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Repubblica Centrafricana #CAR, #Wagner controlla tutte le basi militari del paese
1/n Segnalati voli cargo russi da #Libia e #Sudan verso la Repubblica Centrafricana.
Cerchiamo di capire cosa accade...⬇️
@FocusOnAfricaEn @AntonellaNapoli…
La notizia non passa inosservata. Un aereo cargo Antonov An124 hanno preso il decollo dalla Libia e dal Sudan in direzione di Bangui. Sono stati segnalati in arrivo nel paese dalle 08.50 del mattino del 13 Maggio.
Le conferme visuali non tardano ad arrivare. Ciò che si ipotizzava stesse accadendo è divenuto ben presto un riscontro oggettivo. I cargo trasportavano, per conto della Wagner PMC, materiale bellico e sorprendentemente anche aerei da caccia militari di proprietà del gruppo: ImageImageImage
Read 34 tweets
The Spring update of @CrisisGroup's European Union Watch List is here.

Read on for recommendations from our analysts around the globe on how the EU can enhance prospects for peace in the #Sahel, #Kosovo and #Serbia, #Pakistan and #LatinAmerica:…

🧵: 1/11 Image
The report starts with an introduction by @CrisisGroup CEO & President @EroComfort, where she highlights the role the EU can play in #Sudan, particularly by deterring outside actors from getting sucked into the fighting.…
.@EroComfort also writes about the EU's current top security priority: backing Ukraine to defend itself.

And even as the EU and member states continue supporting Ukraine, they should signal to Moscow that a path toward a negotiated settlement or ceasefire remains possible.
Read 11 tweets
🌳 The W, Arly and Pendjari national parks, or the WAP complex, is an area of natural reserves.

Its location along multiple borders and cover by forests have made it a critical space for non-state armed groups feeding political instability in the Sahel.…
🇧🇯 There has been a sharp rise in violent attacks in the areas skirting the WAP complex in #Benin since late 2021.

🔴 The areas have become important for the region’s two main armed groups - Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (#JNIM) and Islamic State Sahel Province (#ISSP).
🚨 In the WAP complex, the principal aim of #JNIM in engaging with #illiciteconomies is to further their governance agenda.

🏞️ The park serves as a relatively safe route for small bands of #smugglers to transport fuel and consumer goods across borders
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1/ L’Afrique est devenue une cible privilégiée des réseaux de désinformation. Fin mars, nous avons été la cible de l’un d’entre eux : le #GPCI. Dans ce fil, je vous explique les ressorts de cette entreprise d’intoxication et les acteurs qu'elle dissimule. (1/24) Image
2/ Tout commence quelques jours avant la publication de notre enquête sur les enfants tués dans un camp militaire au #BurkinaFaso. Après avoir transmis nos questions aux autorités burkinabè (restées sans réponse), un média confidentiel diffuse alors un article diffamatoire. Image
3/ Ce dernier nous accuse d’avoir reçu des «dizaines de milliers d’euros pour accepter de publier des déclarations mensongères sur des supposées exactions» et de faire de la «manipulation visant à déstabiliser le régime de transition». Le texte est largement diffusé sur WhatsApp. Image
Read 24 tweets
In the insurgent-run region of #BurkinaFaso, 34 volunteers of the VDP (Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland) & 6 soldiers were killed “by unidentified armed men on Saturday ... at about 4:00 pm," near Aorema village, the Ouahigouya regional governorate said in a statement Image
The statement added that 33 more were injured but are reportedly in a "stable condition" in Ouahigouya's university hospital.
The detachment of volunteers and soldiers was reportedly deployed to maintain security at the aerodrome when they fell victim to a terrorist attack.
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1/ Notre enquête sur les enfants tués dans un camp militaire au #BurkinaFaso a fait réagir. Suite au communiqué du gouvernement et à certains articles de presse, il est important d’apporter quelques éclaircissements sur les faits soulevés par notre investigation.
2/ Dans son long communiqué, le gouvernement burkinabè ne dément aucun fait, ne contredit aucun des éléments de preuves que nous exposons. Il ne sert que des attaques ad personam visant à nous discréditer plutôt que de parler des faits, détaillés dans le fil ci-dessous.
3/ Cette vidéo d’1m23 reçue le 14 février montre 7 victimes, des enfants et des adolescents, qui sont ligotés au sol. La plupart ont le visage bâillonné et ne respirent plus. Certains saignent de la tête. L’homme qui filme les menace : «celui qui va bouger seulement, on le tue».
Read 16 tweets
Explaining the @RepMattGaetz Interrogation on US-Trained African Coup Leaders

A thread 🪡

@RepMattGaetz recently had an excellent performance in Congress, where he interviewed the head of US Africa Command, General Langley, about the string of coups led by US-trained military leaders:

@RepMattGaetz did a very good job, but, I don't know if he understands the larger international relations story here, or if he considers it inconvenient to his narrative, which is the noble goal of getting US troops out of Africa:

Read 24 tweets
A thread on #BurkinaFaso and 🇨🇵 and 🇺🇲 security assistance.
1. It is my understanding that 🇨🇵 and 🇺🇲 security assistance was always very limited and in retrospect never scaled to make a significant difference.
2. France's priorities arguably were Mali 1st, Niger 2nd, BF 3rd. Barkhane focused on Mali, though France hoped that by focusing above all on the tri-border area if Mali its actions might benefit all three.
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1. New UN report on AQ and IS is out, here are the most interesting tidbits in my opinion: Like this paragraph saying that several member states noted IS-#Somalia's Al-Karrar office sending $25k a month to IS-Khorasan via crypto…
2. Obligatory mention that everyone's least surprising candidate to succeed Zawahiri is indeed Sayf al-Adl and AQ's silence is meant to protect the Taliban
3. Buried in here but yet should be WAY more significant is the assertion that veteran AQ leader Abu Ikhlas al-Masri, captured in Kunar #Afghanistan in 2010 and freed during the Taliban takeover in 2021, is now leading an AQ unit in Kunar. AQ presence in Afghan is very undersold
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#Wagner : Afrique & désinformation🧵

Fakes news, deepfake et multiplications de pages facebook pour désinformer. Le groupe Wagner utilise l’information comme une arme pour déstabiliser des pays.

Un thread pour décrypter ses stratégies et l'influence de la #Russie ⤵️

👉 #BurkinaFaso 🇧🇫 : un pays sous influence

@alleyesonwagner a réalisé un excellent travail sur la situation. Depuis mars 2022 une offensive est opérée par des médias affiliés à E. Prigojine. Ils ont amplifié le narratif anti-France et pro junte.

➡Usage de l’intelligence artificielle

Le 23 janvier, des vidéos sont diffusées pour soutenir la junte. Toutes sont des vidéos qui ont généré des personnes par l’intelligence artificielle. Elles sont partagées par des militants de poids comme I. Malga (331k followers).

Read 24 tweets
Today jan 28, several groups have called to protest. While everybody can have their own opinions, we looked at two well-known cyber guérilla tactics: micro targeting and go offline. Is #BurkinaFaso under Russian cyber influence ? Fasten your seat belt and go ..(1/n)
A cartoon emerged on social media end of Dec 2022 featuring a #WagnerGroup mercenary with a hammer against a rat, symbolising France. It was posted by this media page Burkina Kibaya (2/n)
This media and news page has paid @Meta for ads campaigns targeting geographically people living in #BurkinaFaso . This tactic is called micro targeting and helps target for very cheap the right audience (less than 100usd per ad) (3/n)
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🧵Samedi 28 janvier, plusieurs groupes appellent à manifester. Alors que chacun a le droit de ses opinions, on s'est penché sur deux tactiques connues de guerilla numérique: microtargetting et la desinfo offline. Le #BurkinaFaso sous cyber-influence russe? C'est parti....(1/n)
Fin décembre 2022, une vidéo présentant un mercenaire de #WagnerGroup armé d'une masse contre un rat, symbole de la France, circulait sur les réseaux sociaux dont cette page d'actualité Burkina Kibaya (2/n)…
Cette page media est intéressante car elle a payé @Meta pour diffuser des publicités ciblant géographiquement les personnes résidant dansle pays. Cette technique s'appelle le microtargetting et permet de cibler pour pas cher (-100 usd) une audience particulière (3/n)
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En Afrique, la #France est "malmenée", "coulée" par la #Russie.

Le déclin de la #France accélère. Après la #CentreAfrique, le #Mali, le #Burkina, c'est au tour de la #Côte_d_Ivoire. Image
0⃣La #France voit son influence attaquée dans la plupart des pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, où certaines populations et leurs dirigeants n’hésitent pas à afficher leur mépris grandissant pour l’ancien colonisateur, voire directement pour la personne d’Emmanuel #Macron Image
1⃣ Le ministère français des Affaires étrangères a annoncé, jeudi dernier, le rappel de son ambassadeur, au lendemain de l'ultimatum posé par le #BurkinaFaso à la #France, consistant au départ des forces spéciales françaises du pays dans un délai d’un mois
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Σήμερα είναι η επέτειος του πραξικοπήματος στην #burkinafaso, ημέρα υπουργείου θρησκευτικών υποθέσεων στην #Indonesia και #tamaseseri φεστιβάλ στην #japan.

#σανΣημερα τo 1521 o παπάς #leoX αφορίζει το #martinLuther. Ξεκινάει η #protestantReformation.

Tο 1749 εκδίδεται το πρώτο τεύχος της εφημερίδας #berlingske στη #danemark. Είναι η αρχαιότερη σε συνεχή κυκλοφορία της χώρας.

Το 1957 η εταιρεία #hamiltonWatchCompany κυκλοφορεί το πρώτο ηλεκτρικό ρολόι.

Το 1976 ο #un υιοθετεί τη διεθνή συμφωνία οικονομικών, κοινωνικών και πολιτιστικών δικαιωμάτων.

Το 1977 δημιουργείται η #apple.

To 1993 υπογράφεται από τις #usa και τη #russia, η συμφωνία #start.

To 1999 εκτοξεύεται η αποστολή #marsPolarLander της #nasa.

Read 8 tweets
2022 was a year of horrible bloodshed for many countries.

For 2023, we compiled a list of 10 conflicts to watch – in partnership with @ForeignPolicy.

🧵 [1/12]…
1️⃣ #Ukraine 🇺🇦

After nearly a year of fighting, there is no end in sight for the war in Ukraine.

The West should continue its balancing act of backing Kyiv while avoiding a direct clash with Russia and keeping the door open to negotiations.
2️⃣ #NagornoKarabakh 🇦🇲- 🇦🇿

Neither Russian nor Western-sponsored talks have brought the sides closer to a sustainable agreement and clashes have continued.

The failure of talks could well result in renewed war.
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"Between January and end of September 2022, Ukraine received five times more media coverage than the combined coverage of the ten worst conflict affected countries to be a child in 2021." - Save The Children
Gotta love corporate media... silence while children are dying. SHAME!
This is just sad & enraging. Mainstream media complicity & capitulation. #media #Afghanistan #BurkinaFaso #CentralAfricanRepublic #Congo #Mali #Myanmar #Nigeria #Somalia #Syria #Yemen Image
Will be making video to go over this and so much more later this week at
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🇫🇷 Le ministre @SebLecornu confirme la livraison de deux systèmes Crotale et deux LRU.

"Mais nous étudions une demande pour des radars (GM200 ?) car la détection des frappes en amont est cruciale." @SebLecornu

Retour sur l'interview au…
🇫🇷🇺🇦 "Nous sommes l’un des plus gros contributeurs avec 550 millions d’euros sur un total de 3 milliards d’euros. Nous payons donc aussi pour ce que donnent les autres !" @SebLecornu
🇫🇷🇺🇦 Concernant le fonds de soutien de 200M€, le ministre @SebLecornu lance un appel aux PME innovantes françaises, "qui peuvent émarger à ce fonds pour proposer aux Ukrainiens des solutions à leurs besoins".
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❌ Sur cette vidéo, des Français détruisent-ils leurs véhicules avant de quitter le #Mali ou le #BurkinaFaso ?
✅ La scène se passe au Burkina Faso, mais les Français n’ont rien à voir avec l’opération
Quant au “pourquoi?”, les incertitudes persistent 1/10
Cette vidéo, partagée depuis le 13 novembre, montre des véhicules pick-up en train d’être détruits

Pour certains, ce sont des “Français” quittant le #Mali suite à la fin de l’opération #Barkhane qui seraient à l’origine de cette opération 2/10
Pour d’autres, si les “Français” seraient bien responsables, cette scène aurait plutôt lieu dans la mine de Perkoa, mine de zinc du centre du #BurkinaFaso, aujourd’hui fermée 3/10
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It's now official: Capt. #Traoré is transition president in #BurkinaFaso, a direct result of the 'assises', an assembly of some 300 delegates, adopting tonight a new transition charter stating the head of ruling MPSR junta is also transition president. Why is this significant?🧵
2/ First, while #Traoré's nomination was in recent days a foregone conclusion, it wasn't always so: since day 1 of the #BurkinaFaso coup, he had stressed the transition leader could be a civilian, and that he had no interest himself in ruling. So what has changed in the meantime?
3/ One interpretation is that it was always the plan. Another, that #Traoré realised he could easily be sidelined if he did not make himself president. Following the rebooted junta's 1st speech on state TV on 30 Sept, #Traoré faced pushback in streets of #Ouagadougou from ...
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🇪🇺 "Nous sommes dans un monde compétitif où tout est militarisé. Tout est une arme : l'énergie, les investissements, l'information, les flux migratoires, les données, etc."

Excellent discours de @JosepBorrellF hier en ouverture de la conf. des ambassadeurs de l'UE.

THREAD 👇 Image
🇪🇺 "Nous sommes dans un monde d'incertitude radicale. La vitesse et l'ampleur du changement sont exceptionnelles. Nous ne devons pas essayer de le nier, [...] d'y résister. Nous devons l'accepter et nous y adapter, en privilégiant la flexibilité et la résilience." @JosepBorrellF
🇪🇺 "Je pense que nous, Européens, sommes confrontés à une situation dans laquelle nous subissons les conséquences d'un processus qui dure depuis des années et dans lequel nous avons découplé les sources de notre prospérité des sources de notre sécurité." @JosepBorrellF
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🧵👇 #Russian Telegram channel says the quiet part out loud following #BurkinaFaso coup 2.0. Image
Kremlin propaganda channels usually promote the narrative that Russia will help West Africa by fighting jihadists (via Wagner) and emancipating citizens from the French neocolonial state.
But we know there is a different agenda: resources. Russian proxy companies own mines in multiple African countries, and, when Russia isn't in control of lucrative resources, Wagner operatives have no problem raiding and massacring miners.…
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NEW #Africa File | #BurkinaFaso’s latest coup on Sep. 30 indicates that the governance and security crisis in West Africa’s #Sahel region continues to deepen. @liam_karr @brian_cartr @EmilyCEstelle… 1/5 Image
Salafi-jihadi groups linked to #alQaeda and the #IslamicState have exploited cyclical violence and anti-government grievances to root themselves in local communities and steadily expand in the Sahel over the past decade. 2/5 Image
The fallout from the Burkina Faso coup, like the 2020 and 2021 coups in Mali, will likely further reduce counterterrorism pressure and worsen the conditions that lead to Salafi-jihadi expansion. 3/5
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In video statement recorded yday & circulating today, #Damiba addresses #BurkinaFasoCoup for 1st time since it began on Friday. He highlights 26 Sept attack on Gaskindé convoy as one of the sparks for the coup, leading to “tensions, misunderstandings & criticism”. Gaskindé was …
2/ … to some extent the Inata of this coup - the spark that lit up the fuel that was e.g. growing frustration over choice of int’l security partners; worsening security situation; Zoungrana’s continued imprisonment; perception #Damiba had become a “civilian politician”
3/ In video, #Damiba criticises Traoré for mutinying when his grievances “should have been addressed through dialogue”. But frustration in part of #MPSR was also based on the perception that Damiba was going it alone and casting aside those who had helped him seize power
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The impact of 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 war on #Africa
African countries, which have been out of 🇺🇦 attention for a long time, have now become relevant due to #RussiaUkraineWar. The economic circumstances of war with blocking the export of 🇺🇦 goods abroad affect Africa to a greater extent.
Beyond food security, Africa is a region where Western influence is waning and the presence of Turkey, China and Russia is growing. Modern Africa consists of the former colonies of Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Italy. (2/10)
After gaining their independence in the 1960s and 1980s, the newly formed countries began to focus not only on the West. Since the "cold war" was going on at that time, Moscow became a certain "alternative" and at the same time a sponsor of African countries. (3/10)
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