risk for Alzheimer's disease…
Read 3 tweets
Would you like to know about a randomized crossover trial that used a modified #ketogenic diet in #Alzheimers disease? 1/9
26 patients with clinically confirmed #Alzheimers disease were randomly assigned to a modified ketogenic diet or a usual diet supplemented with low-fat “healthy” eating guidelines and enrolled them 2/9
in a single-phase, assessor-blinded, two-period crossover trial. That means (2) 12-week treatment periods, separated by a 10-week washout period. 3/9
Read 9 tweets
"Many neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder are characterized by cerebral glucose hypometabolism, 🧵
insulin resistance, neurotransmitter imbalances, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation as potential causative factors."
#Alzheimers #Parkinsons #epilepsy #Bipolar #Schizophrenia #depression
Read 4 tweets
#music improves quality of life for people with #Dementia

1. Dementia caused by #Alzheimers disease is a relentlessly progressive #brain disease. Sufferers have #memory loss and impaired cognitive functions. Many require assistance for carrying out daily living activities.
2. People with dementia are often depressed and have poor quality of life.
Immediate recall and recent memory are the most affected in dementia, whereas remote memory is preserved until later stages.
Memory of music (especially their favorite ones) is also retained in many.
3. In a study, effects of music on #mood and quality of life of seniors suffering from dementia were assessed.
Over a period of 6 weeks, the seniors listened to their favorite music via headphones and an MP3 player for 20 minutes at a time three or four times a week.
Read 6 tweets

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