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Live from #GartnerDW | 20 #Culture Hacks to Improve #Hybrid Workplace Adoption and Efficiency with Gavin Tay, Gartner VP Analyst: Image
About this keynote: Gavin reveals the top 20 #culture hacks that drive adoption and efficiency in the hybrid workplace: #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace #Hybrid
Let’s start off by defining what a “culture hack” is. #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace #Hybrid Image
Read 26 tweets
Live from #GartnerDW | What Employees Really Want: Top Takeaways From the 2023 Gartner Digital Worker Survey with Tori Paulman, Gartner Sr. Director Analyst: Image
About this session: Tori explores research, data and insight into worker needs that will amplify digital workplace strategies for leaders: #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace
Let’s start off with a look at 2022 Digital Worker Experience Survey key questions. #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace Image
Read 19 tweets
met gala black & white with the focus being cats symbolism:
black and white are the stripes of the tiger

- White Tiger of the West (Xīfāng Báihǔ 西方白虎) one of the four divine beasts related to the four cardinal directions/seasons etc. of the Chinese constellations. ImageImage
- tiger=lion=king=ac(antichrist) (false king false ruler)
- associated with the metal(META/robots/flesh of the “gods”/ sinking) element. earth(yellow)=supporting element of metal(white/beige/silver=supporting element of water(dark blue/black) meanwhile water can release the power ImageImage
of metal. also the  respiratory system/lungs/related to the nose/large intestine/fall/venus(lucifer)/round shapes. Metal ‘governs’ the Chinese Zodiac signs Monkey, Rooster and Dog.
Read 18 tweets
Advocate writes to Acting Chief Justice of Bombay HC - SV Gangapurwala - seeking permanent adoption of hybrid mode for hearings to encourage "better access to justice"

#BombayHighCourt #Online Image
"Vulnerable populace remains alienated from courts due to various reasons that includes but is not limited to the distance of the High Court and its Benches"

#BombayHighCourt #hybrid
"It is pertinent to note that even when the litigant appears before the Court physically, often the matter is not heard as it does not reach the Board."

#BombayHighCourt #hybrid
Read 4 tweets
- Jos postaa vaikka #WomensDay tai 2019 vaaleista ja tekstissä on #Jauhojengi'n pomon nimi, postit menevät 2 kävijän jälkeen '#OffensiveContet-tilaan.
- 'Hybridi-tutkija-tohtorit-asialla, koko #Smith -perhe.
Read 14 tweets
Ein komischer Thread.
Hape #Kerkeling wurde vor vielen Jahren mal böse ausgespielt von „Verstehen Sie Spaß?“ Bei einem Auftritt in einem Theater briefte man das Publikum vorher so, dass es nur begeistert klatschte, wenn ein installiertes Lämpchen leuchtete (das Hape nicht sah)👇🏻
Als er nun seine Witze riss auf der Bühne u die Pointe zum besten gab, blieb es totenstill im Publikum. Keiner lachte. An anderer, sinnloser Stelle brachen die Zuschauer unvermittelt in tosenden Applaus aus u brachten ihn völlig aus dem Konzept. Natürlich wusste er nicht, dass 👇🏻
es ein abgekartetes Spiel war und war völlig am Ende. Man konnte seine Verwirrung und Verunsicherung gefühlsmäßig gut nachvollziehen, weil die vertrauten Reaktionen „seines“ Publikums plötzlich völlig fremd waren, ja völlig absurd. Das Zusammenspiel stimmte nicht mehr und(…)👇🏻
Read 42 tweets
Announcing MISTERBOND'S ROLL OF HONOUR for Mutual Fund schemes under all categories of #Debt, #Hybrid and #Equity.

This will showcase Top 5 schemes in each category.

This should become the #GOLD standard in ranking Mutual Fund schemes on #QuantitativeAnalysis
This will be based on monthly analysis of daily rolling returns in each category and then
12 month average of such monthly analysis
We compile daily rolling returns over different periods based on Asset classes like:
1. Daily 60 mth rolling returns over past 7 yrs for Equity
2. Daily 36 mth rolling returns over past 5 yrs for CreditRisk
3. Daily 12 mth rolling returns over past 3 yrs for Low Duration Funds
Read 10 tweets
Live from #GartnerIO | Mission (Nearly) Impossible: Attracting and Retaining IT Talent with Mark Margevicius, Gartner VP Analyst. Follow along for key #GartnerInsights ⬇️
Why is finding, attracting and retaining #talent so difficult in 2022 for I&O leaders? #GartnerIO
"1 in 3 employees are looking for jobs. For every employee in tech looking for a new role today, there are about 10 open roles for them to apply to. You need to be competitive." #GartnerIO #ITtalent #IO
Read 16 tweets
1. Good morning ☀️ Thursdays 🧵is about #Trout
For clarity, we are talking about Salmo trutta, the native trout to Ireland, which can be either resident (brown trout) or migratory (sea trout) or many things in between 📸 G. Rogan
@WildTroutTrust @AST_Salmon @TheFSBI #FishSci Juvenile trout
@TheFSBI 2. Trout display phenotypic plasticity. A phenotype is a set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism ➡️what does it look like and how does it function? Here’s various L. Melvin trout, thanks to A. Ferguson & P. Prodöhl @QUBelfast… Types of trout from Lough Melvin
@TheFSBI @QUBelfast 3. For trout, the decision to stay put in freshwater, or migrate to sea is complex, governed by genetics, the condition of the fish, and environmental conditions. This is an excellent infographic also from Andy and Paulo @QUBelfast , + Tom Cross, @TomEReed & @mcginnity_p @uccBEES infographic of trout life history decisions
Read 28 tweets
🪖We have had a great opportunity to speak with @benedettabertiw about #NATO-Ukraine cooperation and climate implications for security.
Photo credit @TEDTalks
More in 🧵 (1/10)
We’re living in a world of sovereignty, territorial integrity, the right of each and every country to choose their own alliances, freely conducted foreign policy — these are central rights.The latest one has been violated in Ukraine because of Russia’s actions.(2/10)
🇷🇺🇺🇦 war threatens rules-based🌏order and also brings deep instability in the #EuroAtlantic space.That is a great concern of @NATO.That’s one of the reasons why the allies so strongly support🇺🇦right to self-defense in calling 🇷🇺to stop this horrific war. (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
Yesterday, we held the first "Defence and Statecraft Forum" & we were honoured to welcome a number of great guests. For those that couldn't make it, we are going to write a thread on the main points (in no particular order)🧵 /1

@Brussels_School #Defence #Statecraft
Supporters of #Ukraine are not doing enough to think about the plan for and repercussions of the country's eventual accession to the #EU and #NATO. One implication is that political and military support will have to be drastically enhanced. /2
Western countries have been providing weapons and support to #Ukraine, albeit more can certainly been done. However, as Ukraine presses #Russia there is a need to send Main Battle Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles, as well as to ramp up deliveries of munitions.

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"Our imagination does´nt has any scenario left in which this could not be a targeted attack" @Tagesspiegel quotes a person involved in the assessment of the German gov regarding the incidents at the #Nordstream #pipelines in the #Balticsea

A first thread ⚠️ #Druckabfall
Yesterday, authorities acknowledged a decrease in pressure in both pipelines; first in NS2, later also in NS1. The 3(!) leakages are to be found in the East of Danish Bornholm (NS2), and also two leaks in the Northeast of the Island (NS1)
Two leaks are within the Danish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), one is in the Swedish EEZ. Sea depth in the region is around 50m.
Read 27 tweets
New: #Ukraine bracing for new round of #Russia|n cyber attacks targeting its energy, financial sectors, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Georgii Dubynskyi tells reporters
"We saw this scenario before-before the winter they [#Russia] are trying to find a way how to undermine, how to defeat our energy system & how to make circumstances even more severe for Ukrainians" per Dubynskyi
#Russia also trying to employ "precision" #cyberattacks

"Using social engineering & using some it's also possible #hybrid attacks as well" per Dubynskyi
Read 12 tweets
Sometimes the simplest things can have the biggest impact!

When it comes to people and #culture we tend to over engineer everything.

Sometimes it just needs to be simple and fun and creative!

So, I thought I'd share this simple hack from @OMERSVentures recent team offsite.
Last month, our team had an offsite - the first in over 3 yrs, and the first for all three of our regions (CAN, US, UK) to meet each other as a global team. It was a great week of connecting, collaborating!

#team #culture #connection Image
As our people & culture champion & w/ the dream team of @shawnchance & @MindOverMandi we collaborated on a session to help our team get to know each other in the face of continuing Covid-related work environments & the challenge of working in 3 countries, but operating as 1 team Image
Read 11 tweets
In a new study, the researchers develop a panel of mRNA-LNP-based vaccines using the RBD of #Omicron & #Delta, which are dominant in the current wave of COVID-19. 1/
In addition to the Omicron- & Delta-specific vaccines, the panel also includes a “#Hybrid” vaccine that uses the RBD containing all 16 point-mutations shown in Omicron & Delta RBD, as well as a #bivalent vaccine composed of both Omicron and Delta RBD-LNP in half dose. 2/
Interestingly, both Omicron-specific & Hybrid RBD-LNP elicited extremely high titer of NAbs against Omicron itself, but few to none NAbs against other SARS-CoV-2 variants. 3/ Image
Read 6 tweets
#Niedersachsen #nds
Pk läuft noch, aber:
#PräsenzpflichtAusgesetzt -- OHNE Angebot auf Distanzlernen "Stoffvermittlung muss selbstständig erfolgen"

Meine Schüler bekommen selbstverständlich Angebot auf #Hybrid- & #Distanzlernen.
#twlz #edunds
Während M.Seng @HAZ noch rumnölt "Warum macht #NDS da #Alleingang? Wo es hier doch besser ist?"
liegen auf #Intensivstationen #PICU
28 Kinder bundesweit, davon 6 in #NDS:21%.
8 Kinder bundesweit werden beatmet, davon 2 in NDS:25%.
Bei nur 9,7% aller D Minderj. in Bevölkerung
Bundesweit waren nur an einem einzigen Tag (34 am 27.11.) bisher mehr #Minderjährige auf der #Intensivstation #PICU als heute (30).
#ImmerNeueRekorde in Sicht....
Read 10 tweets
Let there be no mistake about it(Ilusion/delusion): #USA lost to #Pakistan its first 21st century #Hybrid #war. #Taliban was merely an instrument! This defeat should by a case study on how to win a Hybrid war against a (powerful) democracy!
Read 8 tweets
I’m Rob. I teach Grade 2.

Did you know this year we will be teaching students online and in class at the same time?

You’ve been told it’s ok, we have experience virtually…it’s minimal. No training. No resources.

Just that can do (Ontario) spirit.

Thanks for the back to school plans, McKinsey…I mean @Sflecce. I mean McKinsey.

They cold called Ford with a plan that has:
-lost $4.4 billion
-left $10.1 billion unspent
-cut (e.g $800 mil from Ed)
-cost a lot of death.

So far.

#onted #yrdsb #onpoli…
This is McKinsey, who are providing the playbook for @Sflecce and #onted.

Hybrid is part of it. Inferior quality of education, disguised as choice.

No choice.

Look at Alabama. @Sflecce has mentioned them on several occasions.

#yrdsb #FireLecce…
Read 6 tweets
“A Tedious Explanation of #Cannabis #Oilpens” - PART TWO starts here! You can find PART ONE here:

We are continuing our look into #hybrid #oilpen #systems:
16. Jupiter Research: I can’t quite figure out where @we_are_jupiter ends and @CCELLofficial begins. These two companies are very inter-related. The company founders helped develop the #CCell heating technology. They then brought over #CCell products to the US beginning in 2016.
They also create 510 carts, and offer several pod-based systems. There’s the #Liquid #Que - their first pod system that uses a magnetic snap-in pod with ceramic heating. There’s the #Jupiter #Liquid9 with a unique 9-sided design and pod with a built in “septum”. ImageImage
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1. "Yesterday was such a frustrating day that by evening I had to go to bed with chest pains..."

Thread. What is a #Hybrid #VotingMachine & Why Do I Care?…
#SMARTelections #ElectionProtection
2. "It started out a good day. The day before I celebrated my 14th anniversary with my husband. The cherry blossom tree we planted in the backyard was exploding in pink taffy balls, and the smell of the lilies he got me floated through the living room as I walked to my desk."
3. "From there it went downhill pretty quickly ... For the last 2 years, I have been trying to protect New York voters, and voters across the country from a particularly “bad” type of voting machine known as a “hybrid”.

What is a “hybrid” voting machine?"
#Hacking #Voting
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In the meeting held today for discussing possibility of switching to #hybrid format of hearing matter, the #BombayHighCourt has deferred the decision till April 5, 2021.

#Covid_19 #COVID19
The Court in conjunction with the #BMC has decided to hold a #CovidVaccine drive for the High Court judges at the Principal Bench and their spouses (above the age of 45) from April 2 to 4, 2021.
A similar #CovidVaccines drive will also be held for the lawyers, their spouses and their office staff ALL ABOVE THE AGE OF 45 years in the same weekend viz. from April 2 to 4, 2021.
Read 5 tweets
A deeply interesting tutorial by @fchollet @MelMitchell1 @ChrSzegedy at #NeurIPS2020

"#Abstraction & #Reasoning in #AI systems: Modern Perspectives "

or "What are abstraction, generalization and analogic reasoning?"

@fchollet begins by laying some foundations in notation and background.

E.g., Generalization is a spectrum (and we are looking at lower bands in #ML nowadays)

And Abstraction? It is the engine behind generalization!

And of course it comes in different flavors:

- program-centric: that is akin to high-level reasoning (inducing & merging programs)

- value-centric (interpolating examples) 👈 essentially what #DL does and excels at!

Read 15 tweets
Read & Publish/transformative agreements =
#Hybrid2.0 bc subscriptions are combined with APCs +
#BigDeal2.0 bc universities are locked into a contract with a publisher that involves a bundle of journals at prices divorced from actual costs. (a thread...)
Read & Publish/transformative agreements =
worse than previous #Hybrid & #BigDeals bc they ADD a BARRIER: pay to publish AND pay to read. Publishers "promise" they will flip all journals to 100% OA eventually…
Goal of original #Hybrid was to flip all journals to 100% OA. Remember what happened with that? Publishers made much more money off of hybrid & didn't flip. Good for business, bad for academia & the public
See Bernhard Mittermaier:…
Read 7 tweets
1. NY just passed #AVR Automatic Voter Registration. @StandUpAmerica estimates this will add over 1Mill voters to the #NY rolls. Wouldn't it be great to know that those votes were going to be counted correctly? But w/new #VotingMachines being certified we will not know.
2. #Security experts like @rad_atl & @kskoglund & auditing expert @philipbstark say that the hybrid #VotingMachines are not secure and "No form of audit can confirm they functioned correctly." (Quote from Dr. Stark). Read a paper he co-authored.…
3. One #Hybrid #VotingMachine is already certified in #NY. It's the Dominion ICE & is in at least 15 counties including #Westchester County where they're trying to buy 100s more. In the Westchester #primary the ICE hybrid voting machines created 4 hour lines. via @IndivisWstchr
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