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1⃣/9⃣ #COVID19 lockdowns disrupted normal life, including access to healthcare. We conducted 3⃣studies📰 on chiropractic #patients in Spain 🇪🇸 who were isolated & couldn't receive their usual care 👩‍⚕️.

🌟Here's what we found…👇👀 Image
2⃣/9⃣ We gathered observational cross-sectional data from 648 #patients across Spain 🇪🇸 during the strictest phase of the #COVID19 lockdown (April 2020).

🔴Participants were experiencing acute or chronic #pain at the time of the survey.… @SciReports👇
3⃣/9⃣ 🦠 #COVID19 wasn't just a #PhysicalHealth crisis. Influenced by multiple factors, including #anxiety & pandemic-related outcomes, pain worsened ⬆️ during lockdown 😰💭

🔴Time to consider the #biopsychosocial implications of the #pandemic & lockdowns!
#MentalHealth👇 Image
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In May 2019, Dr. @rschilsky & I co-chaired the #AAADV19 Workshop Plenary Session "Decentralized #ClinicalTrials: The Future is Now." An incredible group of panelists from academia, industry, govt, & patient #advocacy 👇discussed the rationale, challenges, & opportunities of DCTs. Image
No one knew yet that the #COVID19 #pandemic was just around the corner. In Mar 2020, FDA released a guidance on conduct of #clinicaltrials during the pandemic:…, & colleagues wrote about the impact on #OncTwitter trials:…. /2
FDA has now released a draft guidance on decentralized #clinicaltrials for drugs, biological products, & devices covering #telehealth, remote assessments, consent, shipping of IP, & more:…. #MedTwitter #regulatory #drugdevelopment Image
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🚀New Publication📚We examined the effect of telehealth expansion on counseling service-seeking intention via DiD analysis, providing support for #telehealth. We also highlighted worsened racial disparities in mental health. #TherapistTwitter…
thread (1/8) Image
Results from DiD show the shift to telehealth wasn't associated with a change in counseling service-seeking intentions among clients, both for racial/ethnic minorities and White individuals. (2/8) #MentalHealthServices #Access Image
Implication 1: no evidence suggests declines in counseling service-seeking intentions after the universal shift to telehealth around March 15, 2020. Current policies tied to telehealth should continue beyond the pandemic. @CounselingViews @ACA_CTOnline #TelehealthPolicy (3/8)
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My friend @GitaPensaMD just published this brilliant piece in @TIME about the unspoken fear that is driving many docs, nurses, & other #healthcare providers out of clinical care. It’s not what you think. Take a read.…
In tandem, I learned that UCSF nurses are protesting exactly the same conditions that Gita describes: overcrowding, insufficient staffing, a place in which it is IMPOSSIBLE to provide high quality care.…
And last night I had a conversation with a non-medical friend who is experiencing the misery of emergency department overcrowding, first-hand.

➡️Patients & providers, together, must call for better.
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1/ The JennyCo team has been hard at work in developing the upcoming app.👏

We would like to share some of the design updates with the community!👀

Note: Content in images are in demo form, shown for design purposes only.

$JCO $DAG #Web3 #Telehealth #Health
2/ There will be 4 core sections of the app. The "Profile" (seen above), the "Data Hub" (seen below), the "Shop" and the "NFT" (details coming soon 😉).

Within the "Profile", specific user achievements, ranking & $JCO tokens may be accessed.

$JCO $DAG #Web3 #Telehealth #Health
3/ Within the "Data Hub", there will be several subsections that may be accessed.

These subsections will include Upload Data, My Data, Recommendations, Research, Groups, Pools, and several more.

$JCO $DAG #Web3 #Telehealth #Health
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I have published more case reports than most, and I get people asking me about how to do it all the time.

Here’s how to get a high quality case report published for others to see: 🧵
1.) First of all, I love these. Especially as a new clinician they helped me see the reasoning process and how care was delivered over time, which is especially helpful when you haven’t seen many patients. I’m going to focus on descriptive case reports.
2.) But what’s interesting to most? This is the crux of deciding whether to pursue publication. Sure you can present cases to others (like in our FB group or in school programs) but to get something published, it usually needs to fit in a few boxes ⬇️
Read 12 tweets
And others.

"Need to effectively utilize #CNMs has never been greater," says Kohl from

Finding a supervising provider may prove difficult.
Body of evidence has consistently shown that although these barriers do not improve care.
"Time to follow the economics and evidence and remove supervision of practice"

Notes that team based care is the "future of #healthcare in the US"
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"Nearly 1/2 of Canadians are expected to develop #cancer during their lifetime & approx. 1 in 4 Canadians are expected to die from it." [Deloitte/CMA] How has this been normalized?

Instead, citizens fear a cold-like #virus w/ median infection survival rate of 99.77% or higher.
Aug 2021: "#cancer care disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to 21,247 more cancer deaths in Canada in 2020-2030, assuming treatment capacity is recovered to 2019 pre-pandemic levels in 2021."

#Lockdowns as catalyst to #4IR #telehealth.
#Ontario: "there was a significant uptick in virtual care... more than 42 million specialist consultations... Despite this massive shift to #virtualcare, many patients still reported difficulty accessing chronic disease care during the pandemic."

#4IR #Telehealth #Privatization
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Essential: liquor, malls, fast food/drivethrus

Non-essential: schools, "non-urgent" surgeries, fitness, in-person addiction services

#Canada, Nov 30 2021: Lockdown measures led to 4000+ excess deaths (Deloitte/#CMA) & 500,000+ fewer surgeries (CIHI).

Not about saving lives.
"4,000 excess deaths not related to COVID19 infections" is artificially low as # is based on 5-month period (Aug-Dec 2020).

Long-term care deaths with covid as of Dec 22,2020 represented 10,247 (72%) of all deaths in Canada with Covid (14,291).

Pop. of Canada: 38 million.

November 30, 2021, Canadian Medical Association:…

Canadian Long Term Care tracker, archived:…
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1200 registrants for #NationalPreventiveHealthStrategy launch - broadcasting from electorate office of ⁦@GregHuntMP#auspol@_PHAA_
The @_PHAA_ is hoping there will be bipartisan support for the #NationalPreventiveHealthStrategy says @terryslevin #auspol
Here is the link to #telehealth announcement just mentioned by @GregHuntMP at #NationalPreventiveHealthStrategy launch:… #AusPol
Read 13 tweets
1/5 how to be a GP in a pandemic; a thread . 1. recognise there is a dangerous bug that could kill you, your family and your patients. Pivot rapidly to Telehealth and be forced to bulk bill #telehealth #covid19 #auspol #GetVaccinatedNow
2/5 spend your days trying to calm down your patients and your nights doing 3-4 hours of education to make sure you know what to do next, learn about covid & every update there is. Wear scrubs in case you give it to anyone at home . Sanitise at every possible work point you have.
3/5 set up systems to triage,&safely see or direct pts with symptoms of covid for testing and care, train your staff, in order to keep your practice going, your staff and patients safe and try not to miss all the other stuff that people could have.
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Just attended My Church on @YouTube @Ord_Off 🙏🏼
Great Service 👍🏼
One slide had me pondering,
#realDonaldTrump image flew by.
He was constructing a Wall. A Barrier where Non Americans walk into USA. No Fence, No Customs, No Declaration, No #Covid Questions.
Canada Border Closed.
I just watched this video by #realDonaldTrump which explains a lot. He talks Regulatory Reform, Property Rights, Stepping up Ventilator manufacturing and sharing with less fortunate countries. He called #COVID19 the China Virus. At the time he was mocked for this by #MSM
#Telehealth in speech #realDonaldTrump Covid-19 necessitated Distance Assessment and management of Patients by Medical Staff. No credit by #MSM . In Fact @Twitter banned him for “inciting a riot”. He did not. Why was Nancy Pelosi’s elevator unlocked? Capitol police stood back.
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The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that of adults living in homes w/ children, 30.3% were in homes where children received #FoodAssistance in past 7 days based on responses collected 7/21-8/2. #Census #
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that of adults living in homes w/ children under 5, 29.4% were in homes where children were unable to attend daycare/other #childcare arrangement due to safety concerns in past 4 weeks, based on responses collected 7/21-8/2. #Census #COVID #HPS
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that of 57.2% of American adults lived in homes where someone worked onsite at a workplace in past 7 days, based on responses collected 7/21-8/2. #Census #COVID #HPS
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🧵#OurAMA joined over 400 prominent physician, #healthcare and #technology stakeholder groups on a letter urging Congressional leadership to pass legislation that would permanently continue many of the current #telehealth flexibilities enacted at beginning of the #COVID19 PHE.
2/ @aafp @ACPinternists @FAHhospitals
@ConnectwCare @AmericanTelemed @CTATech @HealthIsMobile @Zoom video conferencing were among the diverse collection of cosigners pushing federal lawmakers to address the impending “#telehealth cliff.”
3/ Expanded #telehealth flexibilities have proven to be a lifeline for countless patients trying to retain access to their physician during the #pandemic.
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Playing today with #metahuman solution🔥from @UnrealEngine to provide #healthcare #AI Doctor for @inservissapp consumers with #GPT3 API integration.
Which AI Doctor you trust more?
Dr. Edward Polinsky
Dr. Cooper
Dr. Susan
Leave in a comments below 👇
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NJ Medicaid Director Jennifer Langer Jacobs @NJDHS discussing Medicaid Payment Issues: Facilitating Access, Supporting Care at @SetonHallLaw's Telehealth Post-Pandemic virtual symposium #telehealth #postpandemic #vulnerablepopulations #HealthLaw #healthpolicy #Medicaidpolicy ImageImage
"We live at the intersection of creativity and compliance." Director Jacobs
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1/ Report on #telehealth from GAO has reasonable methods but draws the wrong, negatively skewed conclusion toward telehealth reimbursement that compromises health equity. Below is an elaboration…
2/ First, the researchers methods are reasonable. They primarily rely on CMS reports, which have limited utility given lack of granularity of those data, especially around disparities. But the researchers did supplement with interviews with providers, consumers, state leaders.
3/ Report appropriately finds that Medicare telehealth waivers resulted in increased utilization of telehealth services & provided beneficiaries access to services that would not have otherwise been available during the early days of the #COVID19. That was the point of waivers.
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Join us now - Prevention and Health Promotion and the year in review. Dr. Donna Polk presenting.…

The "Covid 19" weight gain?

Yes, the "covid 19" weight gain did occur. How do we combat it though? why did it occur?
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(Thread 1/n) The Future of Health & #Medicine: Where Can Technology Take Us?

@daniel_kraft eloquently summarizes the early innings of #healthcare #technology, and its #future. #mustwatch

My favorite takeaways below:

(Thread 2/n) The Future of Health & Medicine:
Where Can Technology Take Us?

Some companies discussed: $TDOC $DRIO $GDRX $AMZN $UBER $AAPL $FIT $AMWL $GOOGL

@TeladocHealth (I think) would be wise to purchase
@DetectTest @VitalConnectInc @TytoCare @HeartFlow ImageImageImageImage
(Thread 3/n) The Future of Health & Medicine
Glucose Monitoring paving the path forward.

Diabetes care started the path forward. Wearable monitoring, is still in it's infancy. What other applications will come?

@TeladocHealth @Livongo ImageImageImageImage
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The folks who are anti-diversity need to update their tired playbook.

Sharing space for win-wins is not the same as hating people in a space.

Violating professional ethics by trying to diagnose via Twitter only damages own professional reputation by displaying poor judgment.
The time to have diagnosed by Twitter was here - instead of holding leadership accountable, people scrambled to put guardrails and install people to be "adults" in the room to reassure the public.

Actually don't be reassured.
Do something.…
This was time to raise alarm, not "reassure"

All of you who distribute pacifiers and those eager to be pacified killed Americans

Plus, there was utterly bad and WRONG advice from a #physician and #publichealth #leader that "no need" to think about DNRs.

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Flashback. May 2, 2020:

"Emergency wait times at London #hospitals are so low, doctors want to remind you they're still open"

#CndPoli #COVID19…
May 2, 2020 Cont'd: "Doctors at southwestern Ontario's largest hospital are urging the public not to delay seeking medical care in an emergency room, after noticing a decline in emergency admissions since the #coronavirus crisis began."…
May 2, 2020 Cont'd: "On average, province-wide, emergency patients are waiting a mere one hour and 36 minutes to see a doctor in #emergency departments as of Friday, according to the provincial website that tracks wait times at hospitals across #Ontario."
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Officially official in the new issue of @CVDH_journal!

“Changes in the #digitalhealth landscape in cardiac electrophysiology: A pre- & peri-pandemic #COVID19 era survey”

Thanks to my #EPeeps #WomeninEP co-authors @CMAlbertEP & Sana Al-Khatib!)…
We did this study to see how #EPeeps were adapting #digitalhealth, #wearables #telehealth & #mApps use during #COVID19

There were 253 pre-pandemic & 273 f/u surveys completed.

Respondents were mostly:
👨🏻 <55yo
👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️ physicians (85-88%)
🏥 Academic
The percentage of #EPeep self-identifying as #digitalhealth #innovators & early adopters significantly increased while early majority adopters decreased:
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Last weekend, I made a threat on the ongoing #SocialMedia shutdown in Uganda and some implications on the future of #internet & Uganda's #digital agenda.

The thread attracted a lot of engagement and questions. Tonight, I will share some final thoughts on the subject. (1)
Conceptually, social media sites are the largest on-boarding platforms for internet users in Uganda. Notably, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram & Snapchat attract the highest internet traffic- which drives demand for other platform services e.g Google and Zoom recently.
So- when we talk about an "open internet", we mean the FULL resources of the internet. Any encumberance on selected applications has ripple effects across the entire network thus jeorpadizing standardization of internet/data transmission which is essential for innovation & growth
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CCHP’s Executive Director, Mei Kwong, kicks off today’s webinar with an introduction to @CCHPCA and @TheNCTRC! #MedicaidTelehealthCCHP
Sheri Gaskins from @CMSGov provides a great overview of telehealth in Medicaid! "Telehealth is not a service - it is a delivery mechanism." #MedicaidTelehealthCCHP
A telehealth toolkit has been developed by @CMSGov and provides an up-to-date view of telehealth in Medicaid! #MedicaidTelehealthCCHP
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