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Day 2 @theNASEM workshop
The highlight from day 1: LaToya, a CNA, gave a moving, honest, courageous account of being a direct care worker. “The ice cream truck should not be a luxury.”
- hours & pay are bad, the work is hard & they love & care their patients & their dignity ImageImage
@theNASEM First up- @EspinozaNotes from @PHInational
The intense focus on direct care workers, paying people a living wage, improving working conditions so that we can also improve patient care during this event has given me so much hope Image
“Social determinants of success at work” is one phrase that stuck out to me yesterday.
@mad_sters doing critical work in this area for direct care workers
But I think about it for others who work in our system too.
Read 19 tweets
We are covering #ASMIRT2023, which is bringing together the medical radiation sciences in Sydney from 27-30 April: on Twitter follow @mariemcinerney here, @AlisonSBarrett and @ASMIRTorg who are tweeting over at @WePublicHealth. Bookmark our stories here:…
Make sure also to follow #ASMIRT2023 speakers/participants incl @AmandaBoldersto @CMalamateniou @EmmaHydeTeach @MYradres @johnhewis @DrKEHawk @DrGeoffCurrie & many more - follow our #ASMIRT2023 Twitter List…
The #ASMIRT2023 theme is: Champions of Change:
Honouring the past, Embracing the present, Shaping the future Image
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📣 Attention! 🌍🌡️
Here is an update on our work as a Climate Fiscal host, the impact our collectives have made, the challenges we face and what’s on the horizon.

This thread was crafted with the help of our lead @leen_schelfhout 🧵🌿 Image
1/ Being a Fiscal host means we provide a legal #safespace for grassroots movements to get active without setting up their own legal entities.

We provide the ability to keep their finances tidy, receive donations, and apply for grants. We make activism accessible! 🤝💰💻
2/ Our #impact comes from speeding up the process for people to get organized and supporting them in receiving funds in a #transparent and accessible way.

We are a back-office which means our collectives can focus on their work and ideas rather than administrative details 💼 📝 Image
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I want to remind you all that not wanting to do anything or having to stimulate yourself with low energy stuff like eating or TV can be indicative of #AutisticBurnout for some, and that the old dopamine systems may need a bit of a reset.
If we think of burnout as an umbrella term for a state that can include fatigue, anxiety, depression and so on, then any of the symptoms of those will fall under the umbrella condition of burnout. With #depression, #anhedonia is a symptom for many.
#Anhedonia refers to a lack of pleasure. When I was in #burnout, I didn't want anything, I didn't know what I wanted and I couldn't even do things I actually loved. I ate and ate and ate to try and stimulate myself and kickstart my brain functioning.
Read 11 tweets
1/ Welcome to Edition 142 of West’s Well-Being Wednesday! Today, a review of threads and content from March 2022. #wellbeingwednesday #wellbeing #burnout #medtwitter #meded
2/ From March 2, a thread on our 2020 burnout update toward the end of the first year of the pandemic.
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Dr. Martin Bogetz, a bereaved father, sharing the legacy of his daughter Alyssa:
- an MSW who cared deeply about wellbeing
- the first non-physician associate program director in Peds at Stanford, who focused on supporting trainees
- sister of @jbogetz, #pedpc wonder ❤️ #hapc23
The inaugural Alyssa Bogetz lecture: Dr. Susan Block talking about the state of integration of #hapc and #mentalhealth
Alyssa died of AN. The educational fund was started in her honor @AAHPM w the appreciation that our field needs to grow to support people like her. #hapc23
"I think it's a miracle how far we've come." - Dr. Susan Block

We are the 6th largest subspecialty of the largest specialty in the US! #hapc #pedpc #hapc23
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Session TH103A Leading for Wellbeing with @KristinMDCT. Let's go! #hapc23 @AAHPM
Point 1: Wellbeing of leaders predicts wellbeing of staff. There are indices that are specific to leaders. #hapc23
Point 2. Psychological safety is critical to team wellness. (@AmyCEdmondson)
Defn: If you speak up, there is not a threat that you will be punished.
When people need help, they ask.
People can process mistakes, dissent, name problems even when hard. #hapc23
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Psychologische Sicherheit (PS) spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei d. Verbesserung von Teamleistung & Wohlbefinden in #HighPerformanceTeams.
PS ist die Gewissheit, dass man nicht bestraft oder gedemütigt wird, wenn man seine Ideen, Fragen, Bedenken oder Fehler äußert.

#Thread 1/12 Image
Der Artikel "Psychological safety and emergency department team performance: A mixed-methods study" untersucht, wie PS das Teamverhalten im #Notfallteam im #Krankenhaus beeinflusst.

Zunächst wurden quantitative Daten durch Verwendung eines standardisierten Fragebogens erhoben, der auf der „Psychological-Safety-Skala“ basiert. Der Fragebogen wurde an Mitglieder v. Notfallteams in verschiedenen Kliniken verteilt, um das Maß an PS im #Team zu messen.

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Now that the #Match2023 dust has settled, we have celebrated our newly matched M4s, and as @CORD_EM's #CORDAA23 gets started, I wanted to put together some thoughts on the #EM #Match2023, highlight some facts, and answer some questions. Buckle in folks, and let’s get started! 🧵
We know the drop in applicants is multifactorial, EM is about problem-solving, we're working to make the ED a better place for ourselves/our patients, & at the end of the day the majority of EM docs will still tell you how much pride we take in our work & being badass #EMdocs. 🧵
First, those who were shocked by the # of unfilled positions in the EM #Match2023 were not following the preliminary applicant data we have had since @ERASinfo released data in Oct. showing 3,023 students had applied to EM at that time (down from 3,632 in the #Match2022). 🧵
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"Burn-out" is real- take care to prevent it

1. Dr S was a very sincere pediatrician. She would spend quality time to counsel parents and clear all their doubts. She would attend to every case referred to her in emergency room (ER) and spend at least an hour per patient.
2. Dr S had a beautiful handwriting and her case notes were detailed. For a child with viral fever too, she would write two page notes and counsel parents for one hour (even if it was past midnight). Her work was admired by parents (of sick children) as well as colleagues.
3. Within 3 months of joining the hospital, Dr S became very popular and became busy in OPD from 8 AM to 7 PM. In addition, she got calls from ER almost on daily basis and spent 3-4 hours every night attending to emergency patients. This continued for a year or so.
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We have now moved into committee! SB23-111 is for #worker protections & makes sure that public employees can engage in the political process like everyone else

Public employees are nurses, teachers, public service workers & EMT drivers #copolitics

YES ON SB23-111 👨‍⚕️
The right to strike for public employees is only possible after presenting to a board - there is not a avenue for public employees to #unionize or #organize if they think they need too

We are now hearing from a Nurse who tells us 'this impacts you all cause you seek health care'
We have testimony from @DenverHealthMed worker - who says "you do not need a heart beat in a seat, you need a capable health care worker when you are seeking health care"

"we need to level the playing field between our bosses & unions" #copolitics

YES on SB23-111 🔥
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🧠🌍 Burnout has always been a problem, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought it to the forefront. According to the World Health Organisation, 75% of workers globally have experienced burnout.🌍🧠

#mentalhealth #burnout #COVID19 Image
👨‍💼👩‍💼 Burnout isn't limited to any specific work context; anyone can be affected, regardless of their profession. Remote work burnout is a new phenomenon that has emerged since the COVID-19 pandemic.👨‍💼👩‍💼

#remotework #burnout #COVID19 #mentalhealth
😔😞 Burnout affects not only work but also family relationships. The systemic and relational nature of burnout requires a comprehensive and systemic approach to address it.😔😞

#mentalhealth #burnout #family #relationships
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“We tend to think of #burnout as an individual problem, solvable by “learning to say no,” more yoga, better breathing techniques, practicing resilience — the self-help list goes on.

“But evidence is mounting that applying personal, band-aid solutions to an epic and rapidly evolving workplace phenomenon may be harming, not helping, the battle.

“When Stanford researchers looked into how workplace stress affects health costs and mortality in the United States, they found that it led to spending of nearly $190 billion — roughly 8% of national  healthcare outlays — and nearly 120,000 deaths each year.

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Yes! @gretchemaben now discussing the POSITIVES of social media. We must be intentional with how we use it. #SCCM2023 Image
Start with cons of #SoMe first:

#SCCM2023 #SCCMSome Image
And now the Pros:

#SCCM2023 #SCCMSoMe Image
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Ich wünsche dir eine wundervolle, erste Woche im Jahr 2023. Vor allem den #Mut, noch mehr DU zu sein. Seien wir ehrlich. Heutzutage ist das echt schwer und fast unmöglich, ohne anzuecken und seine Komfortzone zu verlassen.

Hier, ich mach’s einfach mal. Ich sitze hier (1/10)
auf der Couch und wieder ein Impuls, wie neulich. Look. Ist nicht einfach das hier zu schreiben. Bei mir war es die letzten Wochen so, dass ich einen inneren Kampf in mir austrug, was meine Zukunftsperspektive anging. Allein, dass ich das hier nun schreibe, zeigt mir, dass (2/10)
ich langsam klar bin.

Ich komme aus einer Gaming Welt, wo mich viele noch überwiegend als den Gamer Mirza sehen. Bis 2019 war ich der auch, auf eine bestimmte Art: Unterhaltsam, energiegeladen, zielstrebig und seeehr impulsiv, mit FIFA als Main Game. Lange eine echte (3/10)
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Der #Winter ist da.
Seit 2019 der erste komplett ohne Maßnahmen.

Dafür mit mannigfaltiger #Verdrängung, politischem #Realitätsverlust und kapitalistischem Egoismus, verkleidet als #Eigenverantwortung.

Zeit für einen neuen Rant zur #Pandemie und #Gesundheitspolitik.
🧵 1/12
Nach der bewussten und mehrfach geleugneten #Durchseuchung mit #SarsCov2 wundern sich die Verharmloser nun über die Folgen.

Wissenschaftlich ist klar, dass die Infektionen dem #Immunsystem schaden und langfristige Risiken mitbringen.

Aber die #Realitätsleugnung schlägt um sich.
#ImpfenSchuetzt, das zeigen alle wissenschaftlichen Daten!

Vollkommen fehlinformiert versuchen Impfgegner nun panisch, die Folgen der Infektionen der Impfung zuzuschreiben.

Beeindruckend wie wenig man von #Wissenschaft verstehen kann.
Bitte fallt nicht auf die Panikmache rein!
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Trying to retain your hospitalist???

Many #Hospitals and health systems struggling to retain hospitalists, why new thinking is needed?

I have made it easy for you.

@ACHEConnect @PhysiciansLead @BeckersHR @TodaysHospital
Why retain a #hospitalist?
- cost 50 to 100 k in lost productivity, recruitment of new hire
- extra cost of having #Locums and #PRNs
- Quality of care may be affected
- LOS increases by .5 days or more as per data
-takes from 6 to 12 months to get the replacement
- unstable team
What to do: I believe follows a simple process.

1. Listening/Feedback Session:
Listen to individual hospitalists:
- #surveymonkey is not okay here
- Set up a 1:1 #listening session and act on the feedback
-feel to be heard and problems acted upon
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Rebuilding a career after a late in life autism diagnosis.
Personal reflections of a very late discovered #ActuallyAutistic person, 4 years on.
Burnout was a factor in me finally finding out I was autistic.
I’d become overwhelmed and exhausted.
I’d drifted to a halt, and then couldn’t get going again.
I was overloaded by being bullied at work, being in perimenopause, unresolved trauma and my partner’s serious illness.
A demanding new job immediately after my diagnosis didn’t kickstart recovery from burnout like it would have done previously.
What the psychologist had told me about taking ‘baby steps’ was true, even though I didn’t want it to be.
I finally realised I couldn’t afford not to.
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Le @canardenchaine révèle un "nouveau" scandale concernant les projets de systèmes d'information des administrations.
Pourtant vraiment rien de nouveau sous le ☀️.
Le problème est systémique malheureusement et connu. Mais l'Etat ne se donne jamais les moyens de reprendre la
1️⃣ Le nombre de sociétés de #MOA en #SSII qui peuvent répondre aux RAO se compte sur les doigts d'une main.
Donc forcément on retrouve toujours les mêmes.
2️⃣ L'administration saurait garder des talents a minima pour être en capacité de piloter ces marchés, fusse en
sachant tirer le meilleur parti de ses AMOA là encore souvent externes on n'irait pas si souvent à l'échec ...
Quand des directeurs de projets ne donne pas toutes les données à leur AMOA car déstabilisé par la force de frappe de cette dernière, dommage pour l'administration.
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1/ Welcome to Edition 119 of West’s Well-Being Wednesday! Today: a review of threads and content from October 2021. #wellbeingwednesday #wellbeing #burnout #medtwitter #meded
2/ From October 6, a brief thread on speakers at the #ACPH21 meeting, including @PresCoreyDLBHF @Surgeon_General @vivek_murthy @JillianHortonMD. Quite prescient for current impact, no?
3/ Look for more excellent speakers on the vanguard of physician #wellbeing at #ACPH23 in Palm Desert, California October 11-13, 2023. Bookmark this link and add to your calendars because this meeting fills up fast once registration opens!
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#PLFSS2023 #médecinegénérale
Au-delà des arguments exposés par @stephanie_rist et relayé par @DrMartyJerUFMLS 2 points doivent aussi être mis en exergue :
1⃣ les internes en med gé sont nettement plus sujets au #burnout que la population générale (38.5% vs 25.8% - cf. thèse du
docteur Nguyen PHAM (…) soutenue le 23 mai 2019 à Poitiers
2⃣ beaucoup ne souhaitent pas s'installer immédiatement afin de diversifier encore leurs expériences, notamment via des remplacements qui leur permettent de définir dans quelles conditions
d'exercice ils se sentent le plus à l'aise, approche au demeurant pragmatique et gagnant-gagnant puisqu'elle permet d'assurer la continuité des soins des patientèles déjà constituées (ce qui est un besoin) tout en leur apportant des bénéfices au-delà de ceux que cette 4ème
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What % of #EHR text is directly duplicated from a prior note?

6 yrs
100+ mil notes
33 B words
192 B characters

Duplicated text ⬆️ from 33% in 2015 to 54% in 2020

Blocking copy forward is not the answer. We must reimagine #documentation…
Also - we (the authors) paid out of pocket to publish this piece on @JAMANetworkOpen so that it would not be behind a paywall. We need more resources (aka funds!) for open academic research 🙏🏽
Documentation burden directly impacts #burnout for clinicians as well and it does so disproportionately between disciplines & gender

@evebmd and I talked about this with @DIVURGENT @ShaneDanaher & @trentrosenbloom @techguy…
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😫 ever felt totally exhausted by the career you’ve chosen?

😫 ever feeling stuck in a job that you’re meant to love?

😫 ever feel a little despondent about your work?

Check out this free webinar on #COACH #BURNOUT. Sign up here 👇🏿…
If you want to know a little more about coach burnout, check out this episode of the #EightyPercentMental #Podcast episode with @NutritionDanny.…
...and this epsidoe of the Leave Your Mark #Podcast in which @coachblueprint1 and I spoke with @builtbyscott about Burnout and Wellbeing in Sport.…
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So a few days ago, I asked a question about burnout and the replies were pretty revealing - thanks to everyone who replied for their honesty in talking about this stuff.

#Burnout is much more than just feeling a bit worn out.
Settle in... 🧵

Burnout is far more than just feeling worn out, or a bit over-stressed.

It is a complex and ongoing syndrome with three major characteristics...
1. Feelings of emotional and physical exhaustion.

Often this is described as being overwhelmed by everything, not having the energy to make even the simplest of decisions.
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